# - Config file for the Caffe2 package # It defines the following variable(s) # CAFFE2_INCLUDE_DIRS - include directories for FooBar # as well as Caffe2 targets for other cmake libraries to use. # library version information # Utils functions. include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/public/utils.cmake") # Depending on whether Caffe2 uses gflags during compile time or # not, invoke gflags. if(OFF) include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/public/gflags.cmake") if(NOT TARGET gflags) message(FATAL_ERROR "Your installed Caffe2 version uses gflags but the gflags library " "cannot be found. Did you accidentally remove it, or have you set " "the right CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and/or GFLAGS_ROOT_DIR? If you do not " "have gflags, you will need to install gflags and set the library " "path accordingly.") endif() endif() # Depending on whether Caffe2 uses glog during compile time or # not, invoke glog. if(OFF) include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/public/glog.cmake") if(NOT TARGET glog::glog) message(FATAL_ERROR "Your installed Caffe2 version uses glog but the glog library " "cannot be found. Did you accidentally remove it, or have you set " "the right CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and/or GFLAGS_ROOT_DIR? If you do not " "have glog, you will need to install glog and set the library " "path accordingly.") endif() endif() # Protobuf if(ON) if(NOT TARGET protobuf::libprotobuf) # Define protobuf::libprotobuf as a dummy target to resolve references to # protobuf::libprotobuf in Caffe2Targets.cmake. add_library(dummy INTERFACE) add_library(protobuf::libprotobuf ALIAS dummy) endif() else() include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/public/protobuf.cmake") if(NOT TARGET protobuf::libprotobuf) message(FATAL_ERROR "Your installed Caffe2 version uses protobuf but the protobuf library " "cannot be found. Did you accidentally remove it, or have you set " "the right CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH? If you do not have protobuf, you will " "need to install protobuf and set the library path accordingly.") endif() message(STATUS "Caffe2: Protobuf version " ${Protobuf_VERSION}) # If during build time we know the protobuf version, we will also do a sanity # check to ensure that the protobuf library that Caffe2 found is consistent # with the compiled version. if(FALSE) if(NOT (${Protobuf_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL Protobuf_VERSION_NOTFOUND)) message(FATAL_ERROR "Your installed Caffe2 is built with protobuf " "Protobuf_VERSION_NOTFOUND" ", while your current cmake setting discovers protobuf version " ${Protobuf_VERSION} ". Please specify a protobuf version that is the same as the built " "version.") endif() endif() endif() if (OFF) include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/public/LoadHIP.cmake") endif() if(0) # The file public/cuda.cmake exclusively uses CAFFE2_USE_*. # If Caffe2 was compiled with the libraries below, they must # be found again when including the Caffe2 target. set(CAFFE2_USE_CUDA 0) set(CAFFE2_USE_TENSORRT OFF) # Add current directory to module path so we pick up FindCUDAToolkit.cmake set(old_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}") include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/public/cuda.cmake") set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${old_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") if( AND NOT CAFFE2_USE_CUDA) message(FATAL_ERROR "Your installed Caffe2 version uses CUDA but I cannot find the CUDA " "libraries. Please set the proper CUDA prefixes and / or install " "CUDA.") endif() if( AND NOT CAFFE2_USE_TENSORRT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Your installed Caffe2 version uses TensorRT but I cannot find the TensorRT " "libraries. Please set the proper TensorRT prefixes and / or install " "TensorRT.") endif() endif() if(OFF) # Add current directory to module path so we pick up FindSYCLToolkit.cmake set(old_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}") include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/public/xpu.cmake") set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${old_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") endif() if(ON) include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/public/mkl.cmake") endif() if(ON) include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/public/mkldnn.cmake") endif() # import targets include ("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/Caffe2Targets.cmake") # Interface libraries, that allows one to build proper link flags. # We will also define a helper variable, Caffe2_MAIN_LIBS, that resolves to # the main caffe2 libraries in cases of cuda presence / absence. set(Caffe2_MAIN_LIBS torch_library) # include directory. # # Newer versions of CMake set the INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property # of the imported targets. It is hence not necessary to add this path # manually to the include search path for targets which link to gflags. # The following lines are here for backward compatibility, in case one # would like to use the old-style include path. get_filename_component( CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH) # Note: the current list dir is _INSTALL_PREFIX/share/cmake/Gloo. get_filename_component( _INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../" ABSOLUTE) set(CAFFE2_INCLUDE_DIRS "${_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include")