# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import warnings from argparse import ArgumentParser from os import listdir, makedirs from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from packaging.version import Version, parse from transformers.pipelines import Pipeline, pipeline from transformers.tokenization_utils import BatchEncoding from transformers.utils import ModelOutput, is_tf_available, is_torch_available # This is the minimal required version to # support some ONNX Runtime features ORT_QUANTIZE_MINIMUM_VERSION = parse("1.4.0") SUPPORTED_PIPELINES = [ "feature-extraction", "ner", "sentiment-analysis", "fill-mask", "question-answering", "text-generation", "translation_en_to_fr", "translation_en_to_de", "translation_en_to_ro", ] class OnnxConverterArgumentParser(ArgumentParser): """ Wraps all the script arguments supported to export transformers models to ONNX IR """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("ONNX Converter") self.add_argument( "--pipeline", type=str, choices=SUPPORTED_PIPELINES, default="feature-extraction", ) self.add_argument( "--model", type=str, required=True, help="Model's id or path (ex: google-bert/bert-base-cased)", ) self.add_argument("--tokenizer", type=str, help="Tokenizer's id or path (ex: google-bert/bert-base-cased)") self.add_argument( "--framework", type=str, choices=["pt", "tf"], help="Framework for loading the model", ) self.add_argument("--opset", type=int, default=11, help="ONNX opset to use") self.add_argument( "--check-loading", action="store_true", help="Check ONNX is able to load the model", ) self.add_argument( "--use-external-format", action="store_true", help="Allow exporting model >= than 2Gb", ) self.add_argument( "--quantize", action="store_true", help="Quantize the neural network to be run with int8", ) self.add_argument("output") def generate_identified_filename(filename: Path, identifier: str) -> Path: """ Append a string-identifier at the end (before the extension, if any) to the provided filepath Args: filename: pathlib.Path The actual path object we would like to add an identifier suffix identifier: The suffix to add Returns: String with concatenated identifier at the end of the filename """ return filename.parent.joinpath(filename.stem + identifier).with_suffix(filename.suffix) def check_onnxruntime_requirements(minimum_version: Version): """ Check onnxruntime is installed and if the installed version match is recent enough Raises: ImportError: If onnxruntime is not installed or too old version is found """ try: import onnxruntime # Parse the version of the installed onnxruntime ort_version = parse(onnxruntime.__version__) # We require 1.4.0 minimum if ort_version < ORT_QUANTIZE_MINIMUM_VERSION: raise ImportError( f"We found an older version of onnxruntime ({onnxruntime.__version__}) " f"but we require onnxruntime to be >= {minimum_version} to enable all the conversions options.\n" "Please update onnxruntime by running `pip install --upgrade onnxruntime`" ) except ImportError: raise ImportError( "onnxruntime doesn't seem to be currently installed. " "Please install the onnxruntime by running `pip install onnxruntime`" " and relaunch the conversion." ) def ensure_valid_input(model, tokens, input_names): """ Ensure inputs are presented in the correct order, without any Non Args: model: The model used to forward the input data tokens: BatchEncoding holding the input data input_names: The name of the inputs Returns: Tuple """ print("Ensuring inputs are in correct order") model_args_name = model.forward.__code__.co_varnames model_args, ordered_input_names = [], [] for arg_name in model_args_name[1:]: # start at index 1 to skip "self" argument if arg_name in input_names: ordered_input_names.append(arg_name) model_args.append(tokens[arg_name]) else: print(f"{arg_name} is not present in the generated input list.") break print(f"Generated inputs order: {ordered_input_names}") return ordered_input_names, tuple(model_args) def infer_shapes(nlp: Pipeline, framework: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], Dict, BatchEncoding]: """ Attempt to infer the static vs dynamic axes for each input and output tensors for a specific model Args: nlp: The pipeline object holding the model to be exported framework: The framework identifier to dispatch to the correct inference scheme (pt/tf) Returns: - List of the inferred input variable names - List of the inferred output variable names - Dictionary with input/output variables names as key and shape tensor as value - a BatchEncoding reference which was used to infer all the above information """ def build_shape_dict(name: str, tensor, is_input: bool, seq_len: int): if isinstance(tensor, (tuple, list)): return [build_shape_dict(name, t, is_input, seq_len) for t in tensor] else: # Let's assume batch is the first axis with only 1 element (~~ might not be always true ...) axes = {[axis for axis, numel in enumerate(tensor.shape) if numel == 1][0]: "batch"} if is_input: if len(tensor.shape) == 2: axes[1] = "sequence" else: raise ValueError(f"Unable to infer tensor axes ({len(tensor.shape)})") else: seq_axes = [dim for dim, shape in enumerate(tensor.shape) if shape == seq_len] axes.update({dim: "sequence" for dim in seq_axes}) print(f"Found {'input' if is_input else 'output'} {name} with shape: {axes}") return axes tokens = nlp.tokenizer("This is a sample output", return_tensors=framework) seq_len = tokens.input_ids.shape[-1] outputs = nlp.model(**tokens) if framework == "pt" else nlp.model(tokens) if isinstance(outputs, ModelOutput): outputs = outputs.to_tuple() if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = (outputs,) # Generate input names & axes input_vars = list(tokens.keys()) input_dynamic_axes = {k: build_shape_dict(k, v, True, seq_len) for k, v in tokens.items()} # flatten potentially grouped outputs (past for gpt2, attentions) outputs_flat = [] for output in outputs: if isinstance(output, (tuple, list)): outputs_flat.extend(output) else: outputs_flat.append(output) # Generate output names & axes output_names = [f"output_{i}" for i in range(len(outputs_flat))] output_dynamic_axes = {k: build_shape_dict(k, v, False, seq_len) for k, v in zip(output_names, outputs_flat)} # Create the aggregated axes representation dynamic_axes = dict(input_dynamic_axes, **output_dynamic_axes) return input_vars, output_names, dynamic_axes, tokens def load_graph_from_args( pipeline_name: str, framework: str, model: str, tokenizer: Optional[str] = None, **models_kwargs ) -> Pipeline: """ Convert the set of arguments provided through the CLI to an actual pipeline reference (tokenizer + model Args: pipeline_name: The kind of pipeline to use (ner, question-answering, etc.) framework: The actual model to convert the pipeline from ("pt" or "tf") model: The model name which will be loaded by the pipeline tokenizer: The tokenizer name which will be loaded by the pipeline, default to the model's value Returns: Pipeline object """ # If no tokenizer provided if tokenizer is None: tokenizer = model # Check the wanted framework is available if framework == "pt" and not is_torch_available(): raise Exception("Cannot convert because PyTorch is not installed. Please install torch first.") if framework == "tf" and not is_tf_available(): raise Exception("Cannot convert because TF is not installed. Please install tensorflow first.") print(f"Loading pipeline (model: {model}, tokenizer: {tokenizer})") # Allocate tokenizer and model return pipeline(pipeline_name, model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, framework=framework, model_kwargs=models_kwargs) def convert_pytorch(nlp: Pipeline, opset: int, output: Path, use_external_format: bool): """ Export a PyTorch backed pipeline to ONNX Intermediate Representation (IR Args: nlp: The pipeline to be exported opset: The actual version of the ONNX operator set to use output: Path where will be stored the generated ONNX model use_external_format: Split the model definition from its parameters to allow model bigger than 2GB Returns: """ if not is_torch_available(): raise Exception("Cannot convert because PyTorch is not installed. Please install torch first.") import torch from torch.onnx import export print(f"Using framework PyTorch: {torch.__version__}") with torch.no_grad(): input_names, output_names, dynamic_axes, tokens = infer_shapes(nlp, "pt") ordered_input_names, model_args = ensure_valid_input(nlp.model, tokens, input_names) export( nlp.model, model_args, f=output.as_posix(), input_names=ordered_input_names, output_names=output_names, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, do_constant_folding=True, opset_version=opset, ) def convert_tensorflow(nlp: Pipeline, opset: int, output: Path): """ Export a TensorFlow backed pipeline to ONNX Intermediate Representation (IR) Args: nlp: The pipeline to be exported opset: The actual version of the ONNX operator set to use output: Path where will be stored the generated ONNX model Notes: TensorFlow cannot export model bigger than 2GB due to internal constraint from TensorFlow """ if not is_tf_available(): raise Exception("Cannot convert because TF is not installed. Please install tensorflow first.") print("/!\\ Please note TensorFlow doesn't support exporting model > 2Gb /!\\") try: import tensorflow as tf import tf2onnx from tf2onnx import __version__ as t2ov print(f"Using framework TensorFlow: {tf.version.VERSION}, tf2onnx: {t2ov}") # Build input_names, output_names, dynamic_axes, tokens = infer_shapes(nlp, "tf") # Forward nlp.model.predict(tokens.data) input_signature = [tf.TensorSpec.from_tensor(tensor, name=key) for key, tensor in tokens.items()] model_proto, _ = tf2onnx.convert.from_keras( nlp.model, input_signature, opset=opset, output_path=output.as_posix() ) except ImportError as e: raise Exception( f"Cannot import {e.name} required to convert TF model to ONNX. Please install {e.name} first. {e}" ) def convert( framework: str, model: str, output: Path, opset: int, tokenizer: Optional[str] = None, use_external_format: bool = False, pipeline_name: str = "feature-extraction", **model_kwargs, ): """ Convert the pipeline object to the ONNX Intermediate Representation (IR) format Args: framework: The framework the pipeline is backed by ("pt" or "tf") model: The name of the model to load for the pipeline output: The path where the ONNX graph will be stored opset: The actual version of the ONNX operator set to use tokenizer: The name of the model to load for the pipeline, default to the model's name if not provided use_external_format: Split the model definition from its parameters to allow model bigger than 2GB (PyTorch only) pipeline_name: The kind of pipeline to instantiate (ner, question-answering, etc.) model_kwargs: Keyword arguments to be forwarded to the model constructor Returns: """ warnings.warn( "The `transformers.convert_graph_to_onnx` package is deprecated and will be removed in version 5 of" " Transformers", FutureWarning, ) print(f"ONNX opset version set to: {opset}") # Load the pipeline nlp = load_graph_from_args(pipeline_name, framework, model, tokenizer, **model_kwargs) if not output.parent.exists(): print(f"Creating folder {output.parent}") makedirs(output.parent.as_posix()) elif len(listdir(output.parent.as_posix())) > 0: raise Exception(f"Folder {output.parent.as_posix()} is not empty, aborting conversion") # Export the graph if framework == "pt": convert_pytorch(nlp, opset, output, use_external_format) else: convert_tensorflow(nlp, opset, output) def optimize(onnx_model_path: Path) -> Path: """ Load the model at the specified path and let onnxruntime look at transformations on the graph to enable all the optimizations possible Args: onnx_model_path: filepath where the model binary description is stored Returns: Path where the optimized model binary description has been saved """ from onnxruntime import InferenceSession, SessionOptions # Generate model name with suffix "optimized" opt_model_path = generate_identified_filename(onnx_model_path, "-optimized") sess_option = SessionOptions() sess_option.optimized_model_filepath = opt_model_path.as_posix() _ = InferenceSession(onnx_model_path.as_posix(), sess_option) print(f"Optimized model has been written at {opt_model_path}: \N{heavy check mark}") print("/!\\ Optimized model contains hardware specific operators which might not be portable. /!\\") return opt_model_path def quantize(onnx_model_path: Path) -> Path: """ Quantize the weights of the model from float32 to in8 to allow very efficient inference on modern CPU Args: onnx_model_path: Path to location the exported ONNX model is stored Returns: The Path generated for the quantized """ import onnx import onnxruntime from onnx.onnx_pb import ModelProto from onnxruntime.quantization import QuantizationMode from onnxruntime.quantization.onnx_quantizer import ONNXQuantizer from onnxruntime.quantization.registry import IntegerOpsRegistry # Load the ONNX model onnx_model = onnx.load(onnx_model_path.as_posix()) if parse(onnx.__version__) < parse("1.5.0"): print( "Models larger than 2GB will fail to quantize due to protobuf constraint.\n" "Please upgrade to onnxruntime >= 1.5.0." ) # Copy it copy_model = ModelProto() copy_model.CopyFrom(onnx_model) # Construct quantizer # onnxruntime renamed input_qType to activation_qType in v1.13.1, so we # check the onnxruntime version to ensure backward compatibility. # See also: https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/pull/12873 if parse(onnxruntime.__version__) < parse("1.13.1"): quantizer = ONNXQuantizer( model=copy_model, per_channel=False, reduce_range=False, mode=QuantizationMode.IntegerOps, static=False, weight_qType=True, input_qType=False, tensors_range=None, nodes_to_quantize=None, nodes_to_exclude=None, op_types_to_quantize=list(IntegerOpsRegistry), ) else: quantizer = ONNXQuantizer( model=copy_model, per_channel=False, reduce_range=False, mode=QuantizationMode.IntegerOps, static=False, weight_qType=True, activation_qType=False, tensors_range=None, nodes_to_quantize=None, nodes_to_exclude=None, op_types_to_quantize=list(IntegerOpsRegistry), ) # Quantize and export quantizer.quantize_model() # Append "-quantized" at the end of the model's name quantized_model_path = generate_identified_filename(onnx_model_path, "-quantized") # Save model print(f"Quantized model has been written at {quantized_model_path}: \N{heavy check mark}") onnx.save_model(quantizer.model.model, quantized_model_path.as_posix()) return quantized_model_path def verify(path: Path): from onnxruntime import InferenceSession, SessionOptions from onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state import RuntimeException print(f"Checking ONNX model loading from: {path} ...") try: onnx_options = SessionOptions() _ = InferenceSession(path.as_posix(), onnx_options, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"]) print(f"Model {path} correctly loaded: \N{heavy check mark}") except RuntimeException as re: print(f"Error while loading the model {re}: \N{heavy ballot x}") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = OnnxConverterArgumentParser() args = parser.parse_args() # Make sure output is absolute path args.output = Path(args.output).absolute() try: print("\n====== Converting model to ONNX ======") # Convert convert( args.framework, args.model, args.output, args.opset, args.tokenizer, args.use_external_format, args.pipeline, ) if args.quantize: # Ensure requirements for quantization on onnxruntime is met check_onnxruntime_requirements(ORT_QUANTIZE_MINIMUM_VERSION) # onnxruntime optimizations doesn't provide the same level of performances on TensorFlow than PyTorch if args.framework == "tf": print( "\t Using TensorFlow might not provide the same optimization level compared to PyTorch.\n" "\t For TensorFlow users you can try optimizing the model directly through onnxruntime_tools.\n" "\t For more information, please refer to the onnxruntime documentation:\n" "\t\thttps://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/tree/master/onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers\n" ) print("\n====== Optimizing ONNX model ======") # Quantization works best when using the optimized version of the model args.optimized_output = optimize(args.output) # Do the quantization on the right graph args.quantized_output = quantize(args.optimized_output) # And verify if args.check_loading: print("\n====== Check exported ONNX model(s) ======") verify(args.output) if hasattr(args, "optimized_output"): verify(args.optimized_output) if hasattr(args, "quantized_output"): verify(args.quantized_output) except Exception as e: print(f"Error while converting the model: {e}") exit(1)