Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: SudachiDict-core Version: 20240409 Summary: Sudachi Dictionary for SudachiPy - Core Edition Home-page: Author: Works Applications Author-email: License: Apache-2.0 Platform: UNKNOWN Description-Content-Type: text/markdown License-File: LICENSE-2.0.txt Requires-Dist: SudachiPy <0.7,>=0.5 # Sudachi Dictionary for SudachiPy - [WorksApplications/SudachiDict]( - [WorksApplications/SudachiPy]( Managing the dictionary resources as Python packages. - [SudachiDict-small · PyPI]( - [SudachiDict-core · PyPI]( - [SudachiDict-full · PyPI]( The dictionary files are not included in the packages; It will be downloaded upon installation (the procedure in ``). The version (e.g., `20200330`) and the edition (`small`, `core`, or `full`) is specified in `INFO.json`. ## Commands to download and set the dictionaries In SudachiPy v0.5.2 and later, you can specify a dictionary directly from a command line or program. **WARNING: `sudachipy link` is no longer available in SudachiPy v0.5.2 and later.** Please see the following links for more details on the dictionary option. - english - []( - japanese - [辞書の種類]( ### Install ```bash pip install sudachidict_core ``` ```bash pip install sudachidict_small ``` ```bash pip install sudachidict_full ``` ### Dictionary option in SudachiPy before v0.5.2 In case you are using SudachiPy before v0.5.2, please visit the old SudachiPy documentation. - english - []( - japanese - [辞書の種類](