# Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """A Python test reporter that generates test reports in JUnit XML format.""" import datetime import re import sys import threading import time import traceback import unittest from xml.sax import saxutils from absl.testing import _pretty_print_reporter # See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#NT-Char _bad_control_character_codes = set(range(0, 0x20)) - {0x9, 0xA, 0xD} _control_character_conversions = { chr(i): '\\x{:02x}'.format(i) for i in _bad_control_character_codes} _escape_xml_attr_conversions = { '"': '"', "'": ''', '\n': ' ', '\t': ' ', '\r': ' ', ' ': ' '} _escape_xml_attr_conversions.update(_control_character_conversions) # When class or module level function fails, unittest/suite.py adds a # _ErrorHolder instance instead of a real TestCase, and it has a description # like "setUpClass (__main__.MyTestCase)". _CLASS_OR_MODULE_LEVEL_TEST_DESC_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(\w+) \((\S+)\)$') # NOTE: while saxutils.quoteattr() theoretically does the same thing; it # seems to often end up being too smart for it's own good not escaping properly. # This function is much more reliable. def _escape_xml_attr(content): """Escapes xml attributes.""" # Note: saxutils doesn't escape the quotes. return saxutils.escape(content, _escape_xml_attr_conversions) def _escape_cdata(s): """Escapes a string to be used as XML CDATA. CDATA characters are treated strictly as character data, not as XML markup, but there are still certain restrictions on them. Args: s: the string to be escaped. Returns: An escaped version of the input string. """ for char, escaped in _control_character_conversions.items(): s = s.replace(char, escaped) return s.replace(']]>', ']] >') def _iso8601_timestamp(timestamp): """Produces an ISO8601 datetime. Args: timestamp: an Epoch based timestamp in seconds. Returns: A iso8601 format timestamp if the input is a valid timestamp, None otherwise """ if timestamp is None or timestamp < 0: return None return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp, tz=datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat() def _print_xml_element_header(element, attributes, stream, indentation=''): """Prints an XML header of an arbitrary element. Args: element: element name (testsuites, testsuite, testcase) attributes: 2-tuple list with (attributes, values) already escaped stream: output stream to write test report XML to indentation: indentation added to the element header """ stream.write('%s<%s' % (indentation, element)) for attribute in attributes: if (len(attribute) == 2 and attribute[0] is not None and attribute[1] is not None): stream.write(' %s="%s"' % (attribute[0], attribute[1])) stream.write('>\n') # Copy time.time which ensures the real time is used internally. # This prevents bad interactions with tests that stub out time. _time_copy = time.time if hasattr(traceback, '_some_str'): # Use the traceback module str function to format safely. _safe_str = traceback._some_str else: _safe_str = str # pylint: disable=invalid-name class _TestCaseResult(object): """Private helper for _TextAndXMLTestResult that represents a test result. Attributes: test: A TestCase instance of an individual test method. name: The name of the individual test method. full_class_name: The full name of the test class. run_time: The duration (in seconds) it took to run the test. start_time: Epoch relative timestamp of when test started (in seconds) errors: A list of error 4-tuples. Error tuple entries are 1) a string identifier of either "failure" or "error" 2) an exception_type 3) an exception_message 4) a string version of a sys.exc_info()-style tuple of values ('error', err[0], err[1], self._exc_info_to_string(err)) If the length of errors is 0, then the test is either passed or skipped. skip_reason: A string explaining why the test was skipped. """ def __init__(self, test): self.run_time = -1 self.start_time = -1 self.skip_reason = None self.errors = [] self.test = test # Parse the test id to get its test name and full class path. # Unfortunately there is no better way of knowning the test and class. # Worse, unittest uses _ErrorHandler instances to represent class / module # level failures. test_desc = test.id() or str(test) # Check if it's something like "setUpClass (__main__.TestCase)". match = _CLASS_OR_MODULE_LEVEL_TEST_DESC_REGEX.match(test_desc) if match: name = match.group(1) full_class_name = match.group(2) else: class_name = unittest.util.strclass(test.__class__) if isinstance(test, unittest.case._SubTest): # If the test case is a _SubTest, the real TestCase instance is # available as _SubTest.test_case. class_name = unittest.util.strclass(test.test_case.__class__) if test_desc.startswith(class_name + '.'): # In a typical unittest.TestCase scenario, test.id() returns with # a class name formatted using unittest.util.strclass. name = test_desc[len(class_name)+1:] full_class_name = class_name else: # Otherwise make a best effort to guess the test name and full class # path. parts = test_desc.rsplit('.', 1) name = parts[-1] full_class_name = parts[0] if len(parts) == 2 else '' self.name = _escape_xml_attr(name) self.full_class_name = _escape_xml_attr(full_class_name) def set_run_time(self, time_in_secs): self.run_time = time_in_secs def set_start_time(self, time_in_secs): self.start_time = time_in_secs def print_xml_summary(self, stream): """Prints an XML Summary of a TestCase. Status and result are populated as per JUnit XML test result reporter. A test that has been skipped will always have a skip reason, as every skip method in Python's unittest requires the reason arg to be passed. Args: stream: output stream to write test report XML to """ if self.skip_reason is None: status = 'run' result = 'completed' else: status = 'notrun' result = 'suppressed' test_case_attributes = [ ('name', '%s' % self.name), ('status', '%s' % status), ('result', '%s' % result), ('time', '%.3f' % self.run_time), ('classname', self.full_class_name), ('timestamp', _iso8601_timestamp(self.start_time)), ] _print_xml_element_header('testcase', test_case_attributes, stream, ' ') self._print_testcase_details(stream) stream.write(' \n') def _print_testcase_details(self, stream): for error in self.errors: outcome, exception_type, message, error_msg = error # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence message = _escape_xml_attr(_safe_str(message)) exception_type = _escape_xml_attr(str(exception_type)) error_msg = _escape_cdata(error_msg) stream.write(' <%s message="%s" type="%s">\n' % (outcome, message, exception_type, error_msg, outcome)) class _TestSuiteResult(object): """Private helper for _TextAndXMLTestResult.""" def __init__(self): self.suites = {} self.failure_counts = {} self.error_counts = {} self.overall_start_time = -1 self.overall_end_time = -1 self._testsuites_properties = {} def add_test_case_result(self, test_case_result): suite_name = type(test_case_result.test).__name__ if suite_name == '_ErrorHolder': # _ErrorHolder is a special case created by unittest for class / module # level functions. suite_name = test_case_result.full_class_name.rsplit('.')[-1] if isinstance(test_case_result.test, unittest.case._SubTest): # If the test case is a _SubTest, the real TestCase instance is # available as _SubTest.test_case. suite_name = type(test_case_result.test.test_case).__name__ self._setup_test_suite(suite_name) self.suites[suite_name].append(test_case_result) for error in test_case_result.errors: # Only count the first failure or error so that the sum is equal to the # total number of *testcases* that have failures or errors. if error[0] == 'failure': self.failure_counts[suite_name] += 1 break elif error[0] == 'error': self.error_counts[suite_name] += 1 break def print_xml_summary(self, stream): overall_test_count = sum(len(x) for x in self.suites.values()) overall_failures = sum(self.failure_counts.values()) overall_errors = sum(self.error_counts.values()) overall_attributes = [ ('name', ''), ('tests', '%d' % overall_test_count), ('failures', '%d' % overall_failures), ('errors', '%d' % overall_errors), ('time', '%.3f' % (self.overall_end_time - self.overall_start_time)), ('timestamp', _iso8601_timestamp(self.overall_start_time)), ] _print_xml_element_header('testsuites', overall_attributes, stream) if self._testsuites_properties: stream.write(' \n') for name, value in sorted(self._testsuites_properties.items()): stream.write(' \n' % (_escape_xml_attr(name), _escape_xml_attr(str(value)))) stream.write(' \n') for suite_name in self.suites: suite = self.suites[suite_name] suite_end_time = max(x.start_time + x.run_time for x in suite) suite_start_time = min(x.start_time for x in suite) failures = self.failure_counts[suite_name] errors = self.error_counts[suite_name] suite_attributes = [ ('name', '%s' % suite_name), ('tests', '%d' % len(suite)), ('failures', '%d' % failures), ('errors', '%d' % errors), ('time', '%.3f' % (suite_end_time - suite_start_time)), ('timestamp', _iso8601_timestamp(suite_start_time)), ] _print_xml_element_header('testsuite', suite_attributes, stream) # test_case_result entries are not guaranteed to be in any user-friendly # order, especially when using subtests. So sort them. for test_case_result in sorted(suite, key=lambda t: t.name): test_case_result.print_xml_summary(stream) stream.write('\n') stream.write('\n') def _setup_test_suite(self, suite_name): """Adds a test suite to the set of suites tracked by this test run. Args: suite_name: string, The name of the test suite being initialized. """ if suite_name in self.suites: return self.suites[suite_name] = [] self.failure_counts[suite_name] = 0 self.error_counts[suite_name] = 0 def set_end_time(self, timestamp_in_secs): """Sets the start timestamp of this test suite. Args: timestamp_in_secs: timestamp in seconds since epoch """ self.overall_end_time = timestamp_in_secs def set_start_time(self, timestamp_in_secs): """Sets the end timestamp of this test suite. Args: timestamp_in_secs: timestamp in seconds since epoch """ self.overall_start_time = timestamp_in_secs class _TextAndXMLTestResult(_pretty_print_reporter.TextTestResult): """Private TestResult class that produces both formatted text results and XML. Used by TextAndXMLTestRunner. """ _TEST_SUITE_RESULT_CLASS = _TestSuiteResult _TEST_CASE_RESULT_CLASS = _TestCaseResult def __init__(self, xml_stream, stream, descriptions, verbosity, time_getter=_time_copy, testsuites_properties=None): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).__init__(stream, descriptions, verbosity) self.xml_stream = xml_stream self.pending_test_case_results = {} self.suite = self._TEST_SUITE_RESULT_CLASS() if testsuites_properties: self.suite._testsuites_properties = testsuites_properties self.time_getter = time_getter # This lock guards any mutations on pending_test_case_results. self._pending_test_case_results_lock = threading.RLock() def startTest(self, test): self.start_time = self.time_getter() super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).startTest(test) def stopTest(self, test): # Grabbing the write lock to avoid conflicting with stopTestRun. with self._pending_test_case_results_lock: super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).stopTest(test) result = self.get_pending_test_case_result(test) if not result: test_name = test.id() or str(test) sys.stderr.write('No pending test case: %s\n' % test_name) return if getattr(self, 'start_time', None) is None: # startTest may not be called for skipped tests since Python 3.12.1. self.start_time = self.time_getter() test_id = id(test) run_time = self.time_getter() - self.start_time result.set_run_time(run_time) result.set_start_time(self.start_time) self.suite.add_test_case_result(result) del self.pending_test_case_results[test_id] def startTestRun(self): self.suite.set_start_time(self.time_getter()) super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).startTestRun() def stopTestRun(self): self.suite.set_end_time(self.time_getter()) # All pending_test_case_results will be added to the suite and removed from # the pending_test_case_results dictionary. Grabbing the write lock to avoid # results from being added during this process to avoid duplicating adds or # accidentally erasing newly appended pending results. with self._pending_test_case_results_lock: # Errors in the test fixture (setUpModule, tearDownModule, # setUpClass, tearDownClass) can leave a pending result which # never gets added to the suite. The runner calls stopTestRun # which gives us an opportunity to add these errors for # reporting here. for test_id in self.pending_test_case_results: result = self.pending_test_case_results[test_id] if getattr(self, 'start_time', None) is not None: run_time = self.suite.overall_end_time - self.start_time result.set_run_time(run_time) result.set_start_time(self.start_time) self.suite.add_test_case_result(result) self.pending_test_case_results.clear() def _exc_info_to_string(self, err, test=None): """Converts a sys.exc_info()-style tuple of values into a string. This method must be overridden because the method signature in unittest.TestResult changed between Python 2.2 and 2.4. Args: err: A sys.exc_info() tuple of values for an error. test: The test method. Returns: A formatted exception string. """ if test: return super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self)._exc_info_to_string(err, test) return ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*err)) def add_pending_test_case_result(self, test, error_summary=None, skip_reason=None): """Adds result information to a test case result which may still be running. If a result entry for the test already exists, add_pending_test_case_result will add error summary tuples and/or overwrite skip_reason for the result. If it does not yet exist, a result entry will be created. Note that a test result is considered to have been run and passed only if there are no errors or skip_reason. Args: test: A test method as defined by unittest error_summary: A 4-tuple with the following entries: 1) a string identifier of either "failure" or "error" 2) an exception_type 3) an exception_message 4) a string version of a sys.exc_info()-style tuple of values ('error', err[0], err[1], self._exc_info_to_string(err)) If the length of errors is 0, then the test is either passed or skipped. skip_reason: a string explaining why the test was skipped """ with self._pending_test_case_results_lock: test_id = id(test) if test_id not in self.pending_test_case_results: self.pending_test_case_results[test_id] = self._TEST_CASE_RESULT_CLASS( test) if error_summary: self.pending_test_case_results[test_id].errors.append(error_summary) if skip_reason: self.pending_test_case_results[test_id].skip_reason = skip_reason def delete_pending_test_case_result(self, test): with self._pending_test_case_results_lock: test_id = id(test) del self.pending_test_case_results[test_id] def get_pending_test_case_result(self, test): test_id = id(test) return self.pending_test_case_results.get(test_id, None) def addSuccess(self, test): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addSuccess(test) self.add_pending_test_case_result(test) def addError(self, test, err): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addError(test, err) error_summary = ('error', err[0], err[1], self._exc_info_to_string(err, test=test)) self.add_pending_test_case_result(test, error_summary=error_summary) def addFailure(self, test, err): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addFailure(test, err) error_summary = ('failure', err[0], err[1], self._exc_info_to_string(err, test=test)) self.add_pending_test_case_result(test, error_summary=error_summary) def addSkip(self, test, reason): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addSkip(test, reason) self.add_pending_test_case_result(test, skip_reason=reason) def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addExpectedFailure(test, err) if callable(getattr(test, 'recordProperty', None)): test.recordProperty('EXPECTED_FAILURE', self._exc_info_to_string(err, test=test)) self.add_pending_test_case_result(test) def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addUnexpectedSuccess(test) test_name = test.id() or str(test) error_summary = ('error', '', '', 'Test case %s should have failed, but passed.' % (test_name)) self.add_pending_test_case_result(test, error_summary=error_summary) def addSubTest(self, test, subtest, err): # pylint: disable=invalid-name super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).addSubTest(test, subtest, err) if err is not None: if issubclass(err[0], test.failureException): error_summary = ('failure', err[0], err[1], self._exc_info_to_string(err, test=test)) else: error_summary = ('error', err[0], err[1], self._exc_info_to_string(err, test=test)) else: error_summary = None self.add_pending_test_case_result(subtest, error_summary=error_summary) def printErrors(self): super(_TextAndXMLTestResult, self).printErrors() self.xml_stream.write('\n') self.suite.print_xml_summary(self.xml_stream) class TextAndXMLTestRunner(unittest.TextTestRunner): """A test runner that produces both formatted text results and XML. It prints out the names of tests as they are run, errors as they occur, and a summary of the results at the end of the test run. """ _TEST_RESULT_CLASS = _TextAndXMLTestResult _xml_stream = None _testsuites_properties = {} def __init__(self, xml_stream=None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a TextAndXMLTestRunner. Args: xml_stream: file-like or None; XML-formatted test results are output via this object's write() method. If None (the default), the new instance behaves as described in the set_default_xml_stream method documentation below. *args: passed unmodified to unittest.TextTestRunner.__init__. **kwargs: passed unmodified to unittest.TextTestRunner.__init__. """ super(TextAndXMLTestRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if xml_stream is not None: self._xml_stream = xml_stream # else, do not set self._xml_stream to None -- this allows implicit fallback # to the class attribute's value. @classmethod def set_default_xml_stream(cls, xml_stream): """Sets the default XML stream for the class. Args: xml_stream: file-like or None; used for instances when xml_stream is None or not passed to their constructors. If None is passed, instances created with xml_stream=None will act as ordinary TextTestRunner instances; this is the default state before any calls to this method have been made. """ cls._xml_stream = xml_stream def _makeResult(self): if self._xml_stream is None: return super(TextAndXMLTestRunner, self)._makeResult() else: return self._TEST_RESULT_CLASS( self._xml_stream, self.stream, self.descriptions, self.verbosity, testsuites_properties=self._testsuites_properties) @classmethod def set_testsuites_property(cls, key, value): cls._testsuites_properties[key] = value