import copy import inspect import io import re import warnings from configparser import ( MAX_INTERPOLATION_DEPTH, ConfigParser, ExtendedInterpolation, InterpolationDepthError, InterpolationMissingOptionError, InterpolationSyntaxError, NoOptionError, NoSectionError, ParsingError, ) from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from types import GeneratorType from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union, cast, ) import srsly try: from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel, Extra, ValidationError, create_model from pydantic.v1.fields import ModelField from pydantic.v1.main import ModelMetaclass except ImportError: from pydantic import BaseModel, create_model, ValidationError, Extra # type: ignore from pydantic.main import ModelMetaclass # type: ignore from pydantic.fields import ModelField # type: ignore from .util import SimpleFrozenDict, SimpleFrozenList # noqa: F401 # Field used for positional arguments, e.g. [section.*.xyz]. The alias is # required for the schema (shouldn't clash with user-defined arg names) ARGS_FIELD = "*" ARGS_FIELD_ALIAS = "VARIABLE_POSITIONAL_ARGS" # Aliases for fields that would otherwise shadow pydantic attributes. Can be any # string, so we're using name + space so it looks the same in error messages etc. RESERVED_FIELDS = {"validate": "validate\u0020"} # Internal prefix used to mark section references for custom interpolation SECTION_PREFIX = "__SECTION__:" # Values that shouldn't be loaded during interpolation because it'd cause # even explicit string values to be incorrectly parsed as bools/None etc. JSON_EXCEPTIONS = ("true", "false", "null") # Regex to detect whether a value contains a variable VARIABLE_RE = re.compile(r"\$\{[\w\.:]+\}") class CustomInterpolation(ExtendedInterpolation): def before_read(self, parser, section, option, value): # If we're dealing with a quoted string as the interpolation value, # make sure we load and unquote it so we don't end up with '"value"' try: json_value = srsly.json_loads(value) if isinstance(json_value, str) and json_value not in JSON_EXCEPTIONS: value = json_value except ValueError: if value and value[0] == value[-1] == "'": warnings.warn( f"The value [{value}] seems to be single-quoted, but values " "use JSON formatting, which requires double quotes." ) except Exception: pass return super().before_read(parser, section, option, value) def before_get(self, parser, section, option, value, defaults): # Mostly copy-pasted from the built-in configparser implementation. L = [] self.interpolate(parser, option, L, value, section, defaults, 1) return "".join(L) def interpolate(self, parser, option, accum, rest, section, map, depth): # Mostly copy-pasted from the built-in configparser implementation. # We need to overwrite this method so we can add special handling for # block references :( All values produced here should be strings – # we need to wait until the whole config is interpreted anyways so # filling in incomplete values here is pointless. All we need is the # section reference so we can fetch it later. rawval = parser.get(section, option, raw=True, fallback=rest) if depth > MAX_INTERPOLATION_DEPTH: raise InterpolationDepthError(option, section, rawval) while rest: p = rest.find("$") if p < 0: accum.append(rest) return if p > 0: accum.append(rest[:p]) rest = rest[p:] # p is no longer used c = rest[1:2] if c == "$": accum.append("$") rest = rest[2:] elif c == "{": # We want to treat both ${a:b} and ${a.b} the same m = self._KEYCRE.match(rest) if m is None: err = f"bad interpolation variable reference {rest}" raise InterpolationSyntaxError(option, section, err) orig_var = path = orig_var.replace(":", ".").rsplit(".", 1) rest = rest[m.end() :] sect = section opt = option try: if len(path) == 1: opt = parser.optionxform(path[0]) if opt in map: v = map[opt] else: # We have block reference, store it as a special key section_name = parser[parser.optionxform(path[0])]._name v = self._get_section_name(section_name) elif len(path) == 2: sect = path[0] opt = parser.optionxform(path[1]) fallback = "__FALLBACK__" v = parser.get(sect, opt, raw=True, fallback=fallback) # If a variable doesn't exist, try again and treat the # reference as a section if v == fallback: v = self._get_section_name(parser[f"{sect}.{opt}"]._name) else: err = f"More than one ':' found: {rest}" raise InterpolationSyntaxError(option, section, err) except (KeyError, NoSectionError, NoOptionError): raise InterpolationMissingOptionError( option, section, rawval, orig_var ) from None if "$" in v: new_map = dict(parser.items(sect, raw=True)) self.interpolate(parser, opt, accum, v, sect, new_map, depth + 1) else: accum.append(v) else: err = "'$' must be followed by '$' or '{', found: %r" % (rest,) raise InterpolationSyntaxError(option, section, err) def _get_section_name(self, name: str) -> str: """Generate the name of a section. Note that we use a quoted string here so we can use section references within lists and load the list as JSON. Since section references can't be used within strings, we don't need the quoted vs. unquoted distinction like we do for variables. Examples (assuming section = {"foo": 1}): - value: ${} -> value: 1 - value: "hello ${}" -> value: "hello 1" - value: ${section} -> value: {"foo": 1} - value: "${section}" -> value: {"foo": 1} - value: "hello ${section}" -> invalid """ return f'"{SECTION_PREFIX}{name}"' def get_configparser(interpolate: bool = True): config = ConfigParser(interpolation=CustomInterpolation() if interpolate else None) # Preserve case of keys: config.optionxform = str # type: ignore return config class Config(dict): """This class holds the model and training configuration and can load and save the TOML-style configuration format from/to a string, file or bytes. The Config class is a subclass of dict and uses Python's ConfigParser under the hood. """ is_interpolated: bool def __init__( self, data: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], "ConfigParser", "Config"]] = None, *, is_interpolated: Optional[bool] = None, section_order: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize a new Config object with optional data.""" dict.__init__(self) if data is None: data = {} if not isinstance(data, (dict, Config, ConfigParser)): raise ValueError( f"Can't initialize Config with data. Expected dict, Config or " f"ConfigParser but got: {type(data)}" ) # Whether the config has been interpolated. We can use this to check # whether we need to interpolate again when it's resolved. We assume # that a config is interpolated by default. if is_interpolated is not None: self.is_interpolated = is_interpolated elif isinstance(data, Config): self.is_interpolated = data.is_interpolated else: self.is_interpolated = True if section_order is not None: self.section_order = section_order elif isinstance(data, Config): self.section_order = data.section_order else: self.section_order = [] # Update with data self.update(self._sort(data)) def interpolate(self) -> "Config": """Interpolate a config. Returns a copy of the object.""" # This is currently the most effective way because we need our custom # to_str logic to run in order to re-serialize the values so we can # interpolate them again. ConfigParser.read_dict will just call str() # on all values, which isn't enough. return Config().from_str(self.to_str()) def interpret_config(self, config: "ConfigParser") -> None: """Interpret a config, parse nested sections and parse the values as JSON. Mostly used internally and modifies the config in place. """ self._validate_sections(config) # Sort sections by depth, so that we can iterate breadth-first. This # allows us to check that we're not expanding an undefined block. get_depth = lambda item: len(item[0].split(".")) for section, values in sorted(config.items(), key=get_depth): if section == "DEFAULT": # Skip [DEFAULT] section so it doesn't cause validation error continue parts = section.split(".") node = self for part in parts[:-1]: if part == "*": node = node.setdefault(part, {}) elif part not in node: err_title = ( "Error parsing config section. Perhaps a section name is wrong?" ) err = [{"loc": parts, "msg": f"Section '{part}' is not defined"}] raise ConfigValidationError( config=self, errors=err, title=err_title ) else: node = node[part] if not isinstance(node, dict): # Happens if both value *and* subsection were defined for a key err = [{"loc": parts, "msg": "found conflicting values"}] err_cfg = f"{self}\n{({part: dict(values)})}" raise ConfigValidationError(config=err_cfg, errors=err) # Set the default section node = node.setdefault(parts[-1], {}) if not isinstance(node, dict): # Happens if both value *and* subsection were defined for a key err = [{"loc": parts, "msg": "found conflicting values"}] err_cfg = f"{self}\n{({part: dict(values)})}" raise ConfigValidationError(config=err_cfg, errors=err) try: keys_values = list(values.items()) except InterpolationMissingOptionError as e: raise ConfigValidationError(desc=f"{e}") from None for key, value in keys_values: config_v = config.get(section, key) node[key] = self._interpret_value(config_v) self.replace_section_refs(self) def replace_section_refs( self, config: Union[Dict[str, Any], "Config"], parent: str = "" ) -> None: """Replace references to section blocks in the final config.""" for key, value in config.items(): key_parent = f"{parent}.{key}".strip(".") if isinstance(value, dict): self.replace_section_refs(value, parent=key_parent) elif isinstance(value, list): config[key] = [ self._get_section_ref(v, parent=[parent, key]) for v in value ] else: config[key] = self._get_section_ref(value, parent=[parent, key]) def _interpret_value(self, value: Any) -> Any: """Interpret a single config value.""" result = try_load_json(value) # If value is a string and it contains a variable, use original value # (not interpreted string, which could lead to double quotes: # ${x.y} -> "${x.y}" -> "'${x.y}'"). Make sure to check it's a string, # so we're not keeping lists as strings. # NOTE: This currently can't handle uninterpolated values like [${x.y}]! if isinstance(result, str) and result = value return result def _get_section_ref(self, value: Any, *, parent: List[str] = []) -> Any: """Get a single section reference.""" if isinstance(value, str) and value.startswith(f'"{SECTION_PREFIX}'): value = try_load_json(value) if isinstance(value, str) and value.startswith(SECTION_PREFIX): parts = value.replace(SECTION_PREFIX, "").split(".") result = self for item in parts: try: result = result[item] except (KeyError, TypeError): # This should never happen err_title = "Error parsing reference to config section" err_msg = f"Section '{'.'.join(parts)}' is not defined" err = [{"loc": parts, "msg": err_msg}] raise ConfigValidationError( config=self, errors=err, title=err_title ) from None return result elif isinstance(value, str) and SECTION_PREFIX in value: # String value references a section (either a dict or return # value of promise). We can't allow this, since variables are # always interpolated *before* configs are resolved. err_desc = ( "Can't reference whole sections or return values of function " "blocks inside a string or list\n\nYou can change your variable to " "reference a value instead. Keep in mind that it's not " "possible to interpolate the return value of a registered " "function, since variables are interpolated when the config " "is loaded, and registered functions are resolved afterwards." ) err = [{"loc": parent, "msg": "uses section variable in string or list"}] raise ConfigValidationError(errors=err, desc=err_desc) return value def copy(self) -> "Config": """Deepcopy the config.""" try: config = copy.deepcopy(self) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Couldn't deep-copy config: {e}") from e return Config( config, is_interpolated=self.is_interpolated, section_order=self.section_order, ) def merge( self, updates: Union[Dict[str, Any], "Config"], remove_extra: bool = False ) -> "Config": """Deep merge the config with updates, using current as defaults.""" defaults = self.copy() updates = Config(updates).copy() merged = deep_merge_configs(updates, defaults, remove_extra=remove_extra) return Config( merged, is_interpolated=defaults.is_interpolated and updates.is_interpolated, section_order=defaults.section_order, ) def _sort( self, data: Union["Config", "ConfigParser", Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Sort sections using the currently defined sort order. Sort sections by index on section order, if available, then alphabetic, and account for subsections, which should always follow their parent. """ sort_map = {section: i for i, section in enumerate(self.section_order)} sort_key = lambda x: ( sort_map.get(x[0].split(".")[0], len(sort_map)), _mask_positional_args(x[0]), ) return dict(sorted(data.items(), key=sort_key)) def _set_overrides(self, config: "ConfigParser", overrides: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Set overrides in the ConfigParser before config is interpreted.""" err_title = "Error parsing config overrides" for key, value in overrides.items(): err_msg = "not a section value that can be overridden" err = [{"loc": key.split("."), "msg": err_msg}] if "." not in key: raise ConfigValidationError(errors=err, title=err_title) section, option = key.rsplit(".", 1) # Check for section and accept if option not in config[section] if section not in config: raise ConfigValidationError(errors=err, title=err_title) config.set(section, option, try_dump_json(value, overrides)) def _validate_sections(self, config: "ConfigParser") -> None: # If the config defines top-level properties that are not sections (e.g. # if config was constructed from dict), those values would be added as # [DEFAULTS] and included in *every other section*. This is usually not # what we want and it can lead to very confusing results. default_section = config.defaults() if default_section: err_title = "Found config values without a top-level section" err_msg = "not part of a section" err = [{"loc": [k], "msg": err_msg} for k in default_section] raise ConfigValidationError(errors=err, title=err_title) def from_str( self, text: str, *, interpolate: bool = True, overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {} ) -> "Config": """Load the config from a string.""" config = get_configparser(interpolate=interpolate) if overrides: config = get_configparser(interpolate=False) try: config.read_string(text) except ParsingError as e: desc = f"Make sure the sections and values are formatted correctly.\n\n{e}" raise ConfigValidationError(desc=desc) from None config._sections = self._sort(config._sections) self._set_overrides(config, overrides) self.clear() self.interpret_config(config) if overrides and interpolate: # do the interpolation. Avoids recursion because the new call from_str call will have overrides as empty self = self.interpolate() self.is_interpolated = interpolate return self def to_str(self, *, interpolate: bool = True) -> str: """Write the config to a string.""" flattened = get_configparser(interpolate=interpolate) queue: List[Tuple[tuple, "Config"]] = [(tuple(), self)] for path, node in queue: section_name = ".".join(path) is_kwarg = path and path[-1] != "*" if is_kwarg and not flattened.has_section(section_name): # Always create sections for non-'*' sections, not only if # they have leaf entries, as we don't want to expand # blocks that are undefined flattened.add_section(section_name) for key, value in node.items(): if hasattr(value, "items"): # Reference to a function with no arguments, serialize # inline as a dict and don't create new section if registry.is_promise(value) and len(value) == 1 and is_kwarg: flattened.set(section_name, key, try_dump_json(value, node)) else: queue.append((path + (key,), value)) else: flattened.set(section_name, key, try_dump_json(value, node)) # Order so subsection follow parent (not all sections, then all subs etc.) flattened._sections = self._sort(flattened._sections) self._validate_sections(flattened) string_io = io.StringIO() flattened.write(string_io) return string_io.getvalue().strip() def to_bytes(self, *, interpolate: bool = True) -> bytes: """Serialize the config to a byte string.""" return self.to_str(interpolate=interpolate).encode("utf8") def from_bytes( self, bytes_data: bytes, *, interpolate: bool = True, overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> "Config": """Load the config from a byte string.""" return self.from_str( bytes_data.decode("utf8"), interpolate=interpolate, overrides=overrides ) def to_disk(self, path: Union[str, Path], *, interpolate: bool = True): """Serialize the config to a file.""" path = Path(path) if isinstance(path, str) else path with"w", encoding="utf8") as file_: file_.write(self.to_str(interpolate=interpolate)) def from_disk( self, path: Union[str, Path], *, interpolate: bool = True, overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> "Config": """Load config from a file.""" path = Path(path) if isinstance(path, str) else path with"r", encoding="utf8") as file_: text = return self.from_str(text, interpolate=interpolate, overrides=overrides) def _mask_positional_args(name: str) -> List[Optional[str]]: """Create a section name representation that masks names of positional arguments to retain their order in sorts.""" stable_name = cast(List[Optional[str]], name.split(".")) # Remove names of sections that are a positional argument. for i in range(1, len(stable_name)): if stable_name[i - 1] == "*": stable_name[i] = None return stable_name def try_load_json(value: str) -> Any: """Load a JSON string if possible, otherwise default to original value.""" try: return srsly.json_loads(value) except Exception: return value def try_dump_json(value: Any, data: Union[Dict[str, dict], Config, str] = "") -> str: """Dump a config value as JSON and output user-friendly error if it fails.""" # Special case if we have a variable: it's already a string so don't dump # to preserve ${x:y} vs. "${x:y}" if isinstance(value, str) and return value if isinstance(value, str) and value.replace(".", "", 1).isdigit(): # Work around values that are strings but numbers value = f'"{value}"' try: value = srsly.json_dumps(value) value = re.sub(r"\$([^{])", "$$\1", value) value = re.sub(r"\$$", "$$", value) return value except Exception as e: err_msg = ( f"Couldn't serialize config value of type {type(value)}: {e}. Make " f"sure all values in your config are JSON-serializable. If you want " f"to include Python objects, use a registered function that returns " f"the object instead." ) raise ConfigValidationError(config=data, desc=err_msg) from e def deep_merge_configs( config: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config], defaults: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config], *, remove_extra: bool = False, ) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]: """Deep merge two configs.""" if remove_extra: # Filter out values in the original config that are not in defaults keys = list(config.keys()) for key in keys: if key not in defaults: del config[key] for key, value in defaults.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): node = config.setdefault(key, {}) if not isinstance(node, dict): continue value_promises = [k for k in value if k.startswith("@")] value_promise = value_promises[0] if value_promises else None node_promises = [k for k in node if k.startswith("@")] if node else [] node_promise = node_promises[0] if node_promises else None # We only update the block from defaults if it refers to the same # registered function if ( value_promise and node_promise and ( value_promise in node and node[value_promise] != value[value_promise] ) ): continue if node_promise and ( node_promise not in value or node[node_promise] != value[node_promise] ): continue defaults = deep_merge_configs(node, value, remove_extra=remove_extra) elif key not in config: config[key] = value return config class ConfigValidationError(ValueError): def __init__( self, *, config: Optional[Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], str]] = None, errors: Union[Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]], Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]] = tuple(), title: Optional[str] = "Config validation error", desc: Optional[str] = None, parent: Optional[str] = None, show_config: bool = True, ) -> None: """Custom error for validating configs. config (Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], str]): The config the validation error refers to. errors (Union[Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]], Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]]): A list of errors as dicts with keys "loc" (list of strings describing the path of the value), "msg" (validation message to show) and optional "type" (mostly internals). Same format as produced by pydantic's validation error (e.errors()). title (str): The error title. desc (str): Optional error description, displayed below the title. parent (str): Optional parent to use as prefix for all error locations. For example, parent "element" will result in "element -> a -> b". show_config (bool): Whether to print the whole config with the error. ATTRIBUTES: config (Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], str]): The config. errors (Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]): The errors. error_types (Set[str]): All "type" values defined in the errors, if available. This is most relevant for the pydantic errors that define types like "type_error.integer". This attribute makes it easy to check if a config validation error includes errors of a certain type, e.g. to log additional information or custom help messages. title (str): The title. desc (str): The description. parent (str): The parent. show_config (bool): Whether to show the config. text (str): The formatted error text. """ self.config = config self.errors = errors self.title = title self.desc = desc self.parent = parent self.show_config = show_config self.error_types = set() for error in self.errors: err_type = error.get("type") if err_type: self.error_types.add(err_type) self.text = self._format() ValueError.__init__(self, self.text) @classmethod def from_error( cls, err: "ConfigValidationError", title: Optional[str] = None, desc: Optional[str] = None, parent: Optional[str] = None, show_config: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> "ConfigValidationError": """Create a new ConfigValidationError based on an existing error, e.g. to re-raise it with different settings. If no overrides are provided, the values from the original error are used. err (ConfigValidationError): The original error. title (str): Overwrite error title. desc (str): Overwrite error description. parent (str): Overwrite error parent. show_config (bool): Overwrite whether to show config. RETURNS (ConfigValidationError): The new error. """ return cls( config=err.config, errors=err.errors, title=title if title is not None else err.title, desc=desc if desc is not None else err.desc, parent=parent if parent is not None else err.parent, show_config=show_config if show_config is not None else err.show_config, ) def _format(self) -> str: """Format the error message.""" loc_divider = "->" data = [] for error in self.errors: err_loc = f" {loc_divider} ".join([str(p) for p in error.get("loc", [])]) if self.parent: err_loc = f"{self.parent} {loc_divider} {err_loc}" data.append((err_loc, error.get("msg"))) result = [] if self.title: result.append(self.title) if self.desc: result.append(self.desc) if data: result.append("\n".join([f"{entry[0]}\t{entry[1]}" for entry in data])) if self.config and self.show_config: result.append(f"{self.config}") return "\n\n" + "\n".join(result) def alias_generator(name: str) -> str: """Generate field aliases in promise schema.""" # Underscore fields are not allowed in model, so use alias if name == ARGS_FIELD_ALIAS: return ARGS_FIELD # Auto-alias fields that shadow base model attributes if name in RESERVED_FIELDS: return RESERVED_FIELDS[name] return name def copy_model_field(field: ModelField, type_: Any) -> ModelField: """Copy a model field and assign a new type, e.g. to accept an Any type even though the original value is typed differently. """ return ModelField(, type_=type_, class_validators=field.class_validators, model_config=field.model_config, default=field.default, default_factory=field.default_factory, required=field.required, ) class EmptySchema(BaseModel): class Config: extra = "allow" arbitrary_types_allowed = True class _PromiseSchemaConfig: extra = "forbid" arbitrary_types_allowed = True alias_generator = alias_generator @dataclass class Promise: registry: str name: str args: List[str] kwargs: Dict[str, Any] class registry: @classmethod def has(cls, registry_name: str, func_name: str) -> bool: """Check whether a function is available in a registry.""" if not hasattr(cls, registry_name): return False reg = getattr(cls, registry_name) return func_name in reg @classmethod def get(cls, registry_name: str, func_name: str) -> Callable: """Get a registered function from a given registry.""" if not hasattr(cls, registry_name): raise ValueError(f"Unknown registry: '{registry_name}'") reg = getattr(cls, registry_name) func = reg.get(func_name) if func is None: raise ValueError(f"Could not find '{func_name}' in '{registry_name}'") return func @classmethod def resolve( cls, config: Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]], *, schema: Type[BaseModel] = EmptySchema, overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {}, validate: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: resolved, _ = cls._make( config, schema=schema, overrides=overrides, validate=validate, resolve=True ) return resolved @classmethod def fill( cls, config: Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]], *, schema: Type[BaseModel] = EmptySchema, overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {}, validate: bool = True, ): _, filled = cls._make( config, schema=schema, overrides=overrides, validate=validate, resolve=False ) return filled @classmethod def _make( cls, config: Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]], *, schema: Type[BaseModel] = EmptySchema, overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {}, resolve: bool = True, validate: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Config]: """Unpack a config dictionary and create two versions of the config: a resolved version with objects from the registry created recursively, and a filled version with all references to registry functions left intact, but filled with all values and defaults based on the type annotations. If validate=True, the config will be validated against the type annotations of the registered functions referenced in the config (if available) and/or the schema (if available). """ # Valid: {"optimizer": {"@optimizers": "my_cool_optimizer", "rate": 1.0}} # Invalid: {"@optimizers": "my_cool_optimizer", "rate": 1.0} if cls.is_promise(config): err_msg = "The top-level config object can't be a reference to a registered function." raise ConfigValidationError(config=config, errors=[{"msg": err_msg}]) # If a Config was loaded with interpolate=False, we assume it needs to # be interpolated first, otherwise we take it at face value is_interpolated = not isinstance(config, Config) or config.is_interpolated section_order = config.section_order if isinstance(config, Config) else None orig_config = config if not is_interpolated: config = Config(orig_config).interpolate() filled, _, resolved = cls._fill( config, schema, validate=validate, overrides=overrides, resolve=resolve ) filled = Config(filled, section_order=section_order) # Check that overrides didn't include invalid properties not in config if validate: cls._validate_overrides(filled, overrides) # Merge the original config back to preserve variables if we started # with a config that wasn't interpolated. Here, we prefer variables to # allow auto-filling a non-interpolated config without destroying # variable references. if not is_interpolated: filled = filled.merge( Config(orig_config, is_interpolated=False), remove_extra=True ) return dict(resolved), filled @classmethod def _fill( cls, config: Union[Config, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]], schema: Type[BaseModel] = EmptySchema, *, validate: bool = True, resolve: bool = True, parent: str = "", overrides: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}, ) -> Tuple[ Union[Dict[str, Any], Config], Union[Dict[str, Any], Config], Dict[str, Any] ]: """Build three representations of the config: 1. All promises are preserved (just like config user would provide). 2. Promises are replaced by their return values. This is the validation copy and will be parsed by pydantic. It lets us include hacks to work around problems (e.g. handling of generators). 3. Final copy with promises replaced by their return values. """ filled: Dict[str, Any] = {} validation: Dict[str, Any] = {} final: Dict[str, Any] = {} for key, value in config.items(): # If the field name is reserved, we use its alias for validation v_key = RESERVED_FIELDS.get(key, key) key_parent = f"{parent}.{key}".strip(".") if key_parent in overrides: value = overrides[key_parent] config[key] = value if cls.is_promise(value): if key in schema.__fields__ and not resolve: # If we're not resolving the config, make sure that the field # expecting the promise is typed Any so it doesn't fail # validation if it doesn't receive the function return value field = schema.__fields__[key] schema.__fields__[key] = copy_model_field(field, Any) promise_schema = cls.make_promise_schema(value, resolve=resolve) filled[key], validation[v_key], final[key] = cls._fill( value, promise_schema, validate=validate, resolve=resolve, parent=key_parent, overrides=overrides, ) reg_name, func_name = cls.get_constructor(final[key]) args, kwargs = cls.parse_args(final[key]) if resolve: # Call the function and populate the field value. We can't # just create an instance of the type here, since this # wouldn't work for generics / more complex custom types getter = cls.get(reg_name, func_name) # We don't want to try/except this and raise our own error # here, because we want the traceback if the function fails. getter_result = getter(*args, **kwargs) else: # We're not resolving and calling the function, so replace # the getter_result with a Promise class getter_result = Promise( registry=reg_name, name=func_name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs ) validation[v_key] = getter_result final[key] = getter_result if isinstance(validation[v_key], GeneratorType): # If value is a generator we can't validate type without # consuming it (which doesn't work if it's infinite – see # schedule for examples). So we skip it. validation[v_key] = [] elif hasattr(value, "items"): field_type = EmptySchema if key in schema.__fields__: field = schema.__fields__[key] field_type = field.type_ if not isinstance(field.type_, ModelMetaclass): # If we don't have a pydantic schema and just a type field_type = EmptySchema filled[key], validation[v_key], final[key] = cls._fill( value, field_type, validate=validate, resolve=resolve, parent=key_parent, overrides=overrides, ) if key == ARGS_FIELD and isinstance(validation[v_key], dict): # If the value of variable positional args is a dict (e.g. # created via config blocks), only use its values validation[v_key] = list(validation[v_key].values()) final[key] = list(final[key].values()) else: filled[key] = value # Prevent pydantic from consuming generator if part of a union validation[v_key] = ( value if not isinstance(value, GeneratorType) else [] ) final[key] = value # Now that we've filled in all of the promises, update with defaults # from schema, and validate if validation is enabled exclude = [] if validate: try: result = schema.parse_obj(validation) except ValidationError as e: raise ConfigValidationError( config=config, errors=e.errors(), parent=parent ) from None else: # Same as parse_obj, but without validation result = schema.construct(**validation) # If our schema doesn't allow extra values, we need to filter them # manually because .construct doesn't parse anything if schema.Config.extra in (Extra.forbid, Extra.ignore): fields = schema.__fields__.keys() exclude = [k for k in result.__fields_set__ if k not in fields] exclude_validation = set([ARGS_FIELD_ALIAS, *RESERVED_FIELDS.keys()]) validation.update(result.dict(exclude=exclude_validation)) filled, final = cls._update_from_parsed(validation, filled, final) if exclude: filled = {k: v for k, v in filled.items() if k not in exclude} validation = {k: v for k, v in validation.items() if k not in exclude} final = {k: v for k, v in final.items() if k not in exclude} return filled, validation, final @classmethod def _update_from_parsed( cls, validation: Dict[str, Any], filled: Dict[str, Any], final: Dict[str, Any] ): """Update the final result with the parsed config like converted values recursively. """ for key, value in validation.items(): if key in RESERVED_FIELDS.values(): continue # skip aliases for reserved fields if key not in filled: filled[key] = value if key not in final: final[key] = value if isinstance(value, dict): filled[key], final[key] = cls._update_from_parsed( value, filled[key], final[key] ) # Update final config with parsed value if they're not equal (in # value and in type) but not if it's a generator because we had to # replace that to validate it correctly elif key == ARGS_FIELD: continue # don't substitute if list of positional args # Check numpy first, just in case. Use stringified type so that numpy dependency can be ditched. elif str(type(value)) == "": final[key] = value elif ( value != final[key] or not isinstance(type(value), type(final[key])) ) and not isinstance(final[key], GeneratorType): final[key] = value return filled, final @classmethod def _validate_overrides(cls, filled: Config, overrides: Dict[str, Any]): """Validate overrides against a filled config to make sure there are no references to properties that don't exist and weren't used.""" error_msg = "Invalid override: config value doesn't exist" errors = [] for override_key in overrides.keys(): if not cls._is_in_config(override_key, filled): errors.append({"msg": error_msg, "loc": [override_key]}) if errors: raise ConfigValidationError(config=filled, errors=errors) @classmethod def _is_in_config(cls, prop: str, config: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]): """Check whether a nested config property like "section.subsection.key" is in a given config.""" tree = prop.split(".") obj = dict(config) while tree: key = tree.pop(0) if isinstance(obj, dict) and key in obj: obj = obj[key] else: return False return True @classmethod def is_promise(cls, obj: Any) -> bool: """Check whether an object is a "promise", i.e. contains a reference to a registered function (via a key starting with `"@"`. """ if not hasattr(obj, "keys"): return False id_keys = [k for k in obj.keys() if k.startswith("@")] if len(id_keys): return True return False @classmethod def get_constructor(cls, obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, str]: id_keys = [k for k in obj.keys() if k.startswith("@")] if len(id_keys) != 1: err_msg = f"A block can only contain one function registry reference. Got: {id_keys}" raise ConfigValidationError(config=obj, errors=[{"msg": err_msg}]) else: key = id_keys[0] value = obj[key] return (key[1:], value) @classmethod def parse_args(cls, obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]: args = [] kwargs = {} for key, value in obj.items(): if not key.startswith("@"): if key == ARGS_FIELD: args = value elif key in RESERVED_FIELDS.values(): continue else: kwargs[key] = value return args, kwargs @classmethod def make_promise_schema( cls, obj: Dict[str, Any], *, resolve: bool = True ) -> Type[BaseModel]: """Create a schema for a promise dict (referencing a registry function) by inspecting the function signature. """ reg_name, func_name = cls.get_constructor(obj) if not resolve and not cls.has(reg_name, func_name): return EmptySchema func = cls.get(reg_name, func_name) # Read the argument annotations and defaults from the function signature id_keys = [k for k in obj.keys() if k.startswith("@")] sig_args: Dict[str, Any] = {id_keys[0]: (str, ...)} for param in inspect.signature(func).parameters.values(): # If no annotation is specified assume it's anything annotation = param.annotation if param.annotation != param.empty else Any # If no default value is specified assume that it's required default = param.default if param.default != param.empty else ... # Handle spread arguments and use their annotation as Sequence[whatever] if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL: spread_annot = Sequence[annotation] # type: ignore sig_args[ARGS_FIELD_ALIAS] = (spread_annot, default) else: name = RESERVED_FIELDS.get(, sig_args[name] = (annotation, default) sig_args["__config__"] = _PromiseSchemaConfig return create_model("ArgModel", **sig_args) __all__ = [ "Config", "registry", "ConfigValidationError", "SimpleFrozenDict", "SimpleFrozenList", ]