from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import pickle import re import jieba from .viterbi import viterbi from .._compat import * PROB_START_P = "prob_start.p" PROB_TRANS_P = "prob_trans.p" PROB_EMIT_P = "prob_emit.p" CHAR_STATE_TAB_P = "char_state_tab.p" re_han_detail = re.compile("([\u4E00-\u9FD5]+)") re_skip_detail = re.compile("([\.0-9]+|[a-zA-Z0-9]+)") re_han_internal = re.compile("([\u4E00-\u9FD5a-zA-Z0-9+#&\._]+)") re_skip_internal = re.compile("(\r\n|\s)") re_eng = re.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9]+") re_num = re.compile("[\.0-9]+") re_eng1 = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9]$', re.U) def load_model(): # For Jython start_p = pickle.load(get_module_res("posseg", PROB_START_P)) trans_p = pickle.load(get_module_res("posseg", PROB_TRANS_P)) emit_p = pickle.load(get_module_res("posseg", PROB_EMIT_P)) state = pickle.load(get_module_res("posseg", CHAR_STATE_TAB_P)) return state, start_p, trans_p, emit_p if sys.platform.startswith("java"): char_state_tab_P, start_P, trans_P, emit_P = load_model() else: from .char_state_tab import P as char_state_tab_P from .prob_start import P as start_P from .prob_trans import P as trans_P from .prob_emit import P as emit_P class pair(object): def __init__(self, word, flag): self.word = word self.flag = flag def __unicode__(self): return '%s/%s' % (self.word, self.flag) def __repr__(self): return 'pair(%r, %r)' % (self.word, self.flag) def __str__(self): if PY2: return self.__unicode__().encode(default_encoding) else: return self.__unicode__() def __iter__(self): return iter((self.word, self.flag)) def __lt__(self, other): return self.word < other.word def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, pair) and self.word == other.word and self.flag == other.flag def __hash__(self): return hash(self.word) def encode(self, arg): return self.__unicode__().encode(arg) class POSTokenizer(object): def __init__(self, tokenizer=None): self.tokenizer = tokenizer or jieba.Tokenizer() self.load_word_tag(self.tokenizer.get_dict_file()) def __repr__(self): return '' % self.tokenizer def __getattr__(self, name): if name in ('cut_for_search', 'lcut_for_search', 'tokenize'): # may be possible? raise NotImplementedError return getattr(self.tokenizer, name) def initialize(self, dictionary=None): self.tokenizer.initialize(dictionary) self.load_word_tag(self.tokenizer.get_dict_file()) def load_word_tag(self, f): self.word_tag_tab = {} f_name = resolve_filename(f) for lineno, line in enumerate(f, 1): try: line = line.strip().decode("utf-8") if not line: continue word, _, tag = line.split(" ") self.word_tag_tab[word] = tag except Exception: raise ValueError( 'invalid POS dictionary entry in %s at Line %s: %s' % (f_name, lineno, line)) f.close() def makesure_userdict_loaded(self): if self.tokenizer.user_word_tag_tab: self.word_tag_tab.update(self.tokenizer.user_word_tag_tab) self.tokenizer.user_word_tag_tab = {} def __cut(self, sentence): prob, pos_list = viterbi( sentence, char_state_tab_P, start_P, trans_P, emit_P) begin, nexti = 0, 0 for i, char in enumerate(sentence): pos = pos_list[i][0] if pos == 'B': begin = i elif pos == 'E': yield pair(sentence[begin:i + 1], pos_list[i][1]) nexti = i + 1 elif pos == 'S': yield pair(char, pos_list[i][1]) nexti = i + 1 if nexti < len(sentence): yield pair(sentence[nexti:], pos_list[nexti][1]) def __cut_detail(self, sentence): blocks = re_han_detail.split(sentence) for blk in blocks: if re_han_detail.match(blk): for word in self.__cut(blk): yield word else: tmp = re_skip_detail.split(blk) for x in tmp: if x: if re_num.match(x): yield pair(x, 'm') elif re_eng.match(x): yield pair(x, 'eng') else: yield pair(x, 'x') def __cut_DAG_NO_HMM(self, sentence): DAG = self.tokenizer.get_DAG(sentence) route = {} self.tokenizer.calc(sentence, DAG, route) x = 0 N = len(sentence) buf = '' while x < N: y = route[x][1] + 1 l_word = sentence[x:y] if re_eng1.match(l_word): buf += l_word x = y else: if buf: yield pair(buf, 'eng') buf = '' yield pair(l_word, self.word_tag_tab.get(l_word, 'x')) x = y if buf: yield pair(buf, 'eng') buf = '' def __cut_DAG(self, sentence): DAG = self.tokenizer.get_DAG(sentence) route = {} self.tokenizer.calc(sentence, DAG, route) x = 0 buf = '' N = len(sentence) while x < N: y = route[x][1] + 1 l_word = sentence[x:y] if y - x == 1: buf += l_word else: if buf: if len(buf) == 1: yield pair(buf, self.word_tag_tab.get(buf, 'x')) elif not self.tokenizer.FREQ.get(buf): recognized = self.__cut_detail(buf) for t in recognized: yield t else: for elem in buf: yield pair(elem, self.word_tag_tab.get(elem, 'x')) buf = '' yield pair(l_word, self.word_tag_tab.get(l_word, 'x')) x = y if buf: if len(buf) == 1: yield pair(buf, self.word_tag_tab.get(buf, 'x')) elif not self.tokenizer.FREQ.get(buf): recognized = self.__cut_detail(buf) for t in recognized: yield t else: for elem in buf: yield pair(elem, self.word_tag_tab.get(elem, 'x')) def __cut_internal(self, sentence, HMM=True): self.makesure_userdict_loaded() sentence = strdecode(sentence) blocks = re_han_internal.split(sentence) if HMM: cut_blk = self.__cut_DAG else: cut_blk = self.__cut_DAG_NO_HMM for blk in blocks: if re_han_internal.match(blk): for word in cut_blk(blk): yield word else: tmp = re_skip_internal.split(blk) for x in tmp: if re_skip_internal.match(x): yield pair(x, 'x') else: for xx in x: if re_num.match(xx): yield pair(xx, 'm') elif re_eng.match(x): yield pair(xx, 'eng') else: yield pair(xx, 'x') def _lcut_internal(self, sentence): return list(self.__cut_internal(sentence)) def _lcut_internal_no_hmm(self, sentence): return list(self.__cut_internal(sentence, False)) def cut(self, sentence, HMM=True): for w in self.__cut_internal(sentence, HMM=HMM): yield w def lcut(self, *args, **kwargs): return list(self.cut(*args, **kwargs)) # default Tokenizer instance dt = POSTokenizer(jieba.dt) # global functions initialize = dt.initialize def _lcut_internal(s): return dt._lcut_internal(s) def _lcut_internal_no_hmm(s): return dt._lcut_internal_no_hmm(s) def cut(sentence, HMM=True, use_paddle=False): """ Global `cut` function that supports parallel processing. Note that this only works using dt, custom POSTokenizer instances are not supported. """ is_paddle_installed = check_paddle_install['is_paddle_installed'] if use_paddle and is_paddle_installed: # if sentence is null, it will raise core exception in paddle. if sentence is None or sentence == "" or sentence == u"": return import jieba.lac_small.predict as predict sents, tags = predict.get_result(strdecode(sentence)) for i, sent in enumerate(sents): if sent is None or tags[i] is None: continue yield pair(sent, tags[i]) return global dt if jieba.pool is None: for w in dt.cut(sentence, HMM=HMM): yield w else: parts = strdecode(sentence).splitlines(True) if HMM: result =, parts) else: result =, parts) for r in result: for w in r: yield w def lcut(sentence, HMM=True, use_paddle=False): if use_paddle: return list(cut(sentence, use_paddle=True)) return list(cut(sentence, HMM))