""" Helper functions for testing. """ from pathlib import Path from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory import locale import logging import os import subprocess import sys import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import _api _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def set_font_settings_for_testing(): mpl.rcParams['font.family'] = 'DejaVu Sans' mpl.rcParams['text.hinting'] = 'none' mpl.rcParams['text.hinting_factor'] = 8 def set_reproducibility_for_testing(): mpl.rcParams['svg.hashsalt'] = 'matplotlib' def setup(): # The baseline images are created in this locale, so we should use # it during all of the tests. try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8') except locale.Error: try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'English_United States.1252') except locale.Error: _log.warning( "Could not set locale to English/United States. " "Some date-related tests may fail.") mpl.use('Agg') with _api.suppress_matplotlib_deprecation_warning(): mpl.rcdefaults() # Start with all defaults # These settings *must* be hardcoded for running the comparison tests and # are not necessarily the default values as specified in rcsetup.py. set_font_settings_for_testing() set_reproducibility_for_testing() def subprocess_run_for_testing(command, env=None, timeout=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, check=False, text=True, capture_output=False): """ Create and run a subprocess. Thin wrapper around `subprocess.run`, intended for testing. Will mark fork() failures on Cygwin as expected failures: not a success, but not indicating a problem with the code either. Parameters ---------- args : list of str env : dict[str, str] timeout : float stdout, stderr check : bool text : bool Also called ``universal_newlines`` in subprocess. I chose this name since the main effect is returning bytes (`False`) vs. str (`True`), though it also tries to normalize newlines across platforms. capture_output : bool Set stdout and stderr to subprocess.PIPE Returns ------- proc : subprocess.Popen See Also -------- subprocess.run Raises ------ pytest.xfail If platform is Cygwin and subprocess reports a fork() failure. """ if capture_output: stdout = stderr = subprocess.PIPE try: proc = subprocess.run( command, env=env, timeout=timeout, check=check, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, text=text ) except BlockingIOError: if sys.platform == "cygwin": # Might want to make this more specific import pytest pytest.xfail("Fork failure") raise return proc def subprocess_run_helper(func, *args, timeout, extra_env=None): """ Run a function in a sub-process. Parameters ---------- func : function The function to be run. It must be in a module that is importable. *args : str Any additional command line arguments to be passed in the first argument to ``subprocess.run``. extra_env : dict[str, str] Any additional environment variables to be set for the subprocess. """ target = func.__name__ module = func.__module__ proc = subprocess_run_for_testing( [ sys.executable, "-c", f"from {module} import {target}; {target}()", *args ], env={**os.environ, "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH": "0", **(extra_env or {})}, timeout=timeout, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) return proc def _check_for_pgf(texsystem): """ Check if a given TeX system + pgf is available Parameters ---------- texsystem : str The executable name to check """ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: tex_path = Path(tmpdir, "test.tex") tex_path.write_text(r""" \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pgf} \begin{document} \typeout{pgfversion=\pgfversion} \makeatletter \@@end """, encoding="utf-8") try: subprocess.check_call( [texsystem, "-halt-on-error", str(tex_path)], cwd=tmpdir, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): return False return True def _has_tex_package(package): try: mpl.dviread.find_tex_file(f"{package}.sty") return True except FileNotFoundError: return False