import os import subprocess as sp import proglog from moviepy.compat import DEVNULL from moviepy.config import get_setting from moviepy.decorators import requires_duration class FFMPEG_AudioWriter: """ A class to write an AudioClip into an audio file. Parameters ------------ filename Name of any video or audio file, like ``video.mp4`` or ``sound.wav`` etc. size Size (width,height) in pixels of the output video. fps_input Frames per second of the input audio (given by the AUdioClip being written down). codec Name of the ffmpeg codec to use for the output. bitrate: A string indicating the bitrate of the final video. Only relevant for codecs which accept a bitrate. """ def __init__(self, filename, fps_input, nbytes=2, nchannels=2, codec='libfdk_aac', bitrate=None, input_video=None, logfile=None, ffmpeg_params=None): self.filename = filename self.codec = codec if logfile is None: logfile = sp.PIPE cmd = ([get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY"), '-y', "-loglevel", "error" if logfile == sp.PIPE else "info", "-f", 's%dle' % (8*nbytes), "-acodec",'pcm_s%dle' % (8*nbytes), '-ar', "%d" % fps_input, '-ac', "%d" % nchannels, '-i', '-'] + (['-vn'] if input_video is None else ["-i", input_video, '-vcodec', 'copy']) + ['-acodec', codec] + ['-ar', "%d" % fps_input] + ['-strict', '-2'] # needed to support codec 'aac' + (['-ab', bitrate] if (bitrate is not None) else []) + (ffmpeg_params if ffmpeg_params else []) + [filename]) popen_params = {"stdout": DEVNULL, "stderr": logfile, "stdin": sp.PIPE} if == "nt": popen_params["creationflags"] = 0x08000000 self.proc = sp.Popen(cmd, **popen_params) def write_frames(self, frames_array): try: try: self.proc.stdin.write(frames_array.tobytes()) except NameError: self.proc.stdin.write(frames_array.tostring()) except IOError as err: ffmpeg_error = error = (str(err) + ("\n\nMoviePy error: FFMPEG encountered " "the following error while writing file %s:" % self.filename + "\n\n" + str(ffmpeg_error))) if b"Unknown encoder" in ffmpeg_error: error = (error + ("\n\nThe audio export failed because FFMPEG didn't " "find the specified codec for audio encoding (%s). " "Please install this codec or change the codec when " "calling to_videofile or to_audiofile. For instance " "for mp3:\n" " >>> to_videofile('myvid.mp4', audio_codec='libmp3lame')" ) % (self.codec)) elif b"incorrect codec parameters ?" in ffmpeg_error: error = (error + ("\n\nThe audio export failed, possibly because the " "codec specified for the video (%s) is not compatible" " with the given extension (%s). Please specify a " "valid 'codec' argument in to_videofile. This would " "be 'libmp3lame' for mp3, 'libvorbis' for ogg...") % (self.codec, self.ext)) elif b"encoder setup failed" in ffmpeg_error: error = (error + ("\n\nThe audio export failed, possily because the " "bitrate you specified was two high or too low for " "the video codec.")) else: error = (error + ("\n\nIn case it helps, make sure you are using a " "recent version of FFMPEG (the versions in the " "Ubuntu/Debian repos are deprecated).")) raise IOError(error) def close(self): if hasattr(self, 'proc') and self.proc: self.proc.stdin.close() self.proc.stdin = None if self.proc.stderr is not None: self.proc.stderr.close() self.proc.stdee = None # If this causes deadlocks, consider terminating instead. self.proc.wait() self.proc = None def __del__(self): # If the garbage collector comes, make sure the subprocess is terminated. self.close() # Support the Context Manager protocol, to ensure that resources are cleaned up. def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() @requires_duration def ffmpeg_audiowrite(clip, filename, fps, nbytes, buffersize, codec='libvorbis', bitrate=None, write_logfile=False, verbose=True, ffmpeg_params=None, logger='bar'): """ A function that wraps the FFMPEG_AudioWriter to write an AudioClip to a file. NOTE: verbose is deprecated. """ if write_logfile: logfile = open(filename + ".log", 'w+') else: logfile = None logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger) logger(message="MoviePy - Writing audio in %s" % filename) writer = FFMPEG_AudioWriter(filename, fps, nbytes, clip.nchannels, codec=codec, bitrate=bitrate, logfile=logfile, ffmpeg_params=ffmpeg_params) for chunk in clip.iter_chunks(chunksize=buffersize, quantize=True, nbytes=nbytes, fps=fps, logger=logger): writer.write_frames(chunk) writer.close() if write_logfile: logfile.close() logger(message="MoviePy - Done.")