import os import subprocess as sp import warnings import numpy as np from moviepy.compat import DEVNULL, PY3 from moviepy.config import get_setting from import ffmpeg_parse_infos class FFMPEG_AudioReader: """ A class to read the audio in either video files or audio files using ffmpeg. ffmpeg will read any audio and transform them into raw data. Parameters ------------ filename Name of any video or audio file, like ``video.mp4`` or ``sound.wav`` etc. buffersize The size of the buffer to use. Should be bigger than the buffer used by ``to_audiofile`` print_infos Print the ffmpeg infos on the file being read (for debugging) fps Desired frames per second in the decoded signal that will be received from ffmpeg nbytes Desired number of bytes (1,2,4) in the signal that will be received from ffmpeg """ def __init__(self, filename, buffersize, print_infos=False, fps=44100, nbytes=2, nchannels=2): self.filename = filename self.nbytes = nbytes self.fps = fps self.f = 's%dle'%(8*nbytes) self.acodec = 'pcm_s%dle'%(8*nbytes) self.nchannels = nchannels infos = ffmpeg_parse_infos(filename) self.duration = infos['duration'] if 'video_duration' in infos: self.duration = infos['video_duration'] else: self.duration = infos['duration'] self.infos = infos self.proc = None self.nframes = int(self.fps * self.duration) self.buffersize= min( self.nframes+1, buffersize ) self.buffer= None self.buffer_startframe = 1 self.initialize() self.buffer_around(1) def initialize(self, starttime = 0): """ Opens the file, creates the pipe. """ self.close_proc() # if any if starttime !=0 : offset = min(1,starttime) i_arg = ["-ss", "%.05f"%(starttime-offset), '-i', self.filename, '-vn', "-ss", "%.05f"%offset] else: i_arg = [ '-i', self.filename, '-vn'] cmd = ([get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY")] + i_arg + [ '-loglevel', 'error', '-f', self.f, '-acodec', self.acodec, '-ar', "%d"%self.fps, '-ac', '%d'%self.nchannels, '-']) popen_params = {"bufsize": self.buffersize, "stdout": sp.PIPE, "stderr": sp.PIPE, "stdin": DEVNULL} if == "nt": popen_params["creationflags"] = 0x08000000 self.proc = sp.Popen( cmd, **popen_params) self.pos = np.round(self.fps*starttime) def skip_chunk(self,chunksize): s =*chunksize*self.nbytes) self.proc.stdout.flush() self.pos = self.pos+chunksize def read_chunk(self,chunksize): # chunksize is not being autoconverted from float to int chunksize = int(round(chunksize)) L = self.nchannels*chunksize*self.nbytes s = dt = {1: 'int8',2:'int16',4:'int32'}[self.nbytes] if hasattr(np, 'frombuffer'): result = np.frombuffer(s, dtype=dt) else: result = np.fromstring(s, dtype=dt) result = (1.0*result / 2**(8*self.nbytes-1)).\ reshape((int(len(result)/self.nchannels), self.nchannels)) #self.proc.stdout.flush() self.pos = self.pos+chunksize return result def seek(self,pos): """ Reads a frame at time t. Note for coders: getting an arbitrary frame in the video with ffmpeg can be painfully slow if some decoding has to be done. This function tries to avoid fectching arbitrary frames whenever possible, by moving between adjacent frames. """ if (pos < self.pos) or (pos> (self.pos+1000000)): t = 1.0*pos/self.fps self.initialize(t) elif pos > self.pos: #print pos self.skip_chunk(pos-self.pos) # last case standing: pos = current pos self.pos = pos def close_proc(self): if hasattr(self, 'proc') and self.proc is not None: self.proc.terminate() for std in [ self.proc.stdout, self.proc.stderr]: std.close() self.proc.wait() self.proc = None def get_frame(self, tt): buffersize = self.buffersize if isinstance(tt,np.ndarray): # lazy implementation, but should not cause problems in # 99.99 % of the cases # elements of t that are actually in the range of the # audio file. in_time = (tt>=0) & (tt < self.duration) # Check that the requested time is in the valid range if not in_time.any(): raise IOError("Error in file %s, "%(self.filename)+ "Accessing time t=%.02f-%.02f seconds, "%(tt[0], tt[-1])+ "with clip duration=%d seconds, "%self.duration) # The np.round in the next line is super-important. # Removing it results in artifacts in the noise. frames = np.round((self.fps*tt)).astype(int)[in_time] fr_min, fr_max = frames.min(), frames.max() if not (0 <= (fr_min - self.buffer_startframe) < len(self.buffer)): self.buffer_around(fr_min) elif not (0 <= (fr_max - self.buffer_startframe) < len(self.buffer)): self.buffer_around(fr_max) try: result = np.zeros((len(tt),self.nchannels)) indices = frames - self.buffer_startframe if len(self.buffer) < self.buffersize // 2: indices = indices - (self.buffersize // 2 - len(self.buffer) + 1) result[in_time] = self.buffer[indices] return result except IndexError as error: warnings.warn("Error in file %s, "%(self.filename)+ "At time t=%.02f-%.02f seconds, "%(tt[0], tt[-1])+ "indices wanted: %d-%d, "%(indices.min(), indices.max())+ "but len(buffer)=%d\n"%(len(self.buffer))+ str(error), UserWarning) # repeat the last frame instead indices[indices>=len(self.buffer)] = len(self.buffer) -1 result[in_time] = self.buffer[indices] return result else: ind = int(self.fps*tt) if ind<0 or ind> self.nframes: # out of time: return 0 return np.zeros(self.nchannels) if not (0 <= (ind - self.buffer_startframe)