""" This module implements all the functions to read a video or a picture using ffmpeg. It is quite ugly, as there are many pitfalls to avoid """ from __future__ import division import logging import os import re import subprocess as sp import warnings import numpy as np from moviepy.compat import DEVNULL, PY3 from moviepy.config import get_setting # ffmpeg, ffmpeg.exe, etc... from moviepy.tools import cvsecs logging.captureWarnings(True) class FFMPEG_VideoReader: def __init__(self, filename, print_infos=False, bufsize = None, pix_fmt="rgb24", check_duration=True, target_resolution=None, resize_algo='bicubic', fps_source='tbr'): self.filename = filename self.proc = None infos = ffmpeg_parse_infos(filename, print_infos, check_duration, fps_source) self.fps = infos['video_fps'] self.size = infos['video_size'] self.rotation = infos['video_rotation'] if target_resolution: # revert the order, as ffmpeg used (width, height) target_resolution = target_resolution[1], target_resolution[0] if None in target_resolution: ratio = 1 for idx, target in enumerate(target_resolution): if target: ratio = target / self.size[idx] self.size = (int(self.size[0] * ratio), int(self.size[1] * ratio)) else: self.size = target_resolution self.resize_algo = resize_algo self.duration = infos['video_duration'] self.ffmpeg_duration = infos['duration'] self.nframes = infos['video_nframes'] self.infos = infos self.pix_fmt = pix_fmt self.depth = 4 if pix_fmt == 'rgba' else 3 if bufsize is None: w, h = self.size bufsize = self.depth * w * h + 100 self.bufsize= bufsize self.initialize() self.pos = 1 self.lastread = self.read_frame() def initialize(self, starttime=0): """Opens the file, creates the pipe. """ self.close() # if any if starttime != 0 : offset = min(1, starttime) i_arg = ['-ss', "%.06f" % (starttime - offset), '-i', self.filename, '-ss', "%.06f" % offset] else: i_arg = [ '-i', self.filename] cmd = ([get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY")] + i_arg + ['-loglevel', 'error', '-f', 'image2pipe', '-vf', 'scale=%d:%d' % tuple(self.size), '-sws_flags', self.resize_algo, "-pix_fmt", self.pix_fmt, '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-']) popen_params = {"bufsize": self.bufsize, "stdout": sp.PIPE, "stderr": sp.PIPE, "stdin": DEVNULL} if os.name == "nt": popen_params["creationflags"] = 0x08000000 self.proc = sp.Popen(cmd, **popen_params) def skip_frames(self, n=1): """Reads and throws away n frames """ w, h = self.size for i in range(n): self.proc.stdout.read(self.depth*w*h) #self.proc.stdout.flush() self.pos += n def read_frame(self): w, h = self.size nbytes= self.depth*w*h s = self.proc.stdout.read(nbytes) if len(s) != nbytes: warnings.warn("Warning: in file %s, "%(self.filename)+ "%d bytes wanted but %d bytes read,"%(nbytes, len(s))+ "at frame %d/%d, at time %.02f/%.02f sec. "%( self.pos,self.nframes, 1.0*self.pos/self.fps, self.duration)+ "Using the last valid frame instead.", UserWarning) if not hasattr(self, 'lastread'): raise IOError(("MoviePy error: failed to read the first frame of " "video file %s. That might mean that the file is " "corrupted. That may also mean that you are using " "a deprecated version of FFMPEG. On Ubuntu/Debian " "for instance the version in the repos is deprecated. " "Please update to a recent version from the website.")%( self.filename)) result = self.lastread else: if hasattr(np, 'frombuffer'): result = np.frombuffer(s, dtype='uint8') else: result = np.fromstring(s, dtype='uint8') result.shape =(h, w, len(s)//(w*h)) # reshape((h, w, len(s)//(w*h))) self.lastread = result return result def get_frame(self, t): """ Read a file video frame at time t. Note for coders: getting an arbitrary frame in the video with ffmpeg can be painfully slow if some decoding has to be done. This function tries to avoid fetching arbitrary frames whenever possible, by moving between adjacent frames. """ # these definitely need to be rechecked sometime. Seems to work. # I use that horrible '+0.00001' hack because sometimes due to numerical # imprecisions a 3.0 can become a 2.99999999... which makes the int() # go to the previous integer. This makes the fetching more robust in the # case where you get the nth frame by writing get_frame(n/fps). pos = int(self.fps*t + 0.00001)+1 # Initialize proc if it is not open if not self.proc: self.initialize(t) self.pos = pos self.lastread = self.read_frame() if pos == self.pos: return self.lastread elif (pos < self.pos) or (pos > self.pos + 100): self.initialize(t) self.pos = pos else: self.skip_frames(pos-self.pos-1) result = self.read_frame() self.pos = pos return result def close(self): if self.proc: self.proc.terminate() self.proc.stdout.close() self.proc.stderr.close() self.proc.wait() self.proc = None if hasattr(self, 'lastread'): del self.lastread def __del__(self): self.close() def ffmpeg_read_image(filename, with_mask=True): """ Read an image file (PNG, BMP, JPEG...). Wraps FFMPEG_Videoreader to read just one image. Returns an ImageClip. This function is not meant to be used directly in MoviePy, use ImageClip instead to make clips out of image files. Parameters ----------- filename Name of the image file. Can be of any format supported by ffmpeg. with_mask If the image has a transparency layer, ``with_mask=true`` will save this layer as the mask of the returned ImageClip """ pix_fmt = 'rgba' if with_mask else "rgb24" reader = FFMPEG_VideoReader(filename, pix_fmt=pix_fmt, check_duration=False) im = reader.lastread del reader return im def ffmpeg_parse_infos(filename, print_infos=False, check_duration=True, fps_source='tbr'): """Get file infos using ffmpeg. Returns a dictionnary with the fields: "video_found", "video_fps", "duration", "video_nframes", "video_duration", "audio_found", "audio_fps" "video_duration" is slightly smaller than "duration" to avoid fetching the uncomplete frames at the end, which raises an error. """ # open the file in a pipe, provoke an error, read output is_GIF = filename.endswith('.gif') cmd = [get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY"), "-i", filename] if is_GIF: cmd += ["-f", "null", "/dev/null"] popen_params = {"bufsize": 10**5, "stdout": sp.PIPE, "stderr": sp.PIPE, "stdin": DEVNULL} if os.name == "nt": popen_params["creationflags"] = 0x08000000 proc = sp.Popen(cmd, **popen_params) (output, error) = proc.communicate() infos = error.decode('utf8') del proc if print_infos: # print the whole info text returned by FFMPEG print(infos) lines = infos.splitlines() if "No such file or directory" in lines[-1]: raise IOError(("MoviePy error: the file %s could not be found!\n" "Please check that you entered the correct " "path.")%filename) result = dict() # get duration (in seconds) result['duration'] = None if check_duration: try: keyword = ('frame=' if is_GIF else 'Duration: ') # for large GIFS the "full" duration is presented as the last element in the list. index = -1 if is_GIF else 0 line = [l for l in lines if keyword in l][index] match = re.findall("([0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9])", line)[0] result['duration'] = cvsecs(match) except: raise IOError(("MoviePy error: failed to read the duration of file %s.\n" "Here are the file infos returned by ffmpeg:\n\n%s")%( filename, infos)) # get the output line that speaks about video lines_video = [l for l in lines if ' Video: ' in l and re.search('\d+x\d+', l)] result['video_found'] = ( lines_video != [] ) if result['video_found']: try: line = lines_video[0] # get the size, of the form 460x320 (w x h) match = re.search(" [0-9]*x[0-9]*(,| )", line) s = list(map(int, line[match.start():match.end()-1].split('x'))) result['video_size'] = s except: raise IOError(("MoviePy error: failed to read video dimensions in file %s.\n" "Here are the file infos returned by ffmpeg:\n\n%s")%( filename, infos)) # Get the frame rate. Sometimes it's 'tbr', sometimes 'fps', sometimes # tbc, and sometimes tbc/2... # Current policy: Trust tbr first, then fps unless fps_source is # specified as 'fps' in which case try fps then tbr # If result is near from x*1000/1001 where x is 23,24,25,50, # replace by x*1000/1001 (very common case for the fps). def get_tbr(): match = re.search("( [0-9]*.| )[0-9]* tbr", line) # Sometimes comes as e.g. 12k. We need to replace that with 12000. s_tbr = line[match.start():match.end()].split(' ')[1] if "k" in s_tbr: tbr = float(s_tbr.replace("k", "")) * 1000 else: tbr = float(s_tbr) return tbr def get_fps(): match = re.search("( [0-9]*.| )[0-9]* fps", line) fps = float(line[match.start():match.end()].split(' ')[1]) return fps if fps_source == 'tbr': try: result['video_fps'] = get_tbr() except: result['video_fps'] = get_fps() elif fps_source == 'fps': try: result['video_fps'] = get_fps() except: result['video_fps'] = get_tbr() # It is known that a fps of 24 is often written as 24000/1001 # but then ffmpeg nicely rounds it to 23.98, which we hate. coef = 1000.0/1001.0 fps = result['video_fps'] for x in [23,24,25,30,50]: if (fps!=x) and abs(fps - x*coef) < .01: result['video_fps'] = x*coef if check_duration: result['video_nframes'] = int(result['duration']*result['video_fps'])+1 result['video_duration'] = result['duration'] else: result['video_nframes'] = 1 result['video_duration'] = None # We could have also recomputed the duration from the number # of frames, as follows: # >>> result['video_duration'] = result['video_nframes'] / result['video_fps'] # get the video rotation info. try: rotation_lines = [l for l in lines if 'rotate :' in l and re.search('\d+$', l)] if len(rotation_lines): rotation_line = rotation_lines[0] match = re.search('\d+$', rotation_line) result['video_rotation'] = int(rotation_line[match.start() : match.end()]) else: result['video_rotation'] = 0 except: raise IOError(("MoviePy error: failed to read video rotation in file %s.\n" "Here are the file infos returned by ffmpeg:\n\n%s")%( filename, infos)) lines_audio = [l for l in lines if ' Audio: ' in l] result['audio_found'] = lines_audio != [] if result['audio_found']: line = lines_audio[0] try: match = re.search(" [0-9]* Hz", line) hz_string = line[match.start()+1:match.end()-3] # Removes the 'hz' from the end result['audio_fps'] = int(hz_string) except: result['audio_fps'] = 'unknown' return result