import numpy as np import warnings from numba.cuda.testing import unittest from numba.cuda.testing import (skip_on_cudasim, skip_if_cuda_includes_missing) from numba.cuda.testing import CUDATestCase, test_data_dir from numba.cuda.cudadrv.driver import (CudaAPIError, Linker, LinkerError) from numba.cuda.cudadrv.error import NvrtcError from numba.cuda import require_context from import ignore_internal_warnings from numba import cuda, void, float64, int64, int32, typeof, float32 CONST1D = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64) def simple_const_mem(A): C = cuda.const.array_like(CONST1D) i = cuda.grid(1) A[i] = C[i] + 1.0 def func_with_lots_of_registers(x, a, b, c, d, e, f): a1 = 1.0 a2 = 1.0 a3 = 1.0 a4 = 1.0 a5 = 1.0 b1 = 1.0 b2 = 1.0 b3 = 1.0 b4 = 1.0 b5 = 1.0 c1 = 1.0 c2 = 1.0 c3 = 1.0 c4 = 1.0 c5 = 1.0 d1 = 10 d2 = 10 d3 = 10 d4 = 10 d5 = 10 for i in range(a): a1 += b a2 += c a3 += d a4 += e a5 += f b1 *= b b2 *= c b3 *= d b4 *= e b5 *= f c1 /= b c2 /= c c3 /= d c4 /= e c5 /= f d1 <<= b d2 <<= c d3 <<= d d4 <<= e d5 <<= f x[cuda.grid(1)] = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 x[cuda.grid(1)] += b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 + b5 x[cuda.grid(1)] += c1 + c2 + c3 + c4 + c5 x[cuda.grid(1)] += d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5 def simple_smem(ary, dty): sm = cuda.shared.array(100, dty) i = cuda.grid(1) if i == 0: for j in range(100): sm[j] = j cuda.syncthreads() ary[i] = sm[i] def coop_smem2d(ary): i, j = cuda.grid(2) sm = cuda.shared.array((10, 20), float32) sm[i, j] = (i + 1) / (j + 1) cuda.syncthreads() ary[i, j] = sm[i, j] def simple_maxthreads(ary): i = cuda.grid(1) ary[i] = i LMEM_SIZE = 1000 def simple_lmem(A, B, dty): C = cuda.local.array(LMEM_SIZE, dty) for i in range(C.shape[0]): C[i] = A[i] for i in range(C.shape[0]): B[i] = C[i] @skip_on_cudasim('Linking unsupported in the simulator') class TestLinker(CUDATestCase): _NUMBA_NVIDIA_BINDING_0_ENV = {'NUMBA_CUDA_USE_NVIDIA_BINDING': '0'} @require_context def test_linker_basic(self): '''Simply go through the constructor and destructor ''' linker =, 3)) del linker def _test_linking(self, eager): global bar # must be a global; other it is recognized as a freevar bar = cuda.declare_device('bar', 'int32(int32)') link = str(test_data_dir / 'jitlink.ptx') if eager: args = ['void(int32[:], int32[:])'] else: args = [] @cuda.jit(*args, link=[link]) def foo(x, y): i = cuda.grid(1) x[i] += bar(y[i]) A = np.array([123], dtype=np.int32) B = np.array([321], dtype=np.int32) foo[1, 1](A, B) self.assertTrue(A[0] == 123 + 2 * 321) def test_linking_lazy_compile(self): self._test_linking(eager=False) def test_linking_eager_compile(self): self._test_linking(eager=True) def test_linking_cu(self): bar = cuda.declare_device('bar', 'int32(int32)') link = str(test_data_dir / '') @cuda.jit(link=[link]) def kernel(r, x): i = cuda.grid(1) if i < len(r): r[i] = bar(x[i]) x = np.arange(10, dtype=np.int32) r = np.zeros_like(x) kernel[1, 32](r, x) # Matches the operation of bar() in expected = x * 2 np.testing.assert_array_equal(r, expected) def test_linking_cu_log_warning(self): bar = cuda.declare_device('bar', 'int32(int32)') link = str(test_data_dir / '') with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: ignore_internal_warnings() @cuda.jit('void(int32)', link=[link]) def kernel(x): bar(x) self.assertEqual(len(w), 1, 'Expected warnings from NVRTC') # Check the warning refers to the log messages self.assertIn('NVRTC log messages', str(w[0].message)) # Check the message pertaining to the unused variable is provided self.assertIn('declared but never referenced', str(w[0].message)) def test_linking_cu_error(self): bar = cuda.declare_device('bar', 'int32(int32)') link = str(test_data_dir / '') with self.assertRaises(NvrtcError) as e: @cuda.jit('void(int32)', link=[link]) def kernel(x): bar(x) msg = e.exception.args[0] # Check the error message refers to the NVRTC compile self.assertIn('NVRTC Compilation failure', msg) # Check the expected error in the CUDA source is reported self.assertIn('identifier "SYNTAX" is undefined', msg) # Check the filename is reported correctly self.assertIn('in the compilation of ""', msg) def test_linking_unknown_filetype_error(self): expected_err = "Don't know how to link file with extension .cuh" with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, expected_err): @cuda.jit('void()', link=['header.cuh']) def kernel(): pass def test_linking_file_with_no_extension_error(self): expected_err = "Don't know how to link file with no extension" with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, expected_err): @cuda.jit('void()', link=['data']) def kernel(): pass @skip_if_cuda_includes_missing def test_linking_cu_cuda_include(self): link = str(test_data_dir / '') # An exception will be raised when linking this kernel due to the # compile failure if CUDA includes cannot be found by Nvrtc. @cuda.jit('void()', link=[link]) def kernel(): pass def test_try_to_link_nonexistent(self): with self.assertRaises(LinkerError) as e: @cuda.jit('void(int32[::1])', link=['nonexistent.a']) def f(x): x[0] = 0 self.assertIn('nonexistent.a not found', e.exception.args) def test_set_registers_no_max(self): """Ensure that the jitted kernel used in the test_set_registers_* tests uses more than 57 registers - this ensures that test_set_registers_* are really checking that they reduced the number of registers used from something greater than the maximum.""" compiled = cuda.jit(func_with_lots_of_registers) compiled = compiled.specialize(np.empty(32), *range(6)) self.assertGreater(compiled.get_regs_per_thread(), 57) def test_set_registers_57(self): compiled = cuda.jit(max_registers=57)(func_with_lots_of_registers) compiled = compiled.specialize(np.empty(32), *range(6)) self.assertLessEqual(compiled.get_regs_per_thread(), 57) def test_set_registers_38(self): compiled = cuda.jit(max_registers=38)(func_with_lots_of_registers) compiled = compiled.specialize(np.empty(32), *range(6)) self.assertLessEqual(compiled.get_regs_per_thread(), 38) def test_set_registers_eager(self): sig = void(float64[::1], int64, int64, int64, int64, int64, int64) compiled = cuda.jit(sig, max_registers=38)(func_with_lots_of_registers) self.assertLessEqual(compiled.get_regs_per_thread(), 38) def test_get_const_mem_size(self): sig = void(float64[::1]) compiled = cuda.jit(sig)(simple_const_mem) const_mem_size = compiled.get_const_mem_size() self.assertGreaterEqual(const_mem_size, CONST1D.nbytes) def test_get_no_shared_memory(self): compiled = cuda.jit(func_with_lots_of_registers) compiled = compiled.specialize(np.empty(32), *range(6)) shared_mem_size = compiled.get_shared_mem_per_block() self.assertEqual(shared_mem_size, 0) def test_get_shared_mem_per_block(self): sig = void(int32[::1], typeof(np.int32)) compiled = cuda.jit(sig)(simple_smem) shared_mem_size = compiled.get_shared_mem_per_block() self.assertEqual(shared_mem_size, 400) def test_get_shared_mem_per_specialized(self): compiled = cuda.jit(simple_smem) compiled_specialized = compiled.specialize( np.zeros(100, dtype=np.int32), np.float64) shared_mem_size = compiled_specialized.get_shared_mem_per_block() self.assertEqual(shared_mem_size, 800) def test_get_max_threads_per_block(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(float32[:,::1])")(coop_smem2d) max_threads = compiled.get_max_threads_per_block() self.assertGreater(max_threads, 0) def test_max_threads_exceeded(self): compiled = cuda.jit("void(int32[::1])")(simple_maxthreads) max_threads = compiled.get_max_threads_per_block() nelem = max_threads + 1 ary = np.empty(nelem, dtype=np.int32) try: compiled[1, nelem](ary) except CudaAPIError as e: self.assertIn("cuLaunchKernel", e.msg) def test_get_local_mem_per_thread(self): sig = void(int32[::1], int32[::1], typeof(np.int32)) compiled = cuda.jit(sig)(simple_lmem) local_mem_size = compiled.get_local_mem_per_thread() calc_size = np.dtype(np.int32).itemsize * LMEM_SIZE self.assertGreaterEqual(local_mem_size, calc_size) def test_get_local_mem_per_specialized(self): compiled = cuda.jit(simple_lmem) compiled_specialized = compiled.specialize( np.zeros(LMEM_SIZE, dtype=np.int32), np.zeros(LMEM_SIZE, dtype=np.int32), np.float64) local_mem_size = compiled_specialized.get_local_mem_per_thread() calc_size = np.dtype(np.float64).itemsize * LMEM_SIZE self.assertGreaterEqual(local_mem_size, calc_size) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()