""" Implementation of math operations on Array objects. """ import math from collections import namedtuple import operator import warnings import llvmlite.ir import numpy as np from numba.core import types, cgutils from numba.core.extending import overload, overload_method, register_jitable from numba.np.numpy_support import (as_dtype, type_can_asarray, type_is_scalar, numpy_version, is_nonelike, check_is_integer, lt_floats, lt_complex) from numba.core.imputils import (lower_builtin, impl_ret_borrowed, impl_ret_new_ref, impl_ret_untracked) from numba.np.arrayobj import (make_array, load_item, store_item, _empty_nd_impl) from numba.np.linalg import ensure_blas from numba.core.extending import intrinsic from numba.core.errors import (RequireLiteralValue, TypingError, NumbaValueError, NumbaNotImplementedError, NumbaTypeError, NumbaDeprecationWarning) from numba.cpython.unsafe.tuple import tuple_setitem def _check_blas(): # Checks if a BLAS is available so e.g. dot will work try: ensure_blas() except ImportError: return False return True _HAVE_BLAS = _check_blas() @intrinsic def _create_tuple_result_shape(tyctx, shape_list, shape_tuple): """ This routine converts shape list where the axis dimension has already been popped to a tuple for indexing of the same size. The original shape tuple is also required because it contains a length field at compile time whereas the shape list does not. """ # The new tuple's size is one less than the original tuple since axis # dimension removed. nd = len(shape_tuple) - 1 # The return type of this intrinsic is an int tuple of length nd. tupty = types.UniTuple(types.intp, nd) # The function signature for this intrinsic. function_sig = tupty(shape_list, shape_tuple) def codegen(cgctx, builder, signature, args): lltupty = cgctx.get_value_type(tupty) # Create an empty int tuple. tup = cgutils.get_null_value(lltupty) # Get the shape list from the args and we don't need shape tuple. [in_shape, _] = args def array_indexer(a, i): return a[i] # loop to fill the tuple for i in range(nd): dataidx = cgctx.get_constant(types.intp, i) # compile and call array_indexer data = cgctx.compile_internal(builder, array_indexer, types.intp(shape_list, types.intp), [in_shape, dataidx]) tup = builder.insert_value(tup, data, i) return tup return function_sig, codegen @intrinsic def _gen_index_tuple(tyctx, shape_tuple, value, axis): """ Generates a tuple that can be used to index a specific slice from an array for sum with axis. shape_tuple is the size of the dimensions of the input array. 'value' is the value to put in the indexing tuple in the axis dimension and 'axis' is that dimension. For this to work, axis has to be a const. """ if not isinstance(axis, types.Literal): raise RequireLiteralValue('axis argument must be a constant') # Get the value of the axis constant. axis_value = axis.literal_value # The length of the indexing tuple to be output. nd = len(shape_tuple) # If the axis value is impossible for the given size array then # just fake it like it was for axis 0. This will stop compile errors # when it looks like it could be called from array_sum_axis but really # can't because that routine checks the axis mismatch and raise an # exception. if axis_value >= nd: axis_value = 0 # Calculate the type of the indexing tuple. All the non-axis # dimensions have slice2 type and the axis dimension has int type. before = axis_value after = nd - before - 1 types_list = [] types_list += [types.slice2_type] * before types_list += [types.intp] types_list += [types.slice2_type] * after # Creates the output type of the function. tupty = types.Tuple(types_list) # Defines the signature of the intrinsic. function_sig = tupty(shape_tuple, value, axis) def codegen(cgctx, builder, signature, args): lltupty = cgctx.get_value_type(tupty) # Create an empty indexing tuple. tup = cgutils.get_null_value(lltupty) # We only need value of the axis dimension here. # The rest are constants defined above. [_, value_arg, _] = args def create_full_slice(): return slice(None, None) # loop to fill the tuple with slice(None,None) before # the axis dimension. # compile and call create_full_slice slice_data = cgctx.compile_internal(builder, create_full_slice, types.slice2_type(), []) for i in range(0, axis_value): tup = builder.insert_value(tup, slice_data, i) # Add the axis dimension 'value'. tup = builder.insert_value(tup, value_arg, axis_value) # loop to fill the tuple with slice(None,None) after # the axis dimension. for i in range(axis_value + 1, nd): tup = builder.insert_value(tup, slice_data, i) return tup return function_sig, codegen #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic stats and aggregates @lower_builtin(np.sum, types.Array) @lower_builtin("array.sum", types.Array) def array_sum(context, builder, sig, args): zero = sig.return_type(0) def array_sum_impl(arr): c = zero for v in np.nditer(arr): c += v.item() return c res = context.compile_internal(builder, array_sum_impl, sig, args, locals=dict(c=sig.return_type)) return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res) @register_jitable def _array_sum_axis_nop(arr, v): return arr def gen_sum_axis_impl(is_axis_const, const_axis_val, op, zero): def inner(arr, axis): """ function that performs sums over one specific axis The third parameter to gen_index_tuple that generates the indexing tuples has to be a const so we can't just pass "axis" through since that isn't const. We can check for specific values and have different instances that do take consts. Supporting axis summation only up to the fourth dimension for now. typing/arraydecl.py:sum_expand defines the return type for sum with axis. It is one dimension less than the input array. """ ndim = arr.ndim if not is_axis_const: # Catch where axis is negative or greater than 3. if axis < 0 or axis > 3: raise ValueError("Numba does not support sum with axis " "parameter outside the range 0 to 3.") # Catch the case where the user misspecifies the axis to be # more than the number of the array's dimensions. if axis >= ndim: raise ValueError("axis is out of bounds for array") # Convert the shape of the input array to a list. ashape = list(arr.shape) # Get the length of the axis dimension. axis_len = ashape[axis] # Remove the axis dimension from the list of dimensional lengths. ashape.pop(axis) # Convert this shape list back to a tuple using above intrinsic. ashape_without_axis = _create_tuple_result_shape(ashape, arr.shape) # Tuple needed here to create output array with correct size. result = np.full(ashape_without_axis, zero, type(zero)) # Iterate through the axis dimension. for axis_index in range(axis_len): if is_axis_const: # constant specialized version works for any valid axis value index_tuple_generic = _gen_index_tuple(arr.shape, axis_index, const_axis_val) result += arr[index_tuple_generic] else: # Generate a tuple used to index the input array. # The tuple is ":" in all dimensions except the axis # dimension where it is "axis_index". if axis == 0: index_tuple1 = _gen_index_tuple(arr.shape, axis_index, 0) result += arr[index_tuple1] elif axis == 1: index_tuple2 = _gen_index_tuple(arr.shape, axis_index, 1) result += arr[index_tuple2] elif axis == 2: index_tuple3 = _gen_index_tuple(arr.shape, axis_index, 2) result += arr[index_tuple3] elif axis == 3: index_tuple4 = _gen_index_tuple(arr.shape, axis_index, 3) result += arr[index_tuple4] return op(result, 0) return inner @lower_builtin(np.sum, types.Array, types.intp, types.DTypeSpec) @lower_builtin(np.sum, types.Array, types.IntegerLiteral, types.DTypeSpec) @lower_builtin("array.sum", types.Array, types.intp, types.DTypeSpec) @lower_builtin("array.sum", types.Array, types.IntegerLiteral, types.DTypeSpec) def array_sum_axis_dtype(context, builder, sig, args): retty = sig.return_type zero = getattr(retty, 'dtype', retty)(0) # if the return is scalar in type then "take" the 0th element of the # 0d array accumulator as the return value if getattr(retty, 'ndim', None) is None: op = np.take else: op = _array_sum_axis_nop [ty_array, ty_axis, ty_dtype] = sig.args is_axis_const = False const_axis_val = 0 if isinstance(ty_axis, types.Literal): # this special-cases for constant axis const_axis_val = ty_axis.literal_value # fix negative axis if const_axis_val < 0: const_axis_val = ty_array.ndim + const_axis_val if const_axis_val < 0 or const_axis_val > ty_array.ndim: raise ValueError("'axis' entry is out of bounds") ty_axis = context.typing_context.resolve_value_type(const_axis_val) axis_val = context.get_constant(ty_axis, const_axis_val) # rewrite arguments args = args[0], axis_val, args[2] # rewrite sig sig = sig.replace(args=[ty_array, ty_axis, ty_dtype]) is_axis_const = True gen_impl = gen_sum_axis_impl(is_axis_const, const_axis_val, op, zero) compiled = register_jitable(gen_impl) def array_sum_impl_axis(arr, axis, dtype): return compiled(arr, axis) res = context.compile_internal(builder, array_sum_impl_axis, sig, args) return impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type, res) @lower_builtin(np.sum, types.Array, types.DTypeSpec) @lower_builtin("array.sum", types.Array, types.DTypeSpec) def array_sum_dtype(context, builder, sig, args): zero = sig.return_type(0) def array_sum_impl(arr, dtype): c = zero for v in np.nditer(arr): c += v.item() return c res = context.compile_internal(builder, array_sum_impl, sig, args, locals=dict(c=sig.return_type)) return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res) @lower_builtin(np.sum, types.Array, types.intp) @lower_builtin(np.sum, types.Array, types.IntegerLiteral) @lower_builtin("array.sum", types.Array, types.intp) @lower_builtin("array.sum", types.Array, types.IntegerLiteral) def array_sum_axis(context, builder, sig, args): retty = sig.return_type zero = getattr(retty, 'dtype', retty)(0) # if the return is scalar in type then "take" the 0th element of the # 0d array accumulator as the return value if getattr(retty, 'ndim', None) is None: op = np.take else: op = _array_sum_axis_nop [ty_array, ty_axis] = sig.args is_axis_const = False const_axis_val = 0 if isinstance(ty_axis, types.Literal): # this special-cases for constant axis const_axis_val = ty_axis.literal_value # fix negative axis if const_axis_val < 0: const_axis_val = ty_array.ndim + const_axis_val if const_axis_val < 0 or const_axis_val > ty_array.ndim: msg = f"'axis' entry ({const_axis_val}) is out of bounds" raise NumbaValueError(msg) ty_axis = context.typing_context.resolve_value_type(const_axis_val) axis_val = context.get_constant(ty_axis, const_axis_val) # rewrite arguments args = args[0], axis_val # rewrite sig sig = sig.replace(args=[ty_array, ty_axis]) is_axis_const = True gen_impl = gen_sum_axis_impl(is_axis_const, const_axis_val, op, zero) compiled = register_jitable(gen_impl) def array_sum_impl_axis(arr, axis): return compiled(arr, axis) res = context.compile_internal(builder, array_sum_impl_axis, sig, args) return impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type, res) def get_accumulator(dtype, value): if dtype.type == np.timedelta64: acc_init = np.int64(value).view(dtype) else: acc_init = dtype.type(value) return acc_init @overload(np.prod) @overload_method(types.Array, "prod") def array_prod(a): if isinstance(a, types.Array): dtype = as_dtype(a.dtype) acc_init = get_accumulator(dtype, 1) def array_prod_impl(a): c = acc_init for v in np.nditer(a): c *= v.item() return c return array_prod_impl @overload(np.cumsum) @overload_method(types.Array, "cumsum") def array_cumsum(a): if isinstance(a, types.Array): is_integer = a.dtype in types.signed_domain is_bool = a.dtype == types.bool_ if (is_integer and a.dtype.bitwidth < types.intp.bitwidth)\ or is_bool: dtype = as_dtype(types.intp) else: dtype = as_dtype(a.dtype) acc_init = get_accumulator(dtype, 0) def array_cumsum_impl(a): out = np.empty(a.size, dtype) c = acc_init for idx, v in enumerate(a.flat): c += v out[idx] = c return out return array_cumsum_impl @overload(np.cumprod) @overload_method(types.Array, "cumprod") def array_cumprod(a): if isinstance(a, types.Array): is_integer = a.dtype in types.signed_domain is_bool = a.dtype == types.bool_ if (is_integer and a.dtype.bitwidth < types.intp.bitwidth)\ or is_bool: dtype = as_dtype(types.intp) else: dtype = as_dtype(a.dtype) acc_init = get_accumulator(dtype, 1) def array_cumprod_impl(a): out = np.empty(a.size, dtype) c = acc_init for idx, v in enumerate(a.flat): c *= v out[idx] = c return out return array_cumprod_impl @overload(np.mean) @overload_method(types.Array, "mean") def array_mean(a): if isinstance(a, types.Array): is_number = a.dtype in types.integer_domain | frozenset([types.bool_]) if is_number: dtype = as_dtype(types.float64) else: dtype = as_dtype(a.dtype) acc_init = get_accumulator(dtype, 0) def array_mean_impl(a): # Can't use the naive `arr.sum() / arr.size`, as it would return # a wrong result on integer sum overflow. c = acc_init for v in np.nditer(a): c += v.item() return c / a.size return array_mean_impl @overload(np.var) @overload_method(types.Array, "var") def array_var(a): if isinstance(a, types.Array): def array_var_impl(a): # Compute the mean m = a.mean() # Compute the sum of square diffs ssd = 0 for v in np.nditer(a): val = (v.item() - m) ssd += np.real(val * np.conj(val)) return ssd / a.size return array_var_impl @overload(np.std) @overload_method(types.Array, "std") def array_std(a): if isinstance(a, types.Array): def array_std_impl(a): return a.var() ** 0.5 return array_std_impl @register_jitable def min_comparator(a, min_val): return a < min_val @register_jitable def max_comparator(a, min_val): return a > min_val @register_jitable def return_false(a): return False @overload(np.min) @overload(np.amin) @overload_method(types.Array, "min") def npy_min(a): if not isinstance(a, types.Array): return if isinstance(a.dtype, (types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)): pre_return_func = np.isnat comparator = min_comparator elif isinstance(a.dtype, types.Complex): pre_return_func = return_false def comp_func(a, min_val): if a.real < min_val.real: return True elif a.real == min_val.real: if a.imag < min_val.imag: return True return False comparator = register_jitable(comp_func) elif isinstance(a.dtype, types.Float): pre_return_func = np.isnan comparator = min_comparator else: pre_return_func = return_false comparator = min_comparator def impl_min(a): if a.size == 0: raise ValueError("zero-size array to reduction operation " "minimum which has no identity") it = np.nditer(a) min_value = next(it).take(0) if pre_return_func(min_value): return min_value for view in it: v = view.item() if pre_return_func(v): return v if comparator(v, min_value): min_value = v return min_value return impl_min @overload(np.max) @overload(np.amax) @overload_method(types.Array, "max") def npy_max(a): if not isinstance(a, types.Array): return if isinstance(a.dtype, (types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)): pre_return_func = np.isnat comparator = max_comparator elif isinstance(a.dtype, types.Complex): pre_return_func = return_false def comp_func(a, max_val): if a.real > max_val.real: return True elif a.real == max_val.real: if a.imag > max_val.imag: return True return False comparator = register_jitable(comp_func) elif isinstance(a.dtype, types.Float): pre_return_func = np.isnan comparator = max_comparator else: pre_return_func = return_false comparator = max_comparator def impl_max(a): if a.size == 0: raise ValueError("zero-size array to reduction operation " "maximum which has no identity") it = np.nditer(a) max_value = next(it).take(0) if pre_return_func(max_value): return max_value for view in it: v = view.item() if pre_return_func(v): return v if comparator(v, max_value): max_value = v return max_value return impl_max @register_jitable def array_argmin_impl_datetime(arry): if arry.size == 0: raise ValueError("attempt to get argmin of an empty sequence") it = np.nditer(arry) min_value = next(it).take(0) min_idx = 0 if np.isnat(min_value): return min_idx idx = 1 for view in it: v = view.item() if np.isnat(v): return idx if v < min_value: min_value = v min_idx = idx idx += 1 return min_idx @register_jitable def array_argmin_impl_float(arry): if arry.size == 0: raise ValueError("attempt to get argmin of an empty sequence") for v in arry.flat: min_value = v min_idx = 0 break if np.isnan(min_value): return min_idx idx = 0 for v in arry.flat: if np.isnan(v): return idx if v < min_value: min_value = v min_idx = idx idx += 1 return min_idx @register_jitable def array_argmin_impl_generic(arry): if arry.size == 0: raise ValueError("attempt to get argmin of an empty sequence") for v in arry.flat: min_value = v min_idx = 0 break else: raise RuntimeError('unreachable') idx = 0 for v in arry.flat: if v < min_value: min_value = v min_idx = idx idx += 1 return min_idx @overload(np.argmin) @overload_method(types.Array, "argmin") def array_argmin(a, axis=None): if isinstance(a.dtype, (types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)): flatten_impl = array_argmin_impl_datetime elif isinstance(a.dtype, types.Float): flatten_impl = array_argmin_impl_float else: flatten_impl = array_argmin_impl_generic if is_nonelike(axis): def array_argmin_impl(a, axis=None): return flatten_impl(a) else: array_argmin_impl = build_argmax_or_argmin_with_axis_impl( a, axis, flatten_impl ) return array_argmin_impl @register_jitable def array_argmax_impl_datetime(arry): if arry.size == 0: raise ValueError("attempt to get argmax of an empty sequence") it = np.nditer(arry) max_value = next(it).take(0) max_idx = 0 if np.isnat(max_value): return max_idx idx = 1 for view in it: v = view.item() if np.isnat(v): return idx if v > max_value: max_value = v max_idx = idx idx += 1 return max_idx @register_jitable def array_argmax_impl_float(arry): if arry.size == 0: raise ValueError("attempt to get argmax of an empty sequence") for v in arry.flat: max_value = v max_idx = 0 break if np.isnan(max_value): return max_idx idx = 0 for v in arry.flat: if np.isnan(v): return idx if v > max_value: max_value = v max_idx = idx idx += 1 return max_idx @register_jitable def array_argmax_impl_generic(arry): if arry.size == 0: raise ValueError("attempt to get argmax of an empty sequence") for v in arry.flat: max_value = v max_idx = 0 break idx = 0 for v in arry.flat: if v > max_value: max_value = v max_idx = idx idx += 1 return max_idx def build_argmax_or_argmin_with_axis_impl(a, axis, flatten_impl): """ Given a function that implements the logic for handling a flattened array, return the implementation function. """ check_is_integer(axis, "axis") retty = types.intp tuple_buffer = tuple(range(a.ndim)) def impl(a, axis=None): if axis < 0: axis = a.ndim + axis if axis < 0 or axis >= a.ndim: raise ValueError("axis is out of bounds") # Short circuit 1-dimensional arrays: if a.ndim == 1: return flatten_impl(a) # Make chosen axis the last axis: tmp = tuple_buffer for i in range(axis, a.ndim - 1): tmp = tuple_setitem(tmp, i, i + 1) transpose_index = tuple_setitem(tmp, a.ndim - 1, axis) transposed_arr = a.transpose(transpose_index) # Flatten along that axis; since we've transposed, we can just get # batches off the overall flattened array. m = transposed_arr.shape[-1] raveled = transposed_arr.ravel() assert raveled.size == a.size assert transposed_arr.size % m == 0 out = np.empty(transposed_arr.size // m, retty) for i in range(out.size): out[i] = flatten_impl(raveled[i * m:(i + 1) * m]) # Reshape based on axis we didn't flatten over: return out.reshape(transposed_arr.shape[:-1]) return impl @overload(np.argmax) @overload_method(types.Array, "argmax") def array_argmax(a, axis=None): if isinstance(a.dtype, (types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)): flatten_impl = array_argmax_impl_datetime elif isinstance(a.dtype, types.Float): flatten_impl = array_argmax_impl_float else: flatten_impl = array_argmax_impl_generic if is_nonelike(axis): def array_argmax_impl(a, axis=None): return flatten_impl(a) else: array_argmax_impl = build_argmax_or_argmin_with_axis_impl( a, axis, flatten_impl ) return array_argmax_impl @overload(np.all) @overload_method(types.Array, "all") def np_all(a): def flat_all(a): for v in np.nditer(a): if not v.item(): return False return True return flat_all @register_jitable def _allclose_scalars(a_v, b_v, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): a_v_isnan = np.isnan(a_v) b_v_isnan = np.isnan(b_v) # only one of the values is NaN and the # other is not. if ( (not a_v_isnan and b_v_isnan) or (a_v_isnan and not b_v_isnan) ): return False # either both of the values are NaN # or both are numbers if a_v_isnan and b_v_isnan: if not equal_nan: return False else: if np.isinf(a_v) or np.isinf(b_v): return a_v == b_v if np.abs(a_v - b_v) > atol + rtol * np.abs(b_v * 1.0): return False return True @overload(np.allclose) @overload_method(types.Array, "allclose") def np_allclose(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): if not type_can_asarray(a): raise TypingError('The first argument "a" must be array-like') if not type_can_asarray(b): raise TypingError('The second argument "b" must be array-like') if not isinstance(rtol, (float, types.Float)): raise TypingError('The third argument "rtol" must be a ' 'floating point') if not isinstance(atol, (float, types.Float)): raise TypingError('The fourth argument "atol" must be a ' 'floating point') if not isinstance(equal_nan, (bool, types.Boolean)): raise TypingError('The fifth argument "equal_nan" must be a ' 'boolean') is_a_scalar = isinstance(a, types.Number) is_b_scalar = isinstance(b, types.Number) if is_a_scalar and is_b_scalar: def np_allclose_impl_scalar_scalar(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): return _allclose_scalars(a, b, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan) return np_allclose_impl_scalar_scalar elif is_a_scalar and not is_b_scalar: def np_allclose_impl_scalar_array(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): b = np.asarray(b) for bv in np.nditer(b): if not _allclose_scalars(a, bv.item(), rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan): return False return True return np_allclose_impl_scalar_array elif not is_a_scalar and is_b_scalar: def np_allclose_impl_array_scalar(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): a = np.asarray(a) for av in np.nditer(a): if not _allclose_scalars(av.item(), b, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan): return False return True return np_allclose_impl_array_scalar elif not is_a_scalar and not is_b_scalar: def np_allclose_impl_array_array(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): a = np.asarray(a) b = np.asarray(b) a_a, b_b = np.broadcast_arrays(a, b) for av, bv in np.nditer((a_a, b_b)): if not _allclose_scalars(av.item(), bv.item(), rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan): return False return True return np_allclose_impl_array_array @overload(np.any) @overload_method(types.Array, "any") def np_any(a): def flat_any(a): for v in np.nditer(a): if v.item(): return True return False return flat_any @overload(np.average) def np_average(a, axis=None, weights=None): if weights is None or isinstance(weights, types.NoneType): def np_average_impl(a, axis=None, weights=None): arr = np.asarray(a) return np.mean(arr) else: if axis is None or isinstance(axis, types.NoneType): def np_average_impl(a, axis=None, weights=None): arr = np.asarray(a) weights = np.asarray(weights) if arr.shape != weights.shape: if axis is None: raise TypeError( "Numba does not support average when shapes of " "a and weights differ.") if weights.ndim != 1: raise TypeError( "1D weights expected when shapes of " "a and weights differ.") scl = np.sum(weights) if scl == 0.0: raise ZeroDivisionError( "Weights sum to zero, can't be normalized.") avg = np.sum(np.multiply(arr, weights)) / scl return avg else: def np_average_impl(a, axis=None, weights=None): raise TypeError("Numba does not support average with axis.") return np_average_impl def get_isnan(dtype): """ A generic isnan() function """ if isinstance(dtype, (types.Float, types.Complex)): return np.isnan else: @register_jitable def _trivial_isnan(x): return False return _trivial_isnan @overload(np.iscomplex) def np_iscomplex(x): if type_can_asarray(x): # NumPy uses asanyarray here! return lambda x: np.asarray(x).imag != 0 return None @overload(np.isreal) def np_isreal(x): if type_can_asarray(x): # NumPy uses asanyarray here! return lambda x: np.asarray(x).imag == 0 return None @overload(np.iscomplexobj) def iscomplexobj(x): # Implementation based on NumPy # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/d9b1e32cb8ef90d6b4a47853241db2a28146a57d/numpy/lib/type_check.py#L282-L320 dt = determine_dtype(x) if isinstance(x, types.Optional): dt = determine_dtype(x.type) iscmplx = np.issubdtype(dt, np.complexfloating) if isinstance(x, types.Optional): def impl(x): if x is None: return False return iscmplx else: def impl(x): return iscmplx return impl @overload(np.isrealobj) def isrealobj(x): # Return True if x is not a complex type. # Implementation based on NumPy # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/ccfbcc1cd9a4035a467f2e982a565ab27de25b6b/numpy/lib/type_check.py#L290-L322 def impl(x): return not np.iscomplexobj(x) return impl @overload(np.isscalar) def np_isscalar(element): res = type_is_scalar(element) def impl(element): return res return impl def is_np_inf_impl(x, out, fn): # if/else branch should be unified after PR #5606 is merged if is_nonelike(out): def impl(x, out=None): return np.logical_and(np.isinf(x), fn(np.signbit(x))) else: def impl(x, out=None): return np.logical_and(np.isinf(x), fn(np.signbit(x)), out) return impl @overload(np.isneginf) def isneginf(x, out=None): fn = register_jitable(lambda x: x) return is_np_inf_impl(x, out, fn) @overload(np.isposinf) def isposinf(x, out=None): fn = register_jitable(lambda x: ~x) return is_np_inf_impl(x, out, fn) @register_jitable def less_than(a, b): return a < b @register_jitable def greater_than(a, b): return a > b @register_jitable def check_array(a): if a.size == 0: raise ValueError('zero-size array to reduction operation not possible') def nan_min_max_factory(comparison_op, is_complex_dtype): if is_complex_dtype: def impl(a): arr = np.asarray(a) check_array(arr) it = np.nditer(arr) return_val = next(it).take(0) for view in it: v = view.item() if np.isnan(return_val.real) and not np.isnan(v.real): return_val = v else: if comparison_op(v.real, return_val.real): return_val = v elif v.real == return_val.real: if comparison_op(v.imag, return_val.imag): return_val = v return return_val else: def impl(a): arr = np.asarray(a) check_array(arr) it = np.nditer(arr) return_val = next(it).take(0) for view in it: v = view.item() if not np.isnan(v): if not comparison_op(return_val, v): return_val = v return return_val return impl real_nanmin = register_jitable( nan_min_max_factory(less_than, is_complex_dtype=False) ) real_nanmax = register_jitable( nan_min_max_factory(greater_than, is_complex_dtype=False) ) complex_nanmin = register_jitable( nan_min_max_factory(less_than, is_complex_dtype=True) ) complex_nanmax = register_jitable( nan_min_max_factory(greater_than, is_complex_dtype=True) ) @register_jitable def _isclose_item(x, y, rtol, atol, equal_nan): if np.isnan(x) and np.isnan(y): return equal_nan elif np.isinf(x) and np.isinf(y): return (x > 0) == (y > 0) elif np.isinf(x) or np.isinf(y): return False else: return abs(x - y) <= atol + rtol * abs(y) @overload(np.isclose) def isclose(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): if not type_can_asarray(a): raise TypingError('The first argument "a" must be array-like') if not type_can_asarray(b): raise TypingError('The second argument "b" must be array-like') if not isinstance(rtol, (float, types.Float)): raise TypingError('The third argument "rtol" must be a ' 'floating point') if not isinstance(atol, (float, types.Float)): raise TypingError('The fourth argument "atol" must be a ' 'floating point') if not isinstance(equal_nan, (bool, types.Boolean)): raise TypingError('The fifth argument "equal_nan" must be a ' 'boolean') if isinstance(a, types.Array) and isinstance(b, types.Number): def isclose_impl(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): x = a.reshape(-1) y = b out = np.zeros(len(x), np.bool_) for i in range(len(out)): out[i] = _isclose_item(x[i], y, rtol, atol, equal_nan) return out.reshape(a.shape) elif isinstance(a, types.Number) and isinstance(b, types.Array): def isclose_impl(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): x = a y = b.reshape(-1) out = np.zeros(len(y), np.bool_) for i in range(len(out)): out[i] = _isclose_item(x, y[i], rtol, atol, equal_nan) return out.reshape(b.shape) elif isinstance(a, types.Array) and isinstance(b, types.Array): def isclose_impl(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): shape = np.broadcast_shapes(a.shape, b.shape) a_ = np.broadcast_to(a, shape) b_ = np.broadcast_to(b, shape) out = np.zeros(len(a_), dtype=np.bool_) for i, (av, bv) in enumerate(np.nditer((a_, b_))): out[i] = _isclose_item(av.item(), bv.item(), rtol, atol, equal_nan) return np.broadcast_to(out, shape) else: def isclose_impl(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): return _isclose_item(a, b, rtol, atol, equal_nan) return isclose_impl @overload(np.nanmin) def np_nanmin(a): dt = determine_dtype(a) if np.issubdtype(dt, np.complexfloating): return complex_nanmin else: return real_nanmin @overload(np.nanmax) def np_nanmax(a): dt = determine_dtype(a) if np.issubdtype(dt, np.complexfloating): return complex_nanmax else: return real_nanmax @overload(np.nanmean) def np_nanmean(a): if not isinstance(a, types.Array): return isnan = get_isnan(a.dtype) def nanmean_impl(a): c = 0.0 count = 0 for view in np.nditer(a): v = view.item() if not isnan(v): c += v.item() count += 1 # np.divide() doesn't raise ZeroDivisionError return np.divide(c, count) return nanmean_impl @overload(np.nanvar) def np_nanvar(a): if not isinstance(a, types.Array): return isnan = get_isnan(a.dtype) def nanvar_impl(a): # Compute the mean m = np.nanmean(a) # Compute the sum of square diffs ssd = 0.0 count = 0 for view in np.nditer(a): v = view.item() if not isnan(v): val = (v.item() - m) ssd += np.real(val * np.conj(val)) count += 1 # np.divide() doesn't raise ZeroDivisionError return np.divide(ssd, count) return nanvar_impl @overload(np.nanstd) def np_nanstd(a): if not isinstance(a, types.Array): return def nanstd_impl(a): return np.nanvar(a) ** 0.5 return nanstd_impl @overload(np.nansum) def np_nansum(a): if not isinstance(a, types.Array): return if isinstance(a.dtype, types.Integer): retty = types.intp else: retty = a.dtype zero = retty(0) isnan = get_isnan(a.dtype) def nansum_impl(a): c = zero for view in np.nditer(a): v = view.item() if not isnan(v): c += v return c return nansum_impl @overload(np.nanprod) def np_nanprod(a): if not isinstance(a, types.Array): return if isinstance(a.dtype, types.Integer): retty = types.intp else: retty = a.dtype one = retty(1) isnan = get_isnan(a.dtype) def nanprod_impl(a): c = one for view in np.nditer(a): v = view.item() if not isnan(v): c *= v return c return nanprod_impl @overload(np.nancumprod) def np_nancumprod(a): if not isinstance(a, types.Array): return if isinstance(a.dtype, (types.Boolean, types.Integer)): # dtype cannot possibly contain NaN return lambda a: np.cumprod(a) else: retty = a.dtype is_nan = get_isnan(retty) one = retty(1) def nancumprod_impl(a): out = np.empty(a.size, retty) c = one for idx, v in enumerate(a.flat): if ~is_nan(v): c *= v out[idx] = c return out return nancumprod_impl @overload(np.nancumsum) def np_nancumsum(a): if not isinstance(a, types.Array): return if isinstance(a.dtype, (types.Boolean, types.Integer)): # dtype cannot possibly contain NaN return lambda a: np.cumsum(a) else: retty = a.dtype is_nan = get_isnan(retty) zero = retty(0) def nancumsum_impl(a): out = np.empty(a.size, retty) c = zero for idx, v in enumerate(a.flat): if ~is_nan(v): c += v out[idx] = c return out return nancumsum_impl @register_jitable def prepare_ptp_input(a): arr = _asarray(a) if len(arr) == 0: raise ValueError('zero-size array reduction not possible') else: return arr def _compute_current_val_impl_gen(op, current_val, val): if isinstance(current_val, types.Complex): # The sort order for complex numbers is lexicographic. If both the # real and imaginary parts are non-nan then the order is determined # by the real parts except when they are equal, in which case the # order is determined by the imaginary parts. # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/577a86e/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py#L874-L877 # noqa: E501 def impl(current_val, val): if op(val.real, current_val.real): return val elif (val.real == current_val.real and op(val.imag, current_val.imag)): return val return current_val else: def impl(current_val, val): return val if op(val, current_val) else current_val return impl def _compute_a_max(current_val, val): pass def _compute_a_min(current_val, val): pass @overload(_compute_a_max) def _compute_a_max_impl(current_val, val): return _compute_current_val_impl_gen(operator.gt, current_val, val) @overload(_compute_a_min) def _compute_a_min_impl(current_val, val): return _compute_current_val_impl_gen(operator.lt, current_val, val) def _early_return(val): pass @overload(_early_return) def _early_return_impl(val): UNUSED = 0 if isinstance(val, types.Complex): def impl(val): if np.isnan(val.real): if np.isnan(val.imag): return True, np.nan + np.nan * 1j else: return True, np.nan + 0j else: return False, UNUSED elif isinstance(val, types.Float): def impl(val): if np.isnan(val): return True, np.nan else: return False, UNUSED else: def impl(val): return False, UNUSED return impl @overload_method(types.Array, 'ptp') @overload(np.ptp) def np_ptp(a): if hasattr(a, 'dtype'): if isinstance(a.dtype, types.Boolean): raise TypingError("Boolean dtype is unsupported (as per NumPy)") # Numpy raises a TypeError def np_ptp_impl(a): arr = prepare_ptp_input(a) a_flat = arr.flat a_min = a_flat[0] a_max = a_flat[0] for i in range(arr.size): val = a_flat[i] take_branch, retval = _early_return(val) if take_branch: return retval a_max = _compute_a_max(a_max, val) a_min = _compute_a_min(a_min, val) return a_max - a_min return np_ptp_impl #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Median and partitioning @register_jitable def nan_aware_less_than(a, b): if np.isnan(a): return False else: if np.isnan(b): return True else: return a < b def _partition_factory(pivotimpl, argpartition=False): def _partition(A, low, high, I=None): mid = (low + high) >> 1 # NOTE: the pattern of swaps below for the pivot choice and the # partitioning gives good results (i.e. regular O(n log n)) # on sorted, reverse-sorted, and uniform arrays. Subtle changes # risk breaking this property. # Use median of three {low, middle, high} as the pivot if pivotimpl(A[mid], A[low]): A[low], A[mid] = A[mid], A[low] if argpartition: I[low], I[mid] = I[mid], I[low] if pivotimpl(A[high], A[mid]): A[high], A[mid] = A[mid], A[high] if argpartition: I[high], I[mid] = I[mid], I[high] if pivotimpl(A[mid], A[low]): A[low], A[mid] = A[mid], A[low] if argpartition: I[low], I[mid] = I[mid], I[low] pivot = A[mid] A[high], A[mid] = A[mid], A[high] if argpartition: I[high], I[mid] = I[mid], I[high] i = low j = high - 1 while True: while i < high and pivotimpl(A[i], pivot): i += 1 while j >= low and pivotimpl(pivot, A[j]): j -= 1 if i >= j: break A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i] if argpartition: I[i], I[j] = I[j], I[i] i += 1 j -= 1 # Put the pivot back in its final place (all items before `i` # are smaller than the pivot, all items at/after `i` are larger) A[i], A[high] = A[high], A[i] if argpartition: I[i], I[high] = I[high], I[i] return i return _partition _partition = register_jitable(_partition_factory(less_than)) _partition_w_nan = register_jitable(_partition_factory(nan_aware_less_than)) _argpartition_w_nan = register_jitable(_partition_factory( nan_aware_less_than, argpartition=True) ) def _select_factory(partitionimpl): def _select(arry, k, low, high, idx=None): """ Select the k'th smallest element in array[low:high + 1]. """ i = partitionimpl(arry, low, high, idx) while i != k: if i < k: low = i + 1 i = partitionimpl(arry, low, high, idx) else: high = i - 1 i = partitionimpl(arry, low, high, idx) return arry[k] return _select _select = register_jitable(_select_factory(_partition)) _select_w_nan = register_jitable(_select_factory(_partition_w_nan)) _arg_select_w_nan = register_jitable(_select_factory(_argpartition_w_nan)) @register_jitable def _select_two(arry, k, low, high): """ Select the k'th and k+1'th smallest elements in array[low:high + 1]. This is significantly faster than doing two independent selections for k and k+1. """ while True: assert high > low # by construction i = _partition(arry, low, high) if i < k: low = i + 1 elif i > k + 1: high = i - 1 elif i == k: _select(arry, k + 1, i + 1, high) break else: # i == k + 1 _select(arry, k, low, i - 1) break return arry[k], arry[k + 1] @register_jitable def _median_inner(temp_arry, n): """ The main logic of the median() call. *temp_arry* must be disposable, as this function will mutate it. """ low = 0 high = n - 1 half = n >> 1 if n & 1 == 0: a, b = _select_two(temp_arry, half - 1, low, high) return (a + b) / 2 else: return _select(temp_arry, half, low, high) @overload(np.median) def np_median(a): if not isinstance(a, types.Array): return def median_impl(a): # np.median() works on the flattened array, and we need a temporary # workspace anyway temp_arry = a.flatten() n = temp_arry.shape[0] return _median_inner(temp_arry, n) return median_impl @register_jitable def _collect_percentiles_inner(a, q): #TODO: This needs rewriting to be closer to NumPy, particularly the nan/inf # handling which is generally subject to algorithmic changes. n = len(a) if n == 1: # single element array; output same for all percentiles out = np.full(len(q), a[0], dtype=np.float64) else: out = np.empty(len(q), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(len(q)): percentile = q[i] # bypass pivoting where requested percentile is 100 if percentile == 100: val = np.max(a) # heuristics to handle infinite values a la NumPy if ~np.all(np.isfinite(a)): if ~np.isfinite(val): val = np.nan # bypass pivoting where requested percentile is 0 elif percentile == 0: val = np.min(a) # convoluted heuristics to handle infinite values a la NumPy if ~np.all(np.isfinite(a)): num_pos_inf = np.sum(a == np.inf) num_neg_inf = np.sum(a == -np.inf) num_finite = n - (num_neg_inf + num_pos_inf) if num_finite == 0: val = np.nan if num_pos_inf == 1 and n == 2: val = np.nan if num_neg_inf > 1: val = np.nan if num_finite == 1: if num_pos_inf > 1: if num_neg_inf != 1: val = np.nan else: # linear interp between closest ranks rank = 1 + (n - 1) * np.true_divide(percentile, 100.0) f = math.floor(rank) m = rank - f lower, upper = _select_two(a, k=int(f - 1), low=0, high=(n - 1)) val = lower * (1 - m) + upper * m out[i] = val return out @register_jitable def _can_collect_percentiles(a, nan_mask, skip_nan): if skip_nan: a = a[~nan_mask] if len(a) == 0: return False # told to skip nan, but no elements remain else: if np.any(nan_mask): return False # told *not* to skip nan, but nan encountered if len(a) == 1: # single element array val = a[0] return np.isfinite(val) # can collect percentiles if element is finite else: return True @register_jitable def check_valid(q, q_upper_bound): valid = True # avoid expensive reductions where possible if q.ndim == 1 and q.size < 10: for i in range(q.size): if q[i] < 0.0 or q[i] > q_upper_bound or np.isnan(q[i]): valid = False break else: if np.any(np.isnan(q)) or np.any(q < 0.0) or np.any(q > q_upper_bound): valid = False return valid @register_jitable def percentile_is_valid(q): if not check_valid(q, q_upper_bound=100.0): raise ValueError('Percentiles must be in the range [0, 100]') @register_jitable def quantile_is_valid(q): if not check_valid(q, q_upper_bound=1.0): raise ValueError('Quantiles must be in the range [0, 1]') @register_jitable def _collect_percentiles(a, q, check_q, factor, skip_nan): q = np.asarray(q, dtype=np.float64).flatten() check_q(q) q = q * factor temp_arry = np.asarray(a, dtype=np.float64).flatten() nan_mask = np.isnan(temp_arry) if _can_collect_percentiles(temp_arry, nan_mask, skip_nan): temp_arry = temp_arry[~nan_mask] out = _collect_percentiles_inner(temp_arry, q) else: out = np.full(len(q), np.nan) return out def _percentile_quantile_inner(a, q, skip_nan, factor, check_q): """ The underlying algorithm to find percentiles and quantiles is the same, hence we converge onto the same code paths in this inner function implementation """ dt = determine_dtype(a) if np.issubdtype(dt, np.complexfloating): raise TypingError('Not supported for complex dtype') # this could be supported, but would require a # lexicographic comparison def np_percentile_q_scalar_impl(a, q): return _collect_percentiles(a, q, check_q, factor, skip_nan)[0] def np_percentile_impl(a, q): return _collect_percentiles(a, q, check_q, factor, skip_nan) if isinstance(q, (types.Number, types.Boolean)): return np_percentile_q_scalar_impl elif isinstance(q, types.Array) and q.ndim == 0: return np_percentile_q_scalar_impl else: return np_percentile_impl @overload(np.percentile) def np_percentile(a, q): return _percentile_quantile_inner( a, q, skip_nan=False, factor=1.0, check_q=percentile_is_valid ) @overload(np.nanpercentile) def np_nanpercentile(a, q): return _percentile_quantile_inner( a, q, skip_nan=True, factor=1.0, check_q=percentile_is_valid ) @overload(np.quantile) def np_quantile(a, q): return _percentile_quantile_inner( a, q, skip_nan=False, factor=100.0, check_q=quantile_is_valid ) @overload(np.nanquantile) def np_nanquantile(a, q): return _percentile_quantile_inner( a, q, skip_nan=True, factor=100.0, check_q=quantile_is_valid ) @overload(np.nanmedian) def np_nanmedian(a): if not isinstance(a, types.Array): return isnan = get_isnan(a.dtype) def nanmedian_impl(a): # Create a temporary workspace with only non-NaN values temp_arry = np.empty(a.size, a.dtype) n = 0 for view in np.nditer(a): v = view.item() if not isnan(v): temp_arry[n] = v n += 1 # all NaNs if n == 0: return np.nan return _median_inner(temp_arry, n) return nanmedian_impl @register_jitable def np_partition_impl_inner(a, kth_array): # allocate and fill empty array rather than copy a and mutate in place # as the latter approach fails to preserve strides out = np.empty_like(a) idx = np.ndindex(a.shape[:-1]) # Numpy default partition axis is -1 for s in idx: arry = a[s].copy() low = 0 high = len(arry) - 1 for kth in kth_array: _select_w_nan(arry, kth, low, high) low = kth # narrow span of subsequent partition out[s] = arry return out @register_jitable def np_argpartition_impl_inner(a, kth_array): # allocate and fill empty array rather than copy a and mutate in place # as the latter approach fails to preserve strides out = np.empty_like(a, dtype=np.intp) idx = np.ndindex(a.shape[:-1]) # Numpy default partition axis is -1 for s in idx: arry = a[s].copy() idx_arry = np.arange(len(arry)) low = 0 high = len(arry) - 1 for kth in kth_array: _arg_select_w_nan(arry, kth, low, high, idx_arry) low = kth # narrow span of subsequent partition out[s] = idx_arry return out @register_jitable def valid_kths(a, kth): """ Returns a sorted, unique array of kth values which serve as indexers for partitioning the input array, a. If the absolute value of any of the provided values is greater than a.shape[-1] an exception is raised since we are partitioning along the last axis (per Numpy default behaviour). Values less than 0 are transformed to equivalent positive index values. """ # cast boolean to int, where relevant kth_array = _asarray(kth).astype(np.int64) if kth_array.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('kth must be scalar or 1-D') # numpy raises ValueError: object too deep for desired array if np.any(np.abs(kth_array) >= a.shape[-1]): raise ValueError("kth out of bounds") out = np.empty_like(kth_array) for index, val in np.ndenumerate(kth_array): if val < 0: out[index] = val + a.shape[-1] # equivalent positive index else: out[index] = val return np.unique(out) @overload(np.partition) def np_partition(a, kth): if not isinstance(a, (types.Array, types.Sequence, types.Tuple)): raise TypeError('The first argument must be an array-like') if isinstance(a, types.Array) and a.ndim == 0: raise TypeError('The first argument must be at least 1-D (found 0-D)') kthdt = getattr(kth, 'dtype', kth) if not isinstance(kthdt, (types.Boolean, types.Integer)): # bool gets cast to int subsequently raise TypeError('Partition index must be integer') def np_partition_impl(a, kth): a_tmp = _asarray(a) if a_tmp.size == 0: return a_tmp.copy() else: kth_array = valid_kths(a_tmp, kth) return np_partition_impl_inner(a_tmp, kth_array) return np_partition_impl @overload(np.argpartition) def np_argpartition(a, kth): if not isinstance(a, (types.Array, types.Sequence, types.Tuple)): raise TypeError('The first argument must be an array-like') if isinstance(a, types.Array) and a.ndim == 0: raise TypeError('The first argument must be at least 1-D (found 0-D)') kthdt = getattr(kth, 'dtype', kth) if not isinstance(kthdt, (types.Boolean, types.Integer)): # bool gets cast to int subsequently raise TypeError('Partition index must be integer') def np_argpartition_impl(a, kth): a_tmp = _asarray(a) if a_tmp.size == 0: return a_tmp.copy().astype('intp') else: kth_array = valid_kths(a_tmp, kth) return np_argpartition_impl_inner(a_tmp, kth_array) return np_argpartition_impl #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Building matrices @register_jitable def _tri_impl(N, M, k): shape = max(0, N), max(0, M) # numpy floors each dimension at 0 out = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.float64) # numpy default dtype for i in range(shape[0]): m_max = min(max(0, i + k + 1), shape[1]) out[i, :m_max] = 1 out[i, m_max:] = 0 return out @overload(np.tri) def np_tri(N, M=None, k=0): # we require k to be integer, unlike numpy check_is_integer(k, 'k') def tri_impl(N, M=None, k=0): if M is None: M = N return _tri_impl(N, M, k) return tri_impl @register_jitable def _make_square(m): """ Takes a 1d array and tiles it to form a square matrix - i.e. a facsimile of np.tile(m, (len(m), 1)) """ assert m.ndim == 1 len_m = len(m) out = np.empty((len_m, len_m), dtype=m.dtype) for i in range(len_m): out[i] = m return out @register_jitable def np_tril_impl_2d(m, k=0): mask = np.tri(m.shape[-2], M=m.shape[-1], k=k).astype(np.uint) return np.where(mask, m, np.zeros_like(m, dtype=m.dtype)) @overload(np.tril) def my_tril(m, k=0): # we require k to be integer, unlike numpy check_is_integer(k, 'k') def np_tril_impl_1d(m, k=0): m_2d = _make_square(m) return np_tril_impl_2d(m_2d, k) def np_tril_impl_multi(m, k=0): mask = np.tri(m.shape[-2], M=m.shape[-1], k=k).astype(np.uint) idx = np.ndindex(m.shape[:-2]) z = np.empty_like(m) zero_opt = np.zeros_like(mask, dtype=m.dtype) for sel in idx: z[sel] = np.where(mask, m[sel], zero_opt) return z if m.ndim == 1: return np_tril_impl_1d elif m.ndim == 2: return np_tril_impl_2d else: return np_tril_impl_multi @overload(np.tril_indices) def np_tril_indices(n, k=0, m=None): # we require integer arguments, unlike numpy check_is_integer(n, 'n') check_is_integer(k, 'k') if not is_nonelike(m): check_is_integer(m, 'm') def np_tril_indices_impl(n, k=0, m=None): return np.nonzero(np.tri(n, m, k=k)) return np_tril_indices_impl @overload(np.tril_indices_from) def np_tril_indices_from(arr, k=0): # we require k to be integer, unlike numpy check_is_integer(k, 'k') if arr.ndim != 2: raise TypingError("input array must be 2-d") def np_tril_indices_from_impl(arr, k=0): return np.tril_indices(arr.shape[0], k=k, m=arr.shape[1]) return np_tril_indices_from_impl @register_jitable def np_triu_impl_2d(m, k=0): mask = np.tri(m.shape[-2], M=m.shape[-1], k=k - 1).astype(np.uint) return np.where(mask, np.zeros_like(m, dtype=m.dtype), m) @overload(np.triu) def my_triu(m, k=0): # we require k to be integer, unlike numpy check_is_integer(k, 'k') def np_triu_impl_1d(m, k=0): m_2d = _make_square(m) return np_triu_impl_2d(m_2d, k) def np_triu_impl_multi(m, k=0): mask = np.tri(m.shape[-2], M=m.shape[-1], k=k - 1).astype(np.uint) idx = np.ndindex(m.shape[:-2]) z = np.empty_like(m) zero_opt = np.zeros_like(mask, dtype=m.dtype) for sel in idx: z[sel] = np.where(mask, zero_opt, m[sel]) return z if m.ndim == 1: return np_triu_impl_1d elif m.ndim == 2: return np_triu_impl_2d else: return np_triu_impl_multi @overload(np.triu_indices) def np_triu_indices(n, k=0, m=None): # we require integer arguments, unlike numpy check_is_integer(n, 'n') check_is_integer(k, 'k') if not is_nonelike(m): check_is_integer(m, 'm') def np_triu_indices_impl(n, k=0, m=None): return np.nonzero(1 - np.tri(n, m, k=k - 1)) return np_triu_indices_impl @overload(np.triu_indices_from) def np_triu_indices_from(arr, k=0): # we require k to be integer, unlike numpy check_is_integer(k, 'k') if arr.ndim != 2: raise TypingError("input array must be 2-d") def np_triu_indices_from_impl(arr, k=0): return np.triu_indices(arr.shape[0], k=k, m=arr.shape[1]) return np_triu_indices_from_impl def _prepare_array(arr): pass @overload(_prepare_array) def _prepare_array_impl(arr): if arr in (None, types.none): return lambda arr: np.array(()) else: return lambda arr: _asarray(arr).ravel() def _dtype_of_compound(inobj): obj = inobj while True: if isinstance(obj, (types.Number, types.Boolean)): return as_dtype(obj) l = getattr(obj, '__len__', None) if l is not None and l() == 0: # empty tuple or similar return np.float64 dt = getattr(obj, 'dtype', None) if dt is None: raise TypeError("type has no dtype attr") if isinstance(obj, types.Sequence): obj = obj.dtype else: return as_dtype(dt) @overload(np.ediff1d) def np_ediff1d(ary, to_end=None, to_begin=None): if isinstance(ary, types.Array): if isinstance(ary.dtype, types.Boolean): raise NumbaTypeError("Boolean dtype is unsupported (as per NumPy)") # Numpy tries to do this: return ary[1:] - ary[:-1] which # results in a TypeError exception being raised # Check that to_end and to_begin are compatible with ary ary_dt = _dtype_of_compound(ary) to_begin_dt = None if not (is_nonelike(to_begin)): to_begin_dt = _dtype_of_compound(to_begin) to_end_dt = None if not (is_nonelike(to_end)): to_end_dt = _dtype_of_compound(to_end) if to_begin_dt is not None and not np.can_cast(to_begin_dt, ary_dt): msg = "dtype of to_begin must be compatible with input ary" raise NumbaTypeError(msg) if to_end_dt is not None and not np.can_cast(to_end_dt, ary_dt): msg = "dtype of to_end must be compatible with input ary" raise NumbaTypeError(msg) def np_ediff1d_impl(ary, to_end=None, to_begin=None): # transform each input into an equivalent 1d array start = _prepare_array(to_begin) mid = _prepare_array(ary) end = _prepare_array(to_end) out_dtype = mid.dtype # output array dtype determined by ary dtype, per NumPy # (for the most part); an exception to the rule is a zero length # array-like, where NumPy falls back to np.float64; this behaviour # is *not* replicated if len(mid) > 0: out = np.empty((len(start) + len(mid) + len(end) - 1), dtype=out_dtype) start_idx = len(start) mid_idx = len(start) + len(mid) - 1 out[:start_idx] = start out[start_idx:mid_idx] = np.diff(mid) out[mid_idx:] = end else: out = np.empty((len(start) + len(end)), dtype=out_dtype) start_idx = len(start) out[:start_idx] = start out[start_idx:] = end return out return np_ediff1d_impl def _select_element(arr): pass @overload(_select_element) def _select_element_impl(arr): zerod = getattr(arr, 'ndim', None) == 0 if zerod: def impl(arr): x = np.array((1,), dtype=arr.dtype) x[:] = arr return x[0] return impl else: def impl(arr): return arr return impl def _get_d(dx, x): pass @overload(_get_d) def get_d_impl(x, dx): if is_nonelike(x): def impl(x, dx): return np.asarray(dx) else: def impl(x, dx): return np.diff(np.asarray(x)) return impl @overload(np.trapz) def np_trapz(y, x=None, dx=1.0): if isinstance(y, (types.Number, types.Boolean)): raise TypingError('y cannot be a scalar') elif isinstance(y, types.Array) and y.ndim == 0: raise TypingError('y cannot be 0D') # NumPy raises IndexError: list assignment index out of range # inspired by: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/7ee52003/numpy/lib/function_base.py#L4040-L4065 # noqa: E501 def impl(y, x=None, dx=1.0): yarr = np.asarray(y) d = _get_d(x, dx) y_ave = (yarr[..., slice(1, None)] + yarr[..., slice(None, -1)]) / 2.0 ret = np.sum(d * y_ave, -1) processed = _select_element(ret) return processed return impl @register_jitable def _np_vander(x, N, increasing, out): """ Generate an N-column Vandermonde matrix from a supplied 1-dimensional array, x. Store results in an output matrix, out, which is assumed to be of the required dtype. Values are accumulated using np.multiply to match the floating point precision behaviour of numpy.vander. """ m, n = out.shape assert m == len(x) assert n == N if increasing: for i in range(N): if i == 0: out[:, i] = 1 else: out[:, i] = np.multiply(x, out[:, (i - 1)]) else: for i in range(N - 1, -1, -1): if i == N - 1: out[:, i] = 1 else: out[:, i] = np.multiply(x, out[:, (i + 1)]) @register_jitable def _check_vander_params(x, N): if x.ndim > 1: raise ValueError('x must be a one-dimensional array or sequence.') if N < 0: raise ValueError('Negative dimensions are not allowed') @overload(np.vander) def np_vander(x, N=None, increasing=False): if N not in (None, types.none): if not isinstance(N, types.Integer): raise TypingError('Second argument N must be None or an integer') def np_vander_impl(x, N=None, increasing=False): if N is None: N = len(x) _check_vander_params(x, N) # allocate output matrix using dtype determined in closure out = np.empty((len(x), int(N)), dtype=dtype) _np_vander(x, N, increasing, out) return out def np_vander_seq_impl(x, N=None, increasing=False): if N is None: N = len(x) x_arr = np.array(x) _check_vander_params(x_arr, N) # allocate output matrix using dtype inferred when x_arr was created out = np.empty((len(x), int(N)), dtype=x_arr.dtype) _np_vander(x_arr, N, increasing, out) return out if isinstance(x, types.Array): x_dt = as_dtype(x.dtype) # replicate numpy behaviour w.r.t.type promotion dtype = np.promote_types(x_dt, int) return np_vander_impl elif isinstance(x, (types.Tuple, types.Sequence)): return np_vander_seq_impl @overload(np.roll) def np_roll(a, shift): if not isinstance(shift, (types.Integer, types.Boolean)): raise TypingError('shift must be an integer') def np_roll_impl(a, shift): arr = np.asarray(a) out = np.empty(arr.shape, dtype=arr.dtype) # empty_like might result in different contiguity vs NumPy arr_flat = arr.flat for i in range(arr.size): idx = (i + shift) % arr.size out.flat[idx] = arr_flat[i] return out if isinstance(a, (types.Number, types.Boolean)): return lambda a, shift: np.asarray(a) else: return np_roll_impl #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mathematical functions LIKELY_IN_CACHE_SIZE = 8 @register_jitable def binary_search_with_guess(key, arr, length, guess): # NOTE: Do not refactor... see note in np_interp function impl below # this is a facsimile of binary_search_with_guess prior to 1.15: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/maintenance/1.15.x/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c # noqa: E501 # Permanent reference: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/3430d78c01a3b9a19adad75f1acb5ae18286da73/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c#L447 # noqa: E501 imin = 0 imax = length # Handle keys outside of the arr range first if key > arr[length - 1]: return length elif key < arr[0]: return -1 # If len <= 4 use linear search. # From above we know key >= arr[0] when we start. if length <= 4: i = 1 while i < length and key >= arr[i]: i += 1 return i - 1 if guess > length - 3: guess = length - 3 if guess < 1: guess = 1 # check most likely values: guess - 1, guess, guess + 1 if key < arr[guess]: if key < arr[guess - 1]: imax = guess - 1 # last attempt to restrict search to items in cache if guess > LIKELY_IN_CACHE_SIZE and \ key >= arr[guess - LIKELY_IN_CACHE_SIZE]: imin = guess - LIKELY_IN_CACHE_SIZE else: # key >= arr[guess - 1] return guess - 1 else: # key >= arr[guess] if key < arr[guess + 1]: return guess else: # key >= arr[guess + 1] if key < arr[guess + 2]: return guess + 1 else: # key >= arr[guess + 2] imin = guess + 2 # last attempt to restrict search to items in cache if (guess < (length - LIKELY_IN_CACHE_SIZE - 1)) and \ (key < arr[guess + LIKELY_IN_CACHE_SIZE]): imax = guess + LIKELY_IN_CACHE_SIZE # finally, find index by bisection while imin < imax: imid = imin + ((imax - imin) >> 1) if key >= arr[imid]: imin = imid + 1 else: imax = imid return imin - 1 @register_jitable def np_interp_impl_complex_inner(x, xp, fp, dtype): # NOTE: Do not refactor... see note in np_interp function impl below # this is a facsimile of arr_interp_complex post 1.16 with added # branching to support np1.17 style NaN handling. # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/maintenance/1.16.x/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c # noqa: E501 # Permanent reference: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/971e2e89d08deeae0139d3011d15646fdac13c92/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c#L628 # noqa: E501 dz = np.asarray(x) dx = np.asarray(xp) dy = np.asarray(fp) if len(dx) == 0: raise ValueError('array of sample points is empty') if len(dx) != len(dy): raise ValueError('fp and xp are not of the same size.') if dx.size == 1: return np.full(dz.shape, fill_value=dy[0], dtype=dtype) dres = np.empty(dz.shape, dtype=dtype) lenx = dz.size lenxp = len(dx) lval = dy[0] rval = dy[lenxp - 1] if lenxp == 1: xp_val = dx[0] fp_val = dy[0] for i in range(lenx): x_val = dz.flat[i] if x_val < xp_val: dres.flat[i] = lval elif x_val > xp_val: dres.flat[i] = rval else: dres.flat[i] = fp_val else: j = 0 # only pre-calculate slopes if there are relatively few of them. if lenxp <= lenx: slopes = np.empty((lenxp - 1), dtype=dtype) else: slopes = np.empty(0, dtype=dtype) if slopes.size: for i in range(lenxp - 1): inv_dx = 1 / (dx[i + 1] - dx[i]) real = (dy[i + 1].real - dy[i].real) * inv_dx imag = (dy[i + 1].imag - dy[i].imag) * inv_dx slopes[i] = real + 1j * imag for i in range(lenx): x_val = dz.flat[i] if np.isnan(x_val): real = x_val imag = 0.0 dres.flat[i] = real + 1j * imag continue j = binary_search_with_guess(x_val, dx, lenxp, j) if j == -1: dres.flat[i] = lval elif j == lenxp: dres.flat[i] = rval elif j == lenxp - 1: dres.flat[i] = dy[j] elif dx[j] == x_val: # Avoid potential non-finite interpolation dres.flat[i] = dy[j] else: if slopes.size: slope = slopes[j] else: inv_dx = 1 / (dx[j + 1] - dx[j]) real = (dy[j + 1].real - dy[j].real) * inv_dx imag = (dy[j + 1].imag - dy[j].imag) * inv_dx slope = real + 1j * imag # NumPy 1.17 handles NaN correctly - this is a copy of # innermost part of arr_interp_complex post 1.17: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/maintenance/1.17.x/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c # noqa: E501 # Permanent reference: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/91fbe4dde246559fa5b085ebf4bc268e2b89eea8/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c#L798-L812 # noqa: E501 # If we get NaN in one direction, try the other real = slope.real * (x_val - dx[j]) + dy[j].real if np.isnan(real): real = slope.real * (x_val - dx[j + 1]) + dy[j + 1].real if np.isnan(real) and dy[j].real == dy[j + 1].real: real = dy[j].real imag = slope.imag * (x_val - dx[j]) + dy[j].imag if np.isnan(imag): imag = slope.imag * (x_val - dx[j + 1]) + dy[j + 1].imag if np.isnan(imag) and dy[j].imag == dy[j + 1].imag: imag = dy[j].imag dres.flat[i] = real + 1j * imag return dres @register_jitable def np_interp_impl_inner(x, xp, fp, dtype): # NOTE: Do not refactor... see note in np_interp function impl below # this is a facsimile of arr_interp post 1.16: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/maintenance/1.16.x/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c # noqa: E501 # Permanent reference: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/971e2e89d08deeae0139d3011d15646fdac13c92/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c#L473 # noqa: E501 dz = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) dx = np.asarray(xp, dtype=np.float64) dy = np.asarray(fp, dtype=np.float64) if len(dx) == 0: raise ValueError('array of sample points is empty') if len(dx) != len(dy): raise ValueError('fp and xp are not of the same size.') if dx.size == 1: return np.full(dz.shape, fill_value=dy[0], dtype=dtype) dres = np.empty(dz.shape, dtype=dtype) lenx = dz.size lenxp = len(dx) lval = dy[0] rval = dy[lenxp - 1] if lenxp == 1: xp_val = dx[0] fp_val = dy[0] for i in range(lenx): x_val = dz.flat[i] if x_val < xp_val: dres.flat[i] = lval elif x_val > xp_val: dres.flat[i] = rval else: dres.flat[i] = fp_val else: j = 0 # only pre-calculate slopes if there are relatively few of them. if lenxp <= lenx: slopes = (dy[1:] - dy[:-1]) / (dx[1:] - dx[:-1]) else: slopes = np.empty(0, dtype=dtype) for i in range(lenx): x_val = dz.flat[i] if np.isnan(x_val): dres.flat[i] = x_val continue j = binary_search_with_guess(x_val, dx, lenxp, j) if j == -1: dres.flat[i] = lval elif j == lenxp: dres.flat[i] = rval elif j == lenxp - 1: dres.flat[i] = dy[j] elif dx[j] == x_val: # Avoid potential non-finite interpolation dres.flat[i] = dy[j] else: if slopes.size: slope = slopes[j] else: slope = (dy[j + 1] - dy[j]) / (dx[j + 1] - dx[j]) dres.flat[i] = slope * (x_val - dx[j]) + dy[j] # NOTE: this is in np1.17 # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/maintenance/1.17.x/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c # noqa: E501 # Permanent reference: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/91fbe4dde246559fa5b085ebf4bc268e2b89eea8/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c#L610-L616 # noqa: E501 # # If we get nan in one direction, try the other if np.isnan(dres.flat[i]): dres.flat[i] = slope * (x_val - dx[j + 1]) + dy[j + 1] # noqa: E501 if np.isnan(dres.flat[i]) and dy[j] == dy[j + 1]: dres.flat[i] = dy[j] return dres @overload(np.interp) def np_interp(x, xp, fp): # Replicating basic interp is relatively simple, but matching the behaviour # of NumPy for edge cases is really quite hard. After a couple of attempts # to avoid translation of the C source it was deemed necessary. if hasattr(xp, 'ndim') and xp.ndim > 1: raise TypingError('xp must be 1D') if hasattr(fp, 'ndim') and fp.ndim > 1: raise TypingError('fp must be 1D') complex_dtype_msg = ( "Cannot cast array data from complex dtype to float64 dtype" ) xp_dt = determine_dtype(xp) if np.issubdtype(xp_dt, np.complexfloating): raise TypingError(complex_dtype_msg) fp_dt = determine_dtype(fp) dtype = np.result_type(fp_dt, np.float64) if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating): inner = np_interp_impl_complex_inner else: inner = np_interp_impl_inner def np_interp_impl(x, xp, fp): return inner(x, xp, fp, dtype) def np_interp_scalar_impl(x, xp, fp): return inner(x, xp, fp, dtype).flat[0] if isinstance(x, types.Number): if isinstance(x, types.Complex): raise TypingError(complex_dtype_msg) return np_interp_scalar_impl return np_interp_impl #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Statistics @register_jitable def row_wise_average(a): assert a.ndim == 2 m, n = a.shape out = np.empty((m, 1), dtype=a.dtype) for i in range(m): out[i, 0] = np.sum(a[i, :]) / n return out @register_jitable def np_cov_impl_inner(X, bias, ddof): # determine degrees of freedom if ddof is None: if bias: ddof = 0 else: ddof = 1 # determine the normalization factor fact = X.shape[1] - ddof # numpy warns if less than 0 and floors at 0 fact = max(fact, 0.0) # de-mean X -= row_wise_average(X) # calculate result - requires blas c = np.dot(X, np.conj(X.T)) c *= np.true_divide(1, fact) return c def _prepare_cov_input_inner(): pass @overload(_prepare_cov_input_inner) def _prepare_cov_input_impl(m, y, rowvar, dtype): if y in (None, types.none): def _prepare_cov_input_inner(m, y, rowvar, dtype): m_arr = np.atleast_2d(_asarray(m)) if not rowvar: m_arr = m_arr.T return m_arr else: def _prepare_cov_input_inner(m, y, rowvar, dtype): m_arr = np.atleast_2d(_asarray(m)) y_arr = np.atleast_2d(_asarray(y)) # transpose if asked to and not a (1, n) vector - this looks # wrong as you might end up transposing one and not the other, # but it's what numpy does if not rowvar: if m_arr.shape[0] != 1: m_arr = m_arr.T if y_arr.shape[0] != 1: y_arr = y_arr.T m_rows, m_cols = m_arr.shape y_rows, y_cols = y_arr.shape if m_cols != y_cols: raise ValueError("m and y have incompatible dimensions") # allocate and fill output array out = np.empty((m_rows + y_rows, m_cols), dtype=dtype) out[:m_rows, :] = m_arr out[-y_rows:, :] = y_arr return out return _prepare_cov_input_inner @register_jitable def _handle_m_dim_change(m): if m.ndim == 2 and m.shape[0] == 1: msg = ("2D array containing a single row is unsupported due to " "ambiguity in type inference. To use numpy.cov in this case " "simply pass the row as a 1D array, i.e. m[0].") raise RuntimeError(msg) _handle_m_dim_nop = register_jitable(lambda x: x) def determine_dtype(array_like): array_like_dt = np.float64 if isinstance(array_like, types.Array): array_like_dt = as_dtype(array_like.dtype) elif isinstance(array_like, (types.Number, types.Boolean)): array_like_dt = as_dtype(array_like) elif isinstance(array_like, (types.UniTuple, types.Tuple)): coltypes = set() for val in array_like: if hasattr(val, 'count'): [coltypes.add(v) for v in val] else: coltypes.add(val) if len(coltypes) > 1: array_like_dt = np.promote_types(*[as_dtype(ty) for ty in coltypes]) elif len(coltypes) == 1: array_like_dt = as_dtype(coltypes.pop()) return array_like_dt def check_dimensions(array_like, name): if isinstance(array_like, types.Array): if array_like.ndim > 2: raise TypeError("{0} has more than 2 dimensions".format(name)) elif isinstance(array_like, types.Sequence): if isinstance(array_like.key[0], types.Sequence): if isinstance(array_like.key[0].key[0], types.Sequence): raise TypeError("{0} has more than 2 dimensions".format(name)) @register_jitable def _handle_ddof(ddof): if not np.isfinite(ddof): raise ValueError('Cannot convert non-finite ddof to integer') if ddof - int(ddof) != 0: raise ValueError('ddof must be integral value') _handle_ddof_nop = register_jitable(lambda x: x) @register_jitable def _prepare_cov_input(m, y, rowvar, dtype, ddof, _DDOF_HANDLER, _M_DIM_HANDLER): _M_DIM_HANDLER(m) _DDOF_HANDLER(ddof) return _prepare_cov_input_inner(m, y, rowvar, dtype) def scalar_result_expected(mandatory_input, optional_input): opt_is_none = optional_input in (None, types.none) if isinstance(mandatory_input, types.Array) and mandatory_input.ndim == 1: return opt_is_none if isinstance(mandatory_input, types.BaseTuple): if all(isinstance(x, (types.Number, types.Boolean)) for x in mandatory_input.types): return opt_is_none else: if (len(mandatory_input.types) == 1 and isinstance(mandatory_input.types[0], types.BaseTuple)): return opt_is_none if isinstance(mandatory_input, (types.Number, types.Boolean)): return opt_is_none if isinstance(mandatory_input, types.Sequence): if (not isinstance(mandatory_input.key[0], types.Sequence) and opt_is_none): return True return False @register_jitable def _clip_corr(x): return np.where(np.fabs(x) > 1, np.sign(x), x) @register_jitable def _clip_complex(x): real = _clip_corr(x.real) imag = _clip_corr(x.imag) return real + 1j * imag @overload(np.cov) def np_cov(m, y=None, rowvar=True, bias=False, ddof=None): # reject problem if m and / or y are more than 2D check_dimensions(m, 'm') check_dimensions(y, 'y') # reject problem if ddof invalid (either upfront if type is # obviously invalid, or later if value found to be non-integral) if ddof in (None, types.none): _DDOF_HANDLER = _handle_ddof_nop else: if isinstance(ddof, (types.Integer, types.Boolean)): _DDOF_HANDLER = _handle_ddof_nop elif isinstance(ddof, types.Float): _DDOF_HANDLER = _handle_ddof else: raise TypingError('ddof must be a real numerical scalar type') # special case for 2D array input with 1 row of data - select # handler function which we'll call later when we have access # to the shape of the input array _M_DIM_HANDLER = _handle_m_dim_nop if isinstance(m, types.Array): _M_DIM_HANDLER = _handle_m_dim_change # infer result dtype m_dt = determine_dtype(m) y_dt = determine_dtype(y) dtype = np.result_type(m_dt, y_dt, np.float64) def np_cov_impl(m, y=None, rowvar=True, bias=False, ddof=None): X = _prepare_cov_input(m, y, rowvar, dtype, ddof, _DDOF_HANDLER, _M_DIM_HANDLER).astype(dtype) if np.any(np.array(X.shape) == 0): return np.full((X.shape[0], X.shape[0]), fill_value=np.nan, dtype=dtype) else: return np_cov_impl_inner(X, bias, ddof) def np_cov_impl_single_variable(m, y=None, rowvar=True, bias=False, ddof=None): X = _prepare_cov_input(m, y, rowvar, ddof, dtype, _DDOF_HANDLER, _M_DIM_HANDLER).astype(dtype) if np.any(np.array(X.shape) == 0): variance = np.nan else: variance = np_cov_impl_inner(X, bias, ddof).flat[0] return np.array(variance) if scalar_result_expected(m, y): return np_cov_impl_single_variable else: return np_cov_impl @overload(np.corrcoef) def np_corrcoef(x, y=None, rowvar=True): x_dt = determine_dtype(x) y_dt = determine_dtype(y) dtype = np.result_type(x_dt, y_dt, np.float64) if dtype == np.complex_: clip_fn = _clip_complex else: clip_fn = _clip_corr def np_corrcoef_impl(x, y=None, rowvar=True): c = np.cov(x, y, rowvar) d = np.diag(c) stddev = np.sqrt(d.real) for i in range(c.shape[0]): c[i, :] /= stddev c[:, i] /= stddev return clip_fn(c) def np_corrcoef_impl_single_variable(x, y=None, rowvar=True): c = np.cov(x, y, rowvar) return c / c if scalar_result_expected(x, y): return np_corrcoef_impl_single_variable else: return np_corrcoef_impl #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Element-wise computations @overload(np.argwhere) def np_argwhere(a): # needs to be much more array-like for the array impl to work, Numba bug # in one of the underlying function calls? use_scalar = isinstance(a, (types.Number, types.Boolean)) if type_can_asarray(a) and not use_scalar: def impl(a): arr = np.asarray(a) if arr.shape == (): return np.zeros((0, 1), dtype=types.intp) return np.transpose(np.vstack(np.nonzero(arr))) else: falseish = (0, 0) trueish = (1, 0) def impl(a): if a is not None and bool(a): return np.zeros(trueish, dtype=types.intp) else: return np.zeros(falseish, dtype=types.intp) return impl @overload(np.flatnonzero) def np_flatnonzero(a): if type_can_asarray(a): def impl(a): arr = np.asarray(a) return np.nonzero(np.ravel(arr))[0] else: def impl(a): if a is not None and bool(a): data = [0] else: data = [x for x in range(0)] return np.array(data, dtype=types.intp) return impl @register_jitable def _fill_diagonal_params(a, wrap): if a.ndim == 2: m = a.shape[0] n = a.shape[1] step = 1 + n if wrap: end = n * m else: end = n * min(m, n) else: shape = np.array(a.shape) if not np.all(np.diff(shape) == 0): raise ValueError("All dimensions of input must be of equal length") step = 1 + (np.cumprod(shape[:-1])).sum() end = shape.prod() return end, step @register_jitable def _fill_diagonal_scalar(a, val, wrap): end, step = _fill_diagonal_params(a, wrap) for i in range(0, end, step): a.flat[i] = val @register_jitable def _fill_diagonal(a, val, wrap): end, step = _fill_diagonal_params(a, wrap) ctr = 0 v_len = len(val) for i in range(0, end, step): a.flat[i] = val[ctr] ctr += 1 ctr = ctr % v_len @register_jitable def _check_val_int(a, val): iinfo = np.iinfo(a.dtype) v_min = iinfo.min v_max = iinfo.max # check finite values are within bounds if np.any(~np.isfinite(val)) or np.any(val < v_min) or np.any(val > v_max): raise ValueError('Unable to safely conform val to a.dtype') @register_jitable def _check_val_float(a, val): finfo = np.finfo(a.dtype) v_min = finfo.min v_max = finfo.max # check finite values are within bounds finite_vals = val[np.isfinite(val)] if np.any(finite_vals < v_min) or np.any(finite_vals > v_max): raise ValueError('Unable to safely conform val to a.dtype') # no check performed, needed for pathway where no check is required _check_nop = register_jitable(lambda x, y: x) def _asarray(x): pass @overload(_asarray) def _asarray_impl(x): if isinstance(x, types.Array): return lambda x: x elif isinstance(x, (types.Sequence, types.Tuple)): return lambda x: np.array(x) elif isinstance(x, (types.Number, types.Boolean)): ty = as_dtype(x) return lambda x: np.array([x], dtype=ty) @overload(np.fill_diagonal) def np_fill_diagonal(a, val, wrap=False): if a.ndim > 1: # the following can be simplified after #3088; until then, employ # a basic mechanism for catching cases where val is of a type/value # which cannot safely be cast to a.dtype if isinstance(a.dtype, types.Integer): checker = _check_val_int elif isinstance(a.dtype, types.Float): checker = _check_val_float else: checker = _check_nop def scalar_impl(a, val, wrap=False): tmpval = _asarray(val).flatten() checker(a, tmpval) _fill_diagonal_scalar(a, val, wrap) def non_scalar_impl(a, val, wrap=False): tmpval = _asarray(val).flatten() checker(a, tmpval) _fill_diagonal(a, tmpval, wrap) if isinstance(val, (types.Float, types.Integer, types.Boolean)): return scalar_impl elif isinstance(val, (types.Tuple, types.Sequence, types.Array)): return non_scalar_impl else: msg = "The first argument must be at least 2-D (found %s-D)" % a.ndim raise TypingError(msg) def _np_round_intrinsic(tp): # np.round() always rounds half to even return "llvm.rint.f%d" % (tp.bitwidth,) @intrinsic def _np_round_float(typingctx, val): sig = val(val) def codegen(context, builder, sig, args): [val] = args tp = sig.args[0] llty = context.get_value_type(tp) module = builder.module fnty = llvmlite.ir.FunctionType(llty, [llty]) fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(module, fnty, _np_round_intrinsic(tp)) res = builder.call(fn, (val,)) return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res) return sig, codegen @register_jitable def round_ndigits(x, ndigits): if math.isinf(x) or math.isnan(x): return x # NOTE: this is CPython's algorithm, but perhaps this is overkill # when emulating Numpy's behaviour. if ndigits >= 0: if ndigits > 22: # pow1 and pow2 are each safe from overflow, but # pow1*pow2 ~= pow(10.0, ndigits) might overflow. pow1 = 10.0 ** (ndigits - 22) pow2 = 1e22 else: pow1 = 10.0 ** ndigits pow2 = 1.0 y = (x * pow1) * pow2 if math.isinf(y): return x return (_np_round_float(y) / pow2) / pow1 else: pow1 = 10.0 ** (-ndigits) y = x / pow1 return _np_round_float(y) * pow1 @overload(np.around) @overload(np.round) @overload(np.round_) def impl_np_round(a, decimals=0, out=None): if not type_can_asarray(a): raise TypingError('The argument "a" must be array-like') if not (isinstance(out, types.Array) or is_nonelike(out)): msg = 'The argument "out" must be an array if it is provided' raise TypingError(msg) if isinstance(a, (types.Float, types.Integer, types.Complex)): if is_nonelike(out): if isinstance(a, types.Float): def impl(a, decimals=0, out=None): if decimals == 0: return _np_round_float(a) else: return round_ndigits(a, decimals) return impl elif isinstance(a, types.Integer): def impl(a, decimals=0, out=None): if decimals == 0: return a else: return int(round_ndigits(a, decimals)) return impl elif isinstance(a, types.Complex): def impl(a, decimals=0, out=None): if decimals == 0: real = _np_round_float(a.real) imag = _np_round_float(a.imag) else: real = round_ndigits(a.real, decimals) imag = round_ndigits(a.imag, decimals) return complex(real, imag) return impl else: def impl(a, decimals=0, out=None): out[0] = np.round(a, decimals) return out return impl elif isinstance(a, types.Array): if is_nonelike(out): def impl(a, decimals=0, out=None): out = np.empty_like(a) return np.round(a, decimals, out) return impl else: def impl(a, decimals=0, out=None): if a.shape != out.shape: raise ValueError("invalid output shape") for index, val in np.ndenumerate(a): out[index] = np.round(val, decimals) return out return impl @overload(np.sinc) def impl_np_sinc(x): if isinstance(x, types.Number): def impl(x): if x == 0.e0: # to match np impl x = 1e-20 x *= np.pi # np sinc is the normalised variant return np.sin(x) / x return impl elif isinstance(x, types.Array): def impl(x): out = np.zeros_like(x) for index, val in np.ndenumerate(x): out[index] = np.sinc(val) return out return impl else: raise NumbaTypeError('Argument "x" must be a Number or array-like.') @overload(np.angle) def ov_np_angle(z, deg=False): deg_mult = float(180 / np.pi) # non-complex scalar values are accepted as well if isinstance(z, types.Number): def impl(z, deg=False): if deg: return np.arctan2(z.imag, z.real) * deg_mult else: return np.arctan2(z.imag, z.real) return impl elif isinstance(z, types.Array): dtype = z.dtype if isinstance(dtype, types.Complex): ret_dtype = dtype.underlying_float elif isinstance(dtype, types.Float): ret_dtype = dtype else: return def impl(z, deg=False): out = np.zeros_like(z, dtype=ret_dtype) for index, val in np.ndenumerate(z): out[index] = np.angle(val, deg) return out return impl else: raise NumbaTypeError('Argument "z" must be a complex ' f'or Array[complex]. Got {z}') @lower_builtin(np.nonzero, types.Array) @lower_builtin("array.nonzero", types.Array) def array_nonzero(context, builder, sig, args): aryty = sig.args[0] # Return type is a N-tuple of 1D C-contiguous arrays retty = sig.return_type outaryty = retty.dtype nouts = retty.count ary = make_array(aryty)(context, builder, args[0]) shape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape) strides = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.strides) data = ary.data layout = aryty.layout # First count the number of non-zero elements zero = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0) one = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1) count = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, zero) with cgutils.loop_nest(builder, shape, zero.type) as indices: ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer2(context, builder, data, shape, strides, layout, indices) val = load_item(context, builder, aryty, ptr) nz = context.is_true(builder, aryty.dtype, val) with builder.if_then(nz): builder.store(builder.add(builder.load(count), one), count) # Then allocate output arrays of the right size out_shape = (builder.load(count),) outs = [_empty_nd_impl(context, builder, outaryty, out_shape)._getvalue() for i in range(nouts)] outarys = [make_array(outaryty)(context, builder, out) for out in outs] out_datas = [out.data for out in outarys] # And fill them up index = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, zero) with cgutils.loop_nest(builder, shape, zero.type) as indices: ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer2(context, builder, data, shape, strides, layout, indices) val = load_item(context, builder, aryty, ptr) nz = context.is_true(builder, aryty.dtype, val) with builder.if_then(nz): # Store element indices in output arrays if not indices: # For a 0-d array, store 0 in the unique output array indices = (zero,) cur = builder.load(index) for i in range(nouts): ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer2(context, builder, out_datas[i], out_shape, (), 'C', [cur]) store_item(context, builder, outaryty, indices[i], ptr) builder.store(builder.add(cur, one), index) tup = context.make_tuple(builder, sig.return_type, outs) return impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type, tup) def _where_zero_size_array_impl(dtype): def impl(condition, x, y): x_ = np.asarray(x).astype(dtype) y_ = np.asarray(y).astype(dtype) return x_ if condition else y_ return impl @register_jitable def _where_generic_inner_impl(cond, x, y, res): for idx, c in np.ndenumerate(cond): res[idx] = x[idx] if c else y[idx] return res @register_jitable def _where_fast_inner_impl(cond, x, y, res): cf = cond.flat xf = x.flat yf = y.flat rf = res.flat for i in range(cond.size): rf[i] = xf[i] if cf[i] else yf[i] return res def _where_generic_impl(dtype, layout): use_faster_impl = layout in [{'C'}, {'F'}] def impl(condition, x, y): cond1, x1, y1 = np.asarray(condition), np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y) shape = np.broadcast_shapes(cond1.shape, x1.shape, y1.shape) cond_ = np.broadcast_to(cond1, shape) x_ = np.broadcast_to(x1, shape) y_ = np.broadcast_to(y1, shape) if layout == 'F': res = np.empty(shape[::-1], dtype=dtype).T else: res = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype) if use_faster_impl: return _where_fast_inner_impl(cond_, x_, y_, res) else: return _where_generic_inner_impl(cond_, x_, y_, res) return impl @overload(np.where) def ov_np_where(condition): if not type_can_asarray(condition): msg = 'The argument "condition" must be array-like' raise NumbaTypeError(msg) def where_cond_none_none(condition): return np.asarray(condition).nonzero() return where_cond_none_none @overload(np.where) def ov_np_where_x_y(condition, x, y): if not type_can_asarray(condition): msg = 'The argument "condition" must be array-like' raise NumbaTypeError(msg) # corner case: None is a valid value for np.where: # >>> np.where([0, 1], None, 2) # array([None, 2]) # # >>> np.where([0, 1], 2, None) # array([2, None]) # # >>> np.where([0, 1], None, None) # array([None, None]) if is_nonelike(x) or is_nonelike(y): # skip it for now as np.asarray(None) is not supported raise NumbaTypeError('Argument "x" or "y" cannot be None') for arg, name in zip((x, y), ('x', 'y')): if not type_can_asarray(arg): msg = 'The argument "{}" must be array-like if provided' raise NumbaTypeError(msg.format(name)) cond_arr = isinstance(condition, types.Array) x_arr = isinstance(x, types.Array) y_arr = isinstance(y, types.Array) if cond_arr: x_dt = determine_dtype(x) y_dt = determine_dtype(y) dtype = np.promote_types(x_dt, y_dt) # corner case - 0 dim values def check_0_dim(arg): return isinstance(arg, types.Number) or ( isinstance(arg, types.Array) and arg.ndim == 0) special_0_case = all([check_0_dim(a) for a in (condition, x, y)]) if special_0_case: return _where_zero_size_array_impl(dtype) layout = condition.layout if x_arr and y_arr: if x.layout == y.layout == condition.layout: layout = x.layout else: layout = 'A' return _where_generic_impl(dtype, layout) else: def impl(condition, x, y): return np.where(np.asarray(condition), np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)) return impl @overload(np.real) def np_real(val): def np_real_impl(val): return val.real return np_real_impl @overload(np.imag) def np_imag(val): def np_imag_impl(val): return val.imag return np_imag_impl #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc functions @overload(operator.contains) def np_contains(arr, key): if not isinstance(arr, types.Array): return def np_contains_impl(arr, key): for x in np.nditer(arr): if x == key: return True return False return np_contains_impl @overload(np.count_nonzero) def np_count_nonzero(a, axis=None): if not type_can_asarray(a): raise TypingError("The argument to np.count_nonzero must be array-like") if is_nonelike(axis): def impl(a, axis=None): arr2 = np.ravel(a) return np.sum(arr2 != 0) return impl else: def impl(a, axis=None): arr2 = a.astype(np.bool_) return np.sum(arr2, axis=axis) return impl np_delete_handler_isslice = register_jitable(lambda x : x) np_delete_handler_isarray = register_jitable(lambda x : np.asarray(x)) @overload(np.delete) def np_delete(arr, obj): # Implementation based on numpy # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/af66e487a57bfd4850f4306e3b85d1dac3c70412/numpy/lib/function_base.py#L4065-L4267 # noqa: E501 if not isinstance(arr, (types.Array, types.Sequence)): raise TypingError("arr must be either an Array or a Sequence") if isinstance(obj, (types.Array, types.Sequence, types.SliceType)): if isinstance(obj, (types.SliceType)): handler = np_delete_handler_isslice else: if not isinstance(obj.dtype, types.Integer): raise TypingError('obj should be of Integer dtype') handler = np_delete_handler_isarray def np_delete_impl(arr, obj): arr = np.ravel(np.asarray(arr)) N = arr.size keep = np.ones(N, dtype=np.bool_) obj = handler(obj) keep[obj] = False return arr[keep] return np_delete_impl else: # scalar value if not isinstance(obj, types.Integer): raise TypingError('obj should be of Integer dtype') def np_delete_scalar_impl(arr, obj): arr = np.ravel(np.asarray(arr)) N = arr.size pos = obj if (pos < -N or pos >= N): raise IndexError('obj must be less than the len(arr)') # NumPy raises IndexError: index 'i' is out of # bounds for axis 'x' with size 'n' if (pos < 0): pos += N return np.concatenate((arr[:pos], arr[pos + 1:])) return np_delete_scalar_impl @overload(np.diff) def np_diff_impl(a, n=1): if not isinstance(a, types.Array) or a.ndim == 0: return def diff_impl(a, n=1): if n == 0: return a.copy() if n < 0: raise ValueError("diff(): order must be non-negative") size = a.shape[-1] out_shape = a.shape[:-1] + (max(size - n, 0),) out = np.empty(out_shape, a.dtype) if out.size == 0: return out # np.diff() works on each last dimension subarray independently. # To make things easier, normalize input and output into 2d arrays a2 = a.reshape((-1, size)) out2 = out.reshape((-1, out.shape[-1])) # A scratchpad for subarrays work = np.empty(size, a.dtype) for major in range(a2.shape[0]): # First iteration: diff a2 into work for i in range(size - 1): work[i] = a2[major, i + 1] - a2[major, i] # Other iterations: diff work into itself for niter in range(1, n): for i in range(size - niter - 1): work[i] = work[i + 1] - work[i] # Copy final diff into out2 out2[major] = work[:size - n] return out return diff_impl @overload(np.array_equal) def np_array_equal(a1, a2): if not (type_can_asarray(a1) and type_can_asarray(a2)): raise TypingError('Both arguments to "array_equals" must be array-like') accepted = (types.Boolean, types.Number) if isinstance(a1, accepted) and isinstance(a2, accepted): # special case def impl(a1, a2): return a1 == a2 else: def impl(a1, a2): a = np.asarray(a1) b = np.asarray(a2) if a.shape == b.shape: return np.all(a == b) return False return impl @overload(np.intersect1d) def jit_np_intersect1d(ar1, ar2): # Not implemented to support assume_unique or return_indices # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/v1.19.0/numpy/lib # /arraysetops.py#L347-L441 if not (type_can_asarray(ar1) or type_can_asarray(ar2)): raise TypingError('intersect1d: first two args must be array-like') def np_intersects1d_impl(ar1, ar2): ar1 = np.asarray(ar1) ar2 = np.asarray(ar2) ar1 = np.unique(ar1) ar2 = np.unique(ar2) aux = np.concatenate((ar1, ar2)) aux.sort() mask = aux[1:] == aux[:-1] int1d = aux[:-1][mask] return int1d return np_intersects1d_impl def validate_1d_array_like(func_name, seq): if isinstance(seq, types.Array): if seq.ndim != 1: raise TypeError("{0}(): input should have dimension 1" .format(func_name)) elif not isinstance(seq, types.Sequence): raise TypeError("{0}(): input should be an array or sequence" .format(func_name)) @overload(np.bincount) def np_bincount(a, weights=None, minlength=0): validate_1d_array_like("bincount", a) if not isinstance(a.dtype, types.Integer): return check_is_integer(minlength, 'minlength') if weights not in (None, types.none): validate_1d_array_like("bincount", weights) # weights is promoted to double in C impl # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/maintenance/1.16.x/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c#L93-L95 # noqa: E501 out_dtype = np.float64 @register_jitable def validate_inputs(a, weights, minlength): if len(a) != len(weights): raise ValueError("bincount(): weights and list don't have " "the same length") @register_jitable def count_item(out, idx, val, weights): out[val] += weights[idx] else: out_dtype = types.intp @register_jitable def validate_inputs(a, weights, minlength): pass @register_jitable def count_item(out, idx, val, weights): out[val] += 1 def bincount_impl(a, weights=None, minlength=0): validate_inputs(a, weights, minlength) if minlength < 0: raise ValueError("'minlength' must not be negative") n = len(a) a_max = a[0] if n > 0 else -1 for i in range(1, n): if a[i] < 0: raise ValueError("bincount(): first argument must be " "non-negative") a_max = max(a_max, a[i]) out_length = max(a_max + 1, minlength) out = np.zeros(out_length, out_dtype) for i in range(n): count_item(out, i, a[i], weights) return out return bincount_impl less_than_float = register_jitable(lt_floats) less_than_complex = register_jitable(lt_complex) @register_jitable def less_than_or_equal_complex(a, b): if np.isnan(a.real): if np.isnan(b.real): if np.isnan(a.imag): return np.isnan(b.imag) else: if np.isnan(b.imag): return True else: return a.imag <= b.imag else: return False else: if np.isnan(b.real): return True else: if np.isnan(a.imag): if np.isnan(b.imag): return a.real <= b.real else: return False else: if np.isnan(b.imag): return True else: if a.real < b.real: return True elif a.real == b.real: return a.imag <= b.imag return False @register_jitable def _less_than_or_equal(a, b): if isinstance(a, complex) or isinstance(b, complex): return less_than_or_equal_complex(a, b) elif isinstance(b, float): if np.isnan(b): return True return a <= b @register_jitable def _less_than(a, b): if isinstance(a, complex) or isinstance(b, complex): return less_than_complex(a, b) elif isinstance(b, float): return less_than_float(a, b) return a < b @register_jitable def _less_then_datetime64(a, b): # Original numpy code is at: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/3dad50936a8dc534a81a545365f69ee9ab162ffe/numpy/_core/src/npysort/npysort_common.h#L334-L346 if np.isnat(a): return 0 if np.isnat(b): return 1 return a < b @register_jitable def _less_then_or_equal_datetime64(a, b): return not _less_then_datetime64(b, a) def _searchsorted(cmp): # a facsimile of: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/4f84d719657eb455a35fcdf9e75b83eb1f97024a/numpy/core/src/npysort/binsearch.cpp#L61 # noqa: E501 def impl(a, key_val, min_idx, max_idx): while min_idx < max_idx: # to avoid overflow mid_idx = min_idx + ((max_idx - min_idx) >> 1) mid_val = a[mid_idx] if cmp(mid_val, key_val): min_idx = mid_idx + 1 else: max_idx = mid_idx return min_idx, max_idx return impl VALID_SEARCHSORTED_SIDES = frozenset({'left', 'right'}) def make_searchsorted_implementation(np_dtype, side): assert side in VALID_SEARCHSORTED_SIDES if np_dtype.char in 'mM': # is datetime lt = _less_then_datetime64 le = _less_then_or_equal_datetime64 else: lt = _less_than le = _less_than_or_equal if side == 'left': _impl = _searchsorted(lt) _cmp = lt else: if np.issubdtype(np_dtype, np.inexact) and numpy_version < (1, 23): # change in behaviour for inexact types # introduced by: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/21867 _impl = _searchsorted(le) _cmp = lt else: _impl = _searchsorted(le) _cmp = le return register_jitable(_impl), register_jitable(_cmp) @overload(np.searchsorted) def searchsorted(a, v, side='left'): side_val = getattr(side, 'literal_value', side) if side_val not in VALID_SEARCHSORTED_SIDES: # could change this so that side doesn't need to be # a compile-time constant raise NumbaValueError(f"Invalid value given for 'side': {side_val}") if isinstance(v, (types.Array, types.Sequence)): v_dt = as_dtype(v.dtype) else: v_dt = as_dtype(v) np_dt = np.promote_types(as_dtype(a.dtype), v_dt) _impl, _cmp = make_searchsorted_implementation(np_dt, side_val) if isinstance(v, types.Array): def impl(a, v, side='left'): out = np.empty(v.size, dtype=np.intp) last_key_val = v.flat[0] min_idx = 0 max_idx = len(a) for i in range(v.size): key_val = v.flat[i] if _cmp(last_key_val, key_val): max_idx = len(a) else: min_idx = 0 if max_idx < len(a): max_idx += 1 else: max_idx = len(a) last_key_val = key_val min_idx, max_idx = _impl(a, key_val, min_idx, max_idx) out[i] = min_idx return out.reshape(v.shape) elif isinstance(v, types.Sequence): def impl(a, v, side='left'): v = np.asarray(v) return np.searchsorted(a, v, side=side) else: # presumably `v` is scalar def impl(a, v, side='left'): r, _ = _impl(a, v, 0, len(a)) return r return impl @overload(np.digitize) def np_digitize(x, bins, right=False): if isinstance(x, types.Array) and x.dtype in types.complex_domain: raise TypingError('x may not be complex') @register_jitable def _monotonicity(bins): # all bin edges hold the same value if len(bins) == 0: return 1 # Skip repeated values at the beginning of the array last_value = bins[0] i = 1 while i < len(bins) and bins[i] == last_value: i += 1 # all bin edges hold the same value if i == len(bins): return 1 next_value = bins[i] if last_value < next_value: # Possibly monotonic increasing for i in range(i + 1, len(bins)): last_value = next_value next_value = bins[i] if last_value > next_value: return 0 return 1 else: # last > next, possibly monotonic decreasing for i in range(i + 1, len(bins)): last_value = next_value next_value = bins[i] if last_value < next_value: return 0 return -1 def digitize_impl(x, bins, right=False): mono = _monotonicity(bins) if mono == 0: raise ValueError( "bins must be monotonically increasing or decreasing" ) # this is backwards because the arguments below are swapped if right: if mono == -1: # reverse the bins, and invert the results return len(bins) - np.searchsorted(bins[::-1], x, side='left') else: return np.searchsorted(bins, x, side='left') else: if mono == -1: # reverse the bins, and invert the results return len(bins) - np.searchsorted(bins[::-1], x, side='right') else: return np.searchsorted(bins, x, side='right') return digitize_impl _range = range @overload(np.histogram) def np_histogram(a, bins=10, range=None): if isinstance(bins, (int, types.Integer)): # With a uniform distribution of bins, use a fast algorithm # independent of the number of bins if range in (None, types.none): inf = float('inf') def histogram_impl(a, bins=10, range=None): bin_min = inf bin_max = -inf for view in np.nditer(a): v = view.item() if bin_min > v: bin_min = v if bin_max < v: bin_max = v return np.histogram(a, bins, (bin_min, bin_max)) else: def histogram_impl(a, bins=10, range=None): if bins <= 0: raise ValueError("histogram(): `bins` should be a " "positive integer") bin_min, bin_max = range if not bin_min <= bin_max: raise ValueError("histogram(): max must be larger than " "min in range parameter") hist = np.zeros(bins, np.intp) if bin_max > bin_min: bin_ratio = bins / (bin_max - bin_min) for view in np.nditer(a): v = view.item() b = math.floor((v - bin_min) * bin_ratio) if 0 <= b < bins: hist[int(b)] += 1 elif v == bin_max: hist[bins - 1] += 1 bins_array = np.linspace(bin_min, bin_max, bins + 1) return hist, bins_array else: # With a custom bins array, use a bisection search def histogram_impl(a, bins=10, range=None): nbins = len(bins) - 1 for i in _range(nbins): # Note this also catches NaNs if not bins[i] <= bins[i + 1]: raise ValueError("histogram(): bins must increase " "monotonically") bin_min = bins[0] bin_max = bins[nbins] hist = np.zeros(nbins, np.intp) if nbins > 0: for view in np.nditer(a): v = view.item() if not bin_min <= v <= bin_max: # Value is out of bounds, ignore (also catches NaNs) continue # Bisect in bins[:-1] lo = 0 hi = nbins - 1 while lo < hi: # Note the `+ 1` is necessary to avoid an infinite # loop where mid = lo => lo = mid mid = (lo + hi + 1) >> 1 if v < bins[mid]: hi = mid - 1 else: lo = mid hist[lo] += 1 return hist, bins return histogram_impl # Create np.finfo, np.iinfo and np.MachAr # machar _mach_ar_supported = ('ibeta', 'it', 'machep', 'eps', 'negep', 'epsneg', 'iexp', 'minexp', 'xmin', 'maxexp', 'xmax', 'irnd', 'ngrd', 'epsilon', 'tiny', 'huge', 'precision', 'resolution',) MachAr = namedtuple('MachAr', _mach_ar_supported) # Do not support MachAr field # finfo _finfo_supported = ('eps', 'epsneg', 'iexp', 'machep', 'max', 'maxexp', 'min', 'minexp', 'negep', 'nexp', 'nmant', 'precision', 'resolution', 'tiny', 'bits',) finfo = namedtuple('finfo', _finfo_supported) # iinfo _iinfo_supported = ('min', 'max', 'bits',) iinfo = namedtuple('iinfo', _iinfo_supported) # This module is imported under the compiler lock which should deal with the # lack of thread safety in the warning filter. def _gen_np_machar(): # NumPy 1.24 removed np.MachAr if numpy_version >= (1, 24): return w = None with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: msg = r'`np.MachAr` is deprecated \(NumPy 1.22\)' warnings.filterwarnings("always", message=msg, category=DeprecationWarning, module=r'.*numba.*arraymath') np_MachAr = np.MachAr @overload(np_MachAr) def MachAr_impl(): f = np_MachAr() _mach_ar_data = tuple([getattr(f, x) for x in _mach_ar_supported]) if w: wmsg = w[0] warnings.warn_explicit(wmsg.message.args[0], NumbaDeprecationWarning, wmsg.filename, wmsg.lineno) def impl(): return MachAr(*_mach_ar_data) return impl _gen_np_machar() def generate_xinfo_body(arg, np_func, container, attr): nbty = getattr(arg, 'dtype', arg) np_dtype = as_dtype(nbty) try: f = np_func(np_dtype) except ValueError: # This exception instance comes from NumPy # The np function might not support the dtype return None data = tuple([getattr(f, x) for x in attr]) @register_jitable def impl(arg): return container(*data) return impl @overload(np.finfo) def ol_np_finfo(dtype): fn = generate_xinfo_body(dtype, np.finfo, finfo, _finfo_supported) def impl(dtype): return fn(dtype) return impl @overload(np.iinfo) def ol_np_iinfo(int_type): fn = generate_xinfo_body(int_type, np.iinfo, iinfo, _iinfo_supported) def impl(int_type): return fn(int_type) return impl def _get_inner_prod(dta, dtb): # gets an inner product implementation, if both types are float then # BLAS is used else a local function @register_jitable def _innerprod(a, b): acc = 0 for i in range(len(a)): acc = acc + a[i] * b[i] return acc # no BLAS... use local function regardless if not _HAVE_BLAS: return _innerprod flty = types.real_domain | types.complex_domain floats = dta in flty and dtb in flty if not floats: return _innerprod else: a_dt = as_dtype(dta) b_dt = as_dtype(dtb) dt = np.promote_types(a_dt, b_dt) @register_jitable def _dot_wrap(a, b): return np.dot(a.astype(dt), b.astype(dt)) return _dot_wrap def _assert_1d(a, func_name): if isinstance(a, types.Array): if not a.ndim <= 1: raise TypingError("%s() only supported on 1D arrays " % func_name) def _np_correlate_core(ap1, ap2, mode, direction): pass @overload(_np_correlate_core) def _np_correlate_core_impl(ap1, ap2, mode, direction): a_dt = as_dtype(ap1.dtype) b_dt = as_dtype(ap2.dtype) dt = np.promote_types(a_dt, b_dt) innerprod = _get_inner_prod(ap1.dtype, ap2.dtype) def impl(ap1, ap2, mode, direction): # Implementation loosely based on `_pyarray_correlate` from # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/3bce2be74f228684ca2895ad02b63953f37e2a9d/numpy/core/src/multiarray/multiarraymodule.c#L1191 # noqa: E501 # For "mode": # Convolve uses 'full' by default. # Correlate uses 'valid' by default. # For "direction", +1 to write the return values out in order 0->N # -1 to write them out N->0. n1 = len(ap1) n2 = len(ap2) if n1 < n2: # This should never occur when called by np.convolve because # _np_correlate.impl swaps arguments based on length. # The same applies for np.correlate. raise ValueError("'len(ap1)' must greater than 'len(ap2)'") length = n1 n = n2 if mode == "valid": length = length - n + 1 n_left = 0 n_right = 0 elif mode == "full": n_right = n - 1 n_left = n - 1 length = length + n - 1 elif mode == "same": n_left = n // 2 n_right = n - n_left - 1 else: raise ValueError( "Invalid 'mode', " "valid are 'full', 'same', 'valid'" ) ret = np.zeros(length, dt) if direction == 1: idx = 0 inc = 1 elif direction == -1: idx = length - 1 inc = -1 else: raise ValueError("Invalid direction") for i in range(n_left): k = i + n - n_left ret[idx] = innerprod(ap1[:k], ap2[-k:]) idx = idx + inc for i in range(n1 - n2 + 1): ret[idx] = innerprod(ap1[i : i + n2], ap2) idx = idx + inc for i in range(n_right): k = n - i - 1 ret[idx] = innerprod(ap1[-k:], ap2[:k]) idx = idx + inc return ret return impl @overload(np.correlate) def _np_correlate(a, v, mode="valid"): _assert_1d(a, 'np.correlate') _assert_1d(v, 'np.correlate') @register_jitable def op_conj(x): return np.conj(x) @register_jitable def op_nop(x): return x if a.dtype in types.complex_domain: if v.dtype in types.complex_domain: a_op = op_nop b_op = op_conj else: a_op = op_nop b_op = op_nop else: if v.dtype in types.complex_domain: a_op = op_nop b_op = op_conj else: a_op = op_conj b_op = op_nop def impl(a, v, mode="valid"): la = len(a) lv = len(v) if la == 0: raise ValueError("'a' cannot be empty") if lv == 0: raise ValueError("'v' cannot be empty") if la < lv: return _np_correlate_core(b_op(v), a_op(a), mode, -1) else: return _np_correlate_core(a_op(a), b_op(v), mode, 1) return impl @overload(np.convolve) def np_convolve(a, v, mode="full"): _assert_1d(a, 'np.convolve') _assert_1d(v, 'np.convolve') def impl(a, v, mode="full"): la = len(a) lv = len(v) if la == 0: raise ValueError("'a' cannot be empty") if lv == 0: raise ValueError("'v' cannot be empty") if la < lv: return _np_correlate_core(v, a[::-1], mode, 1) else: return _np_correlate_core(a, v[::-1], mode, 1) return impl @overload(np.asarray) def np_asarray(a, dtype=None): # developer note... keep this function (type_can_asarray) in sync with the # accepted types implementations below! if not type_can_asarray(a): return None if isinstance(a, types.Array): if is_nonelike(dtype) or a.dtype == dtype.dtype: def impl(a, dtype=None): return a else: def impl(a, dtype=None): return a.astype(dtype) elif isinstance(a, (types.Sequence, types.Tuple)): # Nested lists cannot be unpacked, therefore only single lists are # permitted and these conform to Sequence and can be unpacked along on # the same path as Tuple. if is_nonelike(dtype): def impl(a, dtype=None): return np.array(a) else: def impl(a, dtype=None): return np.array(a, dtype) elif isinstance(a, (types.Number, types.Boolean)): dt_conv = a if is_nonelike(dtype) else dtype ty = as_dtype(dt_conv) def impl(a, dtype=None): return np.array(a, ty) elif isinstance(a, types.containers.ListType): if not isinstance(a.dtype, (types.Number, types.Boolean)): raise TypingError( "asarray support for List is limited " "to Boolean and Number types") target_dtype = a.dtype if is_nonelike(dtype) else dtype def impl(a, dtype=None): l = len(a) ret = np.empty(l, dtype=target_dtype) for i, v in enumerate(a): ret[i] = v return ret elif isinstance(a, types.StringLiteral): arr = np.asarray(a.literal_value) def impl(a, dtype=None): return arr.copy() else: impl = None return impl @overload(np.asfarray) def np_asfarray(a, dtype=np.float64): # convert numba dtype types into NumPy dtype if isinstance(dtype, types.Type): dtype = as_dtype(dtype) if not np.issubdtype(dtype, np.inexact): dx = types.float64 else: dx = dtype def impl(a, dtype=np.float64): return np.asarray(a, dx) return impl @overload(np.extract) def np_extract(condition, arr): def np_extract_impl(condition, arr): cond = np.asarray(condition).flatten() a = np.asarray(arr) if a.size == 0: raise ValueError('Cannot extract from an empty array') # the following looks odd but replicates NumPy... # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/12859 if np.any(cond[a.size:]) and cond.size > a.size: msg = 'condition shape inconsistent with arr shape' raise ValueError(msg) # NumPy raises IndexError: index 'm' is out of # bounds for size 'n' max_len = min(a.size, cond.size) out = [a.flat[idx] for idx in range(max_len) if cond[idx]] return np.array(out) return np_extract_impl @overload(np.select) def np_select(condlist, choicelist, default=0): def np_select_arr_impl(condlist, choicelist, default=0): if len(condlist) != len(choicelist): raise ValueError('list of cases must be same length as list ' 'of conditions') out = default * np.ones(choicelist[0].shape, choicelist[0].dtype) # should use reversed+zip, but reversed is not available for i in range(len(condlist) - 1, -1, -1): cond = condlist[i] choice = choicelist[i] out = np.where(cond, choice, out) return out # first we check the types of the input parameters if not isinstance(condlist, (types.List, types.UniTuple)): raise NumbaTypeError('condlist must be a List or a Tuple') if not isinstance(choicelist, (types.List, types.UniTuple)): raise NumbaTypeError('choicelist must be a List or a Tuple') if not isinstance(default, (int, types.Number, types.Boolean)): raise NumbaTypeError('default must be a scalar (number or boolean)') # the types of the parameters have been checked, now we test the types # of the content of the parameters # implementation note: if in the future numba's np.where accepts tuples # as elements of condlist, then the check below should be extended to # accept tuples if not isinstance(condlist[0], types.Array): raise NumbaTypeError('items of condlist must be arrays') if not isinstance(choicelist[0], types.Array): raise NumbaTypeError('items of choicelist must be arrays') # the types of the parameters and their contents have been checked, # now we test the dtypes of the content of parameters if isinstance(condlist[0], types.Array): if not isinstance(condlist[0].dtype, types.Boolean): raise NumbaTypeError('condlist arrays must contain booleans') if isinstance(condlist[0], types.UniTuple): if not (isinstance(condlist[0], types.UniTuple) and isinstance(condlist[0][0], types.Boolean)): raise NumbaTypeError('condlist tuples must only contain booleans') # the input types are correct, now we perform checks on the dimensions if (isinstance(condlist[0], types.Array) and condlist[0].ndim != choicelist[0].ndim): raise NumbaTypeError('condlist and choicelist elements must have the ' 'same number of dimensions') if isinstance(condlist[0], types.Array) and condlist[0].ndim < 1: raise NumbaTypeError('condlist arrays must be of at least dimension 1') return np_select_arr_impl @overload(np.union1d) def np_union1d(ar1, ar2): if not type_can_asarray(ar1) or not type_can_asarray(ar2): raise TypingError("The arguments to np.union1d must be array-like") if (('unichr' in ar1.dtype.name or 'unichr' in ar2.dtype.name) and ar1.dtype.name != ar2.dtype.name): raise TypingError("For Unicode arrays, arrays must have same dtype") def union_impl(ar1, ar2): a = np.ravel(np.asarray(ar1)) b = np.ravel(np.asarray(ar2)) return np.unique(np.concatenate((a, b))) return union_impl @overload(np.asarray_chkfinite) def np_asarray_chkfinite(a, dtype=None): msg = "The argument to np.asarray_chkfinite must be array-like" if not isinstance(a, (types.Array, types.Sequence, types.Tuple)): raise TypingError(msg) if is_nonelike(dtype): dt = a.dtype else: try: dt = as_dtype(dtype) except NumbaNotImplementedError: raise TypingError('dtype must be a valid Numpy dtype') def impl(a, dtype=None): a = np.asarray(a, dtype=dt) for i in np.nditer(a): if not np.isfinite(i): raise ValueError("array must not contain infs or NaNs") return a return impl @overload(np.unwrap) def numpy_unwrap(p, discont=None, axis=-1, period=6.283185307179586): if not isinstance(axis, (int, types.Integer)): msg = 'The argument "axis" must be an integer' raise TypingError(msg) if not type_can_asarray(p): msg = 'The argument "p" must be array-like' raise TypingError(msg) if (not isinstance(discont, (types.Integer, types.Float)) and not cgutils.is_nonelike(discont)): msg = 'The argument "discont" must be a scalar' raise TypingError(msg) if not isinstance(period, (float, types.Number)): msg = 'The argument "period" must be a scalar' raise TypingError(msg) slice1 = (slice(1, None, None),) if isinstance(period, types.Number): dtype = np.result_type(as_dtype(p.dtype), as_dtype(period)) else: dtype = np.result_type(as_dtype(p.dtype), np.float64) integer_input = np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) def impl(p, discont=None, axis=-1, period=6.283185307179586): if axis != -1: msg = 'Value for argument "axis" is not supported' raise ValueError(msg) # Flatten to a 2D array, keeping axis -1 p_init = np.asarray(p).astype(dtype) init_shape = p_init.shape last_axis = init_shape[-1] p_new = p_init.reshape((p_init.size // last_axis, last_axis)) # Manipulate discont and period if discont is None: discont = period / 2 if integer_input: interval_high, rem = divmod(period, 2) boundary_ambiguous = rem == 0 else: interval_high = period / 2 boundary_ambiguous = True interval_low = -interval_high # Work on each row separately for i in range(p_init.size // last_axis): row = p_new[i] dd = np.diff(row) ddmod = np.mod(dd - interval_low, period) + interval_low if boundary_ambiguous: ddmod = np.where((ddmod == interval_low) & (dd > 0), interval_high, ddmod) ph_correct = ddmod - dd ph_correct = np.where(np.array([abs(x) for x in dd]) < discont, 0, ph_correct) ph_ravel = np.where(np.array([abs(x) for x in dd]) < discont, 0, ph_correct) ph_correct = np.reshape(ph_ravel, ph_correct.shape) up = np.copy(row) up[slice1] = row[slice1] + ph_correct.cumsum() p_new[i] = up return p_new.reshape(init_shape) return impl #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Windowing functions # - translated from the numpy implementations found in: # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/v1.16.1/numpy/lib/function_base.py#L2543-L3233 # noqa: E501 # at commit: f1c4c758e1c24881560dd8ab1e64ae750 # - and also, for NumPy >= 1.20, translated from implementations in # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/156cd054e007b05d4ac4829e10a369d19dd2b0b1/numpy/lib/function_base.py#L2655-L3065 # noqa: E501 @register_jitable def np_bartlett_impl(M): n = np.arange(1. - M, M, 2) return np.where(np.less_equal(n, 0), 1 + n / (M - 1), 1 - n / (M - 1)) @register_jitable def np_blackman_impl(M): n = np.arange(1. - M, M, 2) return (0.42 + 0.5 * np.cos(np.pi * n / (M - 1)) + 0.08 * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * n / (M - 1))) @register_jitable def np_hamming_impl(M): n = np.arange(1 - M, M, 2) return 0.54 + 0.46 * np.cos(np.pi * n / (M - 1)) @register_jitable def np_hanning_impl(M): n = np.arange(1 - M, M, 2) return 0.5 + 0.5 * np.cos(np.pi * n / (M - 1)) def window_generator(func): def window_overload(M): if not isinstance(M, types.Integer): raise TypingError('M must be an integer') def window_impl(M): if M < 1: return np.array((), dtype=np.float_) if M == 1: return np.ones(1, dtype=np.float_) return func(M) return window_impl return window_overload overload(np.bartlett)(window_generator(np_bartlett_impl)) overload(np.blackman)(window_generator(np_blackman_impl)) overload(np.hamming)(window_generator(np_hamming_impl)) overload(np.hanning)(window_generator(np_hanning_impl)) _i0A = np.array([ -4.41534164647933937950E-18, 3.33079451882223809783E-17, -2.43127984654795469359E-16, 1.71539128555513303061E-15, -1.16853328779934516808E-14, 7.67618549860493561688E-14, -4.85644678311192946090E-13, 2.95505266312963983461E-12, -1.72682629144155570723E-11, 9.67580903537323691224E-11, -5.18979560163526290666E-10, 2.65982372468238665035E-9, -1.30002500998624804212E-8, 6.04699502254191894932E-8, -2.67079385394061173391E-7, 1.11738753912010371815E-6, -4.41673835845875056359E-6, 1.64484480707288970893E-5, -5.75419501008210370398E-5, 1.88502885095841655729E-4, -5.76375574538582365885E-4, 1.63947561694133579842E-3, -4.32430999505057594430E-3, 1.05464603945949983183E-2, -2.37374148058994688156E-2, 4.93052842396707084878E-2, -9.49010970480476444210E-2, 1.71620901522208775349E-1, -3.04682672343198398683E-1, 6.76795274409476084995E-1, ]) _i0B = np.array([ -7.23318048787475395456E-18, -4.83050448594418207126E-18, 4.46562142029675999901E-17, 3.46122286769746109310E-17, -2.82762398051658348494E-16, -3.42548561967721913462E-16, 1.77256013305652638360E-15, 3.81168066935262242075E-15, -9.55484669882830764870E-15, -4.15056934728722208663E-14, 1.54008621752140982691E-14, 3.85277838274214270114E-13, 7.18012445138366623367E-13, -1.79417853150680611778E-12, -1.32158118404477131188E-11, -3.14991652796324136454E-11, 1.18891471078464383424E-11, 4.94060238822496958910E-10, 3.39623202570838634515E-9, 2.26666899049817806459E-8, 2.04891858946906374183E-7, 2.89137052083475648297E-6, 6.88975834691682398426E-5, 3.36911647825569408990E-3, 8.04490411014108831608E-1, ]) @register_jitable def _chbevl(x, vals): b0 = vals[0] b1 = 0.0 for i in range(1, len(vals)): b2 = b1 b1 = b0 b0 = x * b1 - b2 + vals[i] return 0.5 * (b0 - b2) @register_jitable def _i0(x): if x < 0: x = -x if x <= 8.0: y = (0.5 * x) - 2.0 return np.exp(x) * _chbevl(y, _i0A) return np.exp(x) * _chbevl(32.0 / x - 2.0, _i0B) / np.sqrt(x) @register_jitable def _i0n(n, alpha, beta): y = np.empty_like(n, dtype=np.float_) t = _i0(np.float_(beta)) for i in range(len(y)): y[i] = _i0(beta * np.sqrt(1 - ((n[i] - alpha) / alpha)**2.0)) / t return y @overload(np.kaiser) def np_kaiser(M, beta): if not isinstance(M, types.Integer): raise TypingError('M must be an integer') if not isinstance(beta, (types.Integer, types.Float)): raise TypingError('beta must be an integer or float') def np_kaiser_impl(M, beta): if M < 1: return np.array((), dtype=np.float_) if M == 1: return np.ones(1, dtype=np.float_) n = np.arange(0, M) alpha = (M - 1) / 2.0 return _i0n(n, alpha, beta) return np_kaiser_impl @register_jitable def _cross_operation(a, b, out): def _cross_preprocessing(x): x0 = x[..., 0] x1 = x[..., 1] if x.shape[-1] == 3: x2 = x[..., 2] else: x2 = np.multiply(x.dtype.type(0), x0) return x0, x1, x2 a0, a1, a2 = _cross_preprocessing(a) b0, b1, b2 = _cross_preprocessing(b) cp0 = np.multiply(a1, b2) - np.multiply(a2, b1) cp1 = np.multiply(a2, b0) - np.multiply(a0, b2) cp2 = np.multiply(a0, b1) - np.multiply(a1, b0) out[..., 0] = cp0 out[..., 1] = cp1 out[..., 2] = cp2 def _cross(a, b): pass @overload(_cross) def _cross_impl(a, b): dtype = np.promote_types(as_dtype(a.dtype), as_dtype(b.dtype)) if a.ndim == 1 and b.ndim == 1: def impl(a, b): cp = np.empty((3,), dtype) _cross_operation(a, b, cp) return cp else: def impl(a, b): shape = np.add(a[..., 0], b[..., 0]).shape cp = np.empty(shape + (3,), dtype) _cross_operation(a, b, cp) return cp return impl @overload(np.cross) def np_cross(a, b): if not type_can_asarray(a) or not type_can_asarray(b): raise TypingError("Inputs must be array-like.") def impl(a, b): a_ = np.asarray(a) b_ = np.asarray(b) if a_.shape[-1] not in (2, 3) or b_.shape[-1] not in (2, 3): raise ValueError(( "Incompatible dimensions for cross product\n" "(dimension must be 2 or 3)" )) if a_.shape[-1] == 3 or b_.shape[-1] == 3: return _cross(a_, b_) else: raise ValueError(( "Dimensions for both inputs is 2.\n" "Please replace your numpy.cross(a, b) call with " "a call to `cross2d(a, b)` from `numba.np.extensions`." )) return impl @register_jitable def _cross2d_operation(a, b): def _cross_preprocessing(x): x0 = x[..., 0] x1 = x[..., 1] return x0, x1 a0, a1 = _cross_preprocessing(a) b0, b1 = _cross_preprocessing(b) cp = np.multiply(a0, b1) - np.multiply(a1, b0) # If ndim of a and b is 1, cp is a scalar. # In this case np.cross returns a 0-D array, containing the scalar. # np.asarray is used to reconcile this case, without introducing # overhead in the case where cp is an actual N-D array. # (recall that np.asarray does not copy existing arrays) return np.asarray(cp) def cross2d(a, b): pass @overload(cross2d) def cross2d_impl(a, b): if not type_can_asarray(a) or not type_can_asarray(b): raise TypingError("Inputs must be array-like.") def impl(a, b): a_ = np.asarray(a) b_ = np.asarray(b) if a_.shape[-1] != 2 or b_.shape[-1] != 2: raise ValueError(( "Incompatible dimensions for 2D cross product\n" "(dimension must be 2 for both inputs)" )) return _cross2d_operation(a_, b_) return impl @overload(np.trim_zeros) def np_trim_zeros(filt, trim='fb'): if not isinstance(filt, types.Array): raise NumbaTypeError('The first argument must be an array') if filt.ndim > 1: raise NumbaTypeError('array must be 1D') if not isinstance(trim, (str, types.UnicodeType)): raise NumbaTypeError('The second argument must be a string') def impl(filt, trim='fb'): a_ = np.asarray(filt) first = 0 trim = trim.lower() if 'f' in trim: for i in a_: if i != 0: break else: first = first + 1 last = len(filt) if 'b' in trim: for i in a_[::-1]: if i != 0: break else: last = last - 1 return a_[first:last] return impl