from typing import Union, Iterable, Sequence, Any, Optional, Iterator import sys import json as _builtin_json import gzip from . import ujson from .util import force_path, force_string, FilePath, JSONInput, JSONOutput def json_dumps( data: JSONInput, indent: Optional[int] = 0, sort_keys: bool = False ) -> str: """Serialize an object to a JSON string. data: The JSON-serializable data. indent (int): Number of spaces used to indent JSON. sort_keys (bool): Sort dictionary keys. Falls back to json module for now. RETURNS (str): The serialized string. """ if sort_keys: indent = None if indent == 0 else indent result = _builtin_json.dumps( data, indent=indent, separators=(",", ":"), sort_keys=sort_keys ) else: result = ujson.dumps(data, indent=indent, escape_forward_slashes=False) return result def json_loads(data: Union[str, bytes]) -> JSONOutput: """Deserialize unicode or bytes to a Python object. data (str / bytes): The data to deserialize. RETURNS: The deserialized Python object. """ # Avoid transforming the string '-' into the int '0' if data == "-": raise ValueError("Expected object or value") return ujson.loads(data) def read_json(path: FilePath) -> JSONOutput: """Load JSON from file or standard input. path (FilePath): The file path. "-" for reading from stdin. RETURNS (JSONOutput): The loaded JSON content. """ if path == "-": # reading from sys.stdin data = return ujson.loads(data) file_path = force_path(path) with"r", encoding="utf8") as f: return ujson.load(f) def read_gzip_json(path: FilePath) -> JSONOutput: """Load JSON from a gzipped file. location (FilePath): The file path. RETURNS (JSONOutput): The loaded JSON content. """ file_path = force_string(path) with, "r") as f: return ujson.load(f) def read_gzip_jsonl(path: FilePath, skip: bool = False) -> Iterator[JSONOutput]: """Read a gzipped .jsonl file and yield contents line by line. Blank lines will always be skipped. path (FilePath): The file path. skip (bool): Skip broken lines and don't raise ValueError. YIELDS (JSONOutput): The unpacked, deserialized Python objects. """ with, "r") as f: for line in _yield_json_lines(f, skip=skip): yield line def write_json(path: FilePath, data: JSONInput, indent: int = 2) -> None: """Create a .json file and dump contents or write to standard output. location (FilePath): The file path. "-" for writing to stdout. data (JSONInput): The JSON-serializable data to output. indent (int): Number of spaces used to indent JSON. """ json_data = json_dumps(data, indent=indent) if path == "-": # writing to stdout print(json_data) else: file_path = force_path(path, require_exists=False) with"w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(json_data) def write_gzip_json(path: FilePath, data: JSONInput, indent: int = 2) -> None: """Create a .json.gz file and dump contents. path (FilePath): The file path. data (JSONInput): The JSON-serializable data to output. indent (int): Number of spaces used to indent JSON. """ json_data = json_dumps(data, indent=indent) file_path = force_string(path) with, "w") as f: f.write(json_data.encode("utf-8")) def write_gzip_jsonl( path: FilePath, lines: Iterable[JSONInput], append: bool = False, append_new_line: bool = True, ) -> None: """Create a .jsonl.gz file and dump contents. location (FilePath): The file path. lines (Sequence[JSONInput]): The JSON-serializable contents of each line. append (bool): Whether or not to append to the location. Appending to .gz files is generally not recommended, as it doesn't allow the algorithm to take advantage of all data when compressing - files may hence be poorly compressed. append_new_line (bool): Whether or not to write a new line before appending to the file. """ mode = "a" if append else "w" file_path = force_path(path, require_exists=False) with, mode=mode) as f: if append and append_new_line: f.write("\n".encode("utf-8")) f.writelines([(json_dumps(line) + "\n").encode("utf-8") for line in lines]) def read_jsonl(path: FilePath, skip: bool = False) -> Iterable[JSONOutput]: """Read a .jsonl file or standard input and yield contents line by line. Blank lines will always be skipped. path (FilePath): The file path. "-" for reading from stdin. skip (bool): Skip broken lines and don't raise ValueError. YIELDS (JSONOutput): The loaded JSON contents of each line. """ if path == "-": # reading from sys.stdin for line in _yield_json_lines(sys.stdin, skip=skip): yield line else: file_path = force_path(path) with"r", encoding="utf8") as f: for line in _yield_json_lines(f, skip=skip): yield line def write_jsonl( path: FilePath, lines: Iterable[JSONInput], append: bool = False, append_new_line: bool = True, ) -> None: """Create a .jsonl file and dump contents or write to standard output. location (FilePath): The file path. "-" for writing to stdout. lines (Sequence[JSONInput]): The JSON-serializable contents of each line. append (bool): Whether or not to append to the location. append_new_line (bool): Whether or not to write a new line before appending to the file. """ if path == "-": # writing to stdout for line in lines: print(json_dumps(line)) else: mode = "a" if append else "w" file_path = force_path(path, require_exists=False) with, encoding="utf-8") as f: if append and append_new_line: f.write("\n") for line in lines: f.write(json_dumps(line) + "\n") def is_json_serializable(obj: Any) -> bool: """Check if a Python object is JSON-serializable. obj: The object to check. RETURNS (bool): Whether the object is JSON-serializable. """ if hasattr(obj, "__call__"): # Check this separately here to prevent infinite recursions return False try: ujson.dumps(obj) return True except (TypeError, OverflowError): return False def _yield_json_lines( stream: Iterable[str], skip: bool = False ) -> Iterable[JSONOutput]: line_no = 1 for line in stream: line = line.strip() if line == "": continue try: yield ujson.loads(line) except ValueError: if skip: continue raise ValueError(f"Invalid JSON on line {line_no}: {line}") line_no += 1