"""This module implements tools for integrating rational functions. """ from sympy.core.function import Lambda from sympy.core.numbers import I from sympy.core.singleton import S from sympy.core.symbol import (Dummy, Symbol, symbols) from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import log from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import atan from sympy.polys.polyroots import roots from sympy.polys.polytools import cancel from sympy.polys.rootoftools import RootSum from sympy.polys import Poly, resultant, ZZ def ratint(f, x, **flags): """ Performs indefinite integration of rational functions. Explanation =========== Given a field :math:`K` and a rational function :math:`f = p/q`, where :math:`p` and :math:`q` are polynomials in :math:`K[x]`, returns a function :math:`g` such that :math:`f = g'`. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.integrals.rationaltools import ratint >>> from sympy.abc import x >>> ratint(36/(x**5 - 2*x**4 - 2*x**3 + 4*x**2 + x - 2), x) (12*x + 6)/(x**2 - 1) + 4*log(x - 2) - 4*log(x + 1) References ========== .. [1] M. Bronstein, Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental Functions, Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 35-70 See Also ======== sympy.integrals.integrals.Integral.doit sympy.integrals.rationaltools.ratint_logpart sympy.integrals.rationaltools.ratint_ratpart """ if isinstance(f, tuple): p, q = f else: p, q = f.as_numer_denom() p, q = Poly(p, x, composite=False, field=True), Poly(q, x, composite=False, field=True) coeff, p, q = p.cancel(q) poly, p = p.div(q) result = poly.integrate(x).as_expr() if p.is_zero: return coeff*result g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x) P, Q = h.as_numer_denom() P = Poly(P, x) Q = Poly(Q, x) q, r = P.div(Q) result += g + q.integrate(x).as_expr() if not r.is_zero: symbol = flags.get('symbol', 't') if not isinstance(symbol, Symbol): t = Dummy(symbol) else: t = symbol.as_dummy() L = ratint_logpart(r, Q, x, t) real = flags.get('real') if real is None: if isinstance(f, tuple): p, q = f atoms = p.atoms() | q.atoms() else: atoms = f.atoms() for elt in atoms - {x}: if not elt.is_extended_real: real = False break else: real = True eps = S.Zero if not real: for h, q in L: _, h = h.primitive() eps += RootSum( q, Lambda(t, t*log(h.as_expr())), quadratic=True) else: for h, q in L: _, h = h.primitive() R = log_to_real(h, q, x, t) if R is not None: eps += R else: eps += RootSum( q, Lambda(t, t*log(h.as_expr())), quadratic=True) result += eps return coeff*result def ratint_ratpart(f, g, x): """ Horowitz-Ostrogradsky algorithm. Explanation =========== Given a field K and polynomials f and g in K[x], such that f and g are coprime and deg(f) < deg(g), returns fractions A and B in K(x), such that f/g = A' + B and B has square-free denominator. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.integrals.rationaltools import ratint_ratpart >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> from sympy import Poly >>> ratint_ratpart(Poly(1, x, domain='ZZ'), ... Poly(x + 1, x, domain='ZZ'), x) (0, 1/(x + 1)) >>> ratint_ratpart(Poly(1, x, domain='EX'), ... Poly(x**2 + y**2, x, domain='EX'), x) (0, 1/(x**2 + y**2)) >>> ratint_ratpart(Poly(36, x, domain='ZZ'), ... Poly(x**5 - 2*x**4 - 2*x**3 + 4*x**2 + x - 2, x, domain='ZZ'), x) ((12*x + 6)/(x**2 - 1), 12/(x**2 - x - 2)) See Also ======== ratint, ratint_logpart """ from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve f = Poly(f, x) g = Poly(g, x) u, v, _ = g.cofactors(g.diff()) n = u.degree() m = v.degree() A_coeffs = [ Dummy('a' + str(n - i)) for i in range(0, n) ] B_coeffs = [ Dummy('b' + str(m - i)) for i in range(0, m) ] C_coeffs = A_coeffs + B_coeffs A = Poly(A_coeffs, x, domain=ZZ[C_coeffs]) B = Poly(B_coeffs, x, domain=ZZ[C_coeffs]) H = f - A.diff()*v + A*(u.diff()*v).quo(u) - B*u result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs) A = A.as_expr().subs(result) B = B.as_expr().subs(result) rat_part = cancel(A/u.as_expr(), x) log_part = cancel(B/v.as_expr(), x) return rat_part, log_part def ratint_logpart(f, g, x, t=None): r""" Lazard-Rioboo-Trager algorithm. Explanation =========== Given a field K and polynomials f and g in K[x], such that f and g are coprime, deg(f) < deg(g) and g is square-free, returns a list of tuples (s_i, q_i) of polynomials, for i = 1..n, such that s_i in K[t, x] and q_i in K[t], and:: ___ ___ d f d \ ` \ ` -- - = -- ) ) a log(s_i(a, x)) dx g dx /__, /__, i=1..n a | q_i(a) = 0 Examples ======== >>> from sympy.integrals.rationaltools import ratint_logpart >>> from sympy.abc import x >>> from sympy import Poly >>> ratint_logpart(Poly(1, x, domain='ZZ'), ... Poly(x**2 + x + 1, x, domain='ZZ'), x) [(Poly(x + 3*_t/2 + 1/2, x, domain='QQ[_t]'), ...Poly(3*_t**2 + 1, _t, domain='ZZ'))] >>> ratint_logpart(Poly(12, x, domain='ZZ'), ... Poly(x**2 - x - 2, x, domain='ZZ'), x) [(Poly(x - 3*_t/8 - 1/2, x, domain='QQ[_t]'), ...Poly(-_t**2 + 16, _t, domain='ZZ'))] See Also ======== ratint, ratint_ratpart """ f, g = Poly(f, x), Poly(g, x) t = t or Dummy('t') a, b = g, f - g.diff()*Poly(t, x) res, R = resultant(a, b, includePRS=True) res = Poly(res, t, composite=False) assert res, "BUG: resultant(%s, %s) cannot be zero" % (a, b) R_map, H = {}, [] for r in R: R_map[r.degree()] = r def _include_sign(c, sqf): if c.is_extended_real and (c < 0) == True: h, k = sqf[0] c_poly = c.as_poly(h.gens) sqf[0] = h*c_poly, k C, res_sqf = res.sqf_list() _include_sign(C, res_sqf) for q, i in res_sqf: _, q = q.primitive() if g.degree() == i: H.append((g, q)) else: h = R_map[i] h_lc = Poly(h.LC(), t, field=True) c, h_lc_sqf = h_lc.sqf_list(all=True) _include_sign(c, h_lc_sqf) for a, j in h_lc_sqf: h = h.quo(Poly(a.gcd(q)**j, x)) inv, coeffs = h_lc.invert(q), [S.One] for coeff in h.coeffs()[1:]: coeff = coeff.as_poly(inv.gens) T = (inv*coeff).rem(q) coeffs.append(T.as_expr()) h = Poly(dict(list(zip(h.monoms(), coeffs))), x) H.append((h, q)) return H def log_to_atan(f, g): """ Convert complex logarithms to real arctangents. Explanation =========== Given a real field K and polynomials f and g in K[x], with g != 0, returns a sum h of arctangents of polynomials in K[x], such that: dh d f + I g -- = -- I log( ------- ) dx dx f - I g Examples ======== >>> from sympy.integrals.rationaltools import log_to_atan >>> from sympy.abc import x >>> from sympy import Poly, sqrt, S >>> log_to_atan(Poly(x, x, domain='ZZ'), Poly(1, x, domain='ZZ')) 2*atan(x) >>> log_to_atan(Poly(x + S(1)/2, x, domain='QQ'), ... Poly(sqrt(3)/2, x, domain='EX')) 2*atan(2*sqrt(3)*x/3 + sqrt(3)/3) See Also ======== log_to_real """ if f.degree() < g.degree(): f, g = -g, f f = f.to_field() g = g.to_field() p, q = f.div(g) if q.is_zero: return 2*atan(p.as_expr()) else: s, t, h = g.gcdex(-f) u = (f*s + g*t).quo(h) A = 2*atan(u.as_expr()) return A + log_to_atan(s, t) def log_to_real(h, q, x, t): r""" Convert complex logarithms to real functions. Explanation =========== Given real field K and polynomials h in K[t,x] and q in K[t], returns real function f such that: ___ df d \ ` -- = -- ) a log(h(a, x)) dx dx /__, a | q(a) = 0 Examples ======== >>> from sympy.integrals.rationaltools import log_to_real >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> from sympy import Poly, S >>> log_to_real(Poly(x + 3*y/2 + S(1)/2, x, domain='QQ[y]'), ... Poly(3*y**2 + 1, y, domain='ZZ'), x, y) 2*sqrt(3)*atan(2*sqrt(3)*x/3 + sqrt(3)/3)/3 >>> log_to_real(Poly(x**2 - 1, x, domain='ZZ'), ... Poly(-2*y + 1, y, domain='ZZ'), x, y) log(x**2 - 1)/2 See Also ======== log_to_atan """ from sympy.simplify.radsimp import collect u, v = symbols('u,v', cls=Dummy) H = h.as_expr().subs({t: u + I*v}).expand() Q = q.as_expr().subs({t: u + I*v}).expand() H_map = collect(H, I, evaluate=False) Q_map = collect(Q, I, evaluate=False) a, b = H_map.get(S.One, S.Zero), H_map.get(I, S.Zero) c, d = Q_map.get(S.One, S.Zero), Q_map.get(I, S.Zero) R = Poly(resultant(c, d, v), u) R_u = roots(R, filter='R') if len(R_u) != R.count_roots(): return None result = S.Zero for r_u in R_u.keys(): C = Poly(c.subs({u: r_u}), v) R_v = roots(C, filter='R') if len(R_v) != C.count_roots(): return None R_v_paired = [] # take one from each pair of conjugate roots for r_v in R_v: if r_v not in R_v_paired and -r_v not in R_v_paired: if r_v.is_negative or r_v.could_extract_minus_sign(): R_v_paired.append(-r_v) elif not r_v.is_zero: R_v_paired.append(r_v) for r_v in R_v_paired: D = d.subs({u: r_u, v: r_v}) if D.evalf(chop=True) != 0: continue A = Poly(a.subs({u: r_u, v: r_v}), x) B = Poly(b.subs({u: r_u, v: r_v}), x) AB = (A**2 + B**2).as_expr() result += r_u*log(AB) + r_v*log_to_atan(A, B) R_q = roots(q, filter='R') if len(R_q) != q.count_roots(): return None for r in R_q.keys(): result += r*log(h.as_expr().subs(t, r)) return result