# A collection of failing integrals from the issues. from sympy.core.numbers import (I, Rational, oo, pi) from sympy.core.singleton import S from sympy.core.symbol import symbols from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import sign from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import (exp, log) from sympy.functions.elementary.hyperbolic import (sech, sinh) from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import sqrt from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import Piecewise from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import (acos, atan, cos, sin, tan) from sympy.functions.special.delta_functions import DiracDelta from sympy.functions.special.gamma_functions import gamma from sympy.integrals.integrals import (Integral, integrate) from sympy.testing.pytest import XFAIL, SKIP, slow, skip, ON_CI from sympy.abc import x, k, c, y, b, h, a, m, z, n, t @SKIP("Too slow for @slow") @XFAIL def test_issue_3880(): # integrate_hyperexponential(Poly(t*2*(1 - t0**2)*t0*(x**3 + x**2), t), Poly((1 + t0**2)**2*2*(x**2 + x + 1), t), [Poly(1, x), Poly(1 + t0**2, t0), Poly(t, t)], [x, t0, t], [exp, tan]) assert not integrate(exp(x)*cos(2*x)*sin(2*x) * (x**3 + x**2)/(2*(x**2 + x + 1)), x).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_4212(): assert not integrate(sign(x), x).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_4511(): # This works, but gives a complicated answer. The correct answer is x - cos(x). # If current answer is simplified, 1 - cos(x) + x is obtained. # The last one is what Maple gives. It is also quite slow. assert integrate(cos(x)**2 / (1 - sin(x))) in [x - cos(x), 1 - cos(x) + x, -2/(tan((S.Half)*x)**2 + 1) + x] @XFAIL def test_integrate_DiracDelta_fails(): # issue 6427 assert integrate(integrate(integrate( DiracDelta(x - y - z), (z, 0, oo)), (y, 0, 1)), (x, 0, 1)) == S.Half @XFAIL @slow def test_issue_4525(): # Warning: takes a long time assert not integrate((x**m * (1 - x)**n * (a + b*x + c*x**2))/(1 + x**2), (x, 0, 1)).has(Integral) @XFAIL @slow def test_issue_4540(): if ON_CI: skip("Too slow for CI.") # Note, this integral is probably nonelementary assert not integrate( (sin(1/x) - x*exp(x)) / ((-sin(1/x) + x*exp(x))*x + x*sin(1/x)), x).has(Integral) @XFAIL @slow def test_issue_4891(): # Requires the hypergeometric function. assert not integrate(cos(x)**y, x).has(Integral) @XFAIL @slow def test_issue_1796a(): assert not integrate(exp(2*b*x)*exp(-a*x**2), x).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_4895b(): assert not integrate(exp(2*b*x)*exp(-a*x**2), (x, -oo, 0)).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_4895c(): assert not integrate(exp(2*b*x)*exp(-a*x**2), (x, -oo, oo)).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_4895d(): assert not integrate(exp(2*b*x)*exp(-a*x**2), (x, 0, oo)).has(Integral) @XFAIL @slow def test_issue_4941(): if ON_CI: skip("Too slow for CI.") assert not integrate(sqrt(1 + sinh(x/20)**2), (x, -25, 25)).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_4992(): # Nonelementary integral. Requires hypergeometric/Meijer-G handling. assert not integrate(log(x) * x**(k - 1) * exp(-x) / gamma(k), (x, 0, oo)).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_16396a(): i = integrate(1/(1+sqrt(tan(x))), (x, pi/3, pi/6)) assert not i.has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_16396b(): i = integrate(x*sin(x)/(1+cos(x)**2), (x, 0, pi)) assert not i.has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_16046(): assert integrate(exp(exp(I*x)), [x, 0, 2*pi]) == 2*pi @XFAIL def test_issue_15925a(): assert not integrate(sqrt((1+sin(x))**2+(cos(x))**2), (x, -pi/2, pi/2)).has(Integral) @XFAIL @slow def test_issue_15925b(): if ON_CI: skip("Too slow for CI.") assert not integrate(sqrt((-12*cos(x)**2*sin(x))**2+(12*cos(x)*sin(x)**2)**2), (x, 0, pi/6)).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_15925b_manual(): assert not integrate(sqrt((-12*cos(x)**2*sin(x))**2+(12*cos(x)*sin(x)**2)**2), (x, 0, pi/6), manual=True).has(Integral) @XFAIL @slow def test_issue_15227(): if ON_CI: skip("Too slow for CI.") i = integrate(log(1-x)*log((1+x)**2)/x, (x, 0, 1)) assert not i.has(Integral) # assert i == -5*zeta(3)/4 @XFAIL @slow def test_issue_14716(): i = integrate(log(x + 5)*cos(pi*x),(x, S.Half, 1)) assert not i.has(Integral) # Mathematica can not solve it either, but # integrate(log(x + 5)*cos(pi*x),(x, S.Half, 1)).transform(x, y - 5).doit() # works # assert i == -log(Rational(11, 2))/pi - Si(pi*Rational(11, 2))/pi + Si(6*pi)/pi @XFAIL def test_issue_14709a(): i = integrate(x*acos(1 - 2*x/h), (x, 0, h)) assert not i.has(Integral) # assert i == 5*h**2*pi/16 @slow @XFAIL def test_issue_14398(): assert not integrate(exp(x**2)*cos(x), x).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_14074(): i = integrate(log(sin(x)), (x, 0, pi/2)) assert not i.has(Integral) # assert i == -pi*log(2)/2 @XFAIL @slow def test_issue_14078b(): i = integrate((atan(4*x)-atan(2*x))/x, (x, 0, oo)) assert not i.has(Integral) # assert i == pi*log(2)/2 @XFAIL def test_issue_13792(): i = integrate(log(1/x) / (1 - x), (x, 0, 1)) assert not i.has(Integral) # assert i in [polylog(2, -exp_polar(I*pi)), pi**2/6] @XFAIL def test_issue_11845a(): assert not integrate(exp(y - x**3), (x, 0, 1)).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_11845b(): assert not integrate(exp(-y - x**3), (x, 0, 1)).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_11813(): assert not integrate((a - x)**Rational(-1, 2)*x, (x, 0, a)).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_11254c(): assert not integrate(sech(x)**2, (x, 0, 1)).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_10584(): assert not integrate(sqrt(x**2 + 1/x**2), x).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_9101(): assert not integrate(log(x + sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)), z).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_7147(): assert not integrate(x/sqrt(a*x**2 + b*x + c)**3, x).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_7109(): assert not integrate(sqrt(a**2/(a**2 - x**2)), x).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_integrate_Piecewise_rational_over_reals(): f = Piecewise( (0, t - 478.515625*pi < 0), (13.2075145209219*pi/(0.000871222*t + 0.995)**2, t - 478.515625*pi >= 0)) assert abs((integrate(f, (t, 0, oo)) - 15235.9375*pi).evalf()) <= 1e-7 @XFAIL def test_issue_4311_slow(): # Not slow when bypassing heurish assert not integrate(x*abs(9-x**2), x).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_issue_20370(): a = symbols('a', positive=True) assert integrate((1 + a * cos(x))**-1, (x, 0, 2 * pi)) == (2 * pi / sqrt(1 - a**2)) @XFAIL def test_polylog(): # log(1/x)*log(x+1)-polylog(2, -x) assert not integrate(log(1/x)/(x + 1), x).has(Integral) @XFAIL def test_polylog_manual(): # Make sure _parts_rule does not go into an infinite loop here assert not integrate(log(1/x)/(x + 1), x, manual=True).has(Integral)