from sympy.assumptions.ask import (Q, ask) from sympy.core import Basic, Add, Mul, S from sympy.core.sympify import _sympify from sympy.functions import adjoint from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import re, im from sympy.strategies import typed, exhaust, condition, do_one, unpack from sympy.strategies.traverse import bottom_up from sympy.utilities.iterables import is_sequence, sift from sympy.utilities.misc import filldedent from sympy.matrices import Matrix, ShapeError from sympy.matrices.common import NonInvertibleMatrixError from sympy.matrices.expressions.determinant import det, Determinant from sympy.matrices.expressions.inverse import Inverse from sympy.matrices.expressions.matadd import MatAdd from sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr import MatrixExpr, MatrixElement from sympy.matrices.expressions.matmul import MatMul from sympy.matrices.expressions.matpow import MatPow from sympy.matrices.expressions.slice import MatrixSlice from sympy.matrices.expressions.special import ZeroMatrix, Identity from sympy.matrices.expressions.trace import trace from sympy.matrices.expressions.transpose import Transpose, transpose class BlockMatrix(MatrixExpr): """A BlockMatrix is a Matrix comprised of other matrices. The submatrices are stored in a SymPy Matrix object but accessed as part of a Matrix Expression >>> from sympy import (MatrixSymbol, BlockMatrix, symbols, ... Identity, ZeroMatrix, block_collapse) >>> n,m,l = symbols('n m l') >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', n, n) >>> Y = MatrixSymbol('Y', m, m) >>> Z = MatrixSymbol('Z', n, m) >>> B = BlockMatrix([[X, Z], [ZeroMatrix(m,n), Y]]) >>> print(B) Matrix([ [X, Z], [0, Y]]) >>> C = BlockMatrix([[Identity(n), Z]]) >>> print(C) Matrix([[I, Z]]) >>> print(block_collapse(C*B)) Matrix([[X, Z + Z*Y]]) Some matrices might be comprised of rows of blocks with the matrices in each row having the same height and the rows all having the same total number of columns but not having the same number of columns for each matrix in each row. In this case, the matrix is not a block matrix and should be instantiated by Matrix. >>> from sympy import ones, Matrix >>> dat = [ ... [ones(3,2), ones(3,3)*2], ... [ones(2,3)*3, ones(2,2)*4]] ... >>> BlockMatrix(dat) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Although this matrix is comprised of blocks, the blocks do not fill the matrix in a size-symmetric fashion. To create a full matrix from these arguments, pass them directly to Matrix. >>> Matrix(dat) Matrix([ [1, 1, 2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3, 4, 4], [3, 3, 3, 4, 4]]) See Also ======== sympy.matrices.matrices.MatrixBase.irregular """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix isMat = lambda i: getattr(i, 'is_Matrix', False) if len(args) != 1 or \ not is_sequence(args[0]) or \ len({isMat(r) for r in args[0]}) != 1: raise ValueError(filldedent(''' expecting a sequence of 1 or more rows containing Matrices.''')) rows = args[0] if args else [] if not isMat(rows): if rows and isMat(rows[0]): rows = [rows] # rows is not list of lists or [] # regularity check # same number of matrices in each row blocky = ok = len({len(r) for r in rows}) == 1 if ok: # same number of rows for each matrix in a row for r in rows: ok = len({i.rows for i in r}) == 1 if not ok: break blocky = ok if ok: # same number of cols for each matrix in each col for c in range(len(rows[0])): ok = len({rows[i][c].cols for i in range(len(rows))}) == 1 if not ok: break if not ok: # same total cols in each row ok = len({ sum([i.cols for i in r]) for r in rows}) == 1 if blocky and ok: raise ValueError(filldedent(''' Although this matrix is comprised of blocks, the blocks do not fill the matrix in a size-symmetric fashion. To create a full matrix from these arguments, pass them directly to Matrix.''')) raise ValueError(filldedent(''' When there are not the same number of rows in each row's matrices or there are not the same number of total columns in each row, the matrix is not a block matrix. If this matrix is known to consist of blocks fully filling a 2-D space then see Matrix.irregular.''')) mat = ImmutableDenseMatrix(rows, evaluate=False) obj = Basic.__new__(cls, mat) return obj @property def shape(self): numrows = numcols = 0 M = self.blocks for i in range(M.shape[0]): numrows += M[i, 0].shape[0] for i in range(M.shape[1]): numcols += M[0, i].shape[1] return (numrows, numcols) @property def blockshape(self): return self.blocks.shape @property def blocks(self): return self.args[0] @property def rowblocksizes(self): return [self.blocks[i, 0].rows for i in range(self.blockshape[0])] @property def colblocksizes(self): return [self.blocks[0, i].cols for i in range(self.blockshape[1])] def structurally_equal(self, other): return (isinstance(other, BlockMatrix) and self.shape == other.shape and self.blockshape == other.blockshape and self.rowblocksizes == other.rowblocksizes and self.colblocksizes == other.colblocksizes) def _blockmul(self, other): if (isinstance(other, BlockMatrix) and self.colblocksizes == other.rowblocksizes): return BlockMatrix(self.blocks*other.blocks) return self * other def _blockadd(self, other): if (isinstance(other, BlockMatrix) and self.structurally_equal(other)): return BlockMatrix(self.blocks + other.blocks) return self + other def _eval_transpose(self): # Flip all the individual matrices matrices = [transpose(matrix) for matrix in self.blocks] # Make a copy M = Matrix(self.blockshape[0], self.blockshape[1], matrices) # Transpose the block structure M = M.transpose() return BlockMatrix(M) def _eval_adjoint(self): # Adjoint all the individual matrices matrices = [adjoint(matrix) for matrix in self.blocks] # Make a copy M = Matrix(self.blockshape[0], self.blockshape[1], matrices) # Transpose the block structure M = M.transpose() return BlockMatrix(M) def _eval_trace(self): if self.rowblocksizes == self.colblocksizes: return Add(*[trace(self.blocks[i, i]) for i in range(self.blockshape[0])]) raise NotImplementedError( "Can't perform trace of irregular blockshape") def _eval_determinant(self): if self.blockshape == (1, 1): return det(self.blocks[0, 0]) if self.blockshape == (2, 2): [[A, B], [C, D]] = self.blocks.tolist() if ask(Q.invertible(A)): return det(A)*det(D - C*A.I*B) elif ask(Q.invertible(D)): return det(D)*det(A - B*D.I*C) return Determinant(self) def _eval_as_real_imag(self): real_matrices = [re(matrix) for matrix in self.blocks] real_matrices = Matrix(self.blockshape[0], self.blockshape[1], real_matrices) im_matrices = [im(matrix) for matrix in self.blocks] im_matrices = Matrix(self.blockshape[0], self.blockshape[1], im_matrices) return (BlockMatrix(real_matrices), BlockMatrix(im_matrices)) def transpose(self): """Return transpose of matrix. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, BlockMatrix, ZeroMatrix >>> from import m, n >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', n, n) >>> Y = MatrixSymbol('Y', m, m) >>> Z = MatrixSymbol('Z', n, m) >>> B = BlockMatrix([[X, Z], [ZeroMatrix(m,n), Y]]) >>> B.transpose() Matrix([ [X.T, 0], [Z.T, Y.T]]) >>> _.transpose() Matrix([ [X, Z], [0, Y]]) """ return self._eval_transpose() def schur(self, mat = 'A', generalized = False): """Return the Schur Complement of the 2x2 BlockMatrix Parameters ========== mat : String, optional The matrix with respect to which the Schur Complement is calculated. 'A' is used by default generalized : bool, optional If True, returns the generalized Schur Component which uses Moore-Penrose Inverse Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols, MatrixSymbol, BlockMatrix >>> m, n = symbols('m n') >>> A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n) >>> B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m) >>> C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n) >>> D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, m) >>> X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]]) The default Schur Complement is evaluated with "A" >>> X.schur() -C*A**(-1)*B + D >>> X.schur('D') A - B*D**(-1)*C Schur complement with non-invertible matrices is not defined. Instead, the generalized Schur complement can be calculated which uses the Moore-Penrose Inverse. To achieve this, `generalized` must be set to `True` >>> X.schur('B', generalized=True) C - D*(B.T*B)**(-1)*B.T*A >>> X.schur('C', generalized=True) -A*(C.T*C)**(-1)*C.T*D + B Returns ======= M : Matrix The Schur Complement Matrix Raises ====== ShapeError If the block matrix is not a 2x2 matrix NonInvertibleMatrixError If given matrix is non-invertible References ========== .. [1] Wikipedia Article on Schur Component : See Also ======== sympy.matrices.matrices.MatrixBase.pinv """ if self.blockshape == (2, 2): [[A, B], [C, D]] = self.blocks.tolist() d={'A' : A, 'B' : B, 'C' : C, 'D' : D} try: inv = (d[mat].T*d[mat]).inv()*d[mat].T if generalized else d[mat].inv() if mat == 'A': return D - C * inv * B elif mat == 'B': return C - D * inv * A elif mat == 'C': return B - A * inv * D elif mat == 'D': return A - B * inv * C #For matrices where no sub-matrix is square return self except NonInvertibleMatrixError: raise NonInvertibleMatrixError('The given matrix is not invertible. Please set generalized=True \ to compute the generalized Schur Complement which uses Moore-Penrose Inverse') else: raise ShapeError('Schur Complement can only be calculated for 2x2 block matrices') def LDUdecomposition(self): """Returns the Block LDU decomposition of a 2x2 Block Matrix Returns ======= (L, D, U) : Matrices L : Lower Diagonal Matrix D : Diagonal Matrix U : Upper Diagonal Matrix Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols, MatrixSymbol, BlockMatrix, block_collapse >>> m, n = symbols('m n') >>> A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n) >>> B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m) >>> C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n) >>> D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, m) >>> X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]]) >>> L, D, U = X.LDUdecomposition() >>> block_collapse(L*D*U) Matrix([ [A, B], [C, D]]) Raises ====== ShapeError If the block matrix is not a 2x2 matrix NonInvertibleMatrixError If the matrix "A" is non-invertible See Also ======== sympy.matrices.expressions.blockmatrix.BlockMatrix.UDLdecomposition sympy.matrices.expressions.blockmatrix.BlockMatrix.LUdecomposition """ if self.blockshape == (2,2): [[A, B], [C, D]] = self.blocks.tolist() try: AI = A.I except NonInvertibleMatrixError: raise NonInvertibleMatrixError('Block LDU decomposition cannot be calculated when\ "A" is singular') Ip = Identity(B.shape[0]) Iq = Identity(B.shape[1]) Z = ZeroMatrix(*B.shape) L = BlockMatrix([[Ip, Z], [C*AI, Iq]]) D = BlockDiagMatrix(A, self.schur()) U = BlockMatrix([[Ip, AI*B],[Z.T, Iq]]) return L, D, U else: raise ShapeError("Block LDU decomposition is supported only for 2x2 block matrices") def UDLdecomposition(self): """Returns the Block UDL decomposition of a 2x2 Block Matrix Returns ======= (U, D, L) : Matrices U : Upper Diagonal Matrix D : Diagonal Matrix L : Lower Diagonal Matrix Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols, MatrixSymbol, BlockMatrix, block_collapse >>> m, n = symbols('m n') >>> A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n) >>> B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m) >>> C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n) >>> D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, m) >>> X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]]) >>> U, D, L = X.UDLdecomposition() >>> block_collapse(U*D*L) Matrix([ [A, B], [C, D]]) Raises ====== ShapeError If the block matrix is not a 2x2 matrix NonInvertibleMatrixError If the matrix "D" is non-invertible See Also ======== sympy.matrices.expressions.blockmatrix.BlockMatrix.LDUdecomposition sympy.matrices.expressions.blockmatrix.BlockMatrix.LUdecomposition """ if self.blockshape == (2,2): [[A, B], [C, D]] = self.blocks.tolist() try: DI = D.I except NonInvertibleMatrixError: raise NonInvertibleMatrixError('Block UDL decomposition cannot be calculated when\ "D" is singular') Ip = Identity(A.shape[0]) Iq = Identity(B.shape[1]) Z = ZeroMatrix(*B.shape) U = BlockMatrix([[Ip, B*DI], [Z.T, Iq]]) D = BlockDiagMatrix(self.schur('D'), D) L = BlockMatrix([[Ip, Z],[DI*C, Iq]]) return U, D, L else: raise ShapeError("Block UDL decomposition is supported only for 2x2 block matrices") def LUdecomposition(self): """Returns the Block LU decomposition of a 2x2 Block Matrix Returns ======= (L, U) : Matrices L : Lower Diagonal Matrix U : Upper Diagonal Matrix Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols, MatrixSymbol, BlockMatrix, block_collapse >>> m, n = symbols('m n') >>> A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n) >>> B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m) >>> C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n) >>> D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, m) >>> X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]]) >>> L, U = X.LUdecomposition() >>> block_collapse(L*U) Matrix([ [A, B], [C, D]]) Raises ====== ShapeError If the block matrix is not a 2x2 matrix NonInvertibleMatrixError If the matrix "A" is non-invertible See Also ======== sympy.matrices.expressions.blockmatrix.BlockMatrix.UDLdecomposition sympy.matrices.expressions.blockmatrix.BlockMatrix.LDUdecomposition """ if self.blockshape == (2,2): [[A, B], [C, D]] = self.blocks.tolist() try: A = A**0.5 AI = A.I except NonInvertibleMatrixError: raise NonInvertibleMatrixError('Block LU decomposition cannot be calculated when\ "A" is singular') Z = ZeroMatrix(*B.shape) Q = self.schur()**0.5 L = BlockMatrix([[A, Z], [C*AI, Q]]) U = BlockMatrix([[A, AI*B],[Z.T, Q]]) return L, U else: raise ShapeError("Block LU decomposition is supported only for 2x2 block matrices") def _entry(self, i, j, **kwargs): # Find row entry orig_i, orig_j = i, j for row_block, numrows in enumerate(self.rowblocksizes): cmp = i < numrows if cmp == True: break elif cmp == False: i -= numrows elif row_block < self.blockshape[0] - 1: # Can't tell which block and it's not the last one, return unevaluated return MatrixElement(self, orig_i, orig_j) for col_block, numcols in enumerate(self.colblocksizes): cmp = j < numcols if cmp == True: break elif cmp == False: j -= numcols elif col_block < self.blockshape[1] - 1: return MatrixElement(self, orig_i, orig_j) return self.blocks[row_block, col_block][i, j] @property def is_Identity(self): if self.blockshape[0] != self.blockshape[1]: return False for i in range(self.blockshape[0]): for j in range(self.blockshape[1]): if i==j and not self.blocks[i, j].is_Identity: return False if i!=j and not self.blocks[i, j].is_ZeroMatrix: return False return True @property def is_structurally_symmetric(self): return self.rowblocksizes == self.colblocksizes def equals(self, other): if self == other: return True if (isinstance(other, BlockMatrix) and self.blocks == other.blocks): return True return super().equals(other) class BlockDiagMatrix(BlockMatrix): """A sparse matrix with block matrices along its diagonals Examples ======== >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, BlockDiagMatrix, symbols >>> n, m, l = symbols('n m l') >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', n, n) >>> Y = MatrixSymbol('Y', m, m) >>> BlockDiagMatrix(X, Y) Matrix([ [X, 0], [0, Y]]) Notes ===== If you want to get the individual diagonal blocks, use :meth:`get_diag_blocks`. See Also ======== sympy.matrices.dense.diag """ def __new__(cls, *mats): return Basic.__new__(BlockDiagMatrix, *[_sympify(m) for m in mats]) @property def diag(self): return self.args @property def blocks(self): from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix mats = self.args data = [[mats[i] if i == j else ZeroMatrix(mats[i].rows, mats[j].cols) for j in range(len(mats))] for i in range(len(mats))] return ImmutableDenseMatrix(data, evaluate=False) @property def shape(self): return (sum(block.rows for block in self.args), sum(block.cols for block in self.args)) @property def blockshape(self): n = len(self.args) return (n, n) @property def rowblocksizes(self): return [block.rows for block in self.args] @property def colblocksizes(self): return [block.cols for block in self.args] def _all_square_blocks(self): """Returns true if all blocks are square""" return all(mat.is_square for mat in self.args) def _eval_determinant(self): if self._all_square_blocks(): return Mul(*[det(mat) for mat in self.args]) # At least one block is non-square. Since the entire matrix must be square we know there must # be at least two blocks in this matrix, in which case the entire matrix is necessarily rank-deficient return S.Zero def _eval_inverse(self, expand='ignored'): if self._all_square_blocks(): return BlockDiagMatrix(*[mat.inverse() for mat in self.args]) # See comment in _eval_determinant() raise NonInvertibleMatrixError('Matrix det == 0; not invertible.') def _eval_transpose(self): return BlockDiagMatrix(*[mat.transpose() for mat in self.args]) def _blockmul(self, other): if (isinstance(other, BlockDiagMatrix) and self.colblocksizes == other.rowblocksizes): return BlockDiagMatrix(*[a*b for a, b in zip(self.args, other.args)]) else: return BlockMatrix._blockmul(self, other) def _blockadd(self, other): if (isinstance(other, BlockDiagMatrix) and self.blockshape == other.blockshape and self.rowblocksizes == other.rowblocksizes and self.colblocksizes == other.colblocksizes): return BlockDiagMatrix(*[a + b for a, b in zip(self.args, other.args)]) else: return BlockMatrix._blockadd(self, other) def get_diag_blocks(self): """Return the list of diagonal blocks of the matrix. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import BlockDiagMatrix, Matrix >>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> B = Matrix([[5, 6], [7, 8]]) >>> M = BlockDiagMatrix(A, B) How to get diagonal blocks from the block diagonal matrix: >>> diag_blocks = M.get_diag_blocks() >>> diag_blocks[0] Matrix([ [1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> diag_blocks[1] Matrix([ [5, 6], [7, 8]]) """ return self.args def block_collapse(expr): """Evaluates a block matrix expression >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, BlockMatrix, symbols, Identity, ZeroMatrix, block_collapse >>> n,m,l = symbols('n m l') >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', n, n) >>> Y = MatrixSymbol('Y', m, m) >>> Z = MatrixSymbol('Z', n, m) >>> B = BlockMatrix([[X, Z], [ZeroMatrix(m, n), Y]]) >>> print(B) Matrix([ [X, Z], [0, Y]]) >>> C = BlockMatrix([[Identity(n), Z]]) >>> print(C) Matrix([[I, Z]]) >>> print(block_collapse(C*B)) Matrix([[X, Z + Z*Y]]) """ from sympy.strategies.util import expr_fns hasbm = lambda expr: isinstance(expr, MatrixExpr) and expr.has(BlockMatrix) conditioned_rl = condition( hasbm, typed( {MatAdd: do_one(bc_matadd, bc_block_plus_ident), MatMul: do_one(bc_matmul, bc_dist), MatPow: bc_matmul, Transpose: bc_transpose, Inverse: bc_inverse, BlockMatrix: do_one(bc_unpack, deblock)} ) ) rule = exhaust( bottom_up( exhaust(conditioned_rl), fns=expr_fns ) ) result = rule(expr) doit = getattr(result, 'doit', None) if doit is not None: return doit() else: return result def bc_unpack(expr): if expr.blockshape == (1, 1): return expr.blocks[0, 0] return expr def bc_matadd(expr): args = sift(expr.args, lambda M: isinstance(M, BlockMatrix)) blocks = args[True] if not blocks: return expr nonblocks = args[False] block = blocks[0] for b in blocks[1:]: block = block._blockadd(b) if nonblocks: return MatAdd(*nonblocks) + block else: return block def bc_block_plus_ident(expr): idents = [arg for arg in expr.args if arg.is_Identity] if not idents: return expr blocks = [arg for arg in expr.args if isinstance(arg, BlockMatrix)] if (blocks and all(b.structurally_equal(blocks[0]) for b in blocks) and blocks[0].is_structurally_symmetric): block_id = BlockDiagMatrix(*[Identity(k) for k in blocks[0].rowblocksizes]) rest = [arg for arg in expr.args if not arg.is_Identity and not isinstance(arg, BlockMatrix)] return MatAdd(block_id * len(idents), *blocks, *rest).doit() return expr def bc_dist(expr): """ Turn a*[X, Y] into [a*X, a*Y] """ factor, mat = expr.as_coeff_mmul() if factor == 1: return expr unpacked = unpack(mat) if isinstance(unpacked, BlockDiagMatrix): B = unpacked.diag new_B = [factor * mat for mat in B] return BlockDiagMatrix(*new_B) elif isinstance(unpacked, BlockMatrix): B = unpacked.blocks new_B = [ [factor * B[i, j] for j in range(B.cols)] for i in range(B.rows)] return BlockMatrix(new_B) return expr def bc_matmul(expr): if isinstance(expr, MatPow): if expr.args[1].is_Integer: factor, matrices = (1, [expr.args[0]]*expr.args[1]) else: return expr else: factor, matrices = expr.as_coeff_matrices() i = 0 while (i+1 < len(matrices)): A, B = matrices[i:i+2] if isinstance(A, BlockMatrix) and isinstance(B, BlockMatrix): matrices[i] = A._blockmul(B) matrices.pop(i+1) elif isinstance(A, BlockMatrix): matrices[i] = A._blockmul(BlockMatrix([[B]])) matrices.pop(i+1) elif isinstance(B, BlockMatrix): matrices[i] = BlockMatrix([[A]])._blockmul(B) matrices.pop(i+1) else: i+=1 return MatMul(factor, *matrices).doit() def bc_transpose(expr): collapse = block_collapse(expr.arg) return collapse._eval_transpose() def bc_inverse(expr): if isinstance(expr.arg, BlockDiagMatrix): return expr.inverse() expr2 = blockinverse_1x1(expr) if expr != expr2: return expr2 return blockinverse_2x2(Inverse(reblock_2x2(expr.arg))) def blockinverse_1x1(expr): if isinstance(expr.arg, BlockMatrix) and expr.arg.blockshape == (1, 1): mat = Matrix([[expr.arg.blocks[0].inverse()]]) return BlockMatrix(mat) return expr def blockinverse_2x2(expr): if isinstance(expr.arg, BlockMatrix) and expr.arg.blockshape == (2, 2): # See: Inverses of 2x2 Block Matrices, Tzon-Tzer Lu and Sheng-Hua Shiou [[A, B], [C, D]] = expr.arg.blocks.tolist() formula = _choose_2x2_inversion_formula(A, B, C, D) if formula != None: MI = expr.arg.schur(formula).I if formula == 'A': AI = A.I return BlockMatrix([[AI + AI * B * MI * C * AI, -AI * B * MI], [-MI * C * AI, MI]]) if formula == 'B': BI = B.I return BlockMatrix([[-MI * D * BI, MI], [BI + BI * A * MI * D * BI, -BI * A * MI]]) if formula == 'C': CI = C.I return BlockMatrix([[-CI * D * MI, CI + CI * D * MI * A * CI], [MI, -MI * A * CI]]) if formula == 'D': DI = D.I return BlockMatrix([[MI, -MI * B * DI], [-DI * C * MI, DI + DI * C * MI * B * DI]]) return expr def _choose_2x2_inversion_formula(A, B, C, D): """ Assuming [[A, B], [C, D]] would form a valid square block matrix, find which of the classical 2x2 block matrix inversion formulas would be best suited. Returns 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' to represent the algorithm involving inversion of the given argument or None if the matrix cannot be inverted using any of those formulas. """ # Try to find a known invertible matrix. Note that the Schur complement # is currently not being considered for this A_inv = ask(Q.invertible(A)) if A_inv == True: return 'A' B_inv = ask(Q.invertible(B)) if B_inv == True: return 'B' C_inv = ask(Q.invertible(C)) if C_inv == True: return 'C' D_inv = ask(Q.invertible(D)) if D_inv == True: return 'D' # Otherwise try to find a matrix that isn't known to be non-invertible if A_inv != False: return 'A' if B_inv != False: return 'B' if C_inv != False: return 'C' if D_inv != False: return 'D' return None def deblock(B): """ Flatten a BlockMatrix of BlockMatrices """ if not isinstance(B, BlockMatrix) or not B.blocks.has(BlockMatrix): return B wrap = lambda x: x if isinstance(x, BlockMatrix) else BlockMatrix([[x]]) bb = B.blocks.applyfunc(wrap) # everything is a block try: MM = Matrix(0, sum(bb[0, i].blocks.shape[1] for i in range(bb.shape[1])), []) for row in range(0, bb.shape[0]): M = Matrix(bb[row, 0].blocks) for col in range(1, bb.shape[1]): M = M.row_join(bb[row, col].blocks) MM = MM.col_join(M) return BlockMatrix(MM) except ShapeError: return B def reblock_2x2(expr): """ Reblock a BlockMatrix so that it has 2x2 blocks of block matrices. If possible in such a way that the matrix continues to be invertible using the classical 2x2 block inversion formulas. """ if not isinstance(expr, BlockMatrix) or not all(d > 2 for d in expr.blockshape): return expr BM = BlockMatrix # for brevity's sake rowblocks, colblocks = expr.blockshape blocks = expr.blocks for i in range(1, rowblocks): for j in range(1, colblocks): # try to split rows at i and cols at j A = bc_unpack(BM(blocks[:i, :j])) B = bc_unpack(BM(blocks[:i, j:])) C = bc_unpack(BM(blocks[i:, :j])) D = bc_unpack(BM(blocks[i:, j:])) formula = _choose_2x2_inversion_formula(A, B, C, D) if formula is not None: return BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]]) # else: nothing worked, just split upper left corner return BM([[blocks[0, 0], BM(blocks[0, 1:])], [BM(blocks[1:, 0]), BM(blocks[1:, 1:])]]) def bounds(sizes): """ Convert sequence of numbers into pairs of low-high pairs >>> from sympy.matrices.expressions.blockmatrix import bounds >>> bounds((1, 10, 50)) [(0, 1), (1, 11), (11, 61)] """ low = 0 rv = [] for size in sizes: rv.append((low, low + size)) low += size return rv def blockcut(expr, rowsizes, colsizes): """ Cut a matrix expression into Blocks >>> from sympy import ImmutableMatrix, blockcut >>> M = ImmutableMatrix(4, 4, range(16)) >>> B = blockcut(M, (1, 3), (1, 3)) >>> type(B).__name__ 'BlockMatrix' >>> ImmutableMatrix(B.blocks[0, 1]) Matrix([[1, 2, 3]]) """ rowbounds = bounds(rowsizes) colbounds = bounds(colsizes) return BlockMatrix([[MatrixSlice(expr, rowbound, colbound) for colbound in colbounds] for rowbound in rowbounds])