""" Module for the SDM class. """ from operator import add, neg, pos, sub, mul from collections import defaultdict from sympy.utilities.iterables import _strongly_connected_components from .exceptions import DMBadInputError, DMDomainError, DMShapeError from .ddm import DDM from .lll import ddm_lll, ddm_lll_transform from sympy.polys.domains import QQ class SDM(dict): r"""Sparse matrix based on polys domain elements This is a dict subclass and is a wrapper for a dict of dicts that supports basic matrix arithmetic +, -, *, **. In order to create a new :py:class:`~.SDM`, a dict of dicts mapping non-zero elements to their corresponding row and column in the matrix is needed. We also need to specify the shape and :py:class:`~.Domain` of our :py:class:`~.SDM` object. We declare a 2x2 :py:class:`~.SDM` matrix belonging to QQ domain as shown below. The 2x2 Matrix in the example is .. math:: A = \left[\begin{array}{ccc} 0 & \frac{1}{2} \\ 0 & 0 \end{array} \right] >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> from sympy import QQ >>> elemsdict = {0:{1:QQ(1, 2)}} >>> A = SDM(elemsdict, (2, 2), QQ) >>> A {0: {1: 1/2}} We can manipulate :py:class:`~.SDM` the same way as a Matrix class >>> from sympy import ZZ >>> A = SDM({0:{1: ZZ(2)}, 1:{0:ZZ(1)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> B = SDM({0:{0: ZZ(3)}, 1:{1:ZZ(4)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> A + B {0: {0: 3, 1: 2}, 1: {0: 1, 1: 4}} Multiplication >>> A*B {0: {1: 8}, 1: {0: 3}} >>> A*ZZ(2) {0: {1: 4}, 1: {0: 2}} """ fmt = 'sparse' def __init__(self, elemsdict, shape, domain): super().__init__(elemsdict) self.shape = self.rows, self.cols = m, n = shape self.domain = domain if not all(0 <= r < m for r in self): raise DMBadInputError("Row out of range") if not all(0 <= c < n for row in self.values() for c in row): raise DMBadInputError("Column out of range") def getitem(self, i, j): try: return self[i][j] except KeyError: m, n = self.shape if -m <= i < m and -n <= j < n: try: return self[i % m][j % n] except KeyError: return self.domain.zero else: raise IndexError("index out of range") def setitem(self, i, j, value): m, n = self.shape if not (-m <= i < m and -n <= j < n): raise IndexError("index out of range") i, j = i % m, j % n if value: try: self[i][j] = value except KeyError: self[i] = {j: value} else: rowi = self.get(i, None) if rowi is not None: try: del rowi[j] except KeyError: pass else: if not rowi: del self[i] def extract_slice(self, slice1, slice2): m, n = self.shape ri = range(m)[slice1] ci = range(n)[slice2] sdm = {} for i, row in self.items(): if i in ri: row = {ci.index(j): e for j, e in row.items() if j in ci} if row: sdm[ri.index(i)] = row return self.new(sdm, (len(ri), len(ci)), self.domain) def extract(self, rows, cols): if not (self and rows and cols): return self.zeros((len(rows), len(cols)), self.domain) m, n = self.shape if not (-m <= min(rows) <= max(rows) < m): raise IndexError('Row index out of range') if not (-n <= min(cols) <= max(cols) < n): raise IndexError('Column index out of range') # rows and cols can contain duplicates e.g. M[[1, 2, 2], [0, 1]] # Build a map from row/col in self to list of rows/cols in output rowmap = defaultdict(list) colmap = defaultdict(list) for i2, i1 in enumerate(rows): rowmap[i1 % m].append(i2) for j2, j1 in enumerate(cols): colmap[j1 % n].append(j2) # Used to efficiently skip zero rows/cols rowset = set(rowmap) colset = set(colmap) sdm1 = self sdm2 = {} for i1 in rowset & set(sdm1): row1 = sdm1[i1] row2 = {} for j1 in colset & set(row1): row1_j1 = row1[j1] for j2 in colmap[j1]: row2[j2] = row1_j1 if row2: for i2 in rowmap[i1]: sdm2[i2] = row2.copy() return self.new(sdm2, (len(rows), len(cols)), self.domain) def __str__(self): rowsstr = [] for i, row in self.items(): elemsstr = ', '.join('%s: %s' % (j, elem) for j, elem in row.items()) rowsstr.append('%s: {%s}' % (i, elemsstr)) return '{%s}' % ', '.join(rowsstr) def __repr__(self): cls = type(self).__name__ rows = dict.__repr__(self) return '%s(%s, %s, %s)' % (cls, rows, self.shape, self.domain) @classmethod def new(cls, sdm, shape, domain): """ Parameters ========== sdm: A dict of dicts for non-zero elements in SDM shape: tuple representing dimension of SDM domain: Represents :py:class:`~.Domain` of SDM Returns ======= An :py:class:`~.SDM` object Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> from sympy import QQ >>> elemsdict = {0:{1: QQ(2)}} >>> A = SDM.new(elemsdict, (2, 2), QQ) >>> A {0: {1: 2}} """ return cls(sdm, shape, domain) def copy(A): """ Returns the copy of a :py:class:`~.SDM` object Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> from sympy import QQ >>> elemsdict = {0:{1:QQ(2)}, 1:{}} >>> A = SDM(elemsdict, (2, 2), QQ) >>> B = A.copy() >>> B {0: {1: 2}, 1: {}} """ Ac = {i: Ai.copy() for i, Ai in A.items()} return A.new(Ac, A.shape, A.domain) @classmethod def from_list(cls, ddm, shape, domain): """ Parameters ========== ddm: list of lists containing domain elements shape: Dimensions of :py:class:`~.SDM` matrix domain: Represents :py:class:`~.Domain` of :py:class:`~.SDM` object Returns ======= :py:class:`~.SDM` containing elements of ddm Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> from sympy import QQ >>> ddm = [[QQ(1, 2), QQ(0)], [QQ(0), QQ(3, 4)]] >>> A = SDM.from_list(ddm, (2, 2), QQ) >>> A {0: {0: 1/2}, 1: {1: 3/4}} """ m, n = shape if not (len(ddm) == m and all(len(row) == n for row in ddm)): raise DMBadInputError("Inconsistent row-list/shape") getrow = lambda i: {j:ddm[i][j] for j in range(n) if ddm[i][j]} irows = ((i, getrow(i)) for i in range(m)) sdm = {i: row for i, row in irows if row} return cls(sdm, shape, domain) @classmethod def from_ddm(cls, ddm): """ converts object of :py:class:`~.DDM` to :py:class:`~.SDM` Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.ddm import DDM >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> from sympy import QQ >>> ddm = DDM( [[QQ(1, 2), 0], [0, QQ(3, 4)]], (2, 2), QQ) >>> A = SDM.from_ddm(ddm) >>> A {0: {0: 1/2}, 1: {1: 3/4}} """ return cls.from_list(ddm, ddm.shape, ddm.domain) def to_list(M): """ Converts a :py:class:`~.SDM` object to a list Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> from sympy import QQ >>> elemsdict = {0:{1:QQ(2)}, 1:{}} >>> A = SDM(elemsdict, (2, 2), QQ) >>> A.to_list() [[0, 2], [0, 0]] """ m, n = M.shape zero = M.domain.zero ddm = [[zero] * n for _ in range(m)] for i, row in M.items(): for j, e in row.items(): ddm[i][j] = e return ddm def to_list_flat(M): m, n = M.shape zero = M.domain.zero flat = [zero] * (m * n) for i, row in M.items(): for j, e in row.items(): flat[i*n + j] = e return flat def to_dok(M): return {(i, j): e for i, row in M.items() for j, e in row.items()} def to_ddm(M): """ Convert a :py:class:`~.SDM` object to a :py:class:`~.DDM` object Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> from sympy import QQ >>> A = SDM({0:{1:QQ(2)}, 1:{}}, (2, 2), QQ) >>> A.to_ddm() [[0, 2], [0, 0]] """ return DDM(M.to_list(), M.shape, M.domain) def to_sdm(M): return M @classmethod def zeros(cls, shape, domain): r""" Returns a :py:class:`~.SDM` of size shape, belonging to the specified domain In the example below we declare a matrix A where, .. math:: A := \left[\begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array} \right] >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> from sympy import QQ >>> A = SDM.zeros((2, 3), QQ) >>> A {} """ return cls({}, shape, domain) @classmethod def ones(cls, shape, domain): one = domain.one m, n = shape row = dict(zip(range(n), [one]*n)) sdm = {i: row.copy() for i in range(m)} return cls(sdm, shape, domain) @classmethod def eye(cls, shape, domain): """ Returns a identity :py:class:`~.SDM` matrix of dimensions size x size, belonging to the specified domain Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> from sympy import QQ >>> I = SDM.eye((2, 2), QQ) >>> I {0: {0: 1}, 1: {1: 1}} """ rows, cols = shape one = domain.one sdm = {i: {i: one} for i in range(min(rows, cols))} return cls(sdm, shape, domain) @classmethod def diag(cls, diagonal, domain, shape): sdm = {i: {i: v} for i, v in enumerate(diagonal) if v} return cls(sdm, shape, domain) def transpose(M): """ Returns the transpose of a :py:class:`~.SDM` matrix Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> from sympy import QQ >>> A = SDM({0:{1:QQ(2)}, 1:{}}, (2, 2), QQ) >>> A.transpose() {1: {0: 2}} """ MT = sdm_transpose(M) return M.new(MT, M.shape[::-1], M.domain) def __add__(A, B): if not isinstance(B, SDM): return NotImplemented return A.add(B) def __sub__(A, B): if not isinstance(B, SDM): return NotImplemented return A.sub(B) def __neg__(A): return A.neg() def __mul__(A, B): """A * B""" if isinstance(B, SDM): return A.matmul(B) elif B in A.domain: return A.mul(B) else: return NotImplemented def __rmul__(a, b): if b in a.domain: return a.rmul(b) else: return NotImplemented def matmul(A, B): """ Performs matrix multiplication of two SDM matrices Parameters ========== A, B: SDM to multiply Returns ======= SDM SDM after multiplication Raises ====== DomainError If domain of A does not match with that of B Examples ======== >>> from sympy import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{1: ZZ(2)}, 1:{0:ZZ(1)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> B = SDM({0:{0:ZZ(2), 1:ZZ(3)}, 1:{0:ZZ(4)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> A.matmul(B) {0: {0: 8}, 1: {0: 2, 1: 3}} """ if A.domain != B.domain: raise DMDomainError m, n = A.shape n2, o = B.shape if n != n2: raise DMShapeError C = sdm_matmul(A, B, A.domain, m, o) return A.new(C, (m, o), A.domain) def mul(A, b): """ Multiplies each element of A with a scalar b Examples ======== >>> from sympy import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{1: ZZ(2)}, 1:{0:ZZ(1)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> A.mul(ZZ(3)) {0: {1: 6}, 1: {0: 3}} """ Csdm = unop_dict(A, lambda aij: aij*b) return A.new(Csdm, A.shape, A.domain) def rmul(A, b): Csdm = unop_dict(A, lambda aij: b*aij) return A.new(Csdm, A.shape, A.domain) def mul_elementwise(A, B): if A.domain != B.domain: raise DMDomainError if A.shape != B.shape: raise DMShapeError zero = A.domain.zero fzero = lambda e: zero Csdm = binop_dict(A, B, mul, fzero, fzero) return A.new(Csdm, A.shape, A.domain) def add(A, B): """ Adds two :py:class:`~.SDM` matrices Examples ======== >>> from sympy import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{1: ZZ(2)}, 1:{0:ZZ(1)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> B = SDM({0:{0: ZZ(3)}, 1:{1:ZZ(4)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> A.add(B) {0: {0: 3, 1: 2}, 1: {0: 1, 1: 4}} """ Csdm = binop_dict(A, B, add, pos, pos) return A.new(Csdm, A.shape, A.domain) def sub(A, B): """ Subtracts two :py:class:`~.SDM` matrices Examples ======== >>> from sympy import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{1: ZZ(2)}, 1:{0:ZZ(1)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> B = SDM({0:{0: ZZ(3)}, 1:{1:ZZ(4)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> A.sub(B) {0: {0: -3, 1: 2}, 1: {0: 1, 1: -4}} """ Csdm = binop_dict(A, B, sub, pos, neg) return A.new(Csdm, A.shape, A.domain) def neg(A): """ Returns the negative of a :py:class:`~.SDM` matrix Examples ======== >>> from sympy import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{1: ZZ(2)}, 1:{0:ZZ(1)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> A.neg() {0: {1: -2}, 1: {0: -1}} """ Csdm = unop_dict(A, neg) return A.new(Csdm, A.shape, A.domain) def convert_to(A, K): """ Converts the :py:class:`~.Domain` of a :py:class:`~.SDM` matrix to K Examples ======== >>> from sympy import ZZ, QQ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{1: ZZ(2)}, 1:{0:ZZ(1)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> A.convert_to(QQ) {0: {1: 2}, 1: {0: 1}} """ Kold = A.domain if K == Kold: return A.copy() Ak = unop_dict(A, lambda e: K.convert_from(e, Kold)) return A.new(Ak, A.shape, K) def scc(A): """Strongly connected components of a square matrix *A*. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{0: ZZ(2)}, 1:{1:ZZ(1)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> A.scc() [[0], [1]] See also ======== sympy.polys.matrices.domainmatrix.DomainMatrix.scc """ rows, cols = A.shape assert rows == cols V = range(rows) Emap = {v: list(A.get(v, [])) for v in V} return _strongly_connected_components(V, Emap) def rref(A): """ Returns reduced-row echelon form and list of pivots for the :py:class:`~.SDM` Examples ======== >>> from sympy import QQ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{0:QQ(1), 1:QQ(2)}, 1:{0:QQ(2), 1:QQ(4)}}, (2, 2), QQ) >>> A.rref() ({0: {0: 1, 1: 2}}, [0]) """ B, pivots, _ = sdm_irref(A) return A.new(B, A.shape, A.domain), pivots def inv(A): """ Returns inverse of a matrix A Examples ======== >>> from sympy import QQ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{0:QQ(1), 1:QQ(2)}, 1:{0:QQ(3), 1:QQ(4)}}, (2, 2), QQ) >>> A.inv() {0: {0: -2, 1: 1}, 1: {0: 3/2, 1: -1/2}} """ return A.from_ddm(A.to_ddm().inv()) def det(A): """ Returns determinant of A Examples ======== >>> from sympy import QQ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{0:QQ(1), 1:QQ(2)}, 1:{0:QQ(3), 1:QQ(4)}}, (2, 2), QQ) >>> A.det() -2 """ return A.to_ddm().det() def lu(A): """ Returns LU decomposition for a matrix A Examples ======== >>> from sympy import QQ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{0:QQ(1), 1:QQ(2)}, 1:{0:QQ(3), 1:QQ(4)}}, (2, 2), QQ) >>> A.lu() ({0: {0: 1}, 1: {0: 3, 1: 1}}, {0: {0: 1, 1: 2}, 1: {1: -2}}, []) """ L, U, swaps = A.to_ddm().lu() return A.from_ddm(L), A.from_ddm(U), swaps def lu_solve(A, b): """ Uses LU decomposition to solve Ax = b, Examples ======== >>> from sympy import QQ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{0:QQ(1), 1:QQ(2)}, 1:{0:QQ(3), 1:QQ(4)}}, (2, 2), QQ) >>> b = SDM({0:{0:QQ(1)}, 1:{0:QQ(2)}}, (2, 1), QQ) >>> A.lu_solve(b) {1: {0: 1/2}} """ return A.from_ddm(A.to_ddm().lu_solve(b.to_ddm())) def nullspace(A): """ Returns nullspace for a :py:class:`~.SDM` matrix A Examples ======== >>> from sympy import QQ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0:{0:QQ(1), 1:QQ(2)}, 1:{0: QQ(2), 1: QQ(4)}}, (2, 2), QQ) >>> A.nullspace() ({0: {0: -2, 1: 1}}, [1]) """ ncols = A.shape[1] one = A.domain.one B, pivots, nzcols = sdm_irref(A) K, nonpivots = sdm_nullspace_from_rref(B, one, ncols, pivots, nzcols) K = dict(enumerate(K)) shape = (len(K), ncols) return A.new(K, shape, A.domain), nonpivots def particular(A): ncols = A.shape[1] B, pivots, nzcols = sdm_irref(A) P = sdm_particular_from_rref(B, ncols, pivots) rep = {0:P} if P else {} return A.new(rep, (1, ncols-1), A.domain) def hstack(A, *B): """Horizontally stacks :py:class:`~.SDM` matrices. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0: {0: ZZ(1), 1: ZZ(2)}, 1: {0: ZZ(3), 1: ZZ(4)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> B = SDM({0: {0: ZZ(5), 1: ZZ(6)}, 1: {0: ZZ(7), 1: ZZ(8)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> A.hstack(B) {0: {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 5, 3: 6}, 1: {0: 3, 1: 4, 2: 7, 3: 8}} >>> C = SDM({0: {0: ZZ(9), 1: ZZ(10)}, 1: {0: ZZ(11), 1: ZZ(12)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> A.hstack(B, C) {0: {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 5, 3: 6, 4: 9, 5: 10}, 1: {0: 3, 1: 4, 2: 7, 3: 8, 4: 11, 5: 12}} """ Anew = dict(A.copy()) rows, cols = A.shape domain = A.domain for Bk in B: Bkrows, Bkcols = Bk.shape assert Bkrows == rows assert Bk.domain == domain for i, Bki in Bk.items(): Ai = Anew.get(i, None) if Ai is None: Anew[i] = Ai = {} for j, Bkij in Bki.items(): Ai[j + cols] = Bkij cols += Bkcols return A.new(Anew, (rows, cols), A.domain) def vstack(A, *B): """Vertically stacks :py:class:`~.SDM` matrices. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import ZZ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> A = SDM({0: {0: ZZ(1), 1: ZZ(2)}, 1: {0: ZZ(3), 1: ZZ(4)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> B = SDM({0: {0: ZZ(5), 1: ZZ(6)}, 1: {0: ZZ(7), 1: ZZ(8)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> A.vstack(B) {0: {0: 1, 1: 2}, 1: {0: 3, 1: 4}, 2: {0: 5, 1: 6}, 3: {0: 7, 1: 8}} >>> C = SDM({0: {0: ZZ(9), 1: ZZ(10)}, 1: {0: ZZ(11), 1: ZZ(12)}}, (2, 2), ZZ) >>> A.vstack(B, C) {0: {0: 1, 1: 2}, 1: {0: 3, 1: 4}, 2: {0: 5, 1: 6}, 3: {0: 7, 1: 8}, 4: {0: 9, 1: 10}, 5: {0: 11, 1: 12}} """ Anew = dict(A.copy()) rows, cols = A.shape domain = A.domain for Bk in B: Bkrows, Bkcols = Bk.shape assert Bkcols == cols assert Bk.domain == domain for i, Bki in Bk.items(): Anew[i + rows] = Bki rows += Bkrows return A.new(Anew, (rows, cols), A.domain) def applyfunc(self, func, domain): sdm = {i: {j: func(e) for j, e in row.items()} for i, row in self.items()} return self.new(sdm, self.shape, domain) def charpoly(A): """ Returns the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the :py:class:`~.SDM` matrix. These elements will be domain elements. The domain of the elements will be same as domain of the :py:class:`~.SDM`. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import QQ, Symbol >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import SDM >>> from sympy.polys import Poly >>> A = SDM({0:{0:QQ(1), 1:QQ(2)}, 1:{0:QQ(3), 1:QQ(4)}}, (2, 2), QQ) >>> A.charpoly() [1, -5, -2] We can create a polynomial using the coefficients using :py:class:`~.Poly` >>> x = Symbol('x') >>> p = Poly(A.charpoly(), x, domain=A.domain) >>> p Poly(x**2 - 5*x - 2, x, domain='QQ') """ return A.to_ddm().charpoly() def is_zero_matrix(self): """ Says whether this matrix has all zero entries. """ return not self def is_upper(self): """ Says whether this matrix is upper-triangular. True can be returned even if the matrix is not square. """ return all(i <= j for i, row in self.items() for j in row) def is_lower(self): """ Says whether this matrix is lower-triangular. True can be returned even if the matrix is not square. """ return all(i >= j for i, row in self.items() for j in row) def lll(A, delta=QQ(3, 4)): return A.from_ddm(ddm_lll(A.to_ddm(), delta=delta)) def lll_transform(A, delta=QQ(3, 4)): reduced, transform = ddm_lll_transform(A.to_ddm(), delta=delta) return A.from_ddm(reduced), A.from_ddm(transform) def binop_dict(A, B, fab, fa, fb): Anz, Bnz = set(A), set(B) C = {} for i in Anz & Bnz: Ai, Bi = A[i], B[i] Ci = {} Anzi, Bnzi = set(Ai), set(Bi) for j in Anzi & Bnzi: Cij = fab(Ai[j], Bi[j]) if Cij: Ci[j] = Cij for j in Anzi - Bnzi: Cij = fa(Ai[j]) if Cij: Ci[j] = Cij for j in Bnzi - Anzi: Cij = fb(Bi[j]) if Cij: Ci[j] = Cij if Ci: C[i] = Ci for i in Anz - Bnz: Ai = A[i] Ci = {} for j, Aij in Ai.items(): Cij = fa(Aij) if Cij: Ci[j] = Cij if Ci: C[i] = Ci for i in Bnz - Anz: Bi = B[i] Ci = {} for j, Bij in Bi.items(): Cij = fb(Bij) if Cij: Ci[j] = Cij if Ci: C[i] = Ci return C def unop_dict(A, f): B = {} for i, Ai in A.items(): Bi = {} for j, Aij in Ai.items(): Bij = f(Aij) if Bij: Bi[j] = Bij if Bi: B[i] = Bi return B def sdm_transpose(M): MT = {} for i, Mi in M.items(): for j, Mij in Mi.items(): try: MT[j][i] = Mij except KeyError: MT[j] = {i: Mij} return MT def sdm_matmul(A, B, K, m, o): # # Should be fast if A and B are very sparse. # Consider e.g. A = B = eye(1000). # # The idea here is that we compute C = A*B in terms of the rows of C and # B since the dict of dicts representation naturally stores the matrix as # rows. The ith row of C (Ci) is equal to the sum of Aik * Bk where Bk is # the kth row of B. The algorithm below loops over each nonzero element # Aik of A and if the corresponding row Bj is nonzero then we do # Ci += Aik * Bk. # To make this more efficient we don't need to loop over all elements Aik. # Instead for each row Ai we compute the intersection of the nonzero # columns in Ai with the nonzero rows in B. That gives the k such that # Aik and Bk are both nonzero. In Python the intersection of two sets # of int can be computed very efficiently. # if K.is_EXRAW: return sdm_matmul_exraw(A, B, K, m, o) C = {} B_knz = set(B) for i, Ai in A.items(): Ci = {} Ai_knz = set(Ai) for k in Ai_knz & B_knz: Aik = Ai[k] for j, Bkj in B[k].items(): Cij = Ci.get(j, None) if Cij is not None: Cij = Cij + Aik * Bkj if Cij: Ci[j] = Cij else: Ci.pop(j) else: Cij = Aik * Bkj if Cij: Ci[j] = Cij if Ci: C[i] = Ci return C def sdm_matmul_exraw(A, B, K, m, o): # # Like sdm_matmul above except that: # # - Handles cases like 0*oo -> nan (sdm_matmul skips multipication by zero) # - Uses K.sum (Add(*items)) for efficient addition of Expr # zero = K.zero C = {} B_knz = set(B) for i, Ai in A.items(): Ci_list = defaultdict(list) Ai_knz = set(Ai) # Nonzero row/column pair for k in Ai_knz & B_knz: Aik = Ai[k] if zero * Aik == zero: # This is the main inner loop: for j, Bkj in B[k].items(): Ci_list[j].append(Aik * Bkj) else: for j in range(o): Ci_list[j].append(Aik * B[k].get(j, zero)) # Zero row in B, check for infinities in A for k in Ai_knz - B_knz: zAik = zero * Ai[k] if zAik != zero: for j in range(o): Ci_list[j].append(zAik) # Add terms using K.sum (Add(*terms)) for efficiency Ci = {} for j, Cij_list in Ci_list.items(): Cij = K.sum(Cij_list) if Cij: Ci[j] = Cij if Ci: C[i] = Ci # Find all infinities in B for k, Bk in B.items(): for j, Bkj in Bk.items(): if zero * Bkj != zero: for i in range(m): Aik = A.get(i, {}).get(k, zero) # If Aik is not zero then this was handled above if Aik == zero: Ci = C.get(i, {}) Cij = Ci.get(j, zero) + Aik * Bkj if Cij != zero: Ci[j] = Cij else: # pragma: no cover # Not sure how we could get here but let's raise an # exception just in case. raise RuntimeError C[i] = Ci return C def sdm_irref(A): """RREF and pivots of a sparse matrix *A*. Compute the reduced row echelon form (RREF) of the matrix *A* and return a list of the pivot columns. This routine does not work in place and leaves the original matrix *A* unmodified. Examples ======== This routine works with a dict of dicts sparse representation of a matrix: >>> from sympy import QQ >>> from sympy.polys.matrices.sdm import sdm_irref >>> A = {0: {0: QQ(1), 1: QQ(2)}, 1: {0: QQ(3), 1: QQ(4)}} >>> Arref, pivots, _ = sdm_irref(A) >>> Arref {0: {0: 1}, 1: {1: 1}} >>> pivots [0, 1] The analogous calculation with :py:class:`~.Matrix` would be >>> from sympy import Matrix >>> M = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> Mrref, pivots = M.rref() >>> Mrref Matrix([ [1, 0], [0, 1]]) >>> pivots (0, 1) Notes ===== The cost of this algorithm is determined purely by the nonzero elements of the matrix. No part of the cost of any step in this algorithm depends on the number of rows or columns in the matrix. No step depends even on the number of nonzero rows apart from the primary loop over those rows. The implementation is much faster than ddm_rref for sparse matrices. In fact at the time of writing it is also (slightly) faster than the dense implementation even if the input is a fully dense matrix so it seems to be faster in all cases. The elements of the matrix should support exact division with ``/``. For example elements of any domain that is a field (e.g. ``QQ``) should be fine. No attempt is made to handle inexact arithmetic. """ # # Any zeros in the matrix are not stored at all so an element is zero if # its row dict has no index at that key. A row is entirely zero if its # row index is not in the outer dict. Since rref reorders the rows and # removes zero rows we can completely discard the row indices. The first # step then copies the row dicts into a list sorted by the index of the # first nonzero column in each row. # # The algorithm then processes each row Ai one at a time. Previously seen # rows are used to cancel their pivot columns from Ai. Then a pivot from # Ai is chosen and is cancelled from all previously seen rows. At this # point Ai joins the previously seen rows. Once all rows are seen all # elimination has occurred and the rows are sorted by pivot column index. # # The previously seen rows are stored in two separate groups. The reduced # group consists of all rows that have been reduced to a single nonzero # element (the pivot). There is no need to attempt any further reduction # with these. Rows that still have other nonzeros need to be considered # when Ai is cancelled from the previously seen rows. # # A dict nonzerocolumns is used to map from a column index to a set of # previously seen rows that still have a nonzero element in that column. # This means that we can cancel the pivot from Ai into the previously seen # rows without needing to loop over each row that might have a zero in # that column. # # Row dicts sorted by index of first nonzero column # (Maybe sorting is not needed/useful.) Arows = sorted((Ai.copy() for Ai in A.values()), key=min) # Each processed row has an associated pivot column. # pivot_row_map maps from the pivot column index to the row dict. # This means that we can represent a set of rows purely as a set of their # pivot indices. pivot_row_map = {} # Set of pivot indices for rows that are fully reduced to a single nonzero. reduced_pivots = set() # Set of pivot indices for rows not fully reduced nonreduced_pivots = set() # Map from column index to a set of pivot indices representing the rows # that have a nonzero at that column. nonzero_columns = defaultdict(set) while Arows: # Select pivot element and row Ai = Arows.pop() # Nonzero columns from fully reduced pivot rows can be removed Ai = {j: Aij for j, Aij in Ai.items() if j not in reduced_pivots} # Others require full row cancellation for j in nonreduced_pivots & set(Ai): Aj = pivot_row_map[j] Aij = Ai[j] Ainz = set(Ai) Ajnz = set(Aj) for k in Ajnz - Ainz: Ai[k] = - Aij * Aj[k] Ai.pop(j) Ainz.remove(j) for k in Ajnz & Ainz: Aik = Ai[k] - Aij * Aj[k] if Aik: Ai[k] = Aik else: Ai.pop(k) # We have now cancelled previously seen pivots from Ai. # If it is zero then discard it. if not Ai: continue # Choose a pivot from Ai: j = min(Ai) Aij = Ai[j] pivot_row_map[j] = Ai Ainz = set(Ai) # Normalise the pivot row to make the pivot 1. # # This approach is slow for some domains. Cross cancellation might be # better for e.g. QQ(x) with division delayed to the final steps. Aijinv = Aij**-1 for l in Ai: Ai[l] *= Aijinv # Use Aij to cancel column j from all previously seen rows for k in nonzero_columns.pop(j, ()): Ak = pivot_row_map[k] Akj = Ak[j] Aknz = set(Ak) for l in Ainz - Aknz: Ak[l] = - Akj * Ai[l] nonzero_columns[l].add(k) Ak.pop(j) Aknz.remove(j) for l in Ainz & Aknz: Akl = Ak[l] - Akj * Ai[l] if Akl: Ak[l] = Akl else: # Drop nonzero elements Ak.pop(l) if l != j: nonzero_columns[l].remove(k) if len(Ak) == 1: reduced_pivots.add(k) nonreduced_pivots.remove(k) if len(Ai) == 1: reduced_pivots.add(j) else: nonreduced_pivots.add(j) for l in Ai: if l != j: nonzero_columns[l].add(j) # All done! pivots = sorted(reduced_pivots | nonreduced_pivots) pivot2row = {p: n for n, p in enumerate(pivots)} nonzero_columns = {c: {pivot2row[p] for p in s} for c, s in nonzero_columns.items()} rows = [pivot_row_map[i] for i in pivots] rref = dict(enumerate(rows)) return rref, pivots, nonzero_columns def sdm_nullspace_from_rref(A, one, ncols, pivots, nonzero_cols): """Get nullspace from A which is in RREF""" nonpivots = sorted(set(range(ncols)) - set(pivots)) K = [] for j in nonpivots: Kj = {j:one} for i in nonzero_cols.get(j, ()): Kj[pivots[i]] = -A[i][j] K.append(Kj) return K, nonpivots def sdm_particular_from_rref(A, ncols, pivots): """Get a particular solution from A which is in RREF""" P = {} for i, j in enumerate(pivots): Ain = A[i].get(ncols-1, None) if Ain is not None: P[j] = Ain / A[i][j] return P