# # test_linsolve.py # # Test the internal implementation of linsolve. # from sympy.testing.pytest import raises from sympy.core.numbers import I from sympy.core.relational import Eq from sympy.core.singleton import S from sympy.abc import x, y, z from sympy.polys.matrices.linsolve import _linsolve from sympy.polys.solvers import PolyNonlinearError def test__linsolve(): assert _linsolve([], [x]) == {x:x} assert _linsolve([S.Zero], [x]) == {x:x} assert _linsolve([x-1,x-2], [x]) is None assert _linsolve([x-1], [x]) == {x:1} assert _linsolve([x-1, y], [x, y]) == {x:1, y:S.Zero} assert _linsolve([2*I], [x]) is None raises(PolyNonlinearError, lambda: _linsolve([x*(1 + x)], [x])) def test__linsolve_float(): # This should give the exact answer: eqs = [ y - x, y - 0.0216 * x ] sol = {x:0.0, y:0.0} assert _linsolve(eqs, (x, y)) == sol # Other cases should be close to eps def all_close(sol1, sol2, eps=1e-15): close = lambda a, b: abs(a - b) < eps assert sol1.keys() == sol2.keys() return all(close(sol1[s], sol2[s]) for s in sol1) eqs = [ 0.8*x + 0.8*z + 0.2, 0.9*x + 0.7*y + 0.2*z + 0.9, 0.7*x + 0.2*y + 0.2*z + 0.5 ] sol_exact = {x:-29/42, y:-11/21, z:37/84} sol_linsolve = _linsolve(eqs, [x,y,z]) assert all_close(sol_exact, sol_linsolve) eqs = [ 0.9*x + 0.3*y + 0.4*z + 0.6, 0.6*x + 0.9*y + 0.1*z + 0.7, 0.4*x + 0.6*y + 0.9*z + 0.5 ] sol_exact = {x:-88/175, y:-46/105, z:-1/25} sol_linsolve = _linsolve(eqs, [x,y,z]) assert all_close(sol_exact, sol_linsolve) eqs = [ 0.4*x + 0.3*y + 0.6*z + 0.7, 0.4*x + 0.3*y + 0.9*z + 0.9, 0.7*x + 0.9*y, ] sol_exact = {x:-9/5, y:7/5, z:-2/3} sol_linsolve = _linsolve(eqs, [x,y,z]) assert all_close(sol_exact, sol_linsolve) eqs = [ x*(0.7 + 0.6*I) + y*(0.4 + 0.7*I) + z*(0.9 + 0.1*I) + 0.5, 0.2*I*x + 0.2*I*y + z*(0.9 + 0.2*I) + 0.1, x*(0.9 + 0.7*I) + y*(0.9 + 0.7*I) + z*(0.9 + 0.4*I) + 0.4, ] sol_exact = { x:-6157/7995 - 411/5330*I, y:8519/15990 + 1784/7995*I, z:-34/533 + 107/1599*I, } sol_linsolve = _linsolve(eqs, [x,y,z]) assert all_close(sol_exact, sol_linsolve) # XXX: This system for x and y over RR(z) is problematic. # # eqs = [ # x*(0.2*z + 0.9) + y*(0.5*z + 0.8) + 0.6, # 0.1*x*z + y*(0.1*z + 0.6) + 0.9, # ] # # linsolve(eqs, [x, y]) # The solution for x comes out as # # -3.9e-5*z**2 - 3.6e-5*z - 8.67361737988404e-20 # x = ---------------------------------------------- # 3.0e-6*z**3 - 1.3e-5*z**2 - 5.4e-5*z # # The 8e-20 in the numerator should be zero which would allow z to cancel # from top and bottom. It should be possible to avoid this somehow because # the inverse of the matrix only has a quadratic factor (the determinant) # in the denominator. def test__linsolve_deprecated(): raises(PolyNonlinearError, lambda: _linsolve([Eq(x**2, x**2 + y)], [x, y])) raises(PolyNonlinearError, lambda: _linsolve([(x + y)**2 - x**2], [x])) raises(PolyNonlinearError, lambda: _linsolve([Eq((x + y)**2, x**2)], [x]))