from sympy.core.containers import Tuple from sympy.core.singleton import S from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol from sympy.core.sympify import SympifyError from types import FunctionType class TableForm: r""" Create a nice table representation of data. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import TableForm >>> t = TableForm([[5, 7], [4, 2], [10, 3]]) >>> print(t) 5 7 4 2 10 3 You can use the SymPy's printing system to produce tables in any format (ascii, latex, html, ...). >>> print(t.as_latex()) \begin{tabular}{l l} $5$ & $7$ \\ $4$ & $2$ \\ $10$ & $3$ \\ \end{tabular} """ def __init__(self, data, **kwarg): """ Creates a TableForm. Parameters: data ... 2D data to be put into the table; data can be given as a Matrix headings ... gives the labels for rows and columns: Can be a single argument that applies to both dimensions: - None ... no labels - "automatic" ... labels are 1, 2, 3, ... Can be a list of labels for rows and columns: The labels for each dimension can be given as None, "automatic", or [l1, l2, ...] e.g. ["automatic", None] will number the rows [default: None] alignments ... alignment of the columns with: - "left" or "<" - "center" or "^" - "right" or ">" When given as a single value, the value is used for all columns. The row headings (if given) will be right justified unless an explicit alignment is given for it and all other columns. [default: "left"] formats ... a list of format strings or functions that accept 3 arguments (entry, row number, col number) and return a string for the table entry. (If a function returns None then the _print method will be used.) wipe_zeros ... Do not show zeros in the table. [default: True] pad ... the string to use to indicate a missing value (e.g. elements that are None or those that are missing from the end of a row (i.e. any row that is shorter than the rest is assumed to have missing values). When None, nothing will be shown for values that are missing from the end of a row; values that are None, however, will be shown. [default: None] Examples ======== >>> from sympy import TableForm, Symbol >>> TableForm([[5, 7], [4, 2], [10, 3]]) 5 7 4 2 10 3 >>> TableForm([list('.'*i) for i in range(1, 4)], headings='automatic') | 1 2 3 --------- 1 | . 2 | . . 3 | . . . >>> TableForm([[Symbol('.'*(j if not i%2 else 1)) for i in range(3)] ... for j in range(4)], alignments='rcl') . . . . .. . .. ... . ... """ from sympy.matrices.dense import Matrix # We only support 2D data. Check the consistency: if isinstance(data, Matrix): data = data.tolist() _h = len(data) # fill out any short lines pad = kwarg.get('pad', None) ok_None = False if pad is None: pad = " " ok_None = True pad = Symbol(pad) _w = max(len(line) for line in data) for i, line in enumerate(data): if len(line) != _w: line.extend([pad]*(_w - len(line))) for j, lj in enumerate(line): if lj is None: if not ok_None: lj = pad else: try: lj = S(lj) except SympifyError: lj = Symbol(str(lj)) line[j] = lj data[i] = line _lines = Tuple(*[Tuple(*d) for d in data]) headings = kwarg.get("headings", [None, None]) if headings == "automatic": _headings = [range(1, _h + 1), range(1, _w + 1)] else: h1, h2 = headings if h1 == "automatic": h1 = range(1, _h + 1) if h2 == "automatic": h2 = range(1, _w + 1) _headings = [h1, h2] allow = ('l', 'r', 'c') alignments = kwarg.get("alignments", "l") def _std_align(a): a = a.strip().lower() if len(a) > 1: return {'left': 'l', 'right': 'r', 'center': 'c'}.get(a, a) else: return {'<': 'l', '>': 'r', '^': 'c'}.get(a, a) std_align = _std_align(alignments) if std_align in allow: _alignments = [std_align]*_w else: _alignments = [] for a in alignments: std_align = _std_align(a) _alignments.append(std_align) if std_align not in ('l', 'r', 'c'): raise ValueError('alignment "%s" unrecognized' % alignments) if _headings[0] and len(_alignments) == _w + 1: _head_align = _alignments[0] _alignments = _alignments[1:] else: _head_align = 'r' if len(_alignments) != _w: raise ValueError( 'wrong number of alignments: expected %s but got %s' % (_w, len(_alignments))) _column_formats = kwarg.get("formats", [None]*_w) _wipe_zeros = kwarg.get("wipe_zeros", True) self._w = _w self._h = _h self._lines = _lines self._headings = _headings self._head_align = _head_align self._alignments = _alignments self._column_formats = _column_formats self._wipe_zeros = _wipe_zeros def __repr__(self): from .str import sstr return sstr(self, order=None) def __str__(self): from .str import sstr return sstr(self, order=None) def as_matrix(self): """Returns the data of the table in Matrix form. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import TableForm >>> t = TableForm([[5, 7], [4, 2], [10, 3]], headings='automatic') >>> t | 1 2 -------- 1 | 5 7 2 | 4 2 3 | 10 3 >>> t.as_matrix() Matrix([ [ 5, 7], [ 4, 2], [10, 3]]) """ from sympy.matrices.dense import Matrix return Matrix(self._lines) def as_str(self): # XXX obsolete ? return str(self) def as_latex(self): from .latex import latex return latex(self) def _sympystr(self, p): """ Returns the string representation of 'self'. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import TableForm >>> t = TableForm([[5, 7], [4, 2], [10, 3]]) >>> s = t.as_str() """ column_widths = [0] * self._w lines = [] for line in self._lines: new_line = [] for i in range(self._w): # Format the item somehow if needed: s = str(line[i]) if self._wipe_zeros and (s == "0"): s = " " w = len(s) if w > column_widths[i]: column_widths[i] = w new_line.append(s) lines.append(new_line) # Check heading: if self._headings[0]: self._headings[0] = [str(x) for x in self._headings[0]] _head_width = max([len(x) for x in self._headings[0]]) if self._headings[1]: new_line = [] for i in range(self._w): # Format the item somehow if needed: s = str(self._headings[1][i]) w = len(s) if w > column_widths[i]: column_widths[i] = w new_line.append(s) self._headings[1] = new_line format_str = [] def _align(align, w): return '%%%s%ss' % ( ("-" if align == "l" else ""), str(w)) format_str = [_align(align, w) for align, w in zip(self._alignments, column_widths)] if self._headings[0]: format_str.insert(0, _align(self._head_align, _head_width)) format_str.insert(1, '|') format_str = ' '.join(format_str) + '\n' s = [] if self._headings[1]: d = self._headings[1] if self._headings[0]: d = [""] + d first_line = format_str % tuple(d) s.append(first_line) s.append("-" * (len(first_line) - 1) + "\n") for i, line in enumerate(lines): d = [l if self._alignments[j] != 'c' else[j]) for j, l in enumerate(line)] if self._headings[0]: l = self._headings[0][i] l = (l if self._head_align != 'c' else d = [l] + d s.append(format_str % tuple(d)) return ''.join(s)[:-1] # don't include trailing newline def _latex(self, printer): """ Returns the string representation of 'self'. """ # Check heading: if self._headings[1]: new_line = [] for i in range(self._w): # Format the item somehow if needed: new_line.append(str(self._headings[1][i])) self._headings[1] = new_line alignments = [] if self._headings[0]: self._headings[0] = [str(x) for x in self._headings[0]] alignments = [self._head_align] alignments.extend(self._alignments) s = r"\begin{tabular}{" + " ".join(alignments) + "}\n" if self._headings[1]: d = self._headings[1] if self._headings[0]: d = [""] + d first_line = " & ".join(d) + r" \\" + "\n" s += first_line s += r"\hline" + "\n" for i, line in enumerate(self._lines): d = [] for j, x in enumerate(line): if self._wipe_zeros and (x in (0, "0")): d.append(" ") continue f = self._column_formats[j] if f: if isinstance(f, FunctionType): v = f(x, i, j) if v is None: v = printer._print(x) else: v = f % x d.append(v) else: v = printer._print(x) d.append("$%s$" % v) if self._headings[0]: d = [self._headings[0][i]] + d s += " & ".join(d) + r" \\" + "\n" s += r"\end{tabular}" return s