from .core import unify, reify # type: ignore[attr-defined] from .variable import isvar from .utils import _toposort, freeze from .unification_tools import groupby, first # type: ignore[import] class Dispatcher: def __init__(self, name): = name self.funcs = {} self.ordering = [] def add(self, signature, func): self.funcs[freeze(signature)] = func self.ordering = ordering(self.funcs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): func, s = self.resolve(args) return func(*args, **kwargs) def resolve(self, args): n = len(args) for signature in self.ordering: if len(signature) != n: continue s = unify(freeze(args), signature) if s is not False: result = self.funcs[signature] return result, s raise NotImplementedError("No match found. \nKnown matches: " + str(self.ordering) + "\nInput: " + str(args)) def register(self, *signature): def _(func): self.add(signature, func) return self return _ class VarDispatcher(Dispatcher): """ A dispatcher that calls functions with variable names >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> d = VarDispatcher('d') >>> x = var('x') >>> @d.register('inc', x) ... def f(x): ... return x + 1 >>> @d.register('double', x) ... def f(x): ... return x * 2 >>> d('inc', 10) 11 >>> d('double', 10) 20 """ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): func, s = self.resolve(args) d = {k.token: v for k, v in s.items()} return func(**d) global_namespace = {} # type: ignore[var-annotated] def match(*signature, **kwargs): namespace = kwargs.get('namespace', global_namespace) dispatcher = kwargs.get('Dispatcher', Dispatcher) def _(func): name = func.__name__ if name not in namespace: namespace[name] = dispatcher(name) d = namespace[name] d.add(signature, func) return d return _ def supercedes(a, b): """ ``a`` is a more specific match than ``b`` """ if isvar(b) and not isvar(a): return True s = unify(a, b) if s is False: return False s = {k: v for k, v in s.items() if not isvar(k) or not isvar(v)} if reify(a, s) == a: return True if reify(b, s) == b: return False # Taken from multipledispatch def edge(a, b, tie_breaker=hash): """ A should be checked before B Tie broken by tie_breaker, defaults to ``hash`` """ if supercedes(a, b): if supercedes(b, a): return tie_breaker(a) > tie_breaker(b) else: return True return False # Taken from multipledispatch def ordering(signatures): """ A sane ordering of signatures to check, first to last Topological sort of edges as given by ``edge`` and ``supercedes`` """ signatures = list(map(tuple, signatures)) edges = [(a, b) for a in signatures for b in signatures if edge(a, b)] edges = groupby(first, edges) for s in signatures: if s not in edges: edges[s] = [] edges = {k: [b for a, b in v] for k, v in edges.items()} # type: ignore[attr-defined, assignment] return _toposort(edges)