import hashlib import torch import torch.fx from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from torch.fx.node import _get_qualified_name, _format_arg from torch.fx.graph import _parse_stack_trace from torch.fx.passes.shape_prop import TensorMetadata from torch.fx._compatibility import compatibility from itertools import chain __all__ = ['FxGraphDrawer'] try: import pydot HAS_PYDOT = True except ImportError: HAS_PYDOT = False _COLOR_MAP = { "placeholder": '"AliceBlue"', "call_module": "LemonChiffon1", "get_param": "Yellow2", "get_attr": "LightGrey", "output": "PowderBlue", } _HASH_COLOR_MAP = [ "CadetBlue1", "Coral", "DarkOliveGreen1", "DarkSeaGreen1", "GhostWhite", "Khaki1", "LavenderBlush1", "LightSkyBlue", "MistyRose1", "MistyRose2", "PaleTurquoise2", "PeachPuff1", "Salmon", "Thistle1", "Thistle3", "Wheat1", ] _WEIGHT_TEMPLATE = { "fillcolor": "Salmon", "style": '"filled,rounded"', "fontcolor": "#000000", } if HAS_PYDOT: @compatibility(is_backward_compatible=False) class FxGraphDrawer: """ Visualize a torch.fx.Graph with graphviz Basic usage: g = FxGraphDrawer(symbolic_traced, "resnet18") g.get_dot_graph().write_svg("a.svg") """ def __init__( self, graph_module: torch.fx.GraphModule, name: str, ignore_getattr: bool = False, ignore_parameters_and_buffers: bool = False, skip_node_names_in_args: bool = True, parse_stack_trace: bool = False, dot_graph_shape: Optional[str] = None, ): self._name = name self.dot_graph_shape = ( dot_graph_shape if dot_graph_shape is not None else "record" ) _WEIGHT_TEMPLATE["shape"] = self.dot_graph_shape self._dot_graphs = { name: self._to_dot( graph_module, name, ignore_getattr, ignore_parameters_and_buffers, skip_node_names_in_args, parse_stack_trace ) } for node in graph_module.graph.nodes: if node.op != "call_module": continue leaf_node = self._get_leaf_node(graph_module, node) if not isinstance(leaf_node, torch.fx.GraphModule): continue self._dot_graphs[f"{name}_{}"] = self._to_dot( leaf_node, f"{name}_{}", ignore_getattr, ignore_parameters_and_buffers, skip_node_names_in_args, parse_stack_trace, ) def get_dot_graph(self, submod_name=None) -> pydot.Dot: """ Visualize a torch.fx.Graph with graphviz Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:pydot) >>> # define module >>> class MyModule(torch.nn.Module): >>> def __init__(self): >>> super().__init__() >>> self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(4, 5) >>> def forward(self, x): >>> return self.linear(x).clamp(min=0.0, max=1.0) >>> module = MyModule() >>> # trace the module >>> symbolic_traced = torch.fx.symbolic_trace(module) >>> # setup output file >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dpath = ub.Path.appdir('torch/tests/FxGraphDrawer').ensuredir() >>> fpath = dpath / 'linear.svg' >>> # draw the graph >>> g = FxGraphDrawer(symbolic_traced, "linear") >>> g.get_dot_graph().write_svg(fpath) """ if submod_name is None: return self.get_main_dot_graph() else: return self.get_submod_dot_graph(submod_name) def get_main_dot_graph(self) -> pydot.Dot: return self._dot_graphs[self._name] def get_submod_dot_graph(self, submod_name) -> pydot.Dot: return self._dot_graphs[f"{self._name}_{submod_name}"] def get_all_dot_graphs(self) -> Dict[str, pydot.Dot]: return self._dot_graphs def _get_node_style(self, node: torch.fx.Node) -> Dict[str, str]: template = { "shape": self.dot_graph_shape, "fillcolor": "#CAFFE3", "style": '"filled,rounded"', "fontcolor": "#000000", } if node.op in _COLOR_MAP: template["fillcolor"] = _COLOR_MAP[node.op] else: # Use a random color for each node; based on its name so it's stable. target_name = node._pretty_print_target( target_hash = int(hashlib.md5(target_name.encode()).hexdigest()[:8], 16) template["fillcolor"] = _HASH_COLOR_MAP[target_hash % len(_HASH_COLOR_MAP)] return template def _get_leaf_node( self, module: torch.nn.Module, node: torch.fx.Node ) -> torch.nn.Module: py_obj = module assert isinstance(, str) atoms =".") for atom in atoms: if not hasattr(py_obj, atom): raise RuntimeError( str(py_obj) + " does not have attribute " + atom + "!" ) py_obj = getattr(py_obj, atom) return py_obj def _typename(self, target: Any) -> str: if isinstance(target, torch.nn.Module): ret = torch.typename(target) elif isinstance(target, str): ret = target else: ret = _get_qualified_name(target) # Escape "{" and "}" to prevent dot files like: # # which triggers `Error: bad label format (...)` from dot return ret.replace("{", r"\{").replace("}", r"\}") # shorten path to avoid drawing long boxes # for full path = '/home/weif/pytorch/' # return short path = 'pytorch/' def _shorten_file_name( self, full_file_name: str, truncate_to_last_n: int = 2, ): splits = full_file_name.split('/') if len(splits) >= truncate_to_last_n: return '/'.join(splits[-truncate_to_last_n:]) return full_file_name def _get_node_label( self, module: torch.fx.GraphModule, node: torch.fx.Node, skip_node_names_in_args: bool, parse_stack_trace: bool, ) -> str: def _get_str_for_args_kwargs(arg): if isinstance(arg, tuple): prefix, suffix = r"|args=(\l", r",\n)\l" arg_strs_list = [_format_arg(a, max_list_len=8) for a in arg] elif isinstance(arg, dict): prefix, suffix = r"|kwargs={\l", r",\n}\l" arg_strs_list = [ f"{k}: {_format_arg(v, max_list_len=8)}" for k, v in arg.items() ] else: # Fall back to nothing in unexpected case. return "" # Strip out node names if requested. if skip_node_names_in_args: arg_strs_list = [a for a in arg_strs_list if "%" not in a] if len(arg_strs_list) == 0: return "" arg_strs = prefix + r",\n".join(arg_strs_list) + suffix if len(arg_strs_list) == 1: arg_strs = arg_strs.replace(r"\l", "").replace(r"\n", "") return arg_strs.replace("{", r"\{").replace("}", r"\}") label = "{" + f"name=%{}|op_code={node.op}\n" if node.op == "call_module": leaf_module = self._get_leaf_node(module, node) label += r"\n" + self._typename(leaf_module) + r"\n|" extra = "" if hasattr(leaf_module, "__constants__"): extra = r"\n".join( [f"{c}: {getattr(leaf_module, c)}" for c in leaf_module.__constants__] # type: ignore[union-attr] ) label += extra + r"\n" else: label += f"|target={self._typename(}" + r"\n" if len(node.args) > 0: label += _get_str_for_args_kwargs(node.args) if len(node.kwargs) > 0: label += _get_str_for_args_kwargs(node.kwargs) label += f"|num_users={len(node.users)}" + r"\n" tensor_meta = node.meta.get('tensor_meta') label += self._tensor_meta_to_label(tensor_meta) # for original fx graph # print buf=buf0, n_origin=6 buf_meta = node.meta.get('buf_meta', None) if buf_meta is not None: label += f"|buf={}" + r"\n" label += f"|n_origin={buf_meta.n_origin}" + r"\n" # for original fx graph # print file:lineno code if parse_stack_trace and node.stack_trace is not None: parsed_stack_trace = _parse_stack_trace(node.stack_trace) fname = self._shorten_file_name(parsed_stack_trace.file) label += f"|file={fname}:{parsed_stack_trace.lineno} {parsed_stack_trace.code}" + r"\n" return label + "}" def _tensor_meta_to_label(self, tm) -> str: if tm is None: return "" elif isinstance(tm, TensorMetadata): return self._stringify_tensor_meta(tm) elif isinstance(tm, list): result = "" for item in tm: result += self._tensor_meta_to_label(item) return result elif isinstance(tm, dict): result = "" for v in tm.values(): result += self._tensor_meta_to_label(v) return result elif isinstance(tm, tuple): result = "" for item in tm: result += self._tensor_meta_to_label(item) return result else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported tensor meta type {type(tm)}") def _stringify_tensor_meta(self, tm: TensorMetadata) -> str: result = "" if not hasattr(tm, "dtype"): print("tm", tm) result += "|" + "dtype" + "=" + str(tm.dtype) + r"\n" result += "|" + "shape" + "=" + str(tuple(tm.shape)) + r"\n" result += "|" + "requires_grad" + "=" + str(tm.requires_grad) + r"\n" result += "|" + "stride" + "=" + str(tm.stride) + r"\n" if tm.is_quantized: assert tm.qparams is not None assert "qscheme" in tm.qparams qscheme = tm.qparams["qscheme"] if qscheme in { torch.per_tensor_affine, torch.per_tensor_symmetric, }: result += "|" + "q_scale" + "=" + str(tm.qparams["scale"]) + r"\n" result += "|" + "q_zero_point" + "=" + str(tm.qparams["zero_point"]) + r"\n" elif qscheme in { torch.per_channel_affine, torch.per_channel_symmetric, torch.per_channel_affine_float_qparams, }: result += "|" + "q_per_channel_scale" + "=" + str(tm.qparams["scale"]) + r"\n" result += "|" + "q_per_channel_zero_point" + "=" + str(tm.qparams["zero_point"]) + r"\n" result += "|" + "q_per_channel_axis" + "=" + str(tm.qparams["axis"]) + r"\n" else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported qscheme: {qscheme}") result += "|" + "qscheme" + "=" + str(tm.qparams["qscheme"]) + r"\n" return result def _get_tensor_label(self, t: torch.Tensor) -> str: return str(t.dtype) + str(list(t.shape)) + r"\n" # when parse_stack_trace=True # print file:lineno code def _to_dot( self, graph_module: torch.fx.GraphModule, name: str, ignore_getattr: bool, ignore_parameters_and_buffers: bool, skip_node_names_in_args: bool, parse_stack_trace: bool, ) -> pydot.Dot: """ Actual interface to visualize a fx.Graph. Note that it takes in the GraphModule instead of the Graph. If ignore_parameters_and_buffers is True, the parameters and buffers created with the module will not be added as nodes and edges. """ # "TB" means top-to-bottom rank direction in layout dot_graph = pydot.Dot(name, rankdir="TB") buf_name_to_subgraph = {} for node in graph_module.graph.nodes: if ignore_getattr and node.op == "get_attr": continue style = self._get_node_style(node) dot_node = pydot.Node(, label=self._get_node_label(graph_module, node, skip_node_names_in_args, parse_stack_trace), **style ) current_graph = dot_graph buf_meta = node.meta.get('buf_meta', None) if buf_meta is not None and buf_meta.n_origin > 1: buf_name = if buf_name not in buf_name_to_subgraph: buf_name_to_subgraph[buf_name] = pydot.Cluster(buf_name, label=buf_name) current_graph = buf_name_to_subgraph.get(buf_name) current_graph.add_node(dot_node) def get_module_params_or_buffers(): for pname, ptensor in chain( leaf_module.named_parameters(), leaf_module.named_buffers() ): pname1 = + "." + pname label1 = ( pname1 + "|op_code=get_" + "parameter" if isinstance(ptensor, torch.nn.Parameter) else "buffer" + r"\l" ) dot_w_node = pydot.Node( pname1, label="{" + label1 + self._get_tensor_label(ptensor) + "}", **_WEIGHT_TEMPLATE, ) dot_graph.add_node(dot_w_node) dot_graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(pname1, if node.op == "call_module": leaf_module = self._get_leaf_node(graph_module, node) if not ignore_parameters_and_buffers and not isinstance(leaf_module, torch.fx.GraphModule): get_module_params_or_buffers() for subgraph in buf_name_to_subgraph.values(): subgraph.set('color', 'royalblue') subgraph.set('penwidth', '2') dot_graph.add_subgraph(subgraph) for node in graph_module.graph.nodes: if ignore_getattr and node.op == "get_attr": continue for user in node.users: dot_graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(, return dot_graph else: if not TYPE_CHECKING: @compatibility(is_backward_compatible=False) class FxGraphDrawer: def __init__( self, graph_module: torch.fx.GraphModule, name: str, ignore_getattr: bool = False, ignore_parameters_and_buffers: bool = False, skip_node_names_in_args: bool = True, parse_stack_trace: bool = False, dot_graph_shape: Optional[str] = None, ): raise RuntimeError('FXGraphDrawer requires the pydot package to be installed. Please install ' 'pydot through your favorite Python package manager.')