from torch.fx.passes.utils.fuser_utils import fuse_by_partitions import collections import itertools import logging from copy import copy from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Set from torch.fx.graph_module import GraphModule from torch.fx.node import Node, _get_qualified_name from torch.fx.passes.operator_support import OperatorSupportBase logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) class Partition: def __init__(self, id: Optional[int] = None, nodes: Optional[Iterable[Node]] = None): = id self.nodes: Set[Node] = set(nodes) if nodes is not None else set() def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self.nodes) def add_node(self, node: Node): self.nodes.add(node) def remove_node(self, node: Node): self.nodes.remove(node) def size(self): return len(self.nodes) class _DependencyViewer: def __init__(self, graph_module: GraphModule): self.upstreams = collections.defaultdict(set) self.downstreams = collections.defaultdict(set) for node in graph_module.graph.nodes: for input_node in node.all_input_nodes: # add input_node and input_node's upstream dependency self.upstreams[node].add(input_node) self.upstreams[node].update(self.upstreams[input_node]) for node in reversed(graph_module.graph.nodes): for output_node in node.users: # add output_node and output_node's downstream dependency self.downstreams[node].add(output_node) self.downstreams[node].update(self.downstreams[output_node]) def downstreams_of(self, node: Node) -> Set[Node]: return self.downstreams[node] def upstreams_of(self, node: Node) -> Set[Node]: return self.upstreams[node] class CapabilityBasedPartitioner: def __init__(self, graph_module: GraphModule, operator_support: OperatorSupportBase, allows_single_node_partition: bool = False, non_compute_ops: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, allowed_single_node_partition_ops: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> None: self.graph_module = graph_module self.operator_support = operator_support self.allows_single_node_partition = allows_single_node_partition self.non_compute_ops = non_compute_ops if non_compute_ops is not None else [] self.allowed_single_node_partition_ops = ( allowed_single_node_partition_ops if allowed_single_node_partition_ops is not None else [] ) self.dependency_viewer = _DependencyViewer(graph_module) def __is_node_supported(self, node: Node) -> bool: return ( self.operator_support.is_node_supported(dict(self.graph_module.named_modules()), node) ) def propose_partitions(self) -> List[Partition]: # partition_map is a mapping from partition id to a set of partition id's. # The value set contains all the partition ids that can be reached by doing a # DFS starting from the partition id in the key. partition_map : Dict[int, Set] = collections.defaultdict(set) # assumptions: nodes in candidate list is sorted in topological order assignment: Dict[Node, int] = {} # mapping from node to partition_id partitions_by_id: Dict[int, Partition] = {} # mapping from partition_id to partition new_partition_id = itertools.count() # try to merge partition other_id into partition self_id # merge only happens if the end graph doesn't contain cyclic dependency # returns `True` when merge happens, `False` otherwise. def maybe_merge_partition(self_id: int, other_id: int): # merged_nodes is the union of nodes in two partition to-be-merged merged_nodes = copy(partitions_by_id[self_id].nodes) merged_nodes.update(partitions_by_id[other_id].nodes) def dfs_iter_find_cycle(all_user_nodes: List[Node]): for user_node in all_user_nodes: visited_partition_ids = set() for path_node in self.dependency_viewer.downstreams_of(user_node): # If any of the nodes in the dfs path of this node are in the merged_nodes # list then there is a cycle in the graph. if path_node in merged_nodes: return True # If any of the nodes in the dfs path of this node are in the assignment # map then we have to make sure that the partitions that these nodes belong # to do not form a cycle with the current partitions being merged. This means # iterating through all the nodes in all the parititons that are traversed in # the dfs path and checking if they are in the merged_nodes list. if path_node in assignment: partition_id = assignment[path_node] # If the partition id has already been visited then we know that it doesn't # form a cycle with the current partitions being merged. if partition_id in visited_partition_ids: continue p_map = partition_map[partition_id] if self_id in p_map or other_id in p_map: return True visited_partition_ids.add(partition_id) return False # check if merge would create cyclic dependency. all_user_nodes = [] for node in merged_nodes: for user_node in node.users: if user_node not in merged_nodes: all_user_nodes.append(user_node) if dfs_iter_find_cycle(all_user_nodes): # return false indicating cyclic dependency found and # merge is aborted return False # no cyclic dependency found, move forward with the merge # updating partition nodes partitions_by_id[self_id].nodes = merged_nodes # updating assignment map for node in partitions_by_id[other_id].nodes: assignment[node] = self_id # delete other partition del partitions_by_id[other_id] partition_map[self_id] = partition_map[self_id].union(partition_map[other_id]) del partition_map[other_id] return True def merge_single_node(node: Node, id: Optional[int]): def _update_partition_map(node: Node, id: int): # Iterate through all the downstream nodes of this node and update the partition map # to indicate that there is a path from the partition id of this node to the target # partition id. downstream_nodes = self.dependency_viewer.downstreams_of(node) for curr_node in downstream_nodes: target_id = assignment.get(curr_node, None) if target_id is not None: partition_map[id].add(target_id) # Iterate through all the upstream nodes of this node and update the partition map # to indicate that there is a path from the partition id of the upstream node to the # current node's partition id. upstream_nodes = self.dependency_viewer.upstreams_of(node) for curr_node in upstream_nodes: source_id = assignment.get(curr_node, None) if source_id is not None: partition_map[source_id].add(id) if node in assignment: partitions_by_id[assignment[node]].remove_node(node) if id is None: assignment.pop(node) elif id not in partitions_by_id: assignment[node] = id partitions_by_id[id] = Partition(id=id, nodes=[node]) _update_partition_map(node, id) else: assignment[node] = id partitions_by_id[id].add_node(node) _update_partition_map(node, id) logger.debug("Proposing partitions...") for node in reversed(self.graph_module.graph.nodes): # use Dict as an ordered set to ensure deterministic partitioning result, don't care value merge_candidates: Dict[int, None] = {} # Note a limited horizontal fusion is enabled: # when `node` is not supported, the code below attempts to fuse consumer of `node`. # # I don't see a need to add a knob to disable horizontal fusion yet, we can short-cut # the fusion by adding an `else` block here to skip horizontal fusion. if self.__is_node_supported(node) and node not in assignment: partition_id = next(new_partition_id) merge_single_node(node, partition_id) merge_candidates[partition_id] = None # merge all possible partitions for node in assignment: merge_candidates[assignment[node]] = None merge_candidates_list = list(merge_candidates.keys()) if len(merge_candidates_list) > 1: self_id = merge_candidates_list[0] for other_id in merge_candidates_list[1:]: # note: merge partition `other_id` into partition `self_id` if # it doesn't create cyclic dependency in the graph, otherwise, # this is a no-op maybe_merge_partition(self_id, other_id) # post processing to re-assign "getitem" nodes into upstream partition logger.debug("Reassigning getitem nodes to its producer node's partition...") nodes_reassignment: Dict[Node, int] = {} for node in self.graph_module.graph.nodes: is_tuple_output = True for user in node.users: if user.op != "call_function" or \ _get_qualified_name( != "_operator.getitem": # type: ignore[arg-type] is_tuple_output = False break # node has tuple outputs, re-assign all following getitem node into node's partition if is_tuple_output: id = assignment.get(node, None) # type: ignore[arg-type] for user in node.users: if assignment.get(user, None) != id: # type: ignore[arg-type] nodes_reassignment[user] = id # type: ignore[assignment] for node, id in nodes_reassignment.items(): merge_single_node(node, id) # filter out single node partitions if not self.allows_single_node_partition: logger.debug("Filtering out single node partitions...") default_non_compute_ops = {"torch.ops.aten.view", "_operator.getitem"} non_compute_ops = default_non_compute_ops.union(set(self.non_compute_ops)) partitions_to_remove: List[int] = [] for id, partition in partitions_by_id.items(): compute_node_count = 0 for node in partition.nodes: if node.op == "call_function": assert callable( if _get_qualified_name( not in non_compute_ops: compute_node_count += 1 if _get_qualified_name( in self.allowed_single_node_partition_ops: compute_node_count += 1 if compute_node_count <= 1: partitions_to_remove.append(id) for id in partitions_to_remove: del partitions_by_id[id] logger.debug("Partitions proposed:") for id, partition in partitions_by_id.items(): logger.debug("partition #%s: %s", id, [ for node in partition.nodes]) return list(partitions_by_id.values()) def fuse_partitions(self, partitions: List[Partition]) -> GraphModule: logger.debug("Fusing partitions...") # fuse_by_partitions expects partitions in List[List[Node]]: [ [node0, node1], [node2, node3] ] return fuse_by_partitions(self.graph_module, [list(partition.nodes) for partition in partitions]) # remove non-compute-ops that sits at the boundary of a partition. def remove_bookend_non_compute_ops(self, partitions: List[Partition]): non_compute_ops = set(self.non_compute_ops) def is_non_compute_node(node: Node): return node.op == "call_function" and \ _get_qualified_name( in non_compute_ops # type: ignore[arg-type] # cache transparent nodes transparent_input_nodes: Dict[Node, bool] = {} transparent_output_nodes: Dict[Node, bool] = {} def is_transparent_input_node(node: Node, partition: Set[Node], removed_nodes: Set[Node]): if node.op == "placeholder" or (node not in partition) or (node in removed_nodes): return True if node in transparent_input_nodes: return transparent_input_nodes[node] if is_non_compute_node(node): for input_n in node.all_input_nodes: if not is_transparent_input_node(input_n, partition, removed_nodes): transparent_input_nodes[node] = False return False transparent_input_nodes[node] = True return True transparent_input_nodes[node] = False return False def is_transparent_output_node(node: Node, partition: Set[Node], removed_nodes: Set[Node]): if node.op == "placeholder" or (node not in partition) or (node in removed_nodes): return True if node in transparent_output_nodes: return transparent_output_nodes[node] if is_non_compute_node(node): for output_n in node.users: if not is_transparent_output_node(output_n, partition, removed_nodes): transparent_output_nodes[node] = False return False transparent_output_nodes[node] = True return True transparent_output_nodes[node] = False return False for partition in partitions: # Note it's ok to use `set` here, since we are only query if a node # has been removed. We are NEVER going to iterate on nodes inside # the set. remove_node: Set[Node] = set() for node in partition.nodes: if is_non_compute_node(node) and \ (is_transparent_input_node(node, partition.nodes, remove_node) or is_transparent_output_node(node, partition.nodes, remove_node)): remove_node.add(node) if len(remove_node) != 0: partition.nodes = partition.nodes - remove_node def partition_and_fuse(self) -> GraphModule: partitions = self.propose_partitions() fused_gm = self.fuse_partitions(partitions) return fused_gm