import textwrap from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union from torchgen.api.types import DispatcherSignature from torchgen.api.types.signatures import CppSignature, CppSignatureGroup from torchgen.context import method_with_native_function from torchgen.model import ( Argument, BackendIndex, BaseTy, BaseType, DispatchKey, FunctionSchema, ListType, NativeFunction, OptionalType, Type, ) from torchgen.utils import mapMaybe def returns_are_all_tensor(schema: FunctionSchema) -> bool: return len(schema.returns) != 0 and all( ret.type.is_tensor_like() for ret in schema.returns ) base_type_to_c_type = { BaseTy.Tensor: "AtenTensorHandle", BaseTy.bool: "int32_t", # Use int to pass bool "int64_t", BaseTy.SymInt: "int64_t", # Inductor-generated code won't see a SymInt BaseTy.Scalar: "double", # Use double to pass both integer and floating point BaseTy.float: "double", # TODO: how about other floating point types? BaseTy.str: "const char*", BaseTy.DeviceIndex: "int32_t", BaseTy.Layout: "int32_t", # Represent enum as int BaseTy.MemoryFormat: "int32_t", # Represent enum as int BaseTy.ScalarType: "int32_t", # Represent enum as int } base_type_to_aten_type = { BaseTy.Tensor: "at::Tensor", BaseTy.bool: "bool", "int64_t", BaseTy.SymInt: "c10::SymInt", BaseTy.Scalar: "c10::Scalar", BaseTy.float: "double", BaseTy.str: "c10::string_view", BaseTy.DeviceIndex: "c10::DeviceIndex", BaseTy.Layout: "c10::Layout", BaseTy.MemoryFormat: "c10::MemoryFormat", BaseTy.ScalarType: "c10::ScalarType", } base_type_to_callsite_expr = { BaseTy.Tensor: "*tensor_handle_to_tensor_pointer", BaseTy.bool: "", "", BaseTy.SymInt: "", BaseTy.Scalar: "", BaseTy.float: "", BaseTy.str: "", BaseTy.DeviceIndex: "static_cast", BaseTy.Layout: "static_cast", BaseTy.MemoryFormat: "static_cast", BaseTy.ScalarType: "static_cast", } # convert args to C types, names in declarations, and expressions in function bodies def convert_arg_type_and_name(typ: Type, name: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[str], List[str]]: # type: ignore[return] if isinstance(typ, BaseType): if in base_type_to_c_type: return ( [base_type_to_c_type[]], [name], [base_type_to_aten_type[]], [ f"{base_type_to_callsite_expr[]}({name})" if base_type_to_callsite_expr[] else name ], ) elif == BaseTy.Device: return ( ["int32_t", "int32_t"], [name, name + "_index_"], ["c10::Device"], [ f"c10::Device(static_cast({name}), static_cast({name}_index_))" ], ) else: # TODO: BaseTy.Dimname, BaseTy.Generator, etc. raise NotImplementedError(f"TODO: add support for arg type {repr(typ)}") elif isinstance(typ, OptionalType): c_types, names, aten_types, callsite_exprs = convert_arg_type_and_name( typ.elem, name ) j = 0 # index for names new_aten_types = [] new_callsite_exprs = [] for i, aten_type in enumerate(aten_types): # Use pointer to denote optional type c_types[j] = c_types[j] + "*" if aten_type.startswith("c10::ArrayRef<"): # ArrayRef is passed as pointer + size, but no need to add "*" to the size argument new_aten_types.append(f"c10::optional<{aten_type}>") base_type = aten_type[len("c10::ArrayRef<") : -1] new_callsite_exprs.append( f"pointer_to_optional_list<{base_type}>({names[j]}, {names[j+1]})" ) j += 2 elif aten_type == "c10::Device": # Device is passed as device_type + device_index new_aten_types.append("c10::optional") new_callsite_exprs.append( f"pointer_to_optional_device({names[j]}, {names[j+1]})" ) j += 2 else: new_aten_types.append(f"c10::optional<{aten_type}>") new_callsite_exprs.append( f"pointer_to_optional<{aten_type}>({names[j]})" ) j += 1 return ( c_types, names, new_aten_types, new_callsite_exprs, ) elif isinstance(typ, ListType): # Need to explictly pass the list as pointer + length c_types, names, aten_types, _ = convert_arg_type_and_name(typ.elem, name) assert len(c_types) == 1, "ListType with unsupported element type " + repr(typ) # The list content should never be modified c_types[0] = f"const {c_types[0]}*" c_types.append("int64_t") name = names[0] names.append(name + "_len_") atype = aten_types[0] callsite_exprs = [] if atype == "bool": # no converter from std::vector to c10::ArrayRef # construct std::array instead assert typ.size is not None callsite_exprs.append(f"pointer_to_list<{typ.size}>({name})") elif atype == "c10::optional": # convert from std::vector> to c10::List> callsite_exprs.append( f"c10::List<{atype}>(c10::ArrayRef<{atype}>(pointer_to_list<{atype}>({name}, {name}_len_)))" ) else: callsite_exprs.append(f"pointer_to_list<{atype}>({name}, {name}_len_)") aten_types = [f"c10::ArrayRef<{t}>" for t in aten_types] return ( c_types, names, aten_types, callsite_exprs, ) def zip_type_and_name(types: List[str], names: List[str]) -> List[str]: return [typ + " " + name for typ, name in zip(types, names)] # Generate argument declarations and callsite expressions def gen_arguments(flat_arguments: Sequence[Argument]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: types = [] new_names = [] callsite_exprs = [] for arg in flat_arguments: new_types, names, _, new_callsite_exprs = convert_arg_type_and_name( arg.type, ) types.extend(new_types) new_names.extend(names) callsite_exprs.extend(new_callsite_exprs) return zip_type_and_name(types, new_names), callsite_exprs # Return values are passed out as pointer arguments because all the C shim functions # are expected to return AOTITorchError. # Generate returns as declarations and callsite expressions def gen_returns(schema: FunctionSchema) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: types = [] names = [] for idx, ret in enumerate(schema.returns): names.append(f"ret{idx}") if isinstance(ret.type, BaseType) and in base_type_to_c_type: types.append(base_type_to_c_type[] + "*") else: raise NotImplementedError( f"TODO: add support for return type {repr(ret.type)}" ) def convert_return(typ: BaseType, val: str) -> str: if == BaseTy.Tensor: return f"new_tensor_handle(std::move({val}));" elif == BaseTy.SymInt: return f"{val}.expect_int()" elif == BaseTy.Scalar: return f"{val}.toDouble()" else: return val ret_pointer_can_be_null = False unambiguous_name = for name in ["_scaled_dot_product_flash_attention"]: if name in unambiguous_name: ret_pointer_can_be_null = True break callsite_exprs: List[str] = [] for idx, ret in enumerate(schema.returns): tmp = "tmp_result" if len(names) == 1 else f"std::get<{idx}>(tmp_result)" assert isinstance(ret.type, BaseType) rval = convert_return(ret.type, tmp) if ret_pointer_can_be_null: callsite_exprs.append(f"if ({names[idx]}) {{ *{names[idx]} = {rval}; }}") else: callsite_exprs.append(f"*{names[idx]} = {rval};") return zip_type_and_name(types, names), callsite_exprs # generates header first and then src, so caching the result here to avoid duplicate work declaration_definition_cache: Dict[Tuple[str, str, str], Tuple[str, str]] = {} def gen_declaration_and_definition( schema: FunctionSchema, device: str, backend_call: str ) -> Tuple[str, str]: func_name = global declaration_definition_cache if (func_name, device, backend_call) in declaration_definition_cache: return declaration_definition_cache[(func_name, device, backend_call)] if schema.is_out_fn(): # out_variant has out arguments in the front, and it's ok to ignore return value # because C shim functions only return AOTITorchError # Somehow at::native out-variant functions have out arguments in the back args, callsite_exprs = gen_arguments( [*schema.arguments.flat_non_out, *schema.arguments.out] if "at::native" in backend_call else [*schema.arguments.out, *schema.arguments.flat_non_out], ) ret_assignments: List[str] = [] else: args, callsite_exprs = gen_arguments(schema.arguments.flat_all) ret_declarations, ret_assignments = gen_returns(schema) args.extend(ret_declarations) declaration = f"AOTITorchError aoti_torch_{device}_{func_name}({', '.join(args)})" tmp_result = "auto tmp_result = " if ret_assignments else "" ret_assignments_str = "\n" + "\n".join(ret_assignments) if ret_assignments else "" definition = f""" {declaration} {{ AOTI_TORCH_CONVERT_EXCEPTION_TO_ERROR_CODE({{ {tmp_result}{backend_call}( {textwrap.indent(', '.join(callsite_exprs), " ")} );{textwrap.indent(ret_assignments_str, " ")} }}); }} """ declaration_definition_cache[(func_name, device, backend_call)] = ( declaration, definition, ) return declaration, definition def gen_static_dispatch_backend_call_signature( sig: Union[CppSignature, DispatcherSignature], f: NativeFunction, ) -> CppSignature: sig = DispatcherSignature.from_schema(f.func) cpp_sigs = CppSignatureGroup.from_native_function( f, method=False, fallback_binding=False ) if sig.symint and f.func.has_symint(): cpp_sig = cpp_sigs.symint_signature else: cpp_sig = cpp_sigs.signature assert cpp_sig is not None return cpp_sig def gen_static_dispatch_backend_call( f: NativeFunction, backend_index: BackendIndex, ) -> str: assert backend_index.has_kernel(f) sig = DispatcherSignature.from_schema(f.func) cpp_sig = gen_static_dispatch_backend_call_signature(sig, f) return f"at::{backend_index.dispatch_key.lower()}::{}" def get_backend_index_for_aoti( f: NativeFunction, dispatch_key: DispatchKey, backend_indices: Dict[DispatchKey, BackendIndex], ) -> Optional[BackendIndex]: if "pointwise" in f.tags: # TODO: No need to generate C shim for Inductor lowered ops. # Only skip pointwise kernels for now, and we can add more tags later. return None backend_index = None if backend_indices[dispatch_key].has_kernel(f): backend_index = backend_indices[dispatch_key] elif backend_indices[DispatchKey.CompositeExplicitAutograd].has_kernel(f): # We need to create C shim wrappers for CompositeExplicitAutograd kernels backend_index = backend_indices[DispatchKey.CompositeExplicitAutograd] elif backend_indices[DispatchKey.CompositeExplicitAutogradNonFunctional].has_kernel( f ): # We need to create C shim wrappers for CompositeExplicitAutogradNonFunctional kernels backend_index = backend_indices[ DispatchKey.CompositeExplicitAutogradNonFunctional ] return backend_index def gen_c_shim( f: NativeFunction, dispatch_key: DispatchKey, backend_indices: Dict[DispatchKey, BackendIndex], header: bool, ) -> Optional[str]: backend_index = get_backend_index_for_aoti(f, dispatch_key, backend_indices) if backend_index is None: return None schema = f.func device = dispatch_key.lower() backend_call = gen_static_dispatch_backend_call( f, backend_index, ) try: if header: declaration, _ = gen_declaration_and_definition( schema, device, backend_call ) return f"AOTI_TORCH_EXPORT {declaration};" else: _, definition = gen_declaration_and_definition(schema, device, backend_call) return definition except NotImplementedError: return None @dataclass(frozen=True) class ShimGenerator: dispatch_key: DispatchKey backend_indices: Dict[DispatchKey, BackendIndex] header: bool # True to generate .h and False to generate .cpp @method_with_native_function def __call__(self, f: NativeFunction) -> Optional[str]: result = gen_c_shim(f, self.dispatch_key, self.backend_indices, self.header) return result def gen_aoti_c_shim( native_functions: Sequence[NativeFunction], dispatch_key: DispatchKey, backend_indices: Dict[DispatchKey, BackendIndex], header: bool, includes: str = "", ) -> str: body = "\n".join( list( mapMaybe( ShimGenerator(dispatch_key, backend_indices, header), native_functions, ) ) ) if header: return f""" #pragma once #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" {{ #endif {body} #ifdef __cplusplus }} // extern "C" #endif """ else: device = dispatch_key.lower() return f""" #include #include #include #ifndef AT_PER_OPERATOR_HEADERS #include #include #include #else {includes} #endif using namespace torch::aot_inductor; {body} """