# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Integrations with other Python libraries. """ import functools import importlib.metadata import importlib.util import json import numbers import os import pickle import shutil import sys import tempfile from dataclasses import asdict, fields from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Literal, Optional, Union import numpy as np import packaging.version from .. import __version__ as version from ..utils import flatten_dict, is_datasets_available, is_pandas_available, is_torch_available, logging logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) if is_torch_available(): import torch # comet_ml requires to be imported before any ML frameworks _has_comet = importlib.util.find_spec("comet_ml") is not None and os.getenv("COMET_MODE", "").upper() != "DISABLED" if _has_comet: try: import comet_ml # noqa: F401 if hasattr(comet_ml, "config") and comet_ml.config.get_config("comet.api_key"): _has_comet = True else: if os.getenv("COMET_MODE", "").upper() != "DISABLED": logger.warning("comet_ml is installed but `COMET_API_KEY` is not set.") _has_comet = False except (ImportError, ValueError): _has_comet = False _has_neptune = ( importlib.util.find_spec("neptune") is not None or importlib.util.find_spec("neptune-client") is not None ) if TYPE_CHECKING and _has_neptune: try: _neptune_version = importlib.metadata.version("neptune") logger.info(f"Neptune version {_neptune_version} available.") except importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError: try: _neptune_version = importlib.metadata.version("neptune-client") logger.info(f"Neptune-client version {_neptune_version} available.") except importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError: _has_neptune = False from ..trainer_callback import ProgressCallback, TrainerCallback # noqa: E402 from ..trainer_utils import PREFIX_CHECKPOINT_DIR, BestRun, IntervalStrategy # noqa: E402 from ..training_args import ParallelMode # noqa: E402 from ..utils import ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES, is_torch_xla_available # noqa: E402 # Integration functions: def is_wandb_available(): # any value of WANDB_DISABLED disables wandb if os.getenv("WANDB_DISABLED", "").upper() in ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES: logger.warning( "Using the `WANDB_DISABLED` environment variable is deprecated and will be removed in v5. Use the " "--report_to flag to control the integrations used for logging result (for instance --report_to none)." ) return False return importlib.util.find_spec("wandb") is not None def is_clearml_available(): return importlib.util.find_spec("clearml") is not None def is_comet_available(): return _has_comet def is_tensorboard_available(): return importlib.util.find_spec("tensorboard") is not None or importlib.util.find_spec("tensorboardX") is not None def is_optuna_available(): return importlib.util.find_spec("optuna") is not None def is_ray_available(): return importlib.util.find_spec("ray") is not None def is_ray_tune_available(): if not is_ray_available(): return False return importlib.util.find_spec("ray.tune") is not None def is_sigopt_available(): return importlib.util.find_spec("sigopt") is not None def is_azureml_available(): if importlib.util.find_spec("azureml") is None: return False if importlib.util.find_spec("azureml.core") is None: return False return importlib.util.find_spec("azureml.core.run") is not None def is_mlflow_available(): if os.getenv("DISABLE_MLFLOW_INTEGRATION", "FALSE").upper() == "TRUE": return False return importlib.util.find_spec("mlflow") is not None def is_dagshub_available(): return None not in [importlib.util.find_spec("dagshub"), importlib.util.find_spec("mlflow")] def is_neptune_available(): return _has_neptune def is_codecarbon_available(): return importlib.util.find_spec("codecarbon") is not None def is_flytekit_available(): return importlib.util.find_spec("flytekit") is not None def is_flyte_deck_standard_available(): if not is_flytekit_available(): return False return importlib.util.find_spec("flytekitplugins.deck") is not None def is_dvclive_available(): return importlib.util.find_spec("dvclive") is not None def hp_params(trial): if is_optuna_available(): import optuna if isinstance(trial, optuna.Trial): return trial.params if is_ray_tune_available(): if isinstance(trial, dict): return trial if is_sigopt_available(): if isinstance(trial, dict): return trial if is_wandb_available(): if isinstance(trial, dict): return trial raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown type for trial {trial.__class__}") def run_hp_search_optuna(trainer, n_trials: int, direction: str, **kwargs) -> BestRun: import optuna if trainer.args.process_index == 0: def _objective(trial, checkpoint_dir=None): checkpoint = None if checkpoint_dir: for subdir in os.listdir(checkpoint_dir): if subdir.startswith(PREFIX_CHECKPOINT_DIR): checkpoint = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, subdir) trainer.objective = None if trainer.args.world_size > 1: if trainer.args.parallel_mode != ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: raise RuntimeError("only support DDP optuna HPO for ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED currently.") trainer._hp_search_setup(trial) torch.distributed.broadcast_object_list(pickle.dumps(trainer.args), src=0) trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=checkpoint) else: trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=checkpoint, trial=trial) # If there hasn't been any evaluation during the training loop. if getattr(trainer, "objective", None) is None: metrics = trainer.evaluate() trainer.objective = trainer.compute_objective(metrics) return trainer.objective timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout", None) n_jobs = kwargs.pop("n_jobs", 1) directions = direction if isinstance(direction, list) else None direction = None if directions is not None else direction study = optuna.create_study(direction=direction, directions=directions, **kwargs) study.optimize(_objective, n_trials=n_trials, timeout=timeout, n_jobs=n_jobs) if not study._is_multi_objective(): best_trial = study.best_trial return BestRun(str(best_trial.number), best_trial.value, best_trial.params) else: best_trials = study.best_trials return [BestRun(str(best.number), best.values, best.params) for best in best_trials] else: for i in range(n_trials): trainer.objective = None args_main_rank = list(pickle.dumps(trainer.args)) if trainer.args.parallel_mode != ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: raise RuntimeError("only support DDP optuna HPO for ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED currently.") torch.distributed.broadcast_object_list(args_main_rank, src=0) args = pickle.loads(bytes(args_main_rank)) for key, value in asdict(args).items(): if key != "local_rank": setattr(trainer.args, key, value) trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=None) # If there hasn't been any evaluation during the training loop. if getattr(trainer, "objective", None) is None: metrics = trainer.evaluate() trainer.objective = trainer.compute_objective(metrics) return None def run_hp_search_ray(trainer, n_trials: int, direction: str, **kwargs) -> BestRun: import ray import ray.train def _objective(trial: dict, local_trainer): try: from transformers.utils.notebook import NotebookProgressCallback if local_trainer.pop_callback(NotebookProgressCallback): local_trainer.add_callback(ProgressCallback) except ModuleNotFoundError: pass local_trainer.objective = None checkpoint = ray.train.get_checkpoint() if checkpoint: # Upon trial resume, the local_trainer's objective gets reset to None. # If `local_trainer.train` is a noop (training has already reached # the target number of epochs/steps), then this would # trigger an unnecessary extra checkpoint at the end of training. # -> Set the objective to a dummy value upon resume as a workaround. local_trainer.objective = "objective" with checkpoint.as_directory() as checkpoint_dir: checkpoint_path = next(Path(checkpoint_dir).glob(f"{PREFIX_CHECKPOINT_DIR}*")).as_posix() local_trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=checkpoint_path, trial=trial) else: local_trainer.train(trial=trial) # If there hasn't been any evaluation during the training loop. if getattr(local_trainer, "objective", None) is None: metrics = local_trainer.evaluate() local_trainer.objective = local_trainer.compute_objective(metrics) metrics.update({"objective": local_trainer.objective, "done": True}) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_checkpoint_dir: local_trainer._tune_save_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir=temp_checkpoint_dir) checkpoint = ray.train.Checkpoint.from_directory(temp_checkpoint_dir) ray.train.report(metrics, checkpoint=checkpoint) if not trainer._memory_tracker.skip_memory_metrics: from ..trainer_utils import TrainerMemoryTracker logger.warning( "Memory tracking for your Trainer is currently " "enabled. Automatically disabling the memory tracker " "since the memory tracker is not serializable." ) trainer._memory_tracker = TrainerMemoryTracker(skip_memory_metrics=True) # The model and TensorBoard writer do not pickle so we have to remove them (if they exists) # while doing the ray hp search. _tb_writer = trainer.pop_callback(TensorBoardCallback) trainer.model = None # Setup default `resources_per_trial`. if "resources_per_trial" not in kwargs: # Default to 1 CPU and 1 GPU (if applicable) per trial. kwargs["resources_per_trial"] = {"cpu": 1} if trainer.args.n_gpu > 0: kwargs["resources_per_trial"]["gpu"] = 1 resource_msg = "1 CPU" + (" and 1 GPU" if trainer.args.n_gpu > 0 else "") logger.info( "No `resources_per_trial` arg was passed into " "`hyperparameter_search`. Setting it to a default value " f"of {resource_msg} for each trial." ) # Make sure each trainer only uses GPUs that were allocated per trial. gpus_per_trial = kwargs["resources_per_trial"].get("gpu", 0) trainer.args._n_gpu = gpus_per_trial # Setup default `progress_reporter`. if "progress_reporter" not in kwargs: from ray.tune import CLIReporter kwargs["progress_reporter"] = CLIReporter(metric_columns=["objective"]) if "scheduler" in kwargs: from ray.tune.schedulers import ASHAScheduler, HyperBandForBOHB, MedianStoppingRule, PopulationBasedTraining # Check for `do_eval` and `eval_during_training` for schedulers that require intermediate reporting. if isinstance( kwargs["scheduler"], (ASHAScheduler, MedianStoppingRule, HyperBandForBOHB, PopulationBasedTraining) ) and (not trainer.args.do_eval or trainer.args.evaluation_strategy == IntervalStrategy.NO): raise RuntimeError( "You are using {cls} as a scheduler but you haven't enabled evaluation during training. " "This means your trials will not report intermediate results to Ray Tune, and " "can thus not be stopped early or used to exploit other trials parameters. " "If this is what you want, do not use {cls}. If you would like to use {cls}, " "make sure you pass `do_eval=True` and `evaluation_strategy='steps'` in the " "Trainer `args`.".format(cls=type(kwargs["scheduler"]).__name__) ) trainable = ray.tune.with_parameters(_objective, local_trainer=trainer) @functools.wraps(trainable) def dynamic_modules_import_trainable(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around `tune.with_parameters` to ensure datasets_modules are loaded on each Actor. Without this, an ImportError will be thrown. See https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/issues/11565. Assumes that `_objective`, defined above, is a function. """ if is_datasets_available(): import datasets.load dynamic_modules_path = os.path.join(datasets.load.init_dynamic_modules(), "__init__.py") # load dynamic_modules from path spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("datasets_modules", dynamic_modules_path) datasets_modules = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) sys.modules[spec.name] = datasets_modules spec.loader.exec_module(datasets_modules) return trainable(*args, **kwargs) # special attr set by tune.with_parameters if hasattr(trainable, "__mixins__"): dynamic_modules_import_trainable.__mixins__ = trainable.__mixins__ analysis = ray.tune.run( dynamic_modules_import_trainable, config=trainer.hp_space(None), num_samples=n_trials, **kwargs, ) best_trial = analysis.get_best_trial(metric="objective", mode=direction[:3], scope=trainer.args.ray_scope) best_run = BestRun(best_trial.trial_id, best_trial.last_result["objective"], best_trial.config, analysis) if _tb_writer is not None: trainer.add_callback(_tb_writer) return best_run def run_hp_search_sigopt(trainer, n_trials: int, direction: str, **kwargs) -> BestRun: import sigopt if trainer.args.process_index == 0: if importlib.metadata.version("sigopt") >= "8.0.0": sigopt.set_project("huggingface") experiment = sigopt.create_experiment( name="huggingface-tune", type="offline", parameters=trainer.hp_space(None), metrics=[{"name": "objective", "objective": direction, "strategy": "optimize"}], parallel_bandwidth=1, budget=n_trials, ) logger.info(f"created experiment: https://app.sigopt.com/experiment/{experiment.id}") for run in experiment.loop(): with run: trainer.objective = None if trainer.args.world_size > 1: if trainer.args.parallel_mode != ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: raise RuntimeError("only support DDP Sigopt HPO for ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED currently.") trainer._hp_search_setup(run.run) torch.distributed.broadcast_object_list(pickle.dumps(trainer.args), src=0) trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=None) else: trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=None, trial=run.run) # If there hasn't been any evaluation during the training loop. if getattr(trainer, "objective", None) is None: metrics = trainer.evaluate() trainer.objective = trainer.compute_objective(metrics) run.log_metric("objective", trainer.objective) best = list(experiment.get_best_runs())[0] best_run = BestRun(best.id, best.values["objective"].value, best.assignments) else: from sigopt import Connection conn = Connection() proxies = kwargs.pop("proxies", None) if proxies is not None: conn.set_proxies(proxies) experiment = conn.experiments().create( name="huggingface-tune", parameters=trainer.hp_space(None), metrics=[{"name": "objective", "objective": direction, "strategy": "optimize"}], parallel_bandwidth=1, observation_budget=n_trials, project="huggingface", ) logger.info(f"created experiment: https://app.sigopt.com/experiment/{experiment.id}") while experiment.progress.observation_count < experiment.observation_budget: suggestion = conn.experiments(experiment.id).suggestions().create() trainer.objective = None if trainer.args.world_size > 1: if trainer.args.parallel_mode != ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: raise RuntimeError("only support DDP Sigopt HPO for ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED currently.") trainer._hp_search_setup(suggestion) torch.distributed.broadcast_object_list(pickle.dumps(trainer.args), src=0) trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=None) else: trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=None, trial=suggestion) # If there hasn't been any evaluation during the training loop. if getattr(trainer, "objective", None) is None: metrics = trainer.evaluate() trainer.objective = trainer.compute_objective(metrics) values = [{"name": "objective", "value": trainer.objective}] obs = conn.experiments(experiment.id).observations().create(suggestion=suggestion.id, values=values) logger.info(f"[suggestion_id, observation_id]: [{suggestion.id}, {obs.id}]") experiment = conn.experiments(experiment.id).fetch() best = list(conn.experiments(experiment.id).best_assignments().fetch().iterate_pages())[0] best_run = BestRun(best.id, best.value, best.assignments) return best_run else: for i in range(n_trials): trainer.objective = None args_main_rank = list(pickle.dumps(trainer.args)) if trainer.args.parallel_mode != ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: raise RuntimeError("only support DDP Sigopt HPO for ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED currently.") torch.distributed.broadcast_object_list(args_main_rank, src=0) args = pickle.loads(bytes(args_main_rank)) for key, value in asdict(args).items(): if key != "local_rank": setattr(trainer.args, key, value) trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=None) # If there hasn't been any evaluation during the training loop. if getattr(trainer, "objective", None) is None: metrics = trainer.evaluate() trainer.objective = trainer.compute_objective(metrics) return None def run_hp_search_wandb(trainer, n_trials: int, direction: str, **kwargs) -> BestRun: from ..integrations import is_wandb_available if not is_wandb_available(): raise ImportError("This function needs wandb installed: `pip install wandb`") import wandb # add WandbCallback if not already added in trainer callbacks reporting_to_wandb = False for callback in trainer.callback_handler.callbacks: if isinstance(callback, WandbCallback): reporting_to_wandb = True break if not reporting_to_wandb: trainer.add_callback(WandbCallback()) trainer.args.report_to = ["wandb"] best_trial = {"run_id": None, "objective": None, "hyperparameters": None} sweep_id = kwargs.pop("sweep_id", None) project = kwargs.pop("project", None) name = kwargs.pop("name", None) entity = kwargs.pop("entity", None) metric = kwargs.pop("metric", "eval/loss") sweep_config = trainer.hp_space(None) sweep_config["metric"]["goal"] = direction sweep_config["metric"]["name"] = metric if name: sweep_config["name"] = name def _objective(): run = wandb.run if wandb.run else wandb.init() trainer.state.trial_name = run.name run.config.update({"assignments": {}, "metric": metric}) config = wandb.config trainer.objective = None trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=None, trial=vars(config)["_items"]) # If there hasn't been any evaluation during the training loop. if getattr(trainer, "objective", None) is None: metrics = trainer.evaluate() trainer.objective = trainer.compute_objective(metrics) format_metrics = rewrite_logs(metrics) if metric not in format_metrics: logger.warning( f"Provided metric {metric} not found. This might result in unexpected sweeps charts. The available" f" metrics are {format_metrics.keys()}" ) best_score = False if best_trial["run_id"] is not None: if direction == "minimize": best_score = trainer.objective < best_trial["objective"] elif direction == "maximize": best_score = trainer.objective > best_trial["objective"] if best_score or best_trial["run_id"] is None: best_trial["run_id"] = run.id best_trial["objective"] = trainer.objective best_trial["hyperparameters"] = dict(config) return trainer.objective sweep_id = wandb.sweep(sweep_config, project=project, entity=entity) if not sweep_id else sweep_id logger.info(f"wandb sweep id - {sweep_id}") wandb.agent(sweep_id, function=_objective, count=n_trials) return BestRun(best_trial["run_id"], best_trial["objective"], best_trial["hyperparameters"]) def get_available_reporting_integrations(): integrations = [] if is_azureml_available() and not is_mlflow_available(): integrations.append("azure_ml") if is_comet_available(): integrations.append("comet_ml") if is_dagshub_available(): integrations.append("dagshub") if is_dvclive_available(): integrations.append("dvclive") if is_mlflow_available(): integrations.append("mlflow") if is_neptune_available(): integrations.append("neptune") if is_tensorboard_available(): integrations.append("tensorboard") if is_wandb_available(): integrations.append("wandb") if is_codecarbon_available(): integrations.append("codecarbon") if is_clearml_available(): integrations.append("clearml") return integrations def rewrite_logs(d): new_d = {} eval_prefix = "eval_" eval_prefix_len = len(eval_prefix) test_prefix = "test_" test_prefix_len = len(test_prefix) for k, v in d.items(): if k.startswith(eval_prefix): new_d["eval/" + k[eval_prefix_len:]] = v elif k.startswith(test_prefix): new_d["test/" + k[test_prefix_len:]] = v else: new_d["train/" + k] = v return new_d class TensorBoardCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A [`TrainerCallback`] that sends the logs to [TensorBoard](https://www.tensorflow.org/tensorboard). Args: tb_writer (`SummaryWriter`, *optional*): The writer to use. Will instantiate one if not set. """ def __init__(self, tb_writer=None): has_tensorboard = is_tensorboard_available() if not has_tensorboard: raise RuntimeError( "TensorBoardCallback requires tensorboard to be installed. Either update your PyTorch version or" " install tensorboardX." ) if has_tensorboard: try: from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter # noqa: F401 self._SummaryWriter = SummaryWriter except ImportError: try: from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter self._SummaryWriter = SummaryWriter except ImportError: self._SummaryWriter = None else: self._SummaryWriter = None self.tb_writer = tb_writer def _init_summary_writer(self, args, log_dir=None): log_dir = log_dir or args.logging_dir if self._SummaryWriter is not None: self.tb_writer = self._SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_dir) def on_train_begin(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if not state.is_world_process_zero: return log_dir = None if state.is_hyper_param_search: trial_name = state.trial_name if trial_name is not None: log_dir = os.path.join(args.logging_dir, trial_name) if self.tb_writer is None: self._init_summary_writer(args, log_dir) if self.tb_writer is not None: self.tb_writer.add_text("args", args.to_json_string()) if "model" in kwargs: model = kwargs["model"] if hasattr(model, "config") and model.config is not None: model_config_json = model.config.to_json_string() self.tb_writer.add_text("model_config", model_config_json) def on_log(self, args, state, control, logs=None, **kwargs): if not state.is_world_process_zero: return if self.tb_writer is None: self._init_summary_writer(args) if self.tb_writer is not None: logs = rewrite_logs(logs) for k, v in logs.items(): if isinstance(v, (int, float)): self.tb_writer.add_scalar(k, v, state.global_step) else: logger.warning( "Trainer is attempting to log a value of " f'"{v}" of type {type(v)} for key "{k}" as a scalar. ' "This invocation of Tensorboard's writer.add_scalar() " "is incorrect so we dropped this attribute." ) self.tb_writer.flush() def on_train_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self.tb_writer: self.tb_writer.close() self.tb_writer = None class WandbCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A [`TrainerCallback`] that logs metrics, media, model checkpoints to [Weight and Biases](https://www.wandb.com/). """ def __init__(self): has_wandb = is_wandb_available() if not has_wandb: raise RuntimeError("WandbCallback requires wandb to be installed. Run `pip install wandb`.") if has_wandb: import wandb self._wandb = wandb self._initialized = False # log model if os.getenv("WANDB_LOG_MODEL", "FALSE").upper() in ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES.union({"TRUE"}): DeprecationWarning( f"Setting `WANDB_LOG_MODEL` as {os.getenv('WANDB_LOG_MODEL')} is deprecated and will be removed in " "version 5 of transformers. Use one of `'end'` or `'checkpoint'` instead." ) logger.info(f"Setting `WANDB_LOG_MODEL` from {os.getenv('WANDB_LOG_MODEL')} to `end` instead") self._log_model = "end" else: self._log_model = os.getenv("WANDB_LOG_MODEL", "false").lower() def setup(self, args, state, model, **kwargs): """ Setup the optional Weights & Biases (*wandb*) integration. One can subclass and override this method to customize the setup if needed. Find more information [here](https://docs.wandb.ai/guides/integrations/huggingface). You can also override the following environment variables: Environment: - **WANDB_LOG_MODEL** (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"false"`): Whether to log model and checkpoints during training. Can be `"end"`, `"checkpoint"` or `"false"`. If set to `"end"`, the model will be uploaded at the end of training. If set to `"checkpoint"`, the checkpoint will be uploaded every `args.save_steps` . If set to `"false"`, the model will not be uploaded. Use along with [`~transformers.TrainingArguments.load_best_model_at_end`] to upload best model. Setting `WANDB_LOG_MODEL` as `bool` will be deprecated in version 5 of 🤗 Transformers. - **WANDB_WATCH** (`str`, *optional* defaults to `"false"`): Can be `"gradients"`, `"all"`, `"parameters"`, or `"false"`. Set to `"all"` to log gradients and parameters. - **WANDB_PROJECT** (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"huggingface"`): Set this to a custom string to store results in a different project. - **WANDB_DISABLED** (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether to disable wandb entirely. Set `WANDB_DISABLED=true` to disable. """ if self._wandb is None: return self._initialized = True if state.is_world_process_zero: logger.info( 'Automatic Weights & Biases logging enabled, to disable set os.environ["WANDB_DISABLED"] = "true"' ) combined_dict = {**args.to_dict()} if hasattr(model, "config") and model.config is not None: model_config = model.config.to_dict() combined_dict = {**model_config, **combined_dict} trial_name = state.trial_name init_args = {} if trial_name is not None: init_args["name"] = trial_name init_args["group"] = args.run_name else: if not (args.run_name is None or args.run_name == args.output_dir): init_args["name"] = args.run_name if self._wandb.run is None: self._wandb.init( project=os.getenv("WANDB_PROJECT", "huggingface"), **init_args, ) # add config parameters (run may have been created manually) self._wandb.config.update(combined_dict, allow_val_change=True) # define default x-axis (for latest wandb versions) if getattr(self._wandb, "define_metric", None): self._wandb.define_metric("train/global_step") self._wandb.define_metric("*", step_metric="train/global_step", step_sync=True) # keep track of model topology and gradients, unsupported on TPU _watch_model = os.getenv("WANDB_WATCH", "false") if not is_torch_xla_available() and _watch_model in ("all", "parameters", "gradients"): self._wandb.watch(model, log=_watch_model, log_freq=max(100, state.logging_steps)) self._wandb.run._label(code="transformers_trainer") def on_train_begin(self, args, state, control, model=None, **kwargs): if self._wandb is None: return hp_search = state.is_hyper_param_search if hp_search: self._wandb.finish() self._initialized = False args.run_name = None if not self._initialized: self.setup(args, state, model, **kwargs) def on_train_end(self, args, state, control, model=None, tokenizer=None, **kwargs): if self._wandb is None: return if self._log_model in ("end", "checkpoint") and self._initialized and state.is_world_process_zero: from ..trainer import Trainer fake_trainer = Trainer(args=args, model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: fake_trainer.save_model(temp_dir) metadata = ( { k: v for k, v in dict(self._wandb.summary).items() if isinstance(v, numbers.Number) and not k.startswith("_") } if not args.load_best_model_at_end else { f"eval/{args.metric_for_best_model}": state.best_metric, "train/total_floss": state.total_flos, } ) logger.info("Logging model artifacts. ...") model_name = ( f"model-{self._wandb.run.id}" if (args.run_name is None or args.run_name == args.output_dir) else f"model-{self._wandb.run.name}" ) artifact = self._wandb.Artifact(name=model_name, type="model", metadata=metadata) for f in Path(temp_dir).glob("*"): if f.is_file(): with artifact.new_file(f.name, mode="wb") as fa: fa.write(f.read_bytes()) self._wandb.run.log_artifact(artifact) def on_log(self, args, state, control, model=None, logs=None, **kwargs): single_value_scalars = [ "train_runtime", "train_samples_per_second", "train_steps_per_second", "train_loss", "total_flos", ] if self._wandb is None: return if not self._initialized: self.setup(args, state, model) if state.is_world_process_zero: for k, v in logs.items(): if k in single_value_scalars: self._wandb.run.summary[k] = v non_scalar_logs = {k: v for k, v in logs.items() if k not in single_value_scalars} non_scalar_logs = rewrite_logs(non_scalar_logs) self._wandb.log({**non_scalar_logs, "train/global_step": state.global_step}) def on_save(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self._log_model == "checkpoint" and self._initialized and state.is_world_process_zero: checkpoint_metadata = { k: v for k, v in dict(self._wandb.summary).items() if isinstance(v, numbers.Number) and not k.startswith("_") } ckpt_dir = f"checkpoint-{state.global_step}" artifact_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, ckpt_dir) logger.info(f"Logging checkpoint artifacts in {ckpt_dir}. ...") checkpoint_name = ( f"checkpoint-{self._wandb.run.id}" if (args.run_name is None or args.run_name == args.output_dir) else f"checkpoint-{self._wandb.run.name}" ) artifact = self._wandb.Artifact(name=checkpoint_name, type="model", metadata=checkpoint_metadata) artifact.add_dir(artifact_path) self._wandb.log_artifact(artifact, aliases=[f"checkpoint-{state.global_step}"]) class CometCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A [`TrainerCallback`] that sends the logs to [Comet ML](https://www.comet.ml/site/). """ def __init__(self): if not _has_comet: raise RuntimeError("CometCallback requires comet-ml to be installed. Run `pip install comet-ml`.") self._initialized = False self._log_assets = False def setup(self, args, state, model): """ Setup the optional Comet.ml integration. Environment: - **COMET_MODE** (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `ONLINE`): Whether to create an online, offline experiment or disable Comet logging. Can be `OFFLINE`, `ONLINE`, or `DISABLED`. - **COMET_PROJECT_NAME** (`str`, *optional*): Comet project name for experiments. - **COMET_OFFLINE_DIRECTORY** (`str`, *optional*): Folder to use for saving offline experiments when `COMET_MODE` is `OFFLINE`. - **COMET_LOG_ASSETS** (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `TRUE`): Whether or not to log training assets (tf event logs, checkpoints, etc), to Comet. Can be `TRUE`, or `FALSE`. For a number of configurable items in the environment, see [here](https://www.comet.ml/docs/python-sdk/advanced/#comet-configuration-variables). """ self._initialized = True log_assets = os.getenv("COMET_LOG_ASSETS", "FALSE").upper() if log_assets in {"TRUE", "1"}: self._log_assets = True if state.is_world_process_zero: comet_mode = os.getenv("COMET_MODE", "ONLINE").upper() experiment = None experiment_kwargs = {"project_name": os.getenv("COMET_PROJECT_NAME", "huggingface")} if comet_mode == "ONLINE": experiment = comet_ml.Experiment(**experiment_kwargs) experiment.log_other("Created from", "transformers") logger.info("Automatic Comet.ml online logging enabled") elif comet_mode == "OFFLINE": experiment_kwargs["offline_directory"] = os.getenv("COMET_OFFLINE_DIRECTORY", "./") experiment = comet_ml.OfflineExperiment(**experiment_kwargs) experiment.log_other("Created from", "transformers") logger.info("Automatic Comet.ml offline logging enabled; use `comet upload` when finished") if experiment is not None: experiment._set_model_graph(model, framework="transformers") experiment._log_parameters(args, prefix="args/", framework="transformers") if hasattr(model, "config"): experiment._log_parameters(model.config, prefix="config/", framework="transformers") def on_train_begin(self, args, state, control, model=None, **kwargs): if not self._initialized: self.setup(args, state, model) def on_log(self, args, state, control, model=None, logs=None, **kwargs): if not self._initialized: self.setup(args, state, model) if state.is_world_process_zero: experiment = comet_ml.config.get_global_experiment() if experiment is not None: experiment._log_metrics(logs, step=state.global_step, epoch=state.epoch, framework="transformers") def on_train_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self._initialized and state.is_world_process_zero: experiment = comet_ml.config.get_global_experiment() if experiment is not None: if self._log_assets is True: logger.info("Logging checkpoints. This may take time.") experiment.log_asset_folder( args.output_dir, recursive=True, log_file_name=True, step=state.global_step ) experiment.end() class AzureMLCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A [`TrainerCallback`] that sends the logs to [AzureML](https://pypi.org/project/azureml-sdk/). """ def __init__(self, azureml_run=None): if not is_azureml_available(): raise RuntimeError("AzureMLCallback requires azureml to be installed. Run `pip install azureml-sdk`.") self.azureml_run = azureml_run def on_init_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): from azureml.core.run import Run if self.azureml_run is None and state.is_world_process_zero: self.azureml_run = Run.get_context() def on_log(self, args, state, control, logs=None, **kwargs): if self.azureml_run and state.is_world_process_zero: for k, v in logs.items(): if isinstance(v, (int, float)): self.azureml_run.log(k, v, description=k) class MLflowCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A [`TrainerCallback`] that sends the logs to [MLflow](https://www.mlflow.org/). Can be disabled by setting environment variable `DISABLE_MLFLOW_INTEGRATION = TRUE`. """ def __init__(self): if not is_mlflow_available(): raise RuntimeError("MLflowCallback requires mlflow to be installed. Run `pip install mlflow`.") import mlflow self._MAX_PARAM_VAL_LENGTH = mlflow.utils.validation.MAX_PARAM_VAL_LENGTH self._MAX_PARAMS_TAGS_PER_BATCH = mlflow.utils.validation.MAX_PARAMS_TAGS_PER_BATCH self._initialized = False self._auto_end_run = False self._log_artifacts = False self._ml_flow = mlflow def setup(self, args, state, model): """ Setup the optional MLflow integration. Environment: - **HF_MLFLOW_LOG_ARTIFACTS** (`str`, *optional*): Whether to use MLflow `.log_artifact()` facility to log artifacts. This only makes sense if logging to a remote server, e.g. s3 or GCS. If set to `True` or *1*, will copy each saved checkpoint on each save in [`TrainingArguments`]'s `output_dir` to the local or remote artifact storage. Using it without a remote storage will just copy the files to your artifact location. - **MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI** (`str`, *optional*): Whether to store runs at a specific path or remote server. Unset by default, which skips setting the tracking URI entirely. - **MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT_NAME** (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `None`): Whether to use an MLflow experiment_name under which to launch the run. Default to `None` which will point to the `Default` experiment in MLflow. Otherwise, it is a case sensitive name of the experiment to be activated. If an experiment with this name does not exist, a new experiment with this name is created. - **MLFLOW_TAGS** (`str`, *optional*): A string dump of a dictionary of key/value pair to be added to the MLflow run as tags. Example: `os.environ['MLFLOW_TAGS']='{"release.candidate": "RC1", "release.version": "2.2.0"}'`. - **MLFLOW_NESTED_RUN** (`str`, *optional*): Whether to use MLflow nested runs. If set to `True` or *1*, will create a nested run inside the current run. - **MLFLOW_RUN_ID** (`str`, *optional*): Allow to reattach to an existing run which can be usefull when resuming training from a checkpoint. When `MLFLOW_RUN_ID` environment variable is set, `start_run` attempts to resume a run with the specified run ID and other parameters are ignored. - **MLFLOW_FLATTEN_PARAMS** (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether to flatten the parameters dictionary before logging. """ self._log_artifacts = os.getenv("HF_MLFLOW_LOG_ARTIFACTS", "FALSE").upper() in ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES self._nested_run = os.getenv("MLFLOW_NESTED_RUN", "FALSE").upper() in ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES self._tracking_uri = os.getenv("MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI", None) self._experiment_name = os.getenv("MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT_NAME", None) self._flatten_params = os.getenv("MLFLOW_FLATTEN_PARAMS", "FALSE").upper() in ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES self._run_id = os.getenv("MLFLOW_RUN_ID", None) # "synchronous" flag is only available with mlflow version >= 2.8.0 # https://github.com/mlflow/mlflow/pull/9705 # https://github.com/mlflow/mlflow/releases/tag/v2.8.0 self._async_log = packaging.version.parse(self._ml_flow.__version__) >= packaging.version.parse("2.8.0") logger.debug( f"MLflow experiment_name={self._experiment_name}, run_name={args.run_name}, nested={self._nested_run}," f" tags={self._nested_run}, tracking_uri={self._tracking_uri}" ) if state.is_world_process_zero: if not self._ml_flow.is_tracking_uri_set(): if self._tracking_uri: self._ml_flow.set_tracking_uri(self._tracking_uri) logger.debug(f"MLflow tracking URI is set to {self._tracking_uri}") else: logger.debug( "Environment variable `MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI` is not provided and therefore will not be" " explicitly set." ) else: logger.debug(f"MLflow tracking URI is set to {self._ml_flow.get_tracking_uri()}") if self._ml_flow.active_run() is None or self._nested_run or self._run_id: if self._experiment_name: # Use of set_experiment() ensure that Experiment is created if not exists self._ml_flow.set_experiment(self._experiment_name) self._ml_flow.start_run(run_name=args.run_name, nested=self._nested_run) logger.debug(f"MLflow run started with run_id={self._ml_flow.active_run().info.run_id}") self._auto_end_run = True combined_dict = args.to_dict() if hasattr(model, "config") and model.config is not None: model_config = model.config.to_dict() combined_dict = {**model_config, **combined_dict} combined_dict = flatten_dict(combined_dict) if self._flatten_params else combined_dict # remove params that are too long for MLflow for name, value in list(combined_dict.items()): # internally, all values are converted to str in MLflow if len(str(value)) > self._MAX_PARAM_VAL_LENGTH: logger.warning( f'Trainer is attempting to log a value of "{value}" for key "{name}" as a parameter. MLflow\'s' " log_param() only accepts values no longer than 250 characters so we dropped this attribute." " You can use `MLFLOW_FLATTEN_PARAMS` environment variable to flatten the parameters and" " avoid this message." ) del combined_dict[name] # MLflow cannot log more than 100 values in one go, so we have to split it combined_dict_items = list(combined_dict.items()) for i in range(0, len(combined_dict_items), self._MAX_PARAMS_TAGS_PER_BATCH): if self._async_log: self._ml_flow.log_params( dict(combined_dict_items[i : i + self._MAX_PARAMS_TAGS_PER_BATCH]), synchronous=False ) else: self._ml_flow.log_params(dict(combined_dict_items[i : i + self._MAX_PARAMS_TAGS_PER_BATCH])) mlflow_tags = os.getenv("MLFLOW_TAGS", None) if mlflow_tags: mlflow_tags = json.loads(mlflow_tags) self._ml_flow.set_tags(mlflow_tags) self._initialized = True def on_train_begin(self, args, state, control, model=None, **kwargs): if not self._initialized: self.setup(args, state, model) def on_log(self, args, state, control, logs, model=None, **kwargs): if not self._initialized: self.setup(args, state, model) if state.is_world_process_zero: metrics = {} for k, v in logs.items(): if isinstance(v, (int, float)): metrics[k] = v elif isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) and v.numel() == 1: metrics[k] = v.item() else: logger.warning( f'Trainer is attempting to log a value of "{v}" of type {type(v)} for key "{k}" as a metric. ' "MLflow's log_metric() only accepts float and int types so we dropped this attribute." ) if self._async_log: self._ml_flow.log_metrics(metrics=metrics, step=state.global_step, synchronous=False) else: self._ml_flow.log_metrics(metrics=metrics, step=state.global_step) def on_train_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self._initialized and state.is_world_process_zero: if self._auto_end_run and self._ml_flow.active_run(): self._ml_flow.end_run() def on_save(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self._initialized and state.is_world_process_zero and self._log_artifacts: ckpt_dir = f"checkpoint-{state.global_step}" artifact_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, ckpt_dir) logger.info(f"Logging checkpoint artifacts in {ckpt_dir}. This may take time.") self._ml_flow.pyfunc.log_model( ckpt_dir, artifacts={"model_path": artifact_path}, python_model=self._ml_flow.pyfunc.PythonModel(), ) def __del__(self): # if the previous run is not terminated correctly, the fluent API will # not let you start a new run before the previous one is killed if ( self._auto_end_run and callable(getattr(self._ml_flow, "active_run", None)) and self._ml_flow.active_run() is not None ): self._ml_flow.end_run() class DagsHubCallback(MLflowCallback): """ A [`TrainerCallback`] that logs to [DagsHub](https://dagshub.com/). Extends [`MLflowCallback`] """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() if not is_dagshub_available(): raise ImportError("DagsHubCallback requires dagshub to be installed. Run `pip install dagshub`.") from dagshub.upload import Repo self.Repo = Repo def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Setup the DagsHub's Logging integration. Environment: - **HF_DAGSHUB_LOG_ARTIFACTS** (`str`, *optional*): Whether to save the data and model artifacts for the experiment. Default to `False`. """ self.log_artifacts = os.getenv("HF_DAGSHUB_LOG_ARTIFACTS", "FALSE").upper() in ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES self.name = os.getenv("HF_DAGSHUB_MODEL_NAME") or "main" self.remote = os.getenv("MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI") self.repo = self.Repo( owner=self.remote.split(os.sep)[-2], name=self.remote.split(os.sep)[-1].split(".")[0], branch=os.getenv("BRANCH") or "main", ) self.path = Path("artifacts") if self.remote is None: raise RuntimeError( "DagsHubCallback requires the `MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI` environment variable to be set. Did you run" " `dagshub.init()`?" ) super().setup(*args, **kwargs) def on_train_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self.log_artifacts: if getattr(self, "train_dataloader", None): torch.save(self.train_dataloader.dataset, os.path.join(args.output_dir, "dataset.pt")) self.repo.directory(str(self.path)).add_dir(args.output_dir) class NeptuneMissingConfiguration(Exception): def __init__(self): super().__init__( """ ------ Unsupported ---- We were not able to create new runs. You provided a custom Neptune run to `NeptuneCallback` with the `run` argument. For the integration to work fully, provide your `api_token` and `project` by saving them as environment variables or passing them to the callback. """ ) class NeptuneCallback(TrainerCallback): """TrainerCallback that sends the logs to [Neptune](https://app.neptune.ai). Args: api_token (`str`, *optional*): Neptune API token obtained upon registration. You can leave this argument out if you have saved your token to the `NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN` environment variable (strongly recommended). See full setup instructions in the [docs](https://docs.neptune.ai/setup/installation). project (`str`, *optional*): Name of an existing Neptune project, in the form "workspace-name/project-name". You can find and copy the name in Neptune from the project settings -> Properties. If None (default), the value of the `NEPTUNE_PROJECT` environment variable is used. name (`str`, *optional*): Custom name for the run. base_namespace (`str`, optional, defaults to "finetuning"): In the Neptune run, the root namespace that will contain all of the metadata logged by the callback. log_parameters (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): If True, logs all Trainer arguments and model parameters provided by the Trainer. log_checkpoints (`str`, *optional*): If "same", uploads checkpoints whenever they are saved by the Trainer. If "last", uploads only the most recently saved checkpoint. If "best", uploads the best checkpoint (among the ones saved by the Trainer). If `None`, does not upload checkpoints. run (`Run`, *optional*): Pass a Neptune run object if you want to continue logging to an existing run. Read more about resuming runs in the [docs](https://docs.neptune.ai/logging/to_existing_object). **neptune_run_kwargs (*optional*): Additional keyword arguments to be passed directly to the [`neptune.init_run()`](https://docs.neptune.ai/api/neptune#init_run) function when a new run is created. For instructions and examples, see the [Transformers integration guide](https://docs.neptune.ai/integrations/transformers) in the Neptune documentation. """ integration_version_key = "source_code/integrations/transformers" model_parameters_key = "model_parameters" trial_name_key = "trial" trial_params_key = "trial_params" trainer_parameters_key = "trainer_parameters" flat_metrics = {"train/epoch"} def __init__( self, *, api_token: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, base_namespace: str = "finetuning", run=None, log_parameters: bool = True, log_checkpoints: Optional[str] = None, **neptune_run_kwargs, ): if not is_neptune_available(): raise ValueError( "NeptuneCallback requires the Neptune client library to be installed. " "To install the library, run `pip install neptune`." ) try: from neptune import Run from neptune.internal.utils import verify_type except ImportError: from neptune.new.internal.utils import verify_type from neptune.new.metadata_containers.run import Run verify_type("api_token", api_token, (str, type(None))) verify_type("project", project, (str, type(None))) verify_type("name", name, (str, type(None))) verify_type("base_namespace", base_namespace, str) verify_type("run", run, (Run, type(None))) verify_type("log_parameters", log_parameters, bool) verify_type("log_checkpoints", log_checkpoints, (str, type(None))) self._base_namespace_path = base_namespace self._log_parameters = log_parameters self._log_checkpoints = log_checkpoints self._initial_run: Optional[Run] = run self._run = None self._is_monitoring_run = False self._run_id = None self._force_reset_monitoring_run = False self._init_run_kwargs = {"api_token": api_token, "project": project, "name": name, **neptune_run_kwargs} self._volatile_checkpoints_dir = None self._should_upload_checkpoint = self._log_checkpoints is not None self._recent_checkpoint_path = None if self._log_checkpoints in {"last", "best"}: self._target_checkpoints_namespace = f"checkpoints/{self._log_checkpoints}" self._should_clean_recently_uploaded_checkpoint = True else: self._target_checkpoints_namespace = "checkpoints" self._should_clean_recently_uploaded_checkpoint = False def _stop_run_if_exists(self): if self._run: self._run.stop() del self._run self._run = None def _initialize_run(self, **additional_neptune_kwargs): try: from neptune import init_run from neptune.exceptions import NeptuneMissingApiTokenException, NeptuneMissingProjectNameException except ImportError: from neptune.new import init_run from neptune.new.exceptions import NeptuneMissingApiTokenException, NeptuneMissingProjectNameException self._stop_run_if_exists() try: run_params = additional_neptune_kwargs.copy() run_params.update(self._init_run_kwargs) self._run = init_run(**run_params) self._run_id = self._run["sys/id"].fetch() except (NeptuneMissingProjectNameException, NeptuneMissingApiTokenException) as e: raise NeptuneMissingConfiguration() from e def _use_initial_run(self): self._run = self._initial_run self._is_monitoring_run = True self._run_id = self._run["sys/id"].fetch() self._initial_run = None def _ensure_run_with_monitoring(self): if self._initial_run is not None: self._use_initial_run() else: if not self._force_reset_monitoring_run and self._is_monitoring_run: return if self._run and not self._is_monitoring_run and not self._force_reset_monitoring_run: self._initialize_run(with_id=self._run_id) self._is_monitoring_run = True else: self._initialize_run() self._force_reset_monitoring_run = False def _ensure_at_least_run_without_monitoring(self): if self._initial_run is not None: self._use_initial_run() else: if not self._run: self._initialize_run( with_id=self._run_id, capture_stdout=False, capture_stderr=False, capture_hardware_metrics=False, capture_traceback=False, ) self._is_monitoring_run = False @property def run(self): if self._run is None: self._ensure_at_least_run_without_monitoring() return self._run @property def _metadata_namespace(self): return self.run[self._base_namespace_path] def _log_integration_version(self): self.run[NeptuneCallback.integration_version_key] = version def _log_trainer_parameters(self, args): self._metadata_namespace[NeptuneCallback.trainer_parameters_key] = args.to_sanitized_dict() def _log_model_parameters(self, model): from neptune.utils import stringify_unsupported if model and hasattr(model, "config") and model.config is not None: self._metadata_namespace[NeptuneCallback.model_parameters_key] = stringify_unsupported( model.config.to_dict() ) def _log_hyper_param_search_parameters(self, state): if state and hasattr(state, "trial_name"): self._metadata_namespace[NeptuneCallback.trial_name_key] = state.trial_name if state and hasattr(state, "trial_params") and state.trial_params is not None: self._metadata_namespace[NeptuneCallback.trial_params_key] = state.trial_params def _log_model_checkpoint(self, source_directory: str, checkpoint: str): target_path = relative_path = os.path.join(source_directory, checkpoint) if self._volatile_checkpoints_dir is not None: consistent_checkpoint_path = os.path.join(self._volatile_checkpoints_dir, checkpoint) try: # Remove leading ../ from a relative path. cpkt_path = relative_path.replace("..", "").lstrip(os.path.sep) copy_path = os.path.join(consistent_checkpoint_path, cpkt_path) shutil.copytree(relative_path, copy_path) target_path = consistent_checkpoint_path except IOError as e: logger.warning( "NeptuneCallback was unable to made a copy of checkpoint due to I/O exception: '{}'. " "Could fail trying to upload.".format(e) ) self._metadata_namespace[self._target_checkpoints_namespace].upload_files(target_path) if self._should_clean_recently_uploaded_checkpoint and self._recent_checkpoint_path is not None: self._metadata_namespace[self._target_checkpoints_namespace].delete_files(self._recent_checkpoint_path) self._recent_checkpoint_path = relative_path def on_init_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): self._volatile_checkpoints_dir = None if self._log_checkpoints and (args.overwrite_output_dir or args.save_total_limit is not None): self._volatile_checkpoints_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name if self._log_checkpoints == "best" and not args.load_best_model_at_end: raise ValueError("To save the best model checkpoint, the load_best_model_at_end argument must be enabled.") def on_train_begin(self, args, state, control, model=None, **kwargs): if not state.is_world_process_zero: return self._ensure_run_with_monitoring() self._force_reset_monitoring_run = True self._log_integration_version() if self._log_parameters: self._log_trainer_parameters(args) self._log_model_parameters(model) if state.is_hyper_param_search: self._log_hyper_param_search_parameters(state) def on_train_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): self._stop_run_if_exists() def __del__(self): if self._volatile_checkpoints_dir is not None: shutil.rmtree(self._volatile_checkpoints_dir, ignore_errors=True) self._stop_run_if_exists() def on_save(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self._should_upload_checkpoint: self._log_model_checkpoint(args.output_dir, f"checkpoint-{state.global_step}") def on_evaluate(self, args, state, control, metrics=None, **kwargs): if self._log_checkpoints == "best": best_metric_name = args.metric_for_best_model if not best_metric_name.startswith("eval_"): best_metric_name = f"eval_{best_metric_name}" metric_value = metrics.get(best_metric_name) operator = np.greater if args.greater_is_better else np.less self._should_upload_checkpoint = state.best_metric is None or operator(metric_value, state.best_metric) @classmethod def get_run(cls, trainer): for callback in trainer.callback_handler.callbacks: if isinstance(callback, cls): return callback.run raise Exception("The trainer doesn't have a NeptuneCallback configured.") def on_log(self, args, state, control, logs: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, **kwargs): if not state.is_world_process_zero: return if logs is not None: for name, value in rewrite_logs(logs).items(): if isinstance(value, (int, float)): if name in NeptuneCallback.flat_metrics: self._metadata_namespace[name] = value else: self._metadata_namespace[name].log(value, step=state.global_step) class CodeCarbonCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A [`TrainerCallback`] that tracks the CO2 emission of training. """ def __init__(self): if not is_codecarbon_available(): raise RuntimeError( "CodeCarbonCallback requires `codecarbon` to be installed. Run `pip install codecarbon`." ) import codecarbon self._codecarbon = codecarbon self.tracker = None def on_init_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self.tracker is None and state.is_local_process_zero: # CodeCarbon will automatically handle environment variables for configuration self.tracker = self._codecarbon.EmissionsTracker(output_dir=args.output_dir) def on_train_begin(self, args, state, control, model=None, **kwargs): if self.tracker and state.is_local_process_zero: self.tracker.start() def on_train_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self.tracker and state.is_local_process_zero: self.tracker.stop() class ClearMLCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A [`TrainerCallback`] that sends the logs to [ClearML](https://clear.ml/). Environment: - **CLEARML_PROJECT** (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `HuggingFace Transformers`): ClearML project name. - **CLEARML_TASK** (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `Trainer`): ClearML task name. - **CLEARML_LOG_MODEL** (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether to log models as artifacts during training. """ log_suffix = "" _hparams_section = "Transformers" _model_config_section = "Model Configuration" _ignore_hparams_overrides = "_ignore_hparams_ui_overrides_" _ignoge_model_config_overrides = "_ignore_model_config_ui_overrides_" _model_config_description = "The configuration of model number {}." _model_config_description_note = ( "Note that, when cloning this task and running it remotely," " the configuration might be applied to another model instead of this one." " To avoid this, initialize the task externally by calling `Task.init`" " before the `ClearMLCallback` is instantiated." ) _train_run_counter = 0 _model_connect_counter = 0 _task_created_in_callback = False _should_close_on_train_end = None def __init__(self): if is_clearml_available(): import clearml self._clearml = clearml else: raise RuntimeError("ClearMLCallback requires 'clearml' to be installed. Run `pip install clearml`.") self._initialized = False self._clearml_task = None self._log_model = False self._checkpoints_saved = [] def setup(self, args, state, model, tokenizer, **kwargs): if self._clearml is None: return if self._initialized: return ClearMLCallback._train_run_counter += 1 ClearMLCallback._model_connect_counter += 1 ClearMLCallback.log_suffix = ( "" if ClearMLCallback._train_run_counter == 1 else "_" + str(ClearMLCallback._train_run_counter) ) if state.is_world_process_zero: logger.info("Automatic ClearML logging enabled.") if self._clearml_task is None: if ClearMLCallback._should_close_on_train_end is None: if not self._clearml.Task.running_locally() or self._clearml.Task.current_task(): ClearMLCallback._should_close_on_train_end = False else: ClearMLCallback._should_close_on_train_end = True # This might happen when running inside of a pipeline, where the task is already initialized # from outside of Hugging Face if self._clearml.Task.running_locally() and self._clearml.Task.current_task(): self._clearml_task = self._clearml.Task.current_task() self._log_model = os.getenv( "CLEARML_LOG_MODEL", "FALSE" if not ClearMLCallback._task_created_in_callback else "TRUE", ).upper() in ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES.union({"TRUE"}) logger.info("External ClearML Task has been connected.") else: self._clearml_task = self._clearml.Task.init( project_name=os.getenv("CLEARML_PROJECT", "HuggingFace Transformers"), task_name=os.getenv("CLEARML_TASK", "Trainer"), auto_connect_frameworks={"tensorboard": False, "pytorch": False}, output_uri=True, ) self._log_model = os.getenv("CLEARML_LOG_MODEL", "TRUE").upper() in ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES.union( {"TRUE"} ) ClearMLCallback._task_created_in_callback = True logger.info("ClearML Task has been initialized.") self._initialized = True suffixed_hparams_section = ClearMLCallback._hparams_section + ClearMLCallback.log_suffix ignore_hparams_config_section = suffixed_hparams_section + "/" + ClearMLCallback._ignore_hparams_overrides if self._clearml.Task.running_locally(): self._copy_training_args_as_hparams(args, suffixed_hparams_section) self._clearml_task.set_parameter( name=ignore_hparams_config_section, value=True, value_type=bool, description=( "If True, ignore Transformers hyperparameters overrides done in the UI/backend " + "when running remotely. Otherwise, the overrides will be applied when running remotely" ), ) elif not self._clearml_task.get_parameter(ignore_hparams_config_section, default=True, cast=True): self._clearml_task.connect(args, suffixed_hparams_section) else: self._copy_training_args_as_hparams( args, ClearMLCallback._hparams_section + ClearMLCallback.log_suffix ) if getattr(model, "config", None) is not None: ignore_model_config_section = ( suffixed_hparams_section + "/" + ClearMLCallback._ignoge_model_config_overrides ) configuration_object_description = ClearMLCallback._model_config_description.format( ClearMLCallback._model_connect_counter ) if ClearMLCallback._model_connect_counter != ClearMLCallback._train_run_counter: configuration_object_description += " " + ClearMLCallback._model_config_description_note if self._clearml.Task.running_locally(): self._clearml_task.set_parameter( name=ignore_model_config_section, value=True, value_type=bool, description=( "If True, ignore Transformers model configuration overrides done in the UI/backend " + "when running remotely. Otherwise, the overrides will be applied when running remotely" ), ) self._clearml_task.set_configuration_object( name=ClearMLCallback._model_config_section + ClearMLCallback.log_suffix, config_dict=model.config.to_dict(), description=configuration_object_description, ) elif not self._clearml_task.get_parameter(ignore_model_config_section, default=True, cast=True): model.config = model.config.from_dict( self._clearml_task.get_configuration_object_as_dict( ClearMLCallback._model_config_section + ClearMLCallback.log_suffix ) ) else: self._clearml_task.set_configuration_object( name=ClearMLCallback._model_config_section + ClearMLCallback.log_suffix, config_dict=model.config.to_dict(), description=configuration_object_description, ) def on_train_begin(self, args, state, control, model=None, tokenizer=None, **kwargs): if self._clearml is None: return self._checkpoints_saved = [] if state.is_hyper_param_search: self._initialized = False if not self._initialized: self.setup(args, state, model, tokenizer, **kwargs) def on_train_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if ClearMLCallback._should_close_on_train_end: self._clearml_task.close() ClearMLCallback._train_run_counter = 0 def on_log(self, args, state, control, model=None, tokenizer=None, logs=None, **kwargs): if self._clearml is None: return if not self._initialized: self.setup(args, state, model, tokenizer, **kwargs) if state.is_world_process_zero: eval_prefix = "eval_" eval_prefix_len = len(eval_prefix) test_prefix = "test_" test_prefix_len = len(test_prefix) single_value_scalars = [ "train_runtime", "train_samples_per_second", "train_steps_per_second", "train_loss", "total_flos", "epoch", ] for k, v in logs.items(): if isinstance(v, (int, float)): if k in single_value_scalars: self._clearml_task.get_logger().report_single_value( name=k + ClearMLCallback.log_suffix, value=v ) elif k.startswith(eval_prefix): self._clearml_task.get_logger().report_scalar( title="eval" + ClearMLCallback.log_suffix, series=k[eval_prefix_len:], value=v, iteration=state.global_step, ) elif k.startswith(test_prefix): self._clearml_task.get_logger().report_scalar( title="test" + ClearMLCallback.log_suffix, series=k[test_prefix_len:], value=v, iteration=state.global_step, ) else: self._clearml_task.get_logger().report_scalar( title="train" + ClearMLCallback.log_suffix, series=k, value=v, iteration=state.global_step, ) else: logger.warning( "Trainer is attempting to log a value of " f'"{v}" of type {type(v)} for key "{k}" as a scalar. ' "This invocation of ClearML logger's report_scalar() " "is incorrect so we dropped this attribute." ) def on_save(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self._log_model and self._clearml_task and state.is_world_process_zero: ckpt_dir = f"checkpoint-{state.global_step}" artifact_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, ckpt_dir) name = ckpt_dir + ClearMLCallback.log_suffix logger.info(f"Logging checkpoint artifact `{name}`. This may take some time.") output_model = self._clearml.OutputModel(task=self._clearml_task, name=name) output_model.connect(task=self._clearml_task, name=name) output_model.update_weights_package( weights_path=artifact_path, target_filename=ckpt_dir, iteration=state.global_step, auto_delete_file=False, ) self._checkpoints_saved.append(output_model) while args.save_total_limit and args.save_total_limit < len(self._checkpoints_saved): try: self._clearml.model.Model.remove( self._checkpoints_saved[0], delete_weights_file=True, force=True, raise_on_errors=True, ) except Exception as e: logger.warning( "Could not remove checkpoint `{}` after going over the `save_total_limit`. Error is: {}".format( self._checkpoints_saved[0].name, e ) ) break self._checkpoints_saved = self._checkpoints_saved[1:] def _copy_training_args_as_hparams(self, training_args, prefix): as_dict = { field.name: getattr(training_args, field.name) for field in fields(training_args) if field.init and not field.name.endswith("_token") } flat_dict = {str(k): v for k, v in self._clearml.utilities.proxy_object.flatten_dictionary(as_dict).items()} self._clearml_task._arguments.copy_from_dict(flat_dict, prefix=prefix) class FlyteCallback(TrainerCallback): """A [`TrainerCallback`] that sends the logs to [Flyte](https://flyte.org/). NOTE: This callback only works within a Flyte task. Args: save_log_history (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): When set to True, the training logs are saved as a Flyte Deck. sync_checkpoints (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): When set to True, checkpoints are synced with Flyte and can be used to resume training in the case of an interruption. Example: ```python # Note: This example skips over some setup steps for brevity. from flytekit import current_context, task @task def train_hf_transformer(): cp = current_context().checkpoint trainer = Trainer(..., callbacks=[FlyteCallback()]) output = trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=cp.restore()) ``` """ def __init__(self, save_log_history: bool = True, sync_checkpoints: bool = True): super().__init__() if not is_flytekit_available(): raise ImportError("FlyteCallback requires flytekit to be installed. Run `pip install flytekit`.") if not is_flyte_deck_standard_available() or not is_pandas_available(): logger.warning( "Syncing log history requires both flytekitplugins-deck-standard and pandas to be installed. " "Run `pip install flytekitplugins-deck-standard pandas` to enable this feature." ) save_log_history = False from flytekit import current_context self.cp = current_context().checkpoint self.save_log_history = save_log_history self.sync_checkpoints = sync_checkpoints def on_save(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self.sync_checkpoints and state.is_world_process_zero: ckpt_dir = f"checkpoint-{state.global_step}" artifact_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, ckpt_dir) logger.info(f"Syncing checkpoint in {ckpt_dir} to Flyte. This may take time.") self.cp.save(artifact_path) def on_train_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self.save_log_history: import pandas as pd from flytekit import Deck from flytekitplugins.deck.renderer import TableRenderer log_history_df = pd.DataFrame(state.log_history) Deck("Log History", TableRenderer().to_html(log_history_df)) class DVCLiveCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A [`TrainerCallback`] that sends the logs to [DVCLive](https://www.dvc.org/doc/dvclive). Use the environment variables below in `setup` to configure the integration. To customize this callback beyond those environment variables, see [here](https://dvc.org/doc/dvclive/ml-frameworks/huggingface). Args: live (`dvclive.Live`, *optional*, defaults to `None`): Optional Live instance. If None, a new instance will be created using **kwargs. log_model (Union[Literal["all"], bool], *optional*, defaults to `None`): Whether to use `dvclive.Live.log_artifact()` to log checkpoints created by [`Trainer`]. If set to `True`, the final checkpoint is logged at the end of training. If set to `"all"`, the entire [`TrainingArguments`]'s `output_dir` is logged at each checkpoint. """ def __init__( self, live: Optional[Any] = None, log_model: Optional[Union[Literal["all"], bool]] = None, **kwargs, ): if not is_dvclive_available(): raise RuntimeError("DVCLiveCallback requires dvclive to be installed. Run `pip install dvclive`.") from dvclive import Live self._initialized = False self.live = None if isinstance(live, Live): self.live = live elif live is not None: raise RuntimeError(f"Found class {live.__class__} for live, expected dvclive.Live") self._log_model = log_model if self._log_model is None: log_model_env = os.getenv("HF_DVCLIVE_LOG_MODEL", "FALSE") if log_model_env.upper() in ENV_VARS_TRUE_VALUES: self._log_model = True elif log_model_env.lower() == "all": self._log_model = "all" def setup(self, args, state, model): """ Setup the optional DVCLive integration. To customize this callback beyond the environment variables below, see [here](https://dvc.org/doc/dvclive/ml-frameworks/huggingface). Environment: - **HF_DVCLIVE_LOG_MODEL** (`str`, *optional*): Whether to use `dvclive.Live.log_artifact()` to log checkpoints created by [`Trainer`]. If set to `True` or *1*, the final checkpoint is logged at the end of training. If set to `all`, the entire [`TrainingArguments`]'s `output_dir` is logged at each checkpoint. """ from dvclive import Live self._initialized = True if state.is_world_process_zero: if not self.live: self.live = Live() self.live.log_params(args.to_dict()) def on_train_begin(self, args, state, control, model=None, **kwargs): if not self._initialized: self.setup(args, state, model) def on_log(self, args, state, control, model=None, logs=None, **kwargs): if not self._initialized: self.setup(args, state, model) if state.is_world_process_zero: from dvclive.plots import Metric from dvclive.utils import standardize_metric_name for key, value in logs.items(): if Metric.could_log(value): self.live.log_metric(standardize_metric_name(key, "dvclive.huggingface"), value) else: logger.warning( "Trainer is attempting to log a value of " f'"{value}" of type {type(value)} for key "{key}" as a scalar. ' "This invocation of DVCLive's Live.log_metric() " "is incorrect so we dropped this attribute." ) self.live.next_step() def on_save(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self._log_model == "all" and self._initialized and state.is_world_process_zero: self.live.log_artifact(args.output_dir) def on_train_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs): if self._initialized and state.is_world_process_zero: from transformers.trainer import Trainer if self._log_model is True: fake_trainer = Trainer(args=args, model=kwargs.get("model"), tokenizer=kwargs.get("tokenizer")) name = "best" if args.load_best_model_at_end else "last" output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, name) fake_trainer.save_model(output_dir) self.live.log_artifact(output_dir, name=name, type="model", copy=True) self.live.end() INTEGRATION_TO_CALLBACK = { "azure_ml": AzureMLCallback, "comet_ml": CometCallback, "mlflow": MLflowCallback, "neptune": NeptuneCallback, "tensorboard": TensorBoardCallback, "wandb": WandbCallback, "codecarbon": CodeCarbonCallback, "clearml": ClearMLCallback, "dagshub": DagsHubCallback, "flyte": FlyteCallback, "dvclive": DVCLiveCallback, } def get_reporting_integration_callbacks(report_to): for integration in report_to: if integration not in INTEGRATION_TO_CALLBACK: raise ValueError( f"{integration} is not supported, only {', '.join(INTEGRATION_TO_CALLBACK.keys())} are supported." ) return [INTEGRATION_TO_CALLBACK[integration] for integration in report_to]