from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import inspect import os import re import sys from distutils.core import Distribution, Extension from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext import Cython from ..Compiler.Main import Context from ..Compiler.Options import (default_options, CompilationOptions, get_directive_defaults) from ..Compiler.Visitor import CythonTransform, EnvTransform from ..Compiler.ParseTreeTransforms import SkipDeclarations from ..Compiler.TreeFragment import parse_from_strings from ..Compiler.StringEncoding import _unicode from .Dependencies import strip_string_literals, cythonize, cached_function from ..Compiler import Pipeline from ..Utils import get_cython_cache_dir import cython as cython_module IS_PY3 = sys.version_info >= (3,) # A utility function to convert user-supplied ASCII strings to unicode. if not IS_PY3: def to_unicode(s): if isinstance(s, bytes): return s.decode('ascii') else: return s else: to_unicode = lambda x: x if sys.version_info < (3, 5): import imp def load_dynamic(name, module_path): return imp.load_dynamic(name, module_path) else: import importlib.util from importlib.machinery import ExtensionFileLoader def load_dynamic(name, path): spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, loader=ExtensionFileLoader(name, path)) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) return module class UnboundSymbols(EnvTransform, SkipDeclarations): def __init__(self): super(EnvTransform, self).__init__(context=None) self.unbound = set() def visit_NameNode(self, node): if not self.current_env().lookup( self.unbound.add( return node def __call__(self, node): super(UnboundSymbols, self).__call__(node) return self.unbound @cached_function def unbound_symbols(code, context=None): code = to_unicode(code) if context is None: context = Context([], get_directive_defaults(), options=CompilationOptions(default_options)) from ..Compiler.ParseTreeTransforms import AnalyseDeclarationsTransform tree = parse_from_strings('(tree fragment)', code) for phase in Pipeline.create_pipeline(context, 'pyx'): if phase is None: continue tree = phase(tree) if isinstance(phase, AnalyseDeclarationsTransform): break try: import builtins except ImportError: import __builtin__ as builtins return tuple(UnboundSymbols()(tree) - set(dir(builtins))) def unsafe_type(arg, context=None): py_type = type(arg) if py_type is int: return 'long' else: return safe_type(arg, context) def safe_type(arg, context=None): py_type = type(arg) if py_type in (list, tuple, dict, str): return py_type.__name__ elif py_type is complex: return 'double complex' elif py_type is float: return 'double' elif py_type is bool: return 'bint' elif 'numpy' in sys.modules and isinstance(arg, sys.modules['numpy'].ndarray): return 'numpy.ndarray[numpy.%s_t, ndim=%s]' % (, arg.ndim) else: for base_type in py_type.__mro__: if base_type.__module__ in ('__builtin__', 'builtins'): return 'object' module = context.find_module(base_type.__module__, need_pxd=False) if module: entry = module.lookup(base_type.__name__) if entry.is_type: return '%s.%s' % (base_type.__module__, base_type.__name__) return 'object' def _get_build_extension(): dist = Distribution() # Ensure the build respects distutils configuration by parsing # the configuration files config_files = dist.find_config_files() dist.parse_config_files(config_files) build_extension = build_ext(dist) build_extension.finalize_options() return build_extension @cached_function def _create_context(cython_include_dirs): return Context( list(cython_include_dirs), get_directive_defaults(), options=CompilationOptions(default_options) ) _cython_inline_cache = {} _cython_inline_default_context = _create_context(('.',)) def _populate_unbound(kwds, unbound_symbols, locals=None, globals=None): for symbol in unbound_symbols: if symbol not in kwds: if locals is None or globals is None: calling_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_back if locals is None: locals = calling_frame.f_locals if globals is None: globals = calling_frame.f_globals if symbol in locals: kwds[symbol] = locals[symbol] elif symbol in globals: kwds[symbol] = globals[symbol] else: print("Couldn't find %r" % symbol) def _inline_key(orig_code, arg_sigs, language_level): key = orig_code, arg_sigs, sys.version_info, sys.executable, language_level, Cython.__version__ return hashlib.sha1(_unicode(key).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def cython_inline(code, get_type=unsafe_type, lib_dir=os.path.join(get_cython_cache_dir(), 'inline'), cython_include_dirs=None, cython_compiler_directives=None, force=False, quiet=False, locals=None, globals=None, language_level=None, **kwds): if get_type is None: get_type = lambda x: 'object' ctx = _create_context(tuple(cython_include_dirs)) if cython_include_dirs else _cython_inline_default_context cython_compiler_directives = dict(cython_compiler_directives) if cython_compiler_directives else {} if language_level is None and 'language_level' not in cython_compiler_directives: language_level = '3str' if language_level is not None: cython_compiler_directives['language_level'] = language_level key_hash = None # Fast path if this has been called in this session. _unbound_symbols = _cython_inline_cache.get(code) if _unbound_symbols is not None: _populate_unbound(kwds, _unbound_symbols, locals, globals) args = sorted(kwds.items()) arg_sigs = tuple([(get_type(value, ctx), arg) for arg, value in args]) key_hash = _inline_key(code, arg_sigs, language_level) invoke = _cython_inline_cache.get((code, arg_sigs, key_hash)) if invoke is not None: arg_list = [arg[1] for arg in args] return invoke(*arg_list) orig_code = code code = to_unicode(code) code, literals = strip_string_literals(code) code = strip_common_indent(code) if locals is None: locals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_locals if globals is None: globals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_globals try: _cython_inline_cache[orig_code] = _unbound_symbols = unbound_symbols(code) _populate_unbound(kwds, _unbound_symbols, locals, globals) except AssertionError: if not quiet: # Parsing from strings not fully supported (e.g. cimports). print("Could not parse code as a string (to extract unbound symbols).") cimports = [] for name, arg in list(kwds.items()): if arg is cython_module: cimports.append('\ncimport cython as %s' % name) del kwds[name] arg_names = sorted(kwds) arg_sigs = tuple([(get_type(kwds[arg], ctx), arg) for arg in arg_names]) if key_hash is None: key_hash = _inline_key(orig_code, arg_sigs, language_level) module_name = "_cython_inline_" + key_hash if module_name in sys.modules: module = sys.modules[module_name] else: build_extension = None if cython_inline.so_ext is None: # Figure out and cache current extension suffix build_extension = _get_build_extension() cython_inline.so_ext = build_extension.get_ext_filename('') lib_dir = os.path.abspath(lib_dir) module_path = os.path.join(lib_dir, module_name + cython_inline.so_ext) if not os.path.exists(lib_dir): os.makedirs(lib_dir) if force or not os.path.isfile(module_path): cflags = [] define_macros = [] c_include_dirs = [] qualified = re.compile(r'([.\w]+)[.]') for type, _ in arg_sigs: m = qualified.match(type) if m: cimports.append('\ncimport %s' % m.groups()[0]) # one special case if m.groups()[0] == 'numpy': import numpy c_include_dirs.append(numpy.get_include()) define_macros.append(("NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API", "NPY_1_7_API_VERSION")) # cflags.append('-Wno-unused') module_body, func_body = extract_func_code(code) params = ', '.join(['%s %s' % a for a in arg_sigs]) module_code = """ %(module_body)s %(cimports)s def __invoke(%(params)s): %(func_body)s return locals() """ % {'cimports': '\n'.join(cimports), 'module_body': module_body, 'params': params, 'func_body': func_body } for key, value in literals.items(): module_code = module_code.replace(key, value) pyx_file = os.path.join(lib_dir, module_name + '.pyx') fh = open(pyx_file, 'w') try: fh.write(module_code) finally: fh.close() extension = Extension( name=module_name, sources=[pyx_file], include_dirs=c_include_dirs or None, extra_compile_args=cflags or None, define_macros=define_macros or None, ) if build_extension is None: build_extension = _get_build_extension() build_extension.extensions = cythonize( [extension], include_path=cython_include_dirs or ['.'], compiler_directives=cython_compiler_directives, quiet=quiet) build_extension.build_temp = os.path.dirname(pyx_file) build_extension.build_lib = lib_dir if sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info >= (3, 8): with os.add_dll_directory(os.path.abspath(lib_dir)): module = load_dynamic(module_name, module_path) else: module = load_dynamic(module_name, module_path) _cython_inline_cache[orig_code, arg_sigs, key_hash] = module.__invoke arg_list = [kwds[arg] for arg in arg_names] return module.__invoke(*arg_list) # Cached suffix used by cython_inline above. None should get # overridden with actual value upon the first cython_inline invocation cython_inline.so_ext = None _find_non_space = re.compile('[^ ]').search def strip_common_indent(code): min_indent = None lines = code.splitlines() for line in lines: match = _find_non_space(line) if not match: continue # blank indent = match.start() if line[indent] == '#': continue # comment if min_indent is None or min_indent > indent: min_indent = indent for ix, line in enumerate(lines): match = _find_non_space(line) if not match or not line or line[indent:indent+1] == '#': continue lines[ix] = line[min_indent:] return '\n'.join(lines) module_statement = re.compile(r'^((cdef +(extern|class))|cimport|(from .+ cimport)|(from .+ import +[*]))') def extract_func_code(code): module = [] function = [] current = function code = code.replace('\t', ' ') lines = code.split('\n') for line in lines: if not line.startswith(' '): if module_statement.match(line): current = module else: current = function current.append(line) return '\n'.join(module), ' ' + '\n '.join(function) def get_body(source): ix = source.index(':') if source[:5] == 'lambda': return "return %s" % source[ix+1:] else: return source[ix+1:] # Lots to be done here... It would be especially cool if compiled functions # could invoke each other quickly. class RuntimeCompiledFunction(object): def __init__(self, f): self._f = f self._body = get_body(inspect.getsource(f)) def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): all = inspect.getcallargs(self._f, *args, **kwds) if IS_PY3: return cython_inline(self._body, locals=self._f.__globals__, globals=self._f.__globals__, **all) else: return cython_inline(self._body, locals=self._f.func_globals, globals=self._f.func_globals, **all)