import ctypes import threading from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE, c_int, c_int32 from ctypes.util import find_library import gc import locale import os import platform import re import subprocess import sys import unittest from contextlib import contextmanager from tempfile import mkstemp from llvmlite import ir from llvmlite import binding as llvm from llvmlite.binding import ffi from llvmlite.tests import TestCase # arvm7l needs extra ABI symbols to link successfully if platform.machine() == 'armv7l': llvm.load_library_permanently('') def no_de_locale(): cur = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL) try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'de_DE') except locale.Error: return True else: return False finally: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, cur) asm_sum = r""" ; ModuleID = '' source_filename = "asm_sum.c" target triple = "{triple}" %struct.glob_type = type {{ i64, [2 x i64]}} %struct.glob_type_vec = type {{ i64, <2 x i64>}} @glob = global i32 0 @glob_b = global i8 0 @glob_f = global float 1.5 @glob_struct = global %struct.glob_type {{i64 0, [2 x i64] [i64 0, i64 0]}} define i32 @sum(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) {{ %.3 = add i32 %.1, %.2 %.4 = add i32 0, %.3 ret i32 %.4 }} """ asm_sum2 = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" define i32 @sum(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) {{ %.3 = add i32 %.1, %.2 ret i32 %.3 }} """ asm_sum3 = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" define i64 @sum(i64 %.1, i64 %.2) {{ %.3 = add i64 %.1, %.2 %.4 = add i64 5, %.3 %.5 = add i64 -5, %.4 ret i64 %.5 }} """ asm_mul = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" @mul_glob = global i32 0 define i32 @mul(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) {{ %.3 = mul i32 %.1, %.2 ret i32 %.3 }} """ asm_square_sum = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" @mul_glob = global i32 0 declare i32 @sum(i32, i32) define i32 @square_sum(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) {{ %.3 = call i32 @sum(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) %.4 = mul i32 %.3, %.3 ret i32 %.4 }} """ asm_getversion = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" declare i8* @Py_GetVersion() define void @getversion(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) {{ %1 = call i8* @Py_GetVersion() ret void }} """ if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy': asm_getversion = asm_getversion.replace('Py_GetVersion', 'PyPy_GetVersion') # `fadd` used on integer inputs asm_parse_error = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" define i32 @sum(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) {{ %.3 = fadd i32 %.1, %.2 ret i32 %.3 }} """ # "%.bug" definition references itself asm_verification_fail = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" define void @sum() {{ %.bug = add i32 1, %.bug ret void }} """ asm_sum_declare = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" declare i32 @sum(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) """ asm_vararg_declare = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" declare i32 @vararg(i32 %.1, ...) """ asm_double_inaccurate = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" define void @foo() {{ %const = fadd fp128 0xLF3CB1CCF26FBC178452FB4EC7F91DEAD, 0xL00000000000000000000000000000001 ret void }} """ # noqa E501 asm_double_locale = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" define void @foo() {{ %const = fadd double 0.0, 3.14 ret void }} """ asm_inlineasm = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" define void @foo() {{ call void asm sideeffect "nop", ""() ret void }} """ asm_inlineasm2 = """ ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" define void @inlineme() {{ ret void }} define i32 @caller(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) {{ entry: %stack = alloca i32 store i32 %.1, i32* %stack br label %main main: %loaded = load i32, i32* %stack %.3 = add i32 %loaded, %.2 %.4 = add i32 0, %.3 call void @inlineme() ret i32 %.4 }} """ asm_inlineasm3 = """ ; ModuleID = 'test.c' source_filename = "test.c" target triple = "{triple}" ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone ssp uwtable define void @inlineme() noinline !dbg !15 {{ ret void, !dbg !18 }} ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone ssp uwtable define i32 @foo(i32 %0, i32 %1) !dbg !19 {{ %3 = alloca i32, align 4 %4 = alloca i32, align 4 store i32 %0, i32* %3, align 4 call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata i32* %3, metadata !23, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !24 store i32 %1, i32* %4, align 4 call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata i32* %4, metadata !25, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !26 call void @inlineme(), !dbg !27 %5 = load i32, i32* %3, align 4, !dbg !28 %6 = load i32, i32* %4, align 4, !dbg !29 %7 = add nsw i32 %5, %6, !dbg !30 ret i32 %7, !dbg !31 }} ; Function Attrs: nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn declare void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata, metadata, metadata) #1 attributes #1 = {{ nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn }} !llvm.module.flags = !{{!1, !2, !3, !4, !5, !6, !7, !8, !9, !10}} ! = !{{!11}} !llvm.ident = !{{!14}} !0 = !{{i32 2, !"SDK Version", [2 x i32] [i32 12, i32 3]}} !1 = !{{i32 7, !"Dwarf Version", i32 4}} !2 = !{{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}} !3 = !{{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4}} !4 = !{{i32 1, !"branch-target-enforcement", i32 0}} !5 = !{{i32 1, !"sign-return-address", i32 0}} !6 = !{{i32 1, !"sign-return-address-all", i32 0}} !7 = !{{i32 1, !"sign-return-address-with-bkey", i32 0}} !8 = !{{i32 7, !"PIC Level", i32 2}} !9 = !{{i32 7, !"uwtable", i32 1}} !10 = !{{i32 7, !"frame-pointer", i32 1}} !11 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C99, file: !12, producer: "Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316.", isOptimized: false, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: FullDebug, enums: !13, splitDebugInlining: false, nameTableKind: None, sysroot: "/Applications/", sdk: "MacOSX.sdk") !12 = !DIFile(filename: "test.c", directory: "/") !13 = !{{}} !14 = !{{!"Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316."}} !15 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "inlineme", scope: !12, file: !12, line: 1, type: !16, scopeLine: 1, flags: DIFlagPrototyped, spFlags: DISPFlagDefinition, unit: !11, retainedNodes: !13) !16 = !DISubroutineType(types: !17) !17 = !{{null}} !18 = !DILocation(line: 1, column: 22, scope: !15) !19 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "foo", scope: !12, file: !12, line: 3, type: !20, scopeLine: 3, flags: DIFlagPrototyped, spFlags: DISPFlagDefinition, unit: !11, retainedNodes: !13) !20 = !DISubroutineType(types: !21) !21 = !{{!22, !22, !22}} !22 = !DIBasicType(name: "int", size: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_signed) !23 = !DILocalVariable(name: "a", arg: 1, scope: !19, file: !12, line: 3, type: !22) !24 = !DILocation(line: 3, column: 13, scope: !19) !25 = !DILocalVariable(name: "b", arg: 2, scope: !19, file: !12, line: 3, type: !22) !26 = !DILocation(line: 3, column: 20, scope: !19) !27 = !DILocation(line: 4, column: 5, scope: !19) !28 = !DILocation(line: 5, column: 12, scope: !19) !29 = !DILocation(line: 5, column: 16, scope: !19) !30 = !DILocation(line: 5, column: 14, scope: !19) !31 = !DILocation(line: 5, column: 5, scope: !19) """ # noqa E501 licm_asm = r""" ; ModuleID = "" target triple = "{triple}" define double @licm(i32 %0) {{ %2 = alloca i32, align 4 %3 = alloca double, align 8 %4 = alloca i32, align 4 %5 = alloca double, align 8 store i32 %0, i32* %2, align 4 store double 0.000000e+00, double* %3, align 8 store i32 0, i32* %4, align 4 br label %6 6: ; preds = %14, %1 %7 = load i32, i32* %4, align 4 %8 = load i32, i32* %2, align 4 %9 = icmp slt i32 %7, %8 br i1 %9, label %10, label %17 10: ; preds = %6 store double 7.000000e+00, double* %5, align 8 %11 = load double, double* %5, align 8 %12 = load double, double* %3, align 8 %13 = fadd double %12, %11 store double %13, double* %3, align 8 br label %14 14: ; preds = %10 %15 = load i32, i32* %4, align 4 %16 = add nsw i32 %15, 1 store i32 %16, i32* %4, align 4 br label %6 17: ; preds = %6 %18 = load double, double* %3, align 8 ret double %18 }} """ # noqa E501 asm_global_ctors = r""" ; ModuleID = "" target triple = "{triple}" @A = global i32 undef define void @ctor_A() {{ store i32 10, i32* @A ret void }} define void @dtor_A() {{ store i32 20, i32* @A ret void }} define i32 @foo() {{ %.2 = load i32, i32* @A %.3 = add i32 %.2, 2 ret i32 %.3 }} @llvm.global_ctors = appending global [1 x {{i32, void ()*, i8*}}] [{{i32, void ()*, i8*}} {{i32 0, void ()* @ctor_A, i8* null}}] @llvm.global_dtors = appending global [1 x {{i32, void ()*, i8*}}] [{{i32, void ()*, i8*}} {{i32 0, void ()* @dtor_A, i8* null}}] """ # noqa E501 asm_ext_ctors = r""" ; ModuleID = "" target triple = "{triple}" @A = external global i32 define void @ctor_A() {{ store i32 10, i32* @A ret void }} define void @dtor_A() {{ store i32 20, i32* @A ret void }} define i32 @foo() {{ %.2 = load i32, i32* @A %.3 = add i32 %.2, 2 ret i32 %.3 }} @llvm.global_ctors = appending global [1 x {{i32, void ()*, i8*}}] [{{i32, void ()*, i8*}} {{i32 0, void ()* @ctor_A, i8* null}}] @llvm.global_dtors = appending global [1 x {{i32, void ()*, i8*}}] [{{i32, void ()*, i8*}} {{i32 0, void ()* @dtor_A, i8* null}}] """ # noqa E501 asm_nonalphanum_blocklabel = """; ModuleID = "" target triple = "unknown-unknown-unknown" target datalayout = "" define i32 @"foo"() { "<>!*''#": ret i32 12345 } """ # noqa W291 # trailing space needed for match later asm_null_constant = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" define void @foo(i64* %.1) {{ ret void }} define void @bar() {{ call void @foo(i64* null) ret void }} """ riscv_asm_ilp32 = [ 'addi\tsp, sp, -16', 'sw\ta1, 8(sp)', 'sw\ta2, 12(sp)', 'fld\tft0, 8(sp)', 'fmv.w.x\tft1, a0', 'fcvt.d.s\tft1, ft1', 'fadd.d\tft0, ft1, ft0', 'fsd\tft0, 8(sp)', 'lw\ta0, 8(sp)', 'lw\ta1, 12(sp)', 'addi\tsp, sp, 16', 'ret' ] riscv_asm_ilp32f = [ 'addi\tsp, sp, -16', 'sw\ta0, 8(sp)', 'sw\ta1, 12(sp)', 'fld\tft0, 8(sp)', 'fcvt.d.s\tft1, fa0', 'fadd.d\tft0, ft1, ft0', 'fsd\tft0, 8(sp)', 'lw\ta0, 8(sp)', 'lw\ta1, 12(sp)', 'addi\tsp, sp, 16', 'ret' ] riscv_asm_ilp32d = [ 'fcvt.d.s\tft0, fa0', 'fadd.d\tfa0, ft0, fa1', 'ret' ] asm_attributes = r""" declare void @a_readonly_func(i8 *) readonly declare i8* @a_arg0_return_func(i8* returned, i32*) """ # This produces the following output from objdump: # # $ objdump -D 632.elf # # 632.elf: file format elf64-x86-64 # # # Disassembly of section .text: # # 0000000000000000 <__arybo>: # 0: 48 c1 e2 20 shl $0x20,%rdx # 4: 48 09 c2 or %rax,%rdx # 7: 48 89 d0 mov %rdx,%rax # a: 48 c1 c0 3d rol $0x3d,%rax # e: 48 31 d0 xor %rdx,%rax # 11: 48 b9 01 20 00 04 80 movabs $0x7010008004002001,%rcx # 18: 00 10 70 # 1b: 48 0f af c8 imul %rax,%rcx issue_632_elf = \ "7f454c4602010100000000000000000001003e00010000000000000000000000000000" \ "0000000000e0000000000000000000000040000000000040000500010048c1e2204809" \ "c24889d048c1c03d4831d048b90120000480001070480fafc800000000000000000000" \ "0000000000000000000000000000002f0000000400f1ff000000000000000000000000" \ "00000000070000001200020000000000000000001f00000000000000002e7465787400" \ "5f5f617279626f002e6e6f74652e474e552d737461636b002e737472746162002e7379" \ "6d746162003c737472696e673e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" \ "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" \ "00000000000000001f0000000300000000000000000000000000000000000000a80000" \ "0000000000380000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000" \ "000001000000010000000600000000000000000000000000000040000000000000001f" \ "000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000f000000" \ "01000000000000000000000000000000000000005f0000000000000000000000000000" \ "0000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000027000000020000000000" \ "0000000000000000000000000000600000000000000048000000000000000100000002" \ "00000008000000000000001800000000000000" issue_632_text = \ "48c1e2204809c24889d048c1c03d4831d048b90120000480001070480fafc8" asm_tli_exp2 = r""" ; ModuleID = '' source_filename = "" target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" target triple = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" declare float @llvm.exp2.f32(float %casted) define float @foo(i16 %arg) { entry: %casted = sitofp i16 %arg to float %ret = call float @llvm.exp2.f32(float %casted) ret float %ret } """ # noqa E501 asm_phi_blocks = r""" ; ModuleID = '' target triple = "{triple}" define void @foo(i32 %N) {{ ; unnamed block for testing %cmp4 = icmp sgt i32 %N, 0 br i1 %cmp4, label %for.body, label %for.cond.cleanup for.cond.cleanup: ret void for.body: %i.05 = phi i32 [ %inc, %for.body ], [ 0, %0 ] %inc = add nuw nsw i32 %i.05, 1 %exitcond.not = icmp eq i32 %inc, %N br i1 %exitcond.not, label %for.cond.cleanup, label %for.body }} """ class BaseTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): llvm.initialize() llvm.initialize_native_target() llvm.initialize_native_asmprinter() gc.collect() self.old_garbage = gc.garbage[:] gc.garbage[:] = [] def tearDown(self): # Test that no uncollectable objects were created # (llvmlite objects have a __del__ so a reference cycle could # create some). gc.collect() self.assertEqual(gc.garbage, []) # This will probably put any existing garbage in gc.garbage again del self.old_garbage def module(self, asm=asm_sum, context=None): asm = asm.format(triple=llvm.get_default_triple()) mod = llvm.parse_assembly(asm, context) return mod def glob(self, name='glob', mod=None): if mod is None: mod = self.module() return mod.get_global_variable(name) def target_machine(self, *, jit): target = llvm.Target.from_default_triple() return target.create_target_machine(jit=jit) class TestDependencies(BaseTest): """ Test DLL dependencies are within a certain expected set. """ @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith('linux'), "Linux-specific test") @unittest.skipUnless(os.environ.get('LLVMLITE_DIST_TEST'), "Distribution-specific test") def test_linux(self): lib_path = ffi.lib._name env = os.environ.copy() env['LANG'] = 'C' p = subprocess.Popen(["objdump", "-p", lib_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) out, _ = p.communicate() self.assertEqual(0, p.returncode) # Parse library dependencies lib_pat = re.compile(r'^([+-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.so(?:\.\d+){0,3}$') deps = set() for line in out.decode().splitlines(): parts = line.split() if parts and parts[0] == 'NEEDED': dep = parts[1] m = lib_pat.match(dep) if len(parts) != 2 or not m:"invalid NEEDED line: %r" % (line,)) deps.add( # Sanity check that our dependencies were parsed ok if 'libc' not in deps or 'libpthread' not in deps:"failed parsing dependencies? got %r" % (deps,)) # Ensure all dependencies are expected allowed = set(['librt', 'libdl', 'libpthread', 'libz', 'libm', 'libgcc_s', 'libc', 'ld-linux', 'ld64']) if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy': allowed.add('libtinfo') for dep in deps: if not dep.startswith('ld-linux-') and dep not in allowed:"unexpected dependency %r in %r" % (dep, deps)) class TestRISCVABI(BaseTest): """ Test calling convention of floating point arguments of RISC-V using different ABI. """ triple = "riscv32-unknown-linux" def setUp(self): super().setUp() llvm.initialize_all_targets() llvm.initialize_all_asmprinters() def check_riscv_target(self): try: llvm.Target.from_triple(self.triple) except RuntimeError as e: if "No available targets are compatible with triple" in str(e): self.skipTest("RISCV target unsupported by linked LLVM.") else: raise e def riscv_target_machine(self, **kwarg): lltarget = llvm.Target.from_triple(self.triple) return lltarget.create_target_machine(**kwarg) def fpadd_ll_module(self): f64 = ir.DoubleType() f32 = ir.FloatType() fnty = ir.FunctionType(f64, (f32, f64)) module = ir.Module() func = ir.Function(module, fnty, name="fpadd") block = func.append_basic_block() builder = ir.IRBuilder(block) a, b = func.args arg0 = builder.fpext(a, f64) result = builder.fadd(arg0, b) builder.ret(result) llmod = llvm.parse_assembly(str(module)) llmod.verify() return llmod def break_up_asm(self, asm): asm_list = [] for line in asm.splitlines(): s_line = line.strip() if not (s_line.startswith(".") or s_line.startswith("fpadd") or s_line == ""): asm_list.append(s_line) return asm_list def test_rv32d_ilp32(self): self.check_riscv_target() llmod = self.fpadd_ll_module() target = self.riscv_target_machine(features="+f,+d") self.assertEqual(self.break_up_asm(target.emit_assembly(llmod)), riscv_asm_ilp32) def test_rv32d_ilp32f(self): self.check_riscv_target() llmod = self.fpadd_ll_module() target = self.riscv_target_machine(features="+f,+d", abiname="ilp32f") self.assertEqual(self.break_up_asm(target.emit_assembly(llmod)), riscv_asm_ilp32f) def test_rv32d_ilp32d(self): self.check_riscv_target() llmod = self.fpadd_ll_module() target = self.riscv_target_machine(features="+f,+d", abiname="ilp32d") self.assertEqual(self.break_up_asm(target.emit_assembly(llmod)), riscv_asm_ilp32d) class TestMisc(BaseTest): """ Test miscellaneous functions in llvm.binding. """ def test_parse_assembly(self): self.module(asm_sum) def test_parse_assembly_error(self): with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: self.module(asm_parse_error) s = str(cm.exception) self.assertIn("parsing error", s) self.assertIn("invalid operand type", s) def test_nonalphanum_block_name(self): mod = ir.Module() ft = ir.FunctionType(ir.IntType(32), []) fn = ir.Function(mod, ft, "foo") bd = ir.IRBuilder(fn.append_basic_block(name="<>!*''#")) bd.ret(ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), 12345)) asm = str(mod) self.assertEqual(asm, asm_nonalphanum_blocklabel) def test_global_context(self): gcontext1 = llvm.context.get_global_context() gcontext2 = llvm.context.get_global_context() assert gcontext1 == gcontext2 def test_dylib_symbols(self): llvm.add_symbol("__xyzzy", 1234) llvm.add_symbol("__xyzzy", 5678) addr = llvm.address_of_symbol("__xyzzy") self.assertEqual(addr, 5678) addr = llvm.address_of_symbol("__foobar") self.assertIs(addr, None) def test_get_default_triple(self): triple = llvm.get_default_triple() self.assertIsInstance(triple, str) self.assertTrue(triple) def test_get_process_triple(self): # Sometimes we get synonyms for PPC def normalize_ppc(arch): if arch == 'powerpc64le': return 'ppc64le' else: return arch triple = llvm.get_process_triple() default = llvm.get_default_triple() self.assertIsInstance(triple, str) self.assertTrue(triple) default_arch = normalize_ppc(default.split('-')[0]) triple_arch = normalize_ppc(triple.split('-')[0]) # Arch must be equal self.assertEqual(default_arch, triple_arch) def test_get_host_cpu_features(self): features = llvm.get_host_cpu_features() # Check the content of `features` self.assertIsInstance(features, dict) self.assertIsInstance(features, llvm.FeatureMap) for k, v in features.items(): self.assertIsInstance(k, str) self.assertTrue(k) # single feature string cannot be empty self.assertIsInstance(v, bool) self.assertIsInstance(features.flatten(), str) re_term = r"[+\-][a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+" regex = r"^({0}|{0}(,{0})*)?$".format(re_term) # quick check for our regex self.assertIsNotNone(re.match(regex, "")) self.assertIsNotNone(re.match(regex, "+aa")) self.assertIsNotNone(re.match(regex, "+a,-bb")) # check CpuFeature.flatten() if len(features) == 0: self.assertEqual(features.flatten(), "") else: self.assertIsNotNone(re.match(regex, features.flatten())) def test_get_host_cpu_name(self): cpu = llvm.get_host_cpu_name() self.assertIsInstance(cpu, str) self.assertTrue(cpu) def test_initfini(self): code = """if 1: from llvmlite import binding as llvm llvm.initialize() llvm.initialize_native_target() llvm.initialize_native_asmprinter() llvm.initialize_all_targets() llvm.initialize_all_asmprinters() llvm.shutdown() """ subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-c", code]) def test_set_option(self): # We cannot set an option multiple times (LLVM would exit() the # process), so run the code in a subprocess. code = """if 1: from llvmlite import binding as llvm llvm.set_option("progname", "-debug-pass=Disabled") """ subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-c", code]) def test_version(self): major, minor, patch = llvm.llvm_version_info # one of these can be valid valid = [(14, )] self.assertIn((major,), valid) self.assertIn(patch, range(10)) def test_check_jit_execution(self): llvm.check_jit_execution() @unittest.skipIf(no_de_locale(), "Locale not available") def test_print_double_locale(self): m = self.module(asm_double_locale) expect = str(m) # Change the locale so that comma is used as decimal-point # to trigger the LLVM bug (llvmlite issue #80) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'de_DE') # The LLVM bug is trigged by print the module with double constant got = str(m) # Changing the locale should not affect the LLVM IR self.assertEqual(expect, got) def test_no_accidental_warnings(self): code = "from llvmlite import binding" flags = "-Werror" cmdargs = [sys.executable, flags, "-c", code] subprocess.check_call(cmdargs) class TestModuleRef(BaseTest): def test_str(self): mod = self.module() s = str(mod).strip() self.assertTrue(s.startswith('; ModuleID ='), s) def test_close(self): mod = self.module() str(mod) mod.close() with self.assertRaises(ctypes.ArgumentError): str(mod) mod.close() def test_with(self): mod = self.module() str(mod) with mod: str(mod) with self.assertRaises(ctypes.ArgumentError): str(mod) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): with mod: pass def test_name(self): mod = self.module() = "foo" self.assertEqual(, "foo") = "bar" self.assertEqual(, "bar") def test_source_file(self): mod = self.module() self.assertEqual(mod.source_file, "asm_sum.c") def test_data_layout(self): mod = self.module() s = mod.data_layout self.assertIsInstance(s, str) mod.data_layout = s self.assertEqual(s, mod.data_layout) def test_triple(self): mod = self.module() s = mod.triple self.assertEqual(s, llvm.get_default_triple()) mod.triple = '' self.assertEqual(mod.triple, '') def test_verify(self): # Verify successful mod = self.module() self.assertIs(mod.verify(), None) # Verify failed mod = self.module(asm_verification_fail) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: mod.verify() s = str(cm.exception) self.assertIn("%.bug = add i32 1, %.bug", s) def test_get_function(self): mod = self.module() fn = mod.get_function("sum") self.assertIsInstance(fn, llvm.ValueRef) self.assertEqual(, "sum") with self.assertRaises(NameError): mod.get_function("foo") # Check that fn keeps the module instance alive del mod str(fn.module) def test_get_struct_type(self): mod = self.module() st_ty = mod.get_struct_type("struct.glob_type") self.assertEqual(, "struct.glob_type") # also match struct names of form "%struct.glob_type.{some_index}" self.assertIsNotNone(re.match( r'%struct\.glob_type(\.[\d]+)? = type { i64, \[2 x i64\] }', str(st_ty))) with self.assertRaises(NameError): mod.get_struct_type("struct.doesnt_exist") def test_get_global_variable(self): mod = self.module() gv = mod.get_global_variable("glob") self.assertIsInstance(gv, llvm.ValueRef) self.assertEqual(, "glob") with self.assertRaises(NameError): mod.get_global_variable("bar") # Check that gv keeps the module instance alive del mod str(gv.module) def test_global_variables(self): mod = self.module() it = mod.global_variables del mod globs = sorted(it, key=lambda value: self.assertEqual(len(globs), 4) self.assertEqual([ for g in globs], ["glob", "glob_b", "glob_f", "glob_struct"]) def test_functions(self): mod = self.module() it = mod.functions del mod funcs = list(it) self.assertEqual(len(funcs), 1) self.assertEqual(funcs[0].name, "sum") def test_structs(self): mod = self.module() it = mod.struct_types del mod structs = list(it) self.assertEqual(len(structs), 1) self.assertIsNotNone(re.match(r'struct\.glob_type(\.[\d]+)?', structs[0].name)) self.assertIsNotNone(re.match( r'%struct\.glob_type(\.[\d]+)? = type { i64, \[2 x i64\] }', str(structs[0]))) def test_link_in(self): dest = self.module() src = self.module(asm_mul) dest.link_in(src) self.assertEqual( sorted( for f in dest.functions), ["mul", "sum"]) dest.get_function("mul") dest.close() with self.assertRaises(ctypes.ArgumentError): src.get_function("mul") def test_link_in_preserve(self): dest = self.module() src2 = self.module(asm_mul) dest.link_in(src2, preserve=True) self.assertEqual( sorted( for f in dest.functions), ["mul", "sum"]) dest.close() self.assertEqual(sorted( for f in src2.functions), ["mul"]) src2.get_function("mul") def test_link_in_error(self): # Raise an error by trying to link two modules with the same global # definition "sum". dest = self.module() src = self.module(asm_sum2) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: dest.link_in(src) self.assertIn("symbol multiply defined", str(cm.exception)) def test_as_bitcode(self): mod = self.module() bc = mod.as_bitcode() # Refer to # noqa E501 # and # noqa E501 bitcode_wrapper_magic = b'\xde\xc0\x17\x0b' bitcode_magic = b'BC' self.assertTrue(bc.startswith(bitcode_magic) or bc.startswith(bitcode_wrapper_magic)) def test_parse_bitcode_error(self): with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: llvm.parse_bitcode(b"") self.assertIn("LLVM bitcode parsing error", str(cm.exception)) # for llvm < 9 if llvm.llvm_version_info[0] < 9: self.assertIn("Invalid bitcode signature", str(cm.exception)) else: self.assertIn( "file too small to contain bitcode header", str(cm.exception), ) def test_bitcode_roundtrip(self): # create a new context to avoid struct renaming context1 = llvm.create_context() bc = self.module(context=context1).as_bitcode() context2 = llvm.create_context() mod = llvm.parse_bitcode(bc, context2) self.assertEqual(mod.as_bitcode(), bc) mod.get_function("sum") mod.get_global_variable("glob") def test_cloning(self): m = self.module() cloned = m.clone() self.assertIsNot(cloned, m) self.assertEqual(cloned.as_bitcode(), m.as_bitcode()) class JITTestMixin(object): """ Mixin for ExecutionEngine tests. """ def get_sum(self, ee, func_name="sum"): ee.finalize_object() cfptr = ee.get_function_address(func_name) self.assertTrue(cfptr) return CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, c_int)(cfptr) def test_run_code(self): mod = self.module() with self.jit(mod) as ee: cfunc = self.get_sum(ee) res = cfunc(2, -5) self.assertEqual(-3, res) def test_close(self): ee = self.jit(self.module()) ee.close() ee.close() with self.assertRaises(ctypes.ArgumentError): ee.finalize_object() def test_with(self): ee = self.jit(self.module()) with ee: pass with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): with ee: pass with self.assertRaises(ctypes.ArgumentError): ee.finalize_object() def test_module_lifetime(self): mod = self.module() ee = self.jit(mod) ee.close() mod.close() def test_module_lifetime2(self): mod = self.module() ee = self.jit(mod) mod.close() ee.close() def test_add_module(self): ee = self.jit(self.module()) mod = self.module(asm_mul) ee.add_module(mod) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): ee.add_module(mod) self.assertFalse(mod.closed) ee.close() self.assertTrue(mod.closed) def test_add_module_lifetime(self): ee = self.jit(self.module()) mod = self.module(asm_mul) ee.add_module(mod) mod.close() ee.close() def test_add_module_lifetime2(self): ee = self.jit(self.module()) mod = self.module(asm_mul) ee.add_module(mod) ee.close() mod.close() def test_remove_module(self): ee = self.jit(self.module()) mod = self.module(asm_mul) ee.add_module(mod) ee.remove_module(mod) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): ee.remove_module(mod) self.assertFalse(mod.closed) ee.close() self.assertFalse(mod.closed) def test_target_data(self): mod = self.module() ee = self.jit(mod) td = ee.target_data # A singleton is returned self.assertIs(ee.target_data, td) str(td) del mod, ee str(td) def test_target_data_abi_enquiries(self): mod = self.module() ee = self.jit(mod) td = ee.target_data gv_i32 = mod.get_global_variable("glob") gv_i8 = mod.get_global_variable("glob_b") gv_struct = mod.get_global_variable("glob_struct") # A global is a pointer, it has the ABI size of a pointer pointer_size = 4 if sys.maxsize < 2 ** 32 else 8 for g in (gv_i32, gv_i8, gv_struct): self.assertEqual(td.get_abi_size(g.type), pointer_size) self.assertEqual(td.get_pointee_abi_size(gv_i32.type), 4) self.assertEqual(td.get_pointee_abi_alignment(gv_i32.type), 4) self.assertEqual(td.get_pointee_abi_size(gv_i8.type), 1) self.assertIn(td.get_pointee_abi_alignment(gv_i8.type), (1, 2, 4)) self.assertEqual(td.get_pointee_abi_size(gv_struct.type), 24) self.assertIn(td.get_pointee_abi_alignment(gv_struct.type), (4, 8)) def test_object_cache_notify(self): notifies = [] def notify(mod, buf): notifies.append((mod, buf)) mod = self.module() ee = self.jit(mod) ee.set_object_cache(notify) self.assertEqual(len(notifies), 0) cfunc = self.get_sum(ee) cfunc(2, -5) self.assertEqual(len(notifies), 1) # The right module object was found self.assertIs(notifies[0][0], mod) self.assertIsInstance(notifies[0][1], bytes) notifies[:] = [] mod2 = self.module(asm_mul) ee.add_module(mod2) cfunc = self.get_sum(ee, "mul") self.assertEqual(len(notifies), 1) # The right module object was found self.assertIs(notifies[0][0], mod2) self.assertIsInstance(notifies[0][1], bytes) def test_object_cache_getbuffer(self): notifies = [] getbuffers = [] def notify(mod, buf): notifies.append((mod, buf)) def getbuffer(mod): getbuffers.append(mod) mod = self.module() ee = self.jit(mod) ee.set_object_cache(notify, getbuffer) # First return None from getbuffer(): the object is compiled normally self.assertEqual(len(notifies), 0) self.assertEqual(len(getbuffers), 0) cfunc = self.get_sum(ee) self.assertEqual(len(notifies), 1) self.assertEqual(len(getbuffers), 1) self.assertIs(getbuffers[0], mod) sum_buffer = notifies[0][1] # Recreate a new EE, and use getbuffer() to return the previously # compiled object. def getbuffer_successful(mod): getbuffers.append(mod) return sum_buffer notifies[:] = [] getbuffers[:] = [] # Use another source module to make sure it is ignored mod = self.module(asm_mul) ee = self.jit(mod) ee.set_object_cache(notify, getbuffer_successful) self.assertEqual(len(notifies), 0) self.assertEqual(len(getbuffers), 0) cfunc = self.get_sum(ee) self.assertEqual(cfunc(2, -5), -3) self.assertEqual(len(notifies), 0) self.assertEqual(len(getbuffers), 1) class JITWithTMTestMixin(JITTestMixin): def test_emit_assembly(self): """Test TargetMachineRef.emit_assembly()""" target_machine = self.target_machine(jit=True) mod = self.module() ee = self.jit(mod, target_machine) # noqa F841 # Keeps pointers alive raw_asm = target_machine.emit_assembly(mod) self.assertIn("sum", raw_asm) target_machine.set_asm_verbosity(True) raw_asm_verbose = target_machine.emit_assembly(mod) self.assertIn("sum", raw_asm) self.assertNotEqual(raw_asm, raw_asm_verbose) def test_emit_object(self): """Test TargetMachineRef.emit_object()""" target_machine = self.target_machine(jit=True) mod = self.module() ee = self.jit(mod, target_machine) # noqa F841 # Keeps pointers alive code_object = target_machine.emit_object(mod) self.assertIsInstance(code_object, bytes) if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): # Sanity check self.assertIn(b"ELF", code_object[:10]) class TestMCJit(BaseTest, JITWithTMTestMixin): """ Test JIT engines created with create_mcjit_compiler(). """ def jit(self, mod, target_machine=None): if target_machine is None: target_machine = self.target_machine(jit=True) return llvm.create_mcjit_compiler(mod, target_machine) # There are some memory corruption issues with OrcJIT on AArch64 - see Issue # #1000. Since OrcJIT is experimental, and we don't test regularly during # llvmlite development on non-x86 platforms, it seems safest to skip these # tests on non-x86 platforms. @unittest.skipUnless(platform.machine().startswith("x86"), "x86 only") class TestOrcLLJIT(BaseTest): def jit(self, asm=asm_sum, func_name="sum", target_machine=None, add_process=False, func_type=CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, c_int), suppress_errors=False): lljit = llvm.create_lljit_compiler(target_machine, use_jit_link=False, suppress_errors=suppress_errors) builder = llvm.JITLibraryBuilder() if add_process: builder.add_current_process() rt = builder\ .add_ir(asm.format(triple=llvm.get_default_triple()))\ .export_symbol(func_name)\ .link(lljit, func_name) cfptr = rt[func_name] self.assertTrue(cfptr) self.assertEqual(func_name, return lljit, rt, func_type(cfptr) # From test_dylib_symbols def test_define_symbol(self): lljit = llvm.create_lljit_compiler() rt = llvm.JITLibraryBuilder().import_symbol("__xyzzy", 1234)\ .export_symbol("__xyzzy").link(lljit, "foo") self.assertEqual(rt["__xyzzy"], 1234) def test_lookup_undefined_symbol_fails(self): lljit = llvm.create_lljit_compiler() with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'No such library'): lljit.lookup("foo", "__foobar") rt = llvm.JITLibraryBuilder().import_symbol("__xyzzy", 1234)\ .export_symbol("__xyzzy").link(lljit, "foo") self.assertNotEqual(rt["__xyzzy"], 0) with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'Symbols not found.*__foobar'): lljit.lookup("foo", "__foobar") def test_jit_link(self): if sys.platform == "win32": with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'JITLink .* Windows'): llvm.create_lljit_compiler(use_jit_link=True) else: self.assertIsNotNone(llvm.create_lljit_compiler(use_jit_link=True)) def test_run_code(self): (lljit, rt, cfunc) = self.jit() with lljit: res = cfunc(2, -5) self.assertEqual(-3, res) def test_close(self): (lljit, rt, cfunc) = self.jit() lljit.close() lljit.close() with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): lljit.lookup("foo", "fn") def test_with(self): (lljit, rt, cfunc) = self.jit() with lljit: pass with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): with lljit: pass with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): lljit.lookup("foo", "fn") def test_add_ir_module(self): (lljit, rt_sum, cfunc_sum) = self.jit() rt_mul = llvm.JITLibraryBuilder() \ .add_ir(asm_mul.format(triple=llvm.get_default_triple())) \ .export_symbol("mul") \ .link(lljit, "mul") res = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, c_int)(rt_mul["mul"])(2, -5) self.assertEqual(-10, res) self.assertNotEqual(lljit.lookup("sum", "sum")["sum"], 0) self.assertNotEqual(lljit.lookup("mul", "mul")["mul"], 0) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): lljit.lookup("sum", "mul") with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): lljit.lookup("mul", "sum") def test_remove_module(self): (lljit, rt_sum, _) = self.jit() del rt_sum gc.collect() with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): lljit.lookup("sum", "sum") lljit.close() def test_lib_depends(self): (lljit, rt_sum, cfunc_sum) = self.jit() rt_mul = llvm.JITLibraryBuilder() \ .add_ir(asm_square_sum.format(triple=llvm.get_default_triple())) \ .export_symbol("square_sum") \ .add_jit_library("sum") \ .link(lljit, "square_sum") res = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, c_int)(rt_mul["square_sum"])(2, -5) self.assertEqual(9, res) def test_target_data(self): (lljit, rt, _) = self.jit() td = lljit.target_data # A singleton is returned self.assertIs(lljit.target_data, td) str(td) del lljit str(td) def test_global_ctors_dtors(self): # test issue #303 # ( shared_value = c_int32(0) lljit = llvm.create_lljit_compiler() builder = llvm.JITLibraryBuilder() rt = builder \ .add_ir(asm_ext_ctors.format(triple=llvm.get_default_triple())) \ .import_symbol("A", ctypes.addressof(shared_value)) \ .export_symbol("foo") \ .link(lljit, "foo") foo = rt["foo"] self.assertTrue(foo) self.assertEqual(CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(foo)(), 12) del rt self.assertNotEqual(shared_value.value, 20) def test_lookup_current_process_symbol_fails(self): # An attempt to lookup a symbol in the current process (Py_GetVersion, # in this case) should fail with an appropriate error if we have not # enabled searching the current process for symbols. msg = 'Failed to materialize symbols:.*getversion' with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, msg): self.jit(asm_getversion, "getversion", suppress_errors=True) def test_lookup_current_process_symbol(self): self.jit(asm_getversion, "getversion", None, True) def test_thread_safe(self): lljit = llvm.create_lljit_compiler() llvm_ir = asm_sum.format(triple=llvm.get_default_triple()) def compile_many(i): def do_work(): tracking = [] for c in range(50): tracking.append(llvm.JITLibraryBuilder() .add_ir(llvm_ir) .export_symbol("sum") .link(lljit, f"sum_{i}_{c}")) return do_work ths = [threading.Thread(target=compile_many(i)) for i in range(os.cpu_count())] for th in ths: th.start() for th in ths: th.join() def test_add_object_file(self): target_machine = self.target_machine(jit=False) mod = self.module() lljit = llvm.create_lljit_compiler(target_machine) rt = llvm.JITLibraryBuilder()\ .add_object_img(target_machine.emit_object(mod))\ .export_symbol("sum")\ .link(lljit, "sum") sum = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, c_int)(rt["sum"]) self.assertEqual(sum(2, 3), 5) def test_add_object_file_from_filesystem(self): target_machine = self.target_machine(jit=False) mod = self.module() obj_bin = target_machine.emit_object(mod) temp_desc, temp_path = mkstemp() try: with os.fdopen(temp_desc, "wb") as f: f.write(obj_bin) lljit = llvm.create_lljit_compiler(target_machine) rt = llvm.JITLibraryBuilder() \ .add_object_file(temp_path) \ .export_symbol("sum") \ .link(lljit, "sum") sum = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, c_int)(rt["sum"]) self.assertEqual(sum(2, 3), 5) finally: os.unlink(temp_path) class TestValueRef(BaseTest): def test_str(self): mod = self.module() glob = mod.get_global_variable("glob") self.assertEqual(str(glob), "@glob = global i32 0") def test_name(self): mod = self.module() glob = mod.get_global_variable("glob") self.assertEqual(, "glob") = "foobar" self.assertEqual(, "foobar") def test_linkage(self): mod = self.module() glob = mod.get_global_variable("glob") linkage = glob.linkage self.assertIsInstance(glob.linkage, llvm.Linkage) glob.linkage = linkage self.assertEqual(glob.linkage, linkage) for linkage in ("internal", "external"): glob.linkage = linkage self.assertIsInstance(glob.linkage, llvm.Linkage) self.assertEqual(, linkage) def test_visibility(self): mod = self.module() glob = mod.get_global_variable("glob") visibility = glob.visibility self.assertIsInstance(glob.visibility, llvm.Visibility) glob.visibility = visibility self.assertEqual(glob.visibility, visibility) for visibility in ("hidden", "protected", "default"): glob.visibility = visibility self.assertIsInstance(glob.visibility, llvm.Visibility) self.assertEqual(, visibility) def test_storage_class(self): mod = self.module() glob = mod.get_global_variable("glob") storage_class = glob.storage_class self.assertIsInstance(glob.storage_class, llvm.StorageClass) glob.storage_class = storage_class self.assertEqual(glob.storage_class, storage_class) for storage_class in ("dllimport", "dllexport", "default"): glob.storage_class = storage_class self.assertIsInstance(glob.storage_class, llvm.StorageClass) self.assertEqual(, storage_class) def test_add_function_attribute(self): mod = self.module() fn = mod.get_function("sum") fn.add_function_attribute("nocapture") with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises: fn.add_function_attribute("zext") self.assertEqual(str(raises.exception), "no such attribute 'zext'") def test_module(self): mod = self.module() glob = mod.get_global_variable("glob") self.assertIs(glob.module, mod) def test_type(self): mod = self.module() glob = mod.get_global_variable("glob") tp = glob.type self.assertIsInstance(tp, llvm.TypeRef) def test_type_name(self): mod = self.module() glob = mod.get_global_variable("glob") tp = glob.type self.assertEqual(, "") st = mod.get_global_variable("glob_struct") self.assertIsNotNone(re.match(r"struct\.glob_type(\.[\d]+)?", def test_type_printing_variable(self): mod = self.module() glob = mod.get_global_variable("glob") tp = glob.type self.assertEqual(str(tp), 'i32*') def test_type_printing_function(self): mod = self.module() fn = mod.get_function("sum") self.assertEqual(str(fn.type), "i32 (i32, i32)*") def test_type_printing_struct(self): mod = self.module() st = mod.get_global_variable("glob_struct") self.assertTrue(st.type.is_pointer) self.assertIsNotNone(re.match(r'%struct\.glob_type(\.[\d]+)?\*', str(st.type))) self.assertIsNotNone(re.match( r"%struct\.glob_type(\.[\d]+)? = type { i64, \[2 x i64\] }", str(st.type.element_type))) def test_close(self): glob = self.glob() glob.close() glob.close() def test_is_declaration(self): defined = self.module().get_function('sum') declared = self.module(asm_sum_declare).get_function('sum') self.assertFalse(defined.is_declaration) self.assertTrue(declared.is_declaration) def test_module_global_variables(self): mod = self.module(asm_sum) gvars = list(mod.global_variables) self.assertEqual(len(gvars), 4) for v in gvars: self.assertTrue(v.is_global) def test_module_functions(self): mod = self.module() funcs = list(mod.functions) self.assertEqual(len(funcs), 1) func = funcs[0] self.assertTrue(func.is_function) self.assertEqual(, 'sum') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): func.instructions with self.assertRaises(ValueError): func.operands with self.assertRaises(ValueError): func.opcode def test_function_arguments(self): mod = self.module() func = mod.get_function('sum') self.assertTrue(func.is_function) args = list(func.arguments) self.assertEqual(len(args), 2) self.assertTrue(args[0].is_argument) self.assertTrue(args[1].is_argument) self.assertEqual(args[0].name, '.1') self.assertEqual(str(args[0].type), 'i32') self.assertEqual(args[1].name, '.2') self.assertEqual(str(args[1].type), 'i32') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): args[0].blocks with self.assertRaises(ValueError): args[0].arguments def test_function_blocks(self): func = self.module().get_function('sum') blocks = list(func.blocks) self.assertEqual(len(blocks), 1) block = blocks[0] self.assertTrue(block.is_block) def test_block_instructions(self): func = self.module().get_function('sum') insts = list(list(func.blocks)[0].instructions) self.assertEqual(len(insts), 3) self.assertTrue(insts[0].is_instruction) self.assertTrue(insts[1].is_instruction) self.assertTrue(insts[2].is_instruction) self.assertEqual(insts[0].opcode, 'add') self.assertEqual(insts[1].opcode, 'add') self.assertEqual(insts[2].opcode, 'ret') def test_instruction_operands(self): func = self.module().get_function('sum') add = list(list(func.blocks)[0].instructions)[0] self.assertEqual(add.opcode, 'add') operands = list(add.operands) self.assertEqual(len(operands), 2) self.assertTrue(operands[0].is_operand) self.assertTrue(operands[1].is_operand) self.assertEqual(operands[0].name, '.1') self.assertEqual(str(operands[0].type), 'i32') self.assertEqual(operands[1].name, '.2') self.assertEqual(str(operands[1].type), 'i32') def test_function_attributes(self): mod = self.module(asm_attributes) for func in mod.functions: attrs = list(func.attributes) if == 'a_readonly_func': self.assertEqual(attrs, [b'readonly']) elif == 'a_arg0_return_func': self.assertEqual(attrs, []) args = list(func.arguments) self.assertEqual(list(args[0].attributes), [b'returned']) self.assertEqual(list(args[1].attributes), []) def test_value_kind(self): mod = self.module() self.assertEqual(mod.get_global_variable('glob').value_kind, llvm.ValueKind.global_variable) func = mod.get_function('sum') self.assertEqual(func.value_kind, llvm.ValueKind.function) block = list(func.blocks)[0] self.assertEqual(block.value_kind, llvm.ValueKind.basic_block) inst = list(block.instructions)[1] self.assertEqual(inst.value_kind, llvm.ValueKind.instruction) self.assertEqual(list(inst.operands)[0].value_kind, llvm.ValueKind.constant_int) self.assertEqual(list(inst.operands)[1].value_kind, llvm.ValueKind.instruction) iasm_func = self.module(asm_inlineasm).get_function('foo') iasm_inst = list(list(iasm_func.blocks)[0].instructions)[0] self.assertEqual(list(iasm_inst.operands)[0].value_kind, llvm.ValueKind.inline_asm) def test_is_constant(self): mod = self.module() self.assertTrue(mod.get_global_variable('glob').is_constant) constant_operands = 0 for func in mod.functions: self.assertTrue(func.is_constant) for block in func.blocks: self.assertFalse(block.is_constant) for inst in block.instructions: self.assertFalse(inst.is_constant) for op in inst.operands: if op.is_constant: constant_operands += 1 self.assertEqual(constant_operands, 1) def test_constant_int(self): mod = self.module() func = mod.get_function('sum') insts = list(list(func.blocks)[0].instructions) self.assertEqual(insts[1].opcode, 'add') operands = list(insts[1].operands) self.assertTrue(operands[0].is_constant) self.assertFalse(operands[1].is_constant) self.assertEqual(operands[0].get_constant_value(), 0) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): operands[1].get_constant_value() mod = self.module(asm_sum3) func = mod.get_function('sum') insts = list(list(func.blocks)[0].instructions) posint64 = list(insts[1].operands)[0] negint64 = list(insts[2].operands)[0] self.assertEqual(posint64.get_constant_value(), 5) self.assertEqual(negint64.get_constant_value(signed_int=True), -5) # Convert from unsigned arbitrary-precision integer to signed i64 as_u64 = negint64.get_constant_value(signed_int=False) as_i64 = int.from_bytes(as_u64.to_bytes(8, 'little'), 'little', signed=True) self.assertEqual(as_i64, -5) def test_constant_fp(self): mod = self.module(asm_double_locale) func = mod.get_function('foo') insts = list(list(func.blocks)[0].instructions) self.assertEqual(len(insts), 2) self.assertEqual(insts[0].opcode, 'fadd') operands = list(insts[0].operands) self.assertTrue(operands[0].is_constant) self.assertAlmostEqual(operands[0].get_constant_value(), 0.0) self.assertTrue(operands[1].is_constant) self.assertAlmostEqual(operands[1].get_constant_value(), 3.14) mod = self.module(asm_double_inaccurate) func = mod.get_function('foo') inst = list(list(func.blocks)[0].instructions)[0] operands = list(inst.operands) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): operands[0].get_constant_value() self.assertAlmostEqual(operands[1].get_constant_value(round_fp=True), 0) def test_constant_as_string(self): mod = self.module(asm_null_constant) func = mod.get_function('bar') inst = list(list(func.blocks)[0].instructions)[0] arg = list(inst.operands)[0] self.assertTrue(arg.is_constant) self.assertEqual(arg.get_constant_value(), 'i64* null') def test_incoming_phi_blocks(self): mod = self.module(asm_phi_blocks) func = mod.get_function('foo') blocks = list(func.blocks) instructions = list(blocks[-1].instructions) self.assertTrue(instructions[0].is_instruction) self.assertEqual(instructions[0].opcode, 'phi') incoming_blocks = list(instructions[0].incoming_blocks) self.assertEqual(len(incoming_blocks), 2) self.assertTrue(incoming_blocks[0].is_block) self.assertTrue(incoming_blocks[1].is_block) # Test reference to blocks (named or unnamed) self.assertEqual(incoming_blocks[0], blocks[-1]) self.assertEqual(incoming_blocks[1], blocks[0]) # Test case that should fail self.assertNotEqual(instructions[1].opcode, 'phi') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): instructions[1].incoming_blocks class TestTypeRef(BaseTest): def test_str(self): mod = self.module() glob = mod.get_global_variable("glob") self.assertEqual(str(glob.type), "i32*") glob_struct_type = mod.get_struct_type("struct.glob_type") self.assertEqual(str(glob_struct_type), "%struct.glob_type = type { i64, [2 x i64] }") elements = list(glob_struct_type.elements) self.assertEqual(len(elements), 2) self.assertEqual(str(elements[0]), "i64") self.assertEqual(str(elements[1]), "[2 x i64]") def test_type_kind(self): mod = self.module() glob = mod.get_global_variable("glob") self.assertEqual(glob.type.type_kind, llvm.TypeKind.pointer) self.assertTrue(glob.type.is_pointer) glob_struct = mod.get_global_variable("glob_struct") self.assertEqual(glob_struct.type.type_kind, llvm.TypeKind.pointer) self.assertTrue(glob_struct.type.is_pointer) stype = next(iter(glob_struct.type.elements)) self.assertEqual(stype.type_kind, llvm.TypeKind.struct) self.assertTrue(stype.is_struct) stype_a, stype_b = stype.elements self.assertEqual(stype_a.type_kind, llvm.TypeKind.integer) self.assertEqual(stype_b.type_kind, llvm.TypeKind.array) self.assertTrue(stype_b.is_array) glob_vec_struct_type = mod.get_struct_type("struct.glob_type_vec") _, vector_type = glob_vec_struct_type.elements self.assertEqual(vector_type.type_kind, llvm.TypeKind.vector) self.assertTrue(vector_type.is_vector) funcptr = mod.get_function("sum").type self.assertEqual(funcptr.type_kind, llvm.TypeKind.pointer) functype, = funcptr.elements self.assertEqual(functype.type_kind, llvm.TypeKind.function) def test_element_count(self): mod = self.module() glob_struct_type = mod.get_struct_type("struct.glob_type") _, array_type = glob_struct_type.elements self.assertEqual(array_type.element_count, 2) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): glob_struct_type.element_count def test_type_width(self): mod = self.module() glob_struct_type = mod.get_struct_type("struct.glob_type") glob_vec_struct_type = mod.get_struct_type("struct.glob_type_vec") integer_type, array_type = glob_struct_type.elements _, vector_type = glob_vec_struct_type.elements self.assertEqual(integer_type.type_width, 64) self.assertEqual(vector_type.type_width, 64 * 2) # Structs and arrays are not primitive types self.assertEqual(glob_struct_type.type_width, 0) self.assertEqual(array_type.type_width, 0) def test_vararg_function(self): # Variadic function mod = self.module(asm_vararg_declare) func = mod.get_function('vararg') decltype = func.type.element_type self.assertTrue(decltype.is_function_vararg) mod = self.module(asm_sum_declare) func = mod.get_function('sum') decltype = func.type.element_type self.assertFalse(decltype.is_function_vararg) # test that the function pointer type cannot use is_function_vararg self.assertTrue(func.type.is_pointer) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises: func.type.is_function_vararg self.assertIn("Type i32 (i32, i32)* is not a function", str(raises.exception)) class TestTarget(BaseTest): def test_from_triple(self): f = llvm.Target.from_triple with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: f("foobar") self.assertIn("No available targets are compatible with", str(cm.exception)) triple = llvm.get_default_triple() target = f(triple) self.assertEqual(target.triple, triple) target.close() def test_create_target_machine(self): target = llvm.Target.from_triple(llvm.get_default_triple()) # With the default settings target.create_target_machine('', '', 1, 'default', 'default') # With the host's CPU cpu = llvm.get_host_cpu_name() target.create_target_machine(cpu, '', 1, 'default', 'default') def test_name(self): t = llvm.Target.from_triple(llvm.get_default_triple()) u = llvm.Target.from_default_triple() self.assertIsInstance(, str) self.assertEqual(, def test_description(self): t = llvm.Target.from_triple(llvm.get_default_triple()) u = llvm.Target.from_default_triple() self.assertIsInstance(t.description, str) self.assertEqual(t.description, u.description) def test_str(self): target = llvm.Target.from_triple(llvm.get_default_triple()) s = str(target) self.assertIn(, s) self.assertIn(target.description, s) class TestTargetData(BaseTest): def target_data(self): return llvm.create_target_data("e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128") def test_get_abi_size(self): td = self.target_data() glob = self.glob() self.assertEqual(td.get_abi_size(glob.type), 8) def test_get_pointee_abi_size(self): td = self.target_data() glob = self.glob() self.assertEqual(td.get_pointee_abi_size(glob.type), 4) glob = self.glob("glob_struct") self.assertEqual(td.get_pointee_abi_size(glob.type), 24) def test_get_struct_element_offset(self): td = self.target_data() glob = self.glob("glob_struct") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): td.get_element_offset(glob.type, 0) struct_type = glob.type.element_type self.assertEqual(td.get_element_offset(struct_type, 0), 0) self.assertEqual(td.get_element_offset(struct_type, 1), 8) class TestTargetMachine(BaseTest): def test_add_analysis_passes(self): tm = self.target_machine(jit=False) pm = llvm.create_module_pass_manager() tm.add_analysis_passes(pm) def test_target_data_from_tm(self): tm = self.target_machine(jit=False) td = tm.target_data mod = self.module() gv_i32 = mod.get_global_variable("glob") # A global is a pointer, it has the ABI size of a pointer pointer_size = 4 if sys.maxsize < 2 ** 32 else 8 self.assertEqual(td.get_abi_size(gv_i32.type), pointer_size) class TestPassManagerBuilder(BaseTest): def pmb(self): return llvm.PassManagerBuilder() def test_old_api(self): # Test the create_pass_manager_builder() factory function pmb = llvm.create_pass_manager_builder() pmb.inlining_threshold = 2 pmb.opt_level = 3 def test_close(self): pmb = self.pmb() pmb.close() pmb.close() def test_opt_level(self): pmb = self.pmb() self.assertIsInstance(pmb.opt_level, int) for i in range(4): pmb.opt_level = i self.assertEqual(pmb.opt_level, i) def test_size_level(self): pmb = self.pmb() self.assertIsInstance(pmb.size_level, int) for i in range(4): pmb.size_level = i self.assertEqual(pmb.size_level, i) def test_inlining_threshold(self): pmb = self.pmb() with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): pmb.inlining_threshold for i in (25, 80, 350): pmb.inlining_threshold = i def test_disable_unroll_loops(self): pmb = self.pmb() self.assertIsInstance(pmb.disable_unroll_loops, bool) for b in (True, False): pmb.disable_unroll_loops = b self.assertEqual(pmb.disable_unroll_loops, b) def test_loop_vectorize(self): pmb = self.pmb() self.assertIsInstance(pmb.loop_vectorize, bool) for b in (True, False): pmb.loop_vectorize = b self.assertEqual(pmb.loop_vectorize, b) def test_slp_vectorize(self): pmb = self.pmb() self.assertIsInstance(pmb.slp_vectorize, bool) for b in (True, False): pmb.slp_vectorize = b self.assertEqual(pmb.slp_vectorize, b) def test_populate_module_pass_manager(self): pmb = self.pmb() pm = llvm.create_module_pass_manager() pmb.populate(pm) pmb.close() pm.close() def test_populate_function_pass_manager(self): mod = self.module() pmb = self.pmb() pm = llvm.create_function_pass_manager(mod) pmb.populate(pm) pmb.close() pm.close() class PassManagerTestMixin(object): def pmb(self): pmb = llvm.create_pass_manager_builder() pmb.opt_level = 2 pmb.inlining_threshold = 300 return pmb def test_close(self): pm = pm.close() pm.close() class TestModulePassManager(BaseTest, PassManagerTestMixin): def pm(self): return llvm.create_module_pass_manager() def test_run(self): pm = self.pmb().populate(pm) mod = self.module() orig_asm = str(mod) opt_asm = str(mod) # Quick check that optimizations were run, should get: # define i32 @sum(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) local_unnamed_addr #0 { # %.X = add i32 %.2, %.1 # ret i32 %.X # } # where X in %.X is 3 or 4 opt_asm_split = opt_asm.splitlines() for idx, l in enumerate(opt_asm_split): if l.strip().startswith('ret i32'): toks = {'%.3', '%.4'} for t in toks: if t in l: break else: raise RuntimeError("expected tokens not found") othertoken = (toks ^ {t}).pop() self.assertIn("%.3", orig_asm) self.assertNotIn(othertoken, opt_asm) break else: raise RuntimeError("expected IR not found") def test_run_with_remarks_successful_inline(self): pm = pm.add_function_inlining_pass(70) self.pmb().populate(pm) mod = self.module(asm_inlineasm2) (status, remarks) = pm.run_with_remarks(mod) self.assertTrue(status) # Inlining has happened? The remark will tell us. self.assertIn("Passed", remarks) self.assertIn("inlineme", remarks) def test_run_with_remarks_failed_inline(self): pm = pm.add_function_inlining_pass(0) self.pmb().populate(pm) mod = self.module(asm_inlineasm3) (status, remarks) = pm.run_with_remarks(mod) self.assertTrue(status) # Inlining has not happened? The remark will tell us. self.assertIn("Missed", remarks) self.assertIn("inlineme", remarks) self.assertIn("noinline function attribute", remarks) def test_run_with_remarks_inline_filter_out(self): pm = pm.add_function_inlining_pass(70) self.pmb().populate(pm) mod = self.module(asm_inlineasm2) (status, remarks) = pm.run_with_remarks(mod, remarks_filter="nothing") self.assertTrue(status) self.assertEqual("", remarks) def test_run_with_remarks_inline_filter_in(self): pm = pm.add_function_inlining_pass(70) self.pmb().populate(pm) mod = self.module(asm_inlineasm2) (status, remarks) = pm.run_with_remarks(mod, remarks_filter="inlin.*") self.assertTrue(status) self.assertIn("Passed", remarks) self.assertIn("inlineme", remarks) class TestFunctionPassManager(BaseTest, PassManagerTestMixin): def pm(self, mod=None): mod = mod or self.module() return llvm.create_function_pass_manager(mod) def test_initfini(self): pm = pm.initialize() pm.finalize() def test_run(self): mod = self.module() fn = mod.get_function("sum") pm = self.pmb().populate(pm) mod.close() orig_asm = str(fn) pm.initialize() pm.finalize() opt_asm = str(fn) # Quick check that optimizations were run self.assertIn("%.4", orig_asm) self.assertNotIn("%.4", opt_asm) def test_run_with_remarks(self): mod = self.module(licm_asm) fn = mod.get_function("licm") pm = pm.add_licm_pass() self.pmb().populate(pm) mod.close() pm.initialize() (ok, remarks) = pm.run_with_remarks(fn) pm.finalize() self.assertTrue(ok) self.assertIn("Passed", remarks) self.assertIn("licm", remarks) def test_run_with_remarks_filter_out(self): mod = self.module(licm_asm) fn = mod.get_function("licm") pm = pm.add_licm_pass() self.pmb().populate(pm) mod.close() pm.initialize() (ok, remarks) = pm.run_with_remarks(fn, remarks_filter="nothing") pm.finalize() self.assertTrue(ok) self.assertEqual("", remarks) def test_run_with_remarks_filter_in(self): mod = self.module(licm_asm) fn = mod.get_function("licm") pm = pm.add_licm_pass() self.pmb().populate(pm) mod.close() pm.initialize() (ok, remarks) = pm.run_with_remarks(fn, remarks_filter="licm") pm.finalize() self.assertTrue(ok) self.assertIn("Passed", remarks) self.assertIn("licm", remarks) class TestPasses(BaseTest, PassManagerTestMixin): def pm(self): return llvm.create_module_pass_manager() def test_populate(self): pm = pm.add_target_library_info("") # unspecified target triple pm.add_constant_merge_pass() pm.add_dead_arg_elimination_pass() pm.add_function_attrs_pass() pm.add_function_inlining_pass(225) pm.add_global_dce_pass() pm.add_global_optimizer_pass() pm.add_ipsccp_pass() pm.add_dead_code_elimination_pass() pm.add_cfg_simplification_pass() pm.add_gvn_pass() pm.add_instruction_combining_pass() pm.add_licm_pass() pm.add_sccp_pass() pm.add_sroa_pass() pm.add_type_based_alias_analysis_pass() pm.add_basic_alias_analysis_pass() pm.add_loop_rotate_pass() pm.add_region_info_pass() pm.add_scalar_evolution_aa_pass() pm.add_aggressive_dead_code_elimination_pass() pm.add_aa_eval_pass() pm.add_always_inliner_pass() pm.add_arg_promotion_pass(42) pm.add_break_critical_edges_pass() pm.add_dead_store_elimination_pass() pm.add_reverse_post_order_function_attrs_pass() pm.add_aggressive_instruction_combining_pass() pm.add_internalize_pass() pm.add_jump_threading_pass(7) pm.add_lcssa_pass() pm.add_loop_deletion_pass() pm.add_loop_extractor_pass() pm.add_single_loop_extractor_pass() pm.add_loop_strength_reduce_pass() pm.add_loop_simplification_pass() pm.add_loop_unroll_pass() pm.add_loop_unroll_and_jam_pass() pm.add_loop_unswitch_pass() pm.add_lower_atomic_pass() pm.add_lower_invoke_pass() pm.add_lower_switch_pass() pm.add_memcpy_optimization_pass() pm.add_merge_functions_pass() pm.add_merge_returns_pass() pm.add_partial_inlining_pass() pm.add_prune_exception_handling_pass() pm.add_reassociate_expressions_pass() pm.add_demote_register_to_memory_pass() pm.add_sink_pass() pm.add_strip_symbols_pass() pm.add_strip_dead_debug_info_pass() pm.add_strip_dead_prototypes_pass() pm.add_strip_debug_declare_pass() pm.add_strip_nondebug_symbols_pass() pm.add_tail_call_elimination_pass() pm.add_basic_aa_pass() pm.add_dependence_analysis_pass() pm.add_dot_call_graph_pass() pm.add_dot_cfg_printer_pass() pm.add_dot_dom_printer_pass() pm.add_dot_postdom_printer_pass() pm.add_globals_mod_ref_aa_pass() pm.add_iv_users_pass() pm.add_lazy_value_info_pass() pm.add_lint_pass() pm.add_module_debug_info_pass() pm.add_refprune_pass() pm.add_instruction_namer_pass() @unittest.skipUnless(platform.machine().startswith("x86"), "x86 only") def test_target_library_info_behavior(self): """Test a specific situation that demonstrate TLI is affecting optimization. See """ def run(use_tli): mod = llvm.parse_assembly(asm_tli_exp2) target = llvm.Target.from_triple(mod.triple) tm = target.create_target_machine() pm = llvm.ModulePassManager() tm.add_analysis_passes(pm) if use_tli: pm.add_target_library_info(mod.triple) pm.add_instruction_combining_pass() return mod # Run with TLI should suppress transformation of exp2 -> ldexpf mod = run(use_tli=True) self.assertIn("call float @llvm.exp2.f32", str(mod)) # Run without TLI will enable the transformation mod = run(use_tli=False) self.assertNotIn("call float @llvm.exp2.f32", str(mod)) self.assertIn("call float @ldexpf", str(mod)) def test_instruction_namer_pass(self): asm = asm_inlineasm3.format(triple=llvm.get_default_triple()) mod = llvm.parse_assembly(asm) # Run instnamer pass pm = llvm.ModulePassManager() pm.add_instruction_namer_pass() # Test that unnamed instructions are now named func = mod.get_function('foo') first_block = next(func.blocks) instructions = list(first_block.instructions) self.assertEqual(instructions[0].name, 'i') self.assertEqual(instructions[1].name, 'i2') class TestDylib(BaseTest): def test_bad_library(self): with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): llvm.load_library_permanently("zzzasdkf;jasd;l") @unittest.skipUnless(platform.system() in ["Linux"], "test only works on Linux") def test_libm(self): libm = find_library("m") llvm.load_library_permanently(libm) class TestAnalysis(BaseTest): def build_ir_module(self): m = ir.Module() ft = ir.FunctionType(ir.IntType(32), [ir.IntType(32), ir.IntType(32)]) fn = ir.Function(m, ft, "foo") bd = ir.IRBuilder(fn.append_basic_block()) x, y = fn.args z = bd.add(x, y) bd.ret(z) return m def test_get_function_cfg_on_ir(self): mod = self.build_ir_module() foo = mod.get_global('foo') dot_showing_inst = llvm.get_function_cfg(foo) dot_without_inst = llvm.get_function_cfg(foo, show_inst=False) inst = "%.5 = add i32 %.1, %.2" self.assertIn(inst, dot_showing_inst) self.assertNotIn(inst, dot_without_inst) def test_function_cfg_on_llvm_value(self): defined = self.module().get_function('sum') dot_showing_inst = llvm.get_function_cfg(defined, show_inst=True) dot_without_inst = llvm.get_function_cfg(defined, show_inst=False) # Check "digraph" prefix = 'digraph' self.assertIn(prefix, dot_showing_inst) self.assertIn(prefix, dot_without_inst) # Check function name fname = "CFG for 'sum' function" self.assertIn(fname, dot_showing_inst) self.assertIn(fname, dot_without_inst) # Check instruction inst = "%.3 = add i32 %.1, %.2" self.assertIn(inst, dot_showing_inst) self.assertNotIn(inst, dot_without_inst) class TestTypeParsing(BaseTest): @contextmanager def check_parsing(self): mod = ir.Module() # Yield to caller and provide the module for adding # new GV. yield mod # Caller yield back and continue with testing asm = str(mod) llvm.parse_assembly(asm) def test_literal_struct(self): # Natural layout with self.check_parsing() as mod: typ = ir.LiteralStructType([ir.IntType(32)]) gv = ir.GlobalVariable(mod, typ, "foo") # Also test constant text repr gv.initializer = ir.Constant(typ, [1]) # Packed layout with self.check_parsing() as mod: typ = ir.LiteralStructType([ir.IntType(32)], packed=True) gv = ir.GlobalVariable(mod, typ, "foo") # Also test constant text repr gv.initializer = ir.Constant(typ, [1]) class TestGlobalConstructors(TestMCJit): def test_global_ctors_dtors(self): # test issue #303 # ( mod = self.module(asm_global_ctors) ee = self.jit(mod) ee.finalize_object() ee.run_static_constructors() # global variable should have been initialized ptr_addr = ee.get_global_value_address("A") ptr_t = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32) ptr = ctypes.cast(ptr_addr, ptr_t) self.assertEqual(ptr.contents.value, 10) foo_addr = ee.get_function_address("foo") foo = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int32)(foo_addr) self.assertEqual(foo(), 12) ee.run_static_destructors() # destructor should have run self.assertEqual(ptr.contents.value, 20) class TestGlobalVariables(BaseTest): def check_global_variable_linkage(self, linkage, has_undef=True): # This test default initializer on global variables with different # linkages. Some linkages requires an initializer be present, while # it is optional for others. This test uses ``parse_assembly()`` # to verify that we are adding an `undef` automatically if user didn't # specific one for certain linkages. It is a IR syntax error if the # initializer is not present for certain linkages e.g. "external". mod = ir.Module() typ = ir.IntType(32) gv = ir.GlobalVariable(mod, typ, "foo") gv.linkage = linkage asm = str(mod) # check if 'undef' is present if has_undef: self.assertIn('undef', asm) else: self.assertNotIn('undef', asm) # parse assembly to ensure correctness self.module(asm) def test_internal_linkage(self): self.check_global_variable_linkage('internal') def test_common_linkage(self): self.check_global_variable_linkage('common') def test_external_linkage(self): self.check_global_variable_linkage('external', has_undef=False) def test_available_externally_linkage(self): self.check_global_variable_linkage('available_externally') def test_private_linkage(self): self.check_global_variable_linkage('private') def test_linkonce_linkage(self): self.check_global_variable_linkage('linkonce') def test_weak_linkage(self): self.check_global_variable_linkage('weak') def test_appending_linkage(self): self.check_global_variable_linkage('appending') def test_extern_weak_linkage(self): self.check_global_variable_linkage('extern_weak', has_undef=False) def test_linkonce_odr_linkage(self): self.check_global_variable_linkage('linkonce_odr') def test_weak_odr_linkage(self): self.check_global_variable_linkage('weak_odr') @unittest.skipUnless(platform.machine().startswith('x86'), "only on x86") class TestInlineAsm(BaseTest): def test_inlineasm(self): llvm.initialize_native_asmparser() m = self.module(asm=asm_inlineasm) tm = self.target_machine(jit=False) asm = tm.emit_assembly(m) self.assertIn('nop', asm) class TestObjectFile(BaseTest): mod_asm = """ ;ModuleID = target triple = "{triple}" declare i32 @sum(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) define i32 @sum_twice(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) {{ %.3 = call i32 @sum(i32 %.1, i32 %.2) %.4 = call i32 @sum(i32 %.3, i32 %.3) ret i32 %.4 }} """ def test_object_file(self): target_machine = self.target_machine(jit=False) mod = self.module() obj_bin = target_machine.emit_object(mod) obj = llvm.ObjectFileRef.from_data(obj_bin) # Check that we have a text section, and that she has a name and data has_text = False last_address = -1 for s in obj.sections(): if s.is_text(): has_text = True self.assertIsNotNone( self.assertTrue(s.size() > 0) self.assertTrue(len( > 0) self.assertIsNotNone(s.address()) self.assertTrue(last_address < s.address()) last_address = s.address() break self.assertTrue(has_text) def test_add_object_file(self): target_machine = self.target_machine(jit=False) mod = self.module() obj_bin = target_machine.emit_object(mod) obj = llvm.ObjectFileRef.from_data(obj_bin) jit = llvm.create_mcjit_compiler(self.module(self.mod_asm), target_machine) jit.add_object_file(obj) sum_twice = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, c_int)( jit.get_function_address("sum_twice")) self.assertEqual(sum_twice(2, 3), 10) def test_add_object_file_from_filesystem(self): target_machine = self.target_machine(jit=False) mod = self.module() obj_bin = target_machine.emit_object(mod) temp_desc, temp_path = mkstemp() try: try: f = os.fdopen(temp_desc, "wb") f.write(obj_bin) f.flush() finally: f.close() jit = llvm.create_mcjit_compiler(self.module(self.mod_asm), target_machine) jit.add_object_file(temp_path) finally: os.unlink(temp_path) sum_twice = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, c_int)( jit.get_function_address("sum_twice")) self.assertEqual(sum_twice(2, 3), 10) def test_get_section_content(self): # See Issue #632 - section contents were getting truncated at null # bytes. elf = bytes.fromhex(issue_632_elf) obj = llvm.ObjectFileRef.from_data(elf) for s in obj.sections(): if s.is_text(): self.assertEqual(len(, 31) self.assertEqual(, issue_632_text) class TestTimePasses(BaseTest): def test_reporting(self): mp = llvm.create_module_pass_manager() pmb = llvm.create_pass_manager_builder() pmb.opt_level = 3 pmb.populate(mp) try: llvm.set_time_passes(True) finally: report = llvm.report_and_reset_timings() llvm.set_time_passes(False) self.assertIsInstance(report, str) self.assertEqual(report.count("Pass execution timing report"), 1) def test_empty_report(self): # Returns empty str if no data is collected self.assertFalse(llvm.report_and_reset_timings()) class TestLLVMLockCallbacks(BaseTest): def test_lock_callbacks(self): events = [] def acq(): events.append('acq') def rel(): events.append('rel') # register callback llvm.ffi.register_lock_callback(acq, rel) # Check: events are initially empty self.assertFalse(events) # Call LLVM functions llvm.create_module_pass_manager() # Check: there must be at least one acq and one rel self.assertIn("acq", events) self.assertIn("rel", events) # unregister callback llvm.ffi.unregister_lock_callback(acq, rel) # Check: removing non-existent callbacks will trigger a ValueError with self.assertRaises(ValueError): llvm.ffi.unregister_lock_callback(acq, rel) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()