""" Test cdflib functions versus mpmath, if available. The following functions still need tests: - ncfdtr - ncfdtri - ncfdtridfn - ncfdtridfd - ncfdtrinc - nbdtrik - nbdtrin - pdtrik - nctdtr - nctdtrit - nctdtridf - nctdtrinc """ import itertools import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_equal, assert_allclose import pytest import scipy.special as sp from scipy.special._testutils import ( MissingModule, check_version, FuncData) from scipy.special._mptestutils import ( Arg, IntArg, get_args, mpf2float, assert_mpmath_equal) try: import mpmath except ImportError: mpmath = MissingModule('mpmath') class ProbArg: """Generate a set of probabilities on [0, 1].""" def __init__(self): # Include the endpoints for compatibility with Arg et. al. self.a = 0 self.b = 1 def values(self, n): """Return an array containing approximately n numbers.""" m = max(1, n//3) v1 = np.logspace(-30, np.log10(0.3), m) v2 = np.linspace(0.3, 0.7, m + 1, endpoint=False)[1:] v3 = 1 - np.logspace(np.log10(0.3), -15, m) v = np.r_[v1, v2, v3] return np.unique(v) class EndpointFilter: def __init__(self, a, b, rtol, atol): self.a = a self.b = b self.rtol = rtol self.atol = atol def __call__(self, x): mask1 = np.abs(x - self.a) < self.rtol*np.abs(self.a) + self.atol mask2 = np.abs(x - self.b) < self.rtol*np.abs(self.b) + self.atol return np.where(mask1 | mask2, False, True) class _CDFData: def __init__(self, spfunc, mpfunc, index, argspec, spfunc_first=True, dps=20, n=5000, rtol=None, atol=None, endpt_rtol=None, endpt_atol=None): self.spfunc = spfunc self.mpfunc = mpfunc self.index = index self.argspec = argspec self.spfunc_first = spfunc_first self.dps = dps self.n = n self.rtol = rtol self.atol = atol if not isinstance(argspec, list): self.endpt_rtol = None self.endpt_atol = None elif endpt_rtol is not None or endpt_atol is not None: if isinstance(endpt_rtol, list): self.endpt_rtol = endpt_rtol else: self.endpt_rtol = [endpt_rtol]*len(self.argspec) if isinstance(endpt_atol, list): self.endpt_atol = endpt_atol else: self.endpt_atol = [endpt_atol]*len(self.argspec) else: self.endpt_rtol = None self.endpt_atol = None def idmap(self, *args): if self.spfunc_first: res = self.spfunc(*args) if np.isnan(res): return np.nan args = list(args) args[self.index] = res with mpmath.workdps(self.dps): res = self.mpfunc(*tuple(args)) # Imaginary parts are spurious res = mpf2float(res.real) else: with mpmath.workdps(self.dps): res = self.mpfunc(*args) res = mpf2float(res.real) args = list(args) args[self.index] = res res = self.spfunc(*tuple(args)) return res def get_param_filter(self): if self.endpt_rtol is None and self.endpt_atol is None: return None filters = [] for rtol, atol, spec in zip(self.endpt_rtol, self.endpt_atol, self.argspec): if rtol is None and atol is None: filters.append(None) continue elif rtol is None: rtol = 0.0 elif atol is None: atol = 0.0 filters.append(EndpointFilter(spec.a, spec.b, rtol, atol)) return filters def check(self): # Generate values for the arguments args = get_args(self.argspec, self.n) param_filter = self.get_param_filter() param_columns = tuple(range(args.shape[1])) result_columns = args.shape[1] args = np.hstack((args, args[:, self.index].reshape(args.shape[0], 1))) FuncData(self.idmap, args, param_columns=param_columns, result_columns=result_columns, rtol=self.rtol, atol=self.atol, vectorized=False, param_filter=param_filter).check() def _assert_inverts(*a, **kw): d = _CDFData(*a, **kw) d.check() def _binomial_cdf(k, n, p): k, n, p = mpmath.mpf(k), mpmath.mpf(n), mpmath.mpf(p) if k <= 0: return mpmath.mpf(0) elif k >= n: return mpmath.mpf(1) onemp = mpmath.fsub(1, p, exact=True) return mpmath.betainc(n - k, k + 1, x2=onemp, regularized=True) def _f_cdf(dfn, dfd, x): if x < 0: return mpmath.mpf(0) dfn, dfd, x = mpmath.mpf(dfn), mpmath.mpf(dfd), mpmath.mpf(x) ub = dfn*x/(dfn*x + dfd) res = mpmath.betainc(dfn/2, dfd/2, x2=ub, regularized=True) return res def _student_t_cdf(df, t, dps=None): if dps is None: dps = mpmath.mp.dps with mpmath.workdps(dps): df, t = mpmath.mpf(df), mpmath.mpf(t) fac = mpmath.hyp2f1(0.5, 0.5*(df + 1), 1.5, -t**2/df) fac *= t*mpmath.gamma(0.5*(df + 1)) fac /= mpmath.sqrt(mpmath.pi*df)*mpmath.gamma(0.5*df) return 0.5 + fac def _noncentral_chi_pdf(t, df, nc): res = mpmath.besseli(df/2 - 1, mpmath.sqrt(nc*t)) res *= mpmath.exp(-(t + nc)/2)*(t/nc)**(df/4 - 1/2)/2 return res def _noncentral_chi_cdf(x, df, nc, dps=None): if dps is None: dps = mpmath.mp.dps x, df, nc = mpmath.mpf(x), mpmath.mpf(df), mpmath.mpf(nc) with mpmath.workdps(dps): res = mpmath.quad(lambda t: _noncentral_chi_pdf(t, df, nc), [0, x]) return res def _tukey_lmbda_quantile(p, lmbda): # For lmbda != 0 return (p**lmbda - (1 - p)**lmbda)/lmbda @pytest.mark.slow @check_version(mpmath, '0.19') class TestCDFlib: @pytest.mark.xfail(run=False) def test_bdtrik(self): _assert_inverts( sp.bdtrik, _binomial_cdf, 0, [ProbArg(), IntArg(1, 1000), ProbArg()], rtol=1e-4) def test_bdtrin(self): _assert_inverts( sp.bdtrin, _binomial_cdf, 1, [IntArg(1, 1000), ProbArg(), ProbArg()], rtol=1e-4, endpt_atol=[None, None, 1e-6]) def test_btdtria(self): _assert_inverts( sp.btdtria, lambda a, b, x: mpmath.betainc(a, b, x2=x, regularized=True), 0, [ProbArg(), Arg(0, 1e2, inclusive_a=False), Arg(0, 1, inclusive_a=False, inclusive_b=False)], rtol=1e-6) def test_btdtrib(self): # Use small values of a or mpmath doesn't converge _assert_inverts( sp.btdtrib, lambda a, b, x: mpmath.betainc(a, b, x2=x, regularized=True), 1, [Arg(0, 1e2, inclusive_a=False), ProbArg(), Arg(0, 1, inclusive_a=False, inclusive_b=False)], rtol=1e-7, endpt_atol=[None, 1e-18, 1e-15]) @pytest.mark.xfail(run=False) def test_fdtridfd(self): _assert_inverts( sp.fdtridfd, _f_cdf, 1, [IntArg(1, 100), ProbArg(), Arg(0, 100, inclusive_a=False)], rtol=1e-7) def test_gdtria(self): _assert_inverts( sp.gdtria, lambda a, b, x: mpmath.gammainc(b, b=a*x, regularized=True), 0, [ProbArg(), Arg(0, 1e3, inclusive_a=False), Arg(0, 1e4, inclusive_a=False)], rtol=1e-7, endpt_atol=[None, 1e-7, 1e-10]) def test_gdtrib(self): # Use small values of a and x or mpmath doesn't converge _assert_inverts( sp.gdtrib, lambda a, b, x: mpmath.gammainc(b, b=a*x, regularized=True), 1, [Arg(0, 1e2, inclusive_a=False), ProbArg(), Arg(0, 1e3, inclusive_a=False)], rtol=1e-5) def test_gdtrix(self): _assert_inverts( sp.gdtrix, lambda a, b, x: mpmath.gammainc(b, b=a*x, regularized=True), 2, [Arg(0, 1e3, inclusive_a=False), Arg(0, 1e3, inclusive_a=False), ProbArg()], rtol=1e-7, endpt_atol=[None, 1e-7, 1e-10]) # Overall nrdtrimn and nrdtrisd are not performing well with infeasible/edge # combinations of sigma and x, hence restricted the domains to still use the # testing machinery, also see gh-20069 # nrdtrimn signature: p, sd, x # nrdtrisd signature: mn, p, x def test_nrdtrimn(self): _assert_inverts( sp.nrdtrimn, lambda x, y, z: mpmath.ncdf(z, x, y), 0, [ProbArg(), # CDF value p Arg(0.1, np.inf, inclusive_a=False, inclusive_b=False), # sigma Arg(-1e10, 1e10)], # x rtol=1e-5) def test_nrdtrisd(self): _assert_inverts( sp.nrdtrisd, lambda x, y, z: mpmath.ncdf(z, x, y), 1, [Arg(-np.inf, 10, inclusive_a=False, inclusive_b=False), # mn ProbArg(), # CDF value p Arg(10, 1e100)], # x rtol=1e-5) def test_stdtr(self): # Ideally the left endpoint for Arg() should be 0. assert_mpmath_equal( sp.stdtr, _student_t_cdf, [IntArg(1, 100), Arg(1e-10, np.inf)], rtol=1e-7) @pytest.mark.xfail(run=False) def test_stdtridf(self): _assert_inverts( sp.stdtridf, _student_t_cdf, 0, [ProbArg(), Arg()], rtol=1e-7) def test_stdtrit(self): _assert_inverts( sp.stdtrit, _student_t_cdf, 1, [IntArg(1, 100), ProbArg()], rtol=1e-7, endpt_atol=[None, 1e-10]) def test_chdtriv(self): _assert_inverts( sp.chdtriv, lambda v, x: mpmath.gammainc(v/2, b=x/2, regularized=True), 0, [ProbArg(), IntArg(1, 100)], rtol=1e-4) @pytest.mark.xfail(run=False) def test_chndtridf(self): # Use a larger atol since mpmath is doing numerical integration _assert_inverts( sp.chndtridf, _noncentral_chi_cdf, 1, [Arg(0, 100, inclusive_a=False), ProbArg(), Arg(0, 100, inclusive_a=False)], n=1000, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-15) @pytest.mark.xfail(run=False) def test_chndtrinc(self): # Use a larger atol since mpmath is doing numerical integration _assert_inverts( sp.chndtrinc, _noncentral_chi_cdf, 2, [Arg(0, 100, inclusive_a=False), IntArg(1, 100), ProbArg()], n=1000, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-15) def test_chndtrix(self): # Use a larger atol since mpmath is doing numerical integration _assert_inverts( sp.chndtrix, _noncentral_chi_cdf, 0, [ProbArg(), IntArg(1, 100), Arg(0, 100, inclusive_a=False)], n=1000, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-15, endpt_atol=[1e-6, None, None]) def test_tklmbda_zero_shape(self): # When lmbda = 0 the CDF has a simple closed form one = mpmath.mpf(1) assert_mpmath_equal( lambda x: sp.tklmbda(x, 0), lambda x: one/(mpmath.exp(-x) + one), [Arg()], rtol=1e-7) def test_tklmbda_neg_shape(self): _assert_inverts( sp.tklmbda, _tukey_lmbda_quantile, 0, [ProbArg(), Arg(-25, 0, inclusive_b=False)], spfunc_first=False, rtol=1e-5, endpt_atol=[1e-9, 1e-5]) @pytest.mark.xfail(run=False) def test_tklmbda_pos_shape(self): _assert_inverts( sp.tklmbda, _tukey_lmbda_quantile, 0, [ProbArg(), Arg(0, 100, inclusive_a=False)], spfunc_first=False, rtol=1e-5) # The values of lmdba are chosen so that 1/lmbda is exact. @pytest.mark.parametrize('lmbda', [0.5, 1.0, 8.0]) def test_tklmbda_lmbda1(self, lmbda): bound = 1/lmbda assert_equal(sp.tklmbda([-bound, bound], lmbda), [0.0, 1.0]) funcs = [ ("btdtria", 3), ("btdtrib", 3), ("bdtrik", 3), ("bdtrin", 3), ("chdtriv", 2), ("chndtr", 3), ("chndtrix", 3), ("chndtridf", 3), ("chndtrinc", 3), ("fdtridfd", 3), ("ncfdtr", 4), ("ncfdtri", 4), ("ncfdtridfn", 4), ("ncfdtridfd", 4), ("ncfdtrinc", 4), ("gdtrix", 3), ("gdtrib", 3), ("gdtria", 3), ("nbdtrik", 3), ("nbdtrin", 3), ("nrdtrimn", 3), ("nrdtrisd", 3), ("pdtrik", 2), ("stdtr", 2), ("stdtrit", 2), ("stdtridf", 2), ("nctdtr", 3), ("nctdtrit", 3), ("nctdtridf", 3), ("nctdtrinc", 3), ("tklmbda", 2), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize('func,numargs', funcs, ids=[x[0] for x in funcs]) def test_nonfinite(func, numargs): rng = np.random.default_rng(1701299355559735) func = getattr(sp, func) args_choices = [(float(x), np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf) for x in rng.random(numargs)] for args in itertools.product(*args_choices): res = func(*args) if any(np.isnan(x) for x in args): # Nan inputs should result to nan output assert_equal(res, np.nan) else: # All other inputs should return something (but not # raise exceptions or cause hangs) pass def test_chndtrix_gh2158(): # test that gh-2158 is resolved; previously this blew up res = sp.chndtrix(0.999999, 2, np.arange(20.)+1e-6) # Generated in R # options(digits=16) # ncp <- seq(0, 19) + 1e-6 # print(qchisq(0.999999, df = 2, ncp = ncp)) res_exp = [27.63103493142305, 35.25728589950540, 39.97396073236288, 43.88033702110538, 47.35206403482798, 50.54112500166103, 53.52720257322766, 56.35830042867810, 59.06600769498512, 61.67243118946381, 64.19376191277179, 66.64228141346548, 69.02756927200180, 71.35726934749408, 73.63759723904816, 75.87368842650227, 78.06984431185720, 80.22971052389806, 82.35640899964173, 84.45263768373256] assert_allclose(res, res_exp) @pytest.mark.xfail_on_32bit("32bit fails due to algorithm threshold") def test_nctdtr_gh19896(): # test that gh-19896 is resolved. # Compared to SciPy 1.11 results from Fortran code. dfarr = [0.98, 9.8, 98, 980] pnoncarr = [-3.8, 0.38, 3.8, 38] tarr = [0.0015, 0.15, 1.5, 15] resarr = [0.9999276519560749, 0.9999276519560749, 0.9999908831755221, 0.9999990265452424, 0.3524153312279712, 0.39749697267251416, 0.7168629634895805, 0.9656246449259646, 7.234804392512006e-05, 7.234804392512006e-05, 0.03538804607509127, 0.795482701508521, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.011927908523093889, 0.9999276519560749, 0.9999276519560749, 0.9999997441133123, 1.0, 0.3525155979118013, 0.4076312014048369, 0.8476794017035086, 0.9999999297116268, 7.234804392512006e-05, 7.234804392512006e-05, 0.013477443099785824, 0.9998501512331494, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.561112613212572e-07, 0.9999276519560749, 0.9999276519560749, 0.9999999313496014, 1.0, 0.3525281784865706, 0.40890253001898014, 0.8664672830017024, 1.0, 7.234804392512006e-05, 7.234804392512006e-05, 0.010990889489704836, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9999276519560749, 0.9999276519560749, 0.9999999418789304, 1.0, 0.35252945487817355, 0.40903153246690993, 0.8684247068528264, 1.0, 7.234804392512006e-05, 7.234804392512006e-05, 0.01075068918582911, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] actarr = [] for df, p, t in itertools.product(dfarr, pnoncarr, tarr): actarr += [sp.nctdtr(df, p, t)] # The rtol is kept high on purpose to make it pass on 32bit systems assert_allclose(actarr, resarr, rtol=1e-6, atol=0.0) def test_nctdtrinc_gh19896(): # test that gh-19896 is resolved. # Compared to SciPy 1.11 results from Fortran code. dfarr = [0.001, 0.98, 9.8, 98, 980, 10000, 98, 9.8, 0.98, 0.001] parr = [0.001, 0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.999, 0.001, 0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.999] tarr = [0.0015, 0.15, 1.5, 15, 300, 0.0015, 0.15, 1.5, 15, 300] desired = [3.090232306168629, 1.406141304556198, 2.014225177124157, 13.727067118283456, 278.9765683871208, 3.090232306168629, 1.4312427877936222, 2.014225177124157, 3.712743137978295, -3.086951096691082] actual = sp.nctdtrinc(dfarr, parr, tarr) assert_allclose(actual, desired, rtol=5e-12, atol=0.0) def test_stdtr_stdtrit_neg_inf(): # -inf was treated as +inf and values from the normal were returned assert np.all(np.isnan(sp.stdtr(-np.inf, [-np.inf, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, np.inf]))) assert np.all(np.isnan(sp.stdtrit(-np.inf, [0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0]))) def test_bdtrik_nbdtrik_inf(): y = np.array( [np.nan,-np.inf,-10.0, -1.0, 0.0, .00001, .5, 0.9999, 1.0, 10.0, np.inf]) y = y[:,None] p = np.atleast_2d( [np.nan, -np.inf, -10.0, -1.0, 0.0, .00001, .5, 1.0, np.inf]) assert np.all(np.isnan(sp.bdtrik(y, np.inf, p))) assert np.all(np.isnan(sp.nbdtrik(y, np.inf, p)))