""" =================================================================== Statistical functions for masked arrays (:mod:`scipy.stats.mstats`) =================================================================== .. currentmodule:: scipy.stats.mstats This module contains a large number of statistical functions that can be used with masked arrays. Most of these functions are similar to those in `scipy.stats` but might have small differences in the API or in the algorithm used. Since this is a relatively new package, some API changes are still possible. Summary statistics ================== .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ describe gmean hmean kurtosis mode mquantiles hdmedian hdquantiles hdquantiles_sd idealfourths plotting_positions meppf moment skew tmean tvar tmin tmax tsem variation find_repeats sem trimmed_mean trimmed_mean_ci trimmed_std trimmed_var Frequency statistics ==================== .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ scoreatpercentile Correlation functions ===================== .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ f_oneway pearsonr spearmanr pointbiserialr kendalltau kendalltau_seasonal linregress siegelslopes theilslopes sen_seasonal_slopes Statistical tests ================= .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ ttest_1samp ttest_onesamp ttest_ind ttest_rel chisquare kstest ks_2samp ks_1samp ks_twosamp mannwhitneyu rankdata kruskal kruskalwallis friedmanchisquare brunnermunzel skewtest kurtosistest normaltest Transformations =============== .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ obrientransform trim trima trimmed_stde trimr trimtail trimboth winsorize zmap zscore Other ===== .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ argstoarray count_tied_groups msign compare_medians_ms median_cihs mjci mquantiles_cimj rsh """ from . import _mstats_basic from . import _mstats_extras from ._mstats_basic import * # noqa: F403 from ._mstats_extras import * # noqa: F403 # Functions that support masked array input in stats but need to be kept in the # mstats namespace for backwards compatibility: from scipy.stats import gmean, hmean, zmap, zscore, chisquare __all__ = _mstats_basic.__all__ + _mstats_extras.__all__ __all__ += ['gmean', 'hmean', 'zmap', 'zscore', 'chisquare']