"""Isomap for manifold learning""" # Author: Jake Vanderplas -- # License: BSD 3 clause (C) 2011 import warnings from numbers import Integral, Real import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import issparse from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components, shortest_path from ..base import ( BaseEstimator, ClassNamePrefixFeaturesOutMixin, TransformerMixin, _fit_context, ) from ..decomposition import KernelPCA from ..metrics.pairwise import _VALID_METRICS from ..neighbors import NearestNeighbors, kneighbors_graph, radius_neighbors_graph from ..preprocessing import KernelCenterer from ..utils._param_validation import Interval, StrOptions from ..utils.graph import _fix_connected_components from ..utils.validation import check_is_fitted class Isomap(ClassNamePrefixFeaturesOutMixin, TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """Isomap Embedding. Non-linear dimensionality reduction through Isometric Mapping Read more in the :ref:`User Guide `. Parameters ---------- n_neighbors : int or None, default=5 Number of neighbors to consider for each point. If `n_neighbors` is an int, then `radius` must be `None`. radius : float or None, default=None Limiting distance of neighbors to return. If `radius` is a float, then `n_neighbors` must be set to `None`. .. versionadded:: 1.1 n_components : int, default=2 Number of coordinates for the manifold. eigen_solver : {'auto', 'arpack', 'dense'}, default='auto' 'auto' : Attempt to choose the most efficient solver for the given problem. 'arpack' : Use Arnoldi decomposition to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. 'dense' : Use a direct solver (i.e. LAPACK) for the eigenvalue decomposition. tol : float, default=0 Convergence tolerance passed to arpack or lobpcg. not used if eigen_solver == 'dense'. max_iter : int, default=None Maximum number of iterations for the arpack solver. not used if eigen_solver == 'dense'. path_method : {'auto', 'FW', 'D'}, default='auto' Method to use in finding shortest path. 'auto' : attempt to choose the best algorithm automatically. 'FW' : Floyd-Warshall algorithm. 'D' : Dijkstra's algorithm. neighbors_algorithm : {'auto', 'brute', 'kd_tree', 'ball_tree'}, \ default='auto' Algorithm to use for nearest neighbors search, passed to neighbors.NearestNeighbors instance. n_jobs : int or None, default=None The number of parallel jobs to run. ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. See :term:`Glossary ` for more details. metric : str, or callable, default="minkowski" The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a feature array. If metric is a string or callable, it must be one of the options allowed by :func:`sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances` for its metric parameter. If metric is "precomputed", X is assumed to be a distance matrix and must be square. X may be a :term:`Glossary `. .. versionadded:: 0.22 p : float, default=2 Parameter for the Minkowski metric from sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances. When p = 1, this is equivalent to using manhattan_distance (l1), and euclidean_distance (l2) for p = 2. For arbitrary p, minkowski_distance (l_p) is used. .. versionadded:: 0.22 metric_params : dict, default=None Additional keyword arguments for the metric function. .. versionadded:: 0.22 Attributes ---------- embedding_ : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components) Stores the embedding vectors. kernel_pca_ : object :class:`~sklearn.decomposition.KernelPCA` object used to implement the embedding. nbrs_ : sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors instance Stores nearest neighbors instance, including BallTree or KDtree if applicable. dist_matrix_ : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_samples) Stores the geodesic distance matrix of training data. n_features_in_ : int Number of features seen during :term:`fit`. .. versionadded:: 0.24 feature_names_in_ : ndarray of shape (`n_features_in_`,) Names of features seen during :term:`fit`. Defined only when `X` has feature names that are all strings. .. versionadded:: 1.0 See Also -------- sklearn.decomposition.PCA : Principal component analysis that is a linear dimensionality reduction method. sklearn.decomposition.KernelPCA : Non-linear dimensionality reduction using kernels and PCA. MDS : Manifold learning using multidimensional scaling. TSNE : T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding. LocallyLinearEmbedding : Manifold learning using Locally Linear Embedding. SpectralEmbedding : Spectral embedding for non-linear dimensionality. References ---------- .. [1] Tenenbaum, J.B.; De Silva, V.; & Langford, J.C. A global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Science 290 (5500) Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.datasets import load_digits >>> from sklearn.manifold import Isomap >>> X, _ = load_digits(return_X_y=True) >>> X.shape (1797, 64) >>> embedding = Isomap(n_components=2) >>> X_transformed = embedding.fit_transform(X[:100]) >>> X_transformed.shape (100, 2) """ _parameter_constraints: dict = { "n_neighbors": [Interval(Integral, 1, None, closed="left"), None], "radius": [Interval(Real, 0, None, closed="both"), None], "n_components": [Interval(Integral, 1, None, closed="left")], "eigen_solver": [StrOptions({"auto", "arpack", "dense"})], "tol": [Interval(Real, 0, None, closed="left")], "max_iter": [Interval(Integral, 1, None, closed="left"), None], "path_method": [StrOptions({"auto", "FW", "D"})], "neighbors_algorithm": [StrOptions({"auto", "brute", "kd_tree", "ball_tree"})], "n_jobs": [Integral, None], "p": [Interval(Real, 1, None, closed="left")], "metric": [StrOptions(set(_VALID_METRICS) | {"precomputed"}), callable], "metric_params": [dict, None], } def __init__( self, *, n_neighbors=5, radius=None, n_components=2, eigen_solver="auto", tol=0, max_iter=None, path_method="auto", neighbors_algorithm="auto", n_jobs=None, metric="minkowski", p=2, metric_params=None, ): self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors self.radius = radius self.n_components = n_components self.eigen_solver = eigen_solver self.tol = tol self.max_iter = max_iter self.path_method = path_method self.neighbors_algorithm = neighbors_algorithm self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.metric = metric self.p = p self.metric_params = metric_params def _fit_transform(self, X): if self.n_neighbors is not None and self.radius is not None: raise ValueError( "Both n_neighbors and radius are provided. Use" f" Isomap(radius={self.radius}, n_neighbors=None) if intended to use" " radius-based neighbors" ) self.nbrs_ = NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors, radius=self.radius, algorithm=self.neighbors_algorithm, metric=self.metric, p=self.p, metric_params=self.metric_params, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ) self.nbrs_.fit(X) self.n_features_in_ = self.nbrs_.n_features_in_ if hasattr(self.nbrs_, "feature_names_in_"): self.feature_names_in_ = self.nbrs_.feature_names_in_ self.kernel_pca_ = KernelPCA( n_components=self.n_components, kernel="precomputed", eigen_solver=self.eigen_solver, tol=self.tol, max_iter=self.max_iter, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ).set_output(transform="default") if self.n_neighbors is not None: nbg = kneighbors_graph( self.nbrs_, self.n_neighbors, metric=self.metric, p=self.p, metric_params=self.metric_params, mode="distance", n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ) else: nbg = radius_neighbors_graph( self.nbrs_, radius=self.radius, metric=self.metric, p=self.p, metric_params=self.metric_params, mode="distance", n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ) # Compute the number of connected components, and connect the different # components to be able to compute a shortest path between all pairs # of samples in the graph. # Similar fix to cluster._agglomerative._fix_connectivity. n_connected_components, labels = connected_components(nbg) if n_connected_components > 1: if self.metric == "precomputed" and issparse(X): raise RuntimeError( "The number of connected components of the neighbors graph" f" is {n_connected_components} > 1. The graph cannot be " "completed with metric='precomputed', and Isomap cannot be" "fitted. Increase the number of neighbors to avoid this " "issue, or precompute the full distance matrix instead " "of passing a sparse neighbors graph." ) warnings.warn( ( "The number of connected components of the neighbors graph " f"is {n_connected_components} > 1. Completing the graph to fit" " Isomap might be slow. Increase the number of neighbors to " "avoid this issue." ), stacklevel=2, ) # use array validated by NearestNeighbors nbg = _fix_connected_components( X=self.nbrs_._fit_X, graph=nbg, n_connected_components=n_connected_components, component_labels=labels, mode="distance", metric=self.nbrs_.effective_metric_, **self.nbrs_.effective_metric_params_, ) self.dist_matrix_ = shortest_path(nbg, method=self.path_method, directed=False) if self.nbrs_._fit_X.dtype == np.float32: self.dist_matrix_ = self.dist_matrix_.astype( self.nbrs_._fit_X.dtype, copy=False ) G = self.dist_matrix_**2 G *= -0.5 self.embedding_ = self.kernel_pca_.fit_transform(G) self._n_features_out = self.embedding_.shape[1] def reconstruction_error(self): """Compute the reconstruction error for the embedding. Returns ------- reconstruction_error : float Reconstruction error. Notes ----- The cost function of an isomap embedding is ``E = frobenius_norm[K(D) - K(D_fit)] / n_samples`` Where D is the matrix of distances for the input data X, D_fit is the matrix of distances for the output embedding X_fit, and K is the isomap kernel: ``K(D) = -0.5 * (I - 1/n_samples) * D^2 * (I - 1/n_samples)`` """ G = -0.5 * self.dist_matrix_**2 G_center = KernelCenterer().fit_transform(G) evals = self.kernel_pca_.eigenvalues_ return np.sqrt(np.sum(G_center**2) - np.sum(evals**2)) / G.shape[0] @_fit_context( # Isomap.metric is not validated yet prefer_skip_nested_validation=False ) def fit(self, X, y=None): """Compute the embedding vectors for data X. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix, BallTree, KDTree, NearestNeighbors} Sample data, shape = (n_samples, n_features), in the form of a numpy array, sparse matrix, precomputed tree, or NearestNeighbors object. y : Ignored Not used, present for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- self : object Returns a fitted instance of self. """ self._fit_transform(X) return self @_fit_context( # Isomap.metric is not validated yet prefer_skip_nested_validation=False ) def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): """Fit the model from data in X and transform X. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix, BallTree, KDTree} Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and `n_features` is the number of features. y : Ignored Not used, present for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- X_new : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components) X transformed in the new space. """ self._fit_transform(X) return self.embedding_ def transform(self, X): """Transform X. This is implemented by linking the points X into the graph of geodesic distances of the training data. First the `n_neighbors` nearest neighbors of X are found in the training data, and from these the shortest geodesic distances from each point in X to each point in the training data are computed in order to construct the kernel. The embedding of X is the projection of this kernel onto the embedding vectors of the training set. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_queries, n_features) If neighbors_algorithm='precomputed', X is assumed to be a distance matrix or a sparse graph of shape (n_queries, n_samples_fit). Returns ------- X_new : array-like, shape (n_queries, n_components) X transformed in the new space. """ check_is_fitted(self) if self.n_neighbors is not None: distances, indices = self.nbrs_.kneighbors(X, return_distance=True) else: distances, indices = self.nbrs_.radius_neighbors(X, return_distance=True) # Create the graph of shortest distances from X to # training data via the nearest neighbors of X. # This can be done as a single array operation, but it potentially # takes a lot of memory. To avoid that, use a loop: n_samples_fit = self.nbrs_.n_samples_fit_ n_queries = distances.shape[0] if hasattr(X, "dtype") and X.dtype == np.float32: dtype = np.float32 else: dtype = np.float64 G_X = np.zeros((n_queries, n_samples_fit), dtype) for i in range(n_queries): G_X[i] = np.min(self.dist_matrix_[indices[i]] + distances[i][:, None], 0) G_X **= 2 G_X *= -0.5 return self.kernel_pca_.transform(G_X) def _more_tags(self): return {"preserves_dtype": [np.float64, np.float32]}