from typing import Union, IO, Any from io import StringIO import sys from .ruamel_yaml import YAML from .ruamel_yaml.representer import RepresenterError from .util import force_path, FilePath, YAMLInput, YAMLOutput class CustomYaml(YAML): def __init__(self, typ="safe", pure=True): YAML.__init__(self, typ=typ, pure=pure) self.default_flow_style = False self.allow_unicode = True self.encoding = "utf-8" # def dump(self, data, stream=None, **kw): inefficient = False if stream is None: inefficient = True stream = StringIO() YAML.dump(self, data, stream, **kw) if inefficient: return stream.getvalue() def yaml_dumps( data: YAMLInput, indent_mapping: int = 2, indent_sequence: int = 4, indent_offset: int = 2, sort_keys: bool = False, ) -> str: """Serialize an object to a YAML string. See the ruamel.yaml docs on indentation for more details on the expected format. data: The YAML-serializable data. indent_mapping (int): Mapping indentation. indent_sequence (int): Sequence indentation. indent_offset (int): Indentation offset. sort_keys (bool): Sort dictionary keys. RETURNS (str): The serialized string. """ yaml = CustomYaml() yaml.sort_base_mapping_type_on_output = sort_keys yaml.indent(mapping=indent_mapping, sequence=indent_sequence, offset=indent_offset) return yaml.dump(data) def yaml_loads(data: Union[str, IO]) -> YAMLOutput: """Deserialize unicode or a file object a Python object. data (str / file): The data to deserialize. RETURNS: The deserialized Python object. """ yaml = CustomYaml() try: return yaml.load(data) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Invalid YAML: {e}") def read_yaml(path: FilePath) -> YAMLOutput: """Load YAML from file or standard input. location (FilePath): The file path. "-" for reading from stdin. RETURNS (YAMLOutput): The loaded content. """ if path == "-": # reading from sys.stdin data = return yaml_loads(data) file_path = force_path(path) with"r", encoding="utf8") as f: return yaml_loads(f) def write_yaml( path: FilePath, data: YAMLInput, indent_mapping: int = 2, indent_sequence: int = 4, indent_offset: int = 2, sort_keys: bool = False, ) -> None: """Create a .json file and dump contents or write to standard output. location (FilePath): The file path. "-" for writing to stdout. data (YAMLInput): The JSON-serializable data to output. indent_mapping (int): Mapping indentation. indent_sequence (int): Sequence indentation. indent_offset (int): Indentation offset. sort_keys (bool): Sort dictionary keys. """ yaml_data = yaml_dumps( data, indent_mapping=indent_mapping, indent_sequence=indent_sequence, indent_offset=indent_offset, sort_keys=sort_keys, ) if path == "-": # writing to stdout print(yaml_data) else: file_path = force_path(path, require_exists=False) with"w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(yaml_data) def is_yaml_serializable(obj: Any) -> bool: """Check if a Python object is YAML-serializable (strict). obj: The object to check. RETURNS (bool): Whether the object is YAML-serializable. """ try: yaml_dumps(obj) return True except RepresenterError: return False