from sympy.core.function import expand from sympy.core.symbol import symbols from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import (cos, sin) from sympy.matrices.dense import Matrix from sympy.simplify.trigsimp import trigsimp from sympy.physics.mechanics import (PinJoint, JointsMethod, Body, KanesMethod, PrismaticJoint, LagrangesMethod, inertia) from sympy.physics.vector import dynamicsymbols, ReferenceFrame from sympy.testing.pytest import raises from sympy.core.backend import zeros from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve t = dynamicsymbols._t # type: ignore def test_jointsmethod(): P = Body('P') C = Body('C') Pin = PinJoint('P1', P, C) C_ixx, g = symbols('C_ixx g') q, u = dynamicsymbols('q_P1, u_P1') P.apply_force(g*P.y) method = JointsMethod(P, Pin) assert method.frame == P.frame assert method.bodies == [C, P] assert method.loads == [(P.masscenter, g*P.frame.y)] assert method.q == Matrix([q]) assert method.u == Matrix([u]) assert method.kdes == Matrix([u - q.diff()]) soln = method.form_eoms() assert soln == Matrix([[-C_ixx*u.diff()]]) assert method.forcing_full == Matrix([[u], [0]]) assert method.mass_matrix_full == Matrix([[1, 0], [0, C_ixx]]) assert isinstance(method.method, KanesMethod) def test_jointmethod_duplicate_coordinates_speeds(): P = Body('P') C = Body('C') T = Body('T') q, u = dynamicsymbols('q u') P1 = PinJoint('P1', P, C, q) P2 = PrismaticJoint('P2', C, T, q) raises(ValueError, lambda: JointsMethod(P, P1, P2)) P1 = PinJoint('P1', P, C, speeds=u) P2 = PrismaticJoint('P2', C, T, speeds=u) raises(ValueError, lambda: JointsMethod(P, P1, P2)) P1 = PinJoint('P1', P, C, q, u) P2 = PrismaticJoint('P2', C, T, q, u) raises(ValueError, lambda: JointsMethod(P, P1, P2)) def test_complete_simple_double_pendulum(): q1, q2 = dynamicsymbols('q1 q2') u1, u2 = dynamicsymbols('u1 u2') m, l, g = symbols('m l g') C = Body('C') # ceiling PartP = Body('P', mass=m) PartR = Body('R', mass=m) J1 = PinJoint('J1', C, PartP, speeds=u1, coordinates=q1, child_point=-l*PartP.x, joint_axis=C.z) J2 = PinJoint('J2', PartP, PartR, speeds=u2, coordinates=q2, child_point=-l*PartR.x, joint_axis=PartP.z) PartP.apply_force(m*g*C.x) PartR.apply_force(m*g*C.x) method = JointsMethod(C, J1, J2) method.form_eoms() assert expand(method.mass_matrix_full) == Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2*l**2*m*cos(q2) + 3*l**2*m, l**2*m*cos(q2) + l**2*m], [0, 0, l**2*m*cos(q2) + l**2*m, l**2*m]]) assert trigsimp(method.forcing_full) == trigsimp(Matrix([[u1], [u2], [-g*l*m*(sin(q1 + q2) + sin(q1)) - g*l*m*sin(q1) + l**2*m*(2*u1 + u2)*u2*sin(q2)], [-g*l*m*sin(q1 + q2) - l**2*m*u1**2*sin(q2)]])) def test_two_dof_joints(): q1, q2, u1, u2 = dynamicsymbols('q1 q2 u1 u2') m, c1, c2, k1, k2 = symbols('m c1 c2 k1 k2') W = Body('W') B1 = Body('B1', mass=m) B2 = Body('B2', mass=m) J1 = PrismaticJoint('J1', W, B1, coordinates=q1, speeds=u1) J2 = PrismaticJoint('J2', B1, B2, coordinates=q2, speeds=u2) W.apply_force(k1*q1*W.x, reaction_body=B1) W.apply_force(c1*u1*W.x, reaction_body=B1) B1.apply_force(k2*q2*W.x, reaction_body=B2) B1.apply_force(c2*u2*W.x, reaction_body=B2) method = JointsMethod(W, J1, J2) method.form_eoms() MM = method.mass_matrix forcing = method.forcing rhs = MM.LUsolve(forcing) assert expand(rhs[0]) == expand((-k1 * q1 - c1 * u1 + k2 * q2 + c2 * u2)/m) assert expand(rhs[1]) == expand((k1 * q1 + c1 * u1 - 2 * k2 * q2 - 2 * c2 * u2) / m) def test_simple_pedulum(): l, m, g = symbols('l m g') C = Body('C') b = Body('b', mass=m) q = dynamicsymbols('q') P = PinJoint('P', C, b, speeds=q.diff(t), coordinates=q, child_point=-l * b.x, joint_axis=C.z) b.potential_energy = - m * g * l * cos(q) method = JointsMethod(C, P) method.form_eoms(LagrangesMethod) rhs = method.rhs() assert rhs[1] == -g*sin(q)/l def test_chaos_pendulum(): # mA, mB, lA, lB, IAxx, IBxx, IByy, IBzz, g = symbols('mA, mB, lA, lB, IAxx, IBxx, IByy, IBzz, g') theta, phi, omega, alpha = dynamicsymbols('theta phi omega alpha') A = ReferenceFrame('A') B = ReferenceFrame('B') rod = Body('rod', mass=mA, frame=A, central_inertia=inertia(A, IAxx, IAxx, 0)) plate = Body('plate', mass=mB, frame=B, central_inertia=inertia(B, IBxx, IByy, IBzz)) C = Body('C') J1 = PinJoint('J1', C, rod, coordinates=theta, speeds=omega, child_point=-lA * rod.z, joint_axis=C.y) J2 = PinJoint('J2', rod, plate, coordinates=phi, speeds=alpha, parent_point=(lB - lA) * rod.z, joint_axis=rod.z) rod.apply_force(mA*g*C.z) plate.apply_force(mB*g*C.z) method = JointsMethod(C, J1, J2) method.form_eoms() MM = method.mass_matrix forcing = method.forcing rhs = MM.LUsolve(forcing) xd = (-2 * IBxx * alpha * omega * sin(phi) * cos(phi) + 2 * IByy * alpha * omega * sin(phi) * cos(phi) - g * lA * mA * sin(theta) - g * lB * mB * sin(theta)) / (IAxx + IBxx * sin(phi)**2 + IByy * cos(phi)**2 + lA**2 * mA + lB**2 * mB) assert (rhs[0] - xd).simplify() == 0 xd = (IBxx - IByy) * omega**2 * sin(phi) * cos(phi) / IBzz assert (rhs[1] - xd).simplify() == 0 def test_four_bar_linkage_with_manual_constraints(): q1, q2, q3, u1, u2, u3 = dynamicsymbols('q1:4, u1:4') l1, l2, l3, l4, rho = symbols('l1:5, rho') N = ReferenceFrame('N') inertias = [inertia(N, 0, 0, rho * l ** 3 / 12) for l in (l1, l2, l3, l4)] link1 = Body('Link1', frame=N, mass=rho * l1, central_inertia=inertias[0]) link2 = Body('Link2', mass=rho * l2, central_inertia=inertias[1]) link3 = Body('Link3', mass=rho * l3, central_inertia=inertias[2]) link4 = Body('Link4', mass=rho * l4, central_inertia=inertias[3]) joint1 = PinJoint( 'J1', link1, link2, coordinates=q1, speeds=u1, joint_axis=link1.z, parent_point=l1 / 2 * link1.x, child_point=-l2 / 2 * link2.x) joint2 = PinJoint( 'J2', link2, link3, coordinates=q2, speeds=u2, joint_axis=link2.z, parent_point=l2 / 2 * link2.x, child_point=-l3 / 2 * link3.x) joint3 = PinJoint( 'J3', link3, link4, coordinates=q3, speeds=u3, joint_axis=link3.z, parent_point=l3 / 2 * link3.x, child_point=-l4 / 2 * link4.x) loop = link4.masscenter.pos_from(link1.masscenter) \ + l1 / 2 * link1.x + l4 / 2 * link4.x fh = Matrix([,]) method = JointsMethod(link1, joint1, joint2, joint3) t = dynamicsymbols._t qdots = solve(method.kdes, [q1.diff(t), q2.diff(t), q3.diff(t)]) fhd = fh.diff(t).subs(qdots) kane = KanesMethod(method.frame, q_ind=[q1], u_ind=[u1], q_dependent=[q2, q3], u_dependent=[u2, u3], kd_eqs=method.kdes, configuration_constraints=fh, velocity_constraints=fhd, forcelist=method.loads, bodies=method.bodies) fr, frs = kane.kanes_equations() assert fr == zeros(1) # Numerically check the mass- and forcing-matrix p = Matrix([l1, l2, l3, l4, rho]) q = Matrix([q1, q2, q3]) u = Matrix([u1, u2, u3]) eval_m = lambdify((q, p), kane.mass_matrix) eval_f = lambdify((q, u, p), kane.forcing) eval_fhd = lambdify((q, u, p), fhd) p_vals = [0.13, 0.24, 0.21, 0.34, 997] q_vals = [2.1, 0.6655470375077588, 2.527408138024188] # Satisfies fh u_vals = [0.2, -0.17963733938852067, 0.1309060540601612] # Satisfies fhd mass_check = Matrix([[3.452709815256506e+01, 7.003948798374735e+00, -4.939690970641498e+00], [-2.203792703880936e-14, 2.071702479957077e-01, 2.842917573033711e-01], [-1.300000000000123e-01, -8.836934896046506e-03, 1.864891330060847e-01]]) forcing_check = Matrix([[-0.031211821321648], [-0.00066022608181], [0.001813559741243]]) eps = 1e-10 assert all(abs(x) < eps for x in eval_fhd(q_vals, u_vals, p_vals)) assert all(abs(x) < eps for x in (Matrix(eval_m(q_vals, p_vals)) - mass_check)) assert all(abs(x) < eps for x in (Matrix(eval_f(q_vals, u_vals, p_vals)) - forcing_check))