import numpy import pytest from hypothesis import given, settings from mock import MagicMock from numpy.testing import assert_allclose from thinc.api import SGD, Dropout, Linear, chain from ..strategies import arrays_OI_O_BI from ..util import get_model, get_shape @pytest.fixture def model(): model = Linear() return model def test_linear_default_name(model): assert == "linear" def test_linear_dimensions_on_data(): X = MagicMock(shape=(5, 10), spec=numpy.ndarray) X.ndim = 2 X.dtype = "float32" y = MagicMock(shape=(8,), spec=numpy.ndarray) y.ndim = 2 y.dtype = "float32" y.max = MagicMock() model = Linear() model.initialize(X, y) assert model.get_dim("nI") is not None y.max.assert_called_with() @given(arrays_OI_O_BI(max_batch=8, max_out=8, max_in=8)) def test_begin_update_matches_predict(W_b_input): model = get_model(W_b_input) nr_batch, nr_out, nr_in = get_shape(W_b_input) W, b, input_ = W_b_input fwd_via_begin_update, finish_update = model.begin_update(input_) fwd_via_predict_batch = model.predict(input_) assert_allclose(fwd_via_begin_update, fwd_via_predict_batch) @given(arrays_OI_O_BI(max_batch=8, max_out=8, max_in=8)) def test_finish_update_calls_optimizer_with_weights(W_b_input): model = get_model(W_b_input) nr_batch, nr_out, nr_in = get_shape(W_b_input) W, b, input_ = W_b_input output, finish_update = model.begin_update(input_) seen_keys = set() def sgd(key, data, gradient, **kwargs): seen_keys.add(key) assert data.shape == gradient.shape return data, gradient grad_BO = numpy.ones((nr_batch, nr_out), dtype="f") grad_BI = finish_update(grad_BO) # noqa: F841 model.finish_update(sgd) for name in model.param_names: assert (, name) in seen_keys @settings(max_examples=100) @given(arrays_OI_O_BI(max_batch=8, max_out=8, max_in=8)) def test_predict_small(W_b_input): W, b, input_ = W_b_input nr_out, nr_in = W.shape model = Linear(nr_out, nr_in) model.set_param("W", W) model.set_param("b", b) einsummed = numpy.einsum( "oi,bi->bo", numpy.asarray(W, dtype="float64"), numpy.asarray(input_, dtype="float64"), optimize=False, ) expected_output = einsummed + b predicted_output = model.predict(input_) assert_allclose(predicted_output, expected_output, rtol=0.01, atol=0.01) @given(arrays_OI_O_BI(max_batch=20, max_out=30, max_in=30)) @settings(deadline=None) def test_predict_extensive(W_b_input): W, b, input_ = W_b_input nr_out, nr_in = W.shape model = Linear(nr_out, nr_in) model.set_param("W", W) model.set_param("b", b) einsummed = numpy.einsum( "bi,oi->bo", numpy.asarray(input_, dtype="float32"), numpy.asarray(W, dtype="float32"), optimize=False, ) expected_output = einsummed + b predicted_output = model.predict(input_) assert_allclose(predicted_output, expected_output, rtol=1e-04, atol=0.0001) @given(arrays_OI_O_BI(max_batch=8, max_out=8, max_in=8)) def test_dropout_gives_zero_activations(W_b_input): model = chain(get_model(W_b_input), Dropout(1.0)) nr_batch, nr_out, nr_in = get_shape(W_b_input) W, b, input_ = W_b_input fwd_dropped, _ = model.begin_update(input_) assert all(val == 0.0 for val in fwd_dropped.flatten()) @given(arrays_OI_O_BI(max_batch=8, max_out=8, max_in=8)) def test_dropout_gives_zero_gradients(W_b_input): model = chain(get_model(W_b_input), Dropout(1.0)) nr_batch, nr_out, nr_in = get_shape(W_b_input) W, b, input_ = W_b_input for node in model.walk(): if == "dropout": node.attrs["dropout_rate"] = 1.0 fwd_dropped, finish_update = model.begin_update(input_) grad_BO = numpy.ones((nr_batch, nr_out), dtype="f") grad_BI = finish_update(grad_BO) assert all(val == 0.0 for val in grad_BI.flatten()) @pytest.fixture def model2(): model = Linear(2, 2).initialize() return model def test_init(model2): assert model2.get_dim("nO") == 2 assert model2.get_dim("nI") == 2 assert model2.get_param("W") is not None assert model2.get_param("b") is not None def test_predict_bias(model2): input_ = model2.ops.alloc2f(1, model2.get_dim("nI")) target_scores = model2.ops.alloc2f(1, model2.get_dim("nI")) scores = model2.predict(input_) assert_allclose(scores[0], target_scores[0]) # Set bias for class 0 model2.get_param("b")[0] = 2.0 target_scores[0, 0] = 2.0 scores = model2.predict(input_) assert_allclose(scores, target_scores) # Set bias for class 1 model2.get_param("b")[1] = 5.0 target_scores[0, 1] = 5.0 scores = model2.predict(input_) assert_allclose(scores, target_scores) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "X,expected", [ (numpy.asarray([0.0, 0.0], dtype="f"), [0.0, 0.0]), (numpy.asarray([1.0, 0.0], dtype="f"), [1.0, 0.0]), (numpy.asarray([0.0, 1.0], dtype="f"), [0.0, 1.0]), (numpy.asarray([1.0, 1.0], dtype="f"), [1.0, 1.0]), ], ) def test_predict_weights(X, expected): W = numpy.asarray([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype="f").reshape((2, 2)) bias = numpy.asarray([0.0, 0.0], dtype="f") model = Linear(W.shape[0], W.shape[1]) model.set_param("W", W) model.set_param("b", bias) scores = model.predict(X.reshape((1, -1))) assert_allclose(scores.ravel(), expected) def test_update(): W = numpy.asarray([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype="f").reshape((2, 2)) bias = numpy.asarray([0.0, 0.0], dtype="f") model = Linear(2, 2) model.set_param("W", W) model.set_param("b", bias) sgd = SGD(1.0, L2=0.0, grad_clip=0.0) sgd.averages = None ff = numpy.asarray([[0.0, 0.0]], dtype="f") tf = numpy.asarray([[1.0, 0.0]], dtype="f") ft = numpy.asarray([[0.0, 1.0]], dtype="f") # noqa: F841 tt = numpy.asarray([[1.0, 1.0]], dtype="f") # noqa: F841 # ff, i.e. 0, 0 scores, backprop = model.begin_update(ff) assert_allclose(scores[0, 0], scores[0, 1]) # Tell it the answer was 'f' gradient = numpy.asarray([[-1.0, 0.0]], dtype="f") backprop(gradient) for key, (param, d_param) in model.get_gradients().items(): param, d_param = sgd(key, param, d_param) model.set_param(key[1], param) model.set_grad(key[1], d_param) b = model.get_param("b") W = model.get_param("W") assert b[0] == 1.0 assert b[1] == 0.0 # Unchanged -- input was zeros, so can't get gradient for weights. assert W[0, 0] == 1.0 assert W[0, 1] == 0.0 assert W[1, 0] == 0.0 assert W[1, 1] == 1.0 # tf, i.e. 1, 0 scores, finish_update = model.begin_update(tf) # Tell it the answer was 'T' gradient = numpy.asarray([[0.0, -1.0]], dtype="f") finish_update(gradient) for key, (W, dW) in model.get_gradients().items(): sgd(key, W, dW) b = model.get_param("b") W = model.get_param("W") assert b[0] == 1.0 assert b[1] == 1.0 # Gradient for weights should have been outer(gradient, input) # so outer([0, -1.], [1., 0.]) # = [[0., 0.], [-1., 0.]] assert W[0, 0] == 1.0 - 0.0 assert W[0, 1] == 0.0 - 0.0 assert W[1, 0] == 0.0 - -1.0 assert W[1, 1] == 1.0 - 0.0