import datetime import json import os import re import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union from urllib.parse import urlparse import fsspec import torch from coqpit import Coqpit from trainer.logger import logger def get_user_data_dir(appname): if sys.platform == "win32": import winreg # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, import-error key = winreg.OpenKey( winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" ) dir_, _ = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "Local AppData") ans = Path(dir_).resolve(strict=False) elif sys.platform == "darwin": ans = Path("~/Library/Application Support/").expanduser() else: ans = Path.home().joinpath(".local/share") return ans.joinpath(appname) def copy_model_files(config: Coqpit, out_path, new_fields): """Copy config.json and other model files to training folder and add new fields. Args: config (Coqpit): Coqpit config defining the training run. out_path (str): output path to copy the file. new_fields (dict): new fileds to be added or edited in the config file. """ copy_config_path = os.path.join(out_path, "config.json") # add extra information fields new_config = {**config.to_dict(), **new_fields} # TODO: Revert to config.save_json() once Coqpit supports arbitrary paths. with, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: json.dump(new_config, f, indent=4) def load_fsspec( path: str, map_location: Union[str, Callable, torch.device, Dict[Union[str, torch.device], Union[str, torch.device]]] = None, cache: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Any: """Like torch.load but can load from other locations (e.g. s3:// , gs://). Args: path: Any path or url supported by fsspec. map_location: torch.device or str. cache: If True, cache a remote file locally for subsequent calls. It is cached under `get_user_data_dir()/trainer_cache`. Defaults to True. **kwargs: Keyword arguments forwarded to torch.load. Returns: Object stored in path. """ is_local = os.path.isdir(path) or os.path.isfile(path) if cache and not is_local: with f"filecache::{path}", filecache={"cache_storage": str(get_user_data_dir("tts_cache"))}, mode="rb", ) as f: return torch.load(f, map_location=map_location, **kwargs) else: with, "rb") as f: return torch.load(f, map_location=map_location, **kwargs) def load_checkpoint(model, checkpoint_path, use_cuda=False, eval=False): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin state = load_fsspec(checkpoint_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu")) model.load_state_dict(state["model"]) if use_cuda: model.cuda() if eval: model.eval() return model, state def save_fsspec(state: Any, path: str, **kwargs): """Like but can save to other locations (e.g. s3:// , gs://). Args: state: State object to save path: Any path or url supported by fsspec. **kwargs: Keyword arguments forwarded to """ with, "wb") as f:, f, **kwargs) def save_model(config, model, optimizer, scaler, current_step, epoch, output_path, save_func, **kwargs): if hasattr(model, "module"): model_state = model.module.state_dict() else: model_state = model.state_dict() if isinstance(optimizer, list): optimizer_state = [optim.state_dict() for optim in optimizer] elif isinstance(optimizer, dict): optimizer_state = {k: v.state_dict() for k, v in optimizer.items()} else: optimizer_state = optimizer.state_dict() if optimizer is not None else None if isinstance(scaler, list): scaler_state = [s.state_dict() for s in scaler] else: scaler_state = scaler.state_dict() if scaler is not None else None if isinstance(config, Coqpit): config = config.to_dict() state = { "config": config, "model": model_state, "optimizer": optimizer_state, "scaler": scaler_state, "step": current_step, "epoch": epoch, "date":"%B %d, %Y"), } state.update(kwargs) if save_func: save_func(state, output_path) else: save_fsspec(state, output_path) def save_checkpoint( config, model, optimizer, scaler, current_step, epoch, output_folder, save_n_checkpoints=None, save_func=None, **kwargs, ): file_name = f"checkpoint_{current_step}.pth" checkpoint_path = os.path.join(output_folder, file_name)"\n > CHECKPOINT : %s", checkpoint_path) save_model( config, model, optimizer, scaler, current_step, epoch, checkpoint_path, save_func=save_func, **kwargs, ) if save_n_checkpoints is not None: keep_n_checkpoints(output_folder, save_n_checkpoints) def save_best_model( current_loss, best_loss, config, model, optimizer, scaler, current_step, epoch, out_path, keep_all_best=False, keep_after=0, save_func=None, **kwargs, ): if isinstance(current_loss, dict): use_eval_loss = current_loss["eval_loss"] is not None and best_loss["eval_loss"] is not None is_save_model = (use_eval_loss and current_loss["eval_loss"] < best_loss["eval_loss"]) or ( not use_eval_loss and current_loss["train_loss"] < best_loss["train_loss"] ) else: is_save_model = current_loss < best_loss if isinstance(keep_after, (int, float)): keep_after = int(keep_after) is_save_model = is_save_model and current_step > keep_after if is_save_model: best_model_name = f"best_model_{current_step}.pth" checkpoint_path = os.path.join(out_path, best_model_name)" > BEST MODEL : %s", checkpoint_path) save_model( config, model, optimizer, scaler, current_step, epoch, checkpoint_path, model_loss=current_loss, save_func=save_func, **kwargs, ) fs = fsspec.get_mapper(out_path).fs # only delete previous if current is saved successfully if not keep_all_best or (current_step < keep_after): model_names = fs.glob(os.path.join(out_path, "best_model*.pth")) for model_name in model_names: if os.path.basename(model_name) != best_model_name: fs.rm(model_name) # create a shortcut which always points to the currently best model shortcut_name = "best_model.pth" shortcut_path = os.path.join(out_path, shortcut_name) fs.copy(checkpoint_path, shortcut_path) best_loss = current_loss return best_loss def get_last_checkpoint(path: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get latest checkpoint or/and best model in path. It is based on globbing for `*.pth` and the RegEx `(checkpoint|best_model)_([0-9]+)`. Args: path: Path to files to be compared. Raises: ValueError: If no checkpoint or best_model files are found. Returns: Path to the last checkpoint Path to best checkpoint """ fs = fsspec.get_mapper(path).fs file_names = fs.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.pth")) scheme = urlparse(path).scheme if scheme and path.startswith(scheme + "://"): # scheme is not preserved in fs.glob, add it # back if it exists on the path file_names = [scheme + "://" + file_name for file_name in file_names] last_models = {} last_model_nums = {} for key in ["checkpoint", "best_model"]: last_model_num = None last_model = None # pass all the checkpoint files and find # the one with the largest model number suffix. for file_name in file_names: match ="{key}_([0-9]+)", file_name) if match is not None: model_num = int(match.groups()[0]) if last_model_num is None or model_num > last_model_num: last_model_num = model_num last_model = file_name # if there is no checkpoint found above # find the checkpoint with the latest # modification date. key_file_names = [fn for fn in file_names if key in fn] if last_model is None and len(key_file_names) > 0: last_model = max(key_file_names, key=os.path.getctime) last_model_num = load_fsspec(last_model)["step"] if last_model is not None: last_models[key] = last_model last_model_nums[key] = last_model_num # check what models were found if not last_models: raise ValueError(f"No models found in continue path {path}!") if "checkpoint" not in last_models: # no checkpoint just best model last_models["checkpoint"] = last_models["best_model"] elif "best_model" not in last_models: # no best model # this shouldn't happen, but let's handle it just in case last_models["best_model"] = last_models["checkpoint"] # finally check if last best model is more recent than checkpoint elif last_model_nums["best_model"] > last_model_nums["checkpoint"]: last_models["checkpoint"] = last_models["best_model"] return last_models["checkpoint"], last_models["best_model"] def keep_n_checkpoints(path: str, n: int) -> None: """Keep only the last n checkpoints in path. Args: path: Path to files to be compared. n: Number of checkpoints to keep. """ fs = fsspec.get_mapper(path).fs file_names = sort_checkpoints(path, "checkpoint") if len(file_names) > n: for file_name in file_names[:-n]: fs.rm(file_name) def sort_checkpoints(output_path: str, checkpoint_prefix: str, use_mtime: bool = False) -> List[str]: """Sort checkpoint paths based on the checkpoint step number. Args: output_path (str): Path to directory containing checkpoints. checkpoint_prefix (str): Prefix of the checkpoint files. use_mtime (bool): If True, use modification dates to determine checkpoint order. """ ordering_and_checkpoint_path = [] glob_checkpoints = [str(x) for x in Path(output_path).glob(f"{checkpoint_prefix}_*")] for path in glob_checkpoints: if use_mtime: ordering_and_checkpoint_path.append((os.path.getmtime(path), path)) else: regex_match = re.match(f".*{checkpoint_prefix}_([0-9]+)", path) if regex_match is not None and regex_match.groups() is not None: ordering_and_checkpoint_path.append((int(regex_match.groups()[0]), path)) checkpoints_sorted = sorted(ordering_and_checkpoint_path) checkpoints_sorted = [checkpoint[1] for checkpoint in checkpoints_sorted] return checkpoints_sorted