
176 lines
5.9 KiB

#################### EnumBase ####################
cimport cython
cdef extern from *:
cdef object __Pyx_OrderedDict
if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03060000:
__Pyx_OrderedDict = dict
from collections import OrderedDict as __Pyx_OrderedDict
cdef class __Pyx_EnumMeta(type):
def __init__(cls, name, parents, dct):
type.__init__(cls, name, parents, dct)
cls.__members__ = __Pyx_OrderedDict()
def __iter__(cls):
return iter(cls.__members__.values())
def __getitem__(cls, name):
return cls.__members__[name]
# @cython.internal
cdef object __Pyx_EnumBase
class __Pyx_EnumBase(int, metaclass=__Pyx_EnumMeta):
def __new__(cls, value, name=None):
for v in cls:
if v == value:
return v
if name is None:
raise ValueError("Unknown enum value: '%s'" % value)
res = int.__new__(cls, value) = name
setattr(cls, name, res)
cls.__members__[name] = res
return res
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s: %d>" % (self.__class__.__name__,, self)
def __str__(self):
return "%s.%s" % (self.__class__.__name__,
if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03040000:
from enum import IntEnum as __Pyx_EnumBase
cdef object __Pyx_FlagBase
class __Pyx_FlagBase(int, metaclass=__Pyx_EnumMeta):
def __new__(cls, value, name=None):
for v in cls:
if v == value:
return v
res = int.__new__(cls, value)
if name is None:
# some bitwise combination, no validation here = ""
else: = name
setattr(cls, name, res)
cls.__members__[name] = res
return res
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s: %d>" % (self.__class__.__name__,, self)
def __str__(self):
return "%s.%s" % (self.__class__.__name__,
if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03060000:
from enum import IntFlag as __Pyx_FlagBase
#################### EnumType ####################
#@requires: EnumBase
cdef extern from *:
object {{enum_to_pyint_func}}({{name}} value)
cdef dict __Pyx_globals = globals()
if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03060000:
# create new IntFlag() - the assumption is that C enums are sufficiently commonly
# used as flags that this is the most appropriate base class
{{name}} = __Pyx_FlagBase('{{name}}', [
{{for item in items}}
('{{item}}', {{enum_to_pyint_func}}({{item}})),
# Try to look up the module name dynamically if possible
], module=__Pyx_globals.get("__module__", '{{static_modname}}'))
if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x030B0000:
# Python 3.11 starts making the behaviour of flags stricter
# (only including powers of 2 when iterating). Since we're using
# "flag" because C enums *might* be used as flags, not because
# we want strict flag behaviour, manually undo some of this.
{{name}}._member_names_ = list({{name}}.__members__)
{{if enum_doc is not None}}
{{name}}.__doc__ = {{ repr(enum_doc) }}
{{for item in items}}
__Pyx_globals['{{item}}'] = {{name}}.{{item}}
class {{name}}(__Pyx_FlagBase):
{{ repr(enum_doc) if enum_doc is not None else 'pass' }}
{{for item in items}}
__Pyx_globals['{{item}}'] = {{name}}({{enum_to_pyint_func}}({{item}}), '{{item}}')
#################### CppScopedEnumType ####################
#@requires: EnumBase
cdef dict __Pyx_globals = globals()
if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03040000:
__Pyx_globals["{{name}}"] = __Pyx_EnumBase('{{name}}', [
{{for item in items}}
('{{item}}', <{{underlying_type}}>({{name}}.{{item}})),
], module=__Pyx_globals.get("__module__", '{{static_modname}}'))
__Pyx_globals["{{name}}"] = type('{{name}}', (__Pyx_EnumBase,), {})
{{for item in items}}
__Pyx_globals["{{name}}"](<{{underlying_type}}>({{name}}.{{item}}), '{{item}}')
{{if enum_doc is not None}}
__Pyx_globals["{{name}}"].__doc__ = {{ repr(enum_doc) }}
#################### EnumTypeToPy ####################
{{if module_name}}
cdef object __pyx_imported_enum_{{funcname}} = None
cdef {{funcname}}({{name}} c_val):
cdef object __pyx_enum
{{if module_name}}
global __pyx_imported_enum_{{funcname}}
# There's a complication here: the Python enum wrapping is only generated
# for enums defined in the same module that they're used in. Therefore, if
# the enum was cimported from a different module, we try to import it.
# If that fails we return an int equivalent as the next best option.
if __pyx_imported_enum_{{funcname}} is None:
from {{module_name}} import {{name}} as __pyx_imported_enum_{{funcname}}
except ImportError:
__pyx_imported_enum_{{funcname}} = False # False indicates "don't try again"
import warnings
f"enum class {{name}} not importable from {{module_name}}. "
"You are probably using a cpdef enum declared in a .pxd file that "
"does not have a .py or .pyx file.")
if __pyx_imported_enum_{{funcname}} is False:
# shortcut - if the import failed there's no point repeating it
# (and repeating the warning)
return <{{underlying_type}}>c_val
__pyx_enum = __pyx_imported_enum_{{funcname}}
__pyx_enum = {{name}}
# TODO - Cython only manages to optimize C enums to a switch currently
if 0:
{{for item in items}}
elif c_val == {{name}}.{{item}}:
return __pyx_enum.{{item}}
underlying_c_val = <{{underlying_type}}>c_val
{{if is_flag}}
return __pyx_enum(underlying_c_val)
raise ValueError(f"{underlying_c_val} is not a valid {{name}}")