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Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: SudachiPy
Version: 0.6.8
Summary: Python version of Sudachi, the Japanese Morphological Analyzer
Author: Works Applications
License: Apache-2.0
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
Provides-Extra: tests
Requires-Dist: tokenizers ; extra == 'tests'
Requires-Dist: sudachidict-core ; extra == 'tests'
# SudachiPy
[![PyPi version](](
SudachiPy is a Python version of [Sudachi](, a Japanese morphological analyzer.
This is not a pure Python implementation, but bindings for the
## Binary wheels
We provide binary builds for macOS (10.14+), Windows and Linux only for x86_64 architecture.
x86 32-bit architecture is not supported and is not tested.
MacOS source builds seem to work on ARM-based (Aarch64) Macs,
but this architecture also is not tested and require installing Rust toolchain and Cargo.
More information [here](
## TL;DR
$ pip install sudachipy sudachidict_core
$ echo "高輪ゲートウェイ駅" | sudachipy
高輪ゲートウェイ駅 名詞,固有名詞,一般,*,*,* 高輪ゲートウェイ駅
$ echo "高輪ゲートウェイ駅" | sudachipy -m A
高輪 名詞,固有名詞,地名,一般,*,* 高輪
ゲートウェイ 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* ゲートウェー
駅 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 駅
$ echo "空缶空罐空きカン" | sudachipy -a
空缶 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 空き缶 空缶 アキカン 0
空罐 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 空き缶 空罐 アキカン 0
空きカン 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 空き缶 空きカン アキカン 0
from sudachipy import Dictionary, SplitMode
tokenizer = Dictionary().create()
morphemes = tokenizer.tokenize("国会議事堂前駅")
print(morphemes[0].surface()) # '国会議事堂前駅'
print(morphemes[0].reading_form()) # 'コッカイギジドウマエエキ'
print(morphemes[0].part_of_speech()) # ['名詞', '固有名詞', '一般', '*', '*', '*']
morphemes = tokenizer.tokenize("国会議事堂前駅", SplitMode.A)
print([m.surface() for m in morphemes]) # ['国会', '議事', '堂', '前', '駅']
## Setup
You need SudachiPy and a dictionary.
### Step 1. Install SudachiPy
$ pip install sudachipy
### Step 2. Get a Dictionary
You can get dictionary as a Python package. It make take a while to download the dictionary file (around 70MB for the `core` edition).
$ pip install sudachidict_core
Alternatively, you can choose other dictionary editions. See [this section](#dictionary-edition) for the detail.
## Usage: As a command
There is a CLI command `sudachipy`.
$ echo "外国人参政権" | sudachipy
外国人参政権 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 外国人参政権
$ echo "外国人参政権" | sudachipy -m A
外国 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 外国
人 接尾辞,名詞的,一般,*,*,* 人
参政 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 参政
権 接尾辞,名詞的,一般,*,*,* 権
$ sudachipy tokenize -h
usage: sudachipy tokenize [-h] [-r file] [-m {A,B,C}] [-o file] [-s string]
[-a] [-d] [-v]
[file [file ...]]
Tokenize Text
positional arguments:
file text written in utf-8
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r file the setting file in JSON format
-m {A,B,C} the mode of splitting
-o file the output file
-s string sudachidict type
-a print all of the fields
-d print the debug information
-v, --version print sudachipy version
__Note: The Debug option (`-d`) is disabled in version 0.6.0.__
### Output
Columns are tab separated.
- Surface
- Part-of-Speech Tags (comma separated)
- Normalized Form
When you add the `-a` option, it additionally outputs
- Dictionary Form
- Reading Form
- Dictionary ID
- `0` for the system dictionary
- `1` and above for the [user dictionaries](#user-dictionary)
- `-1` if a word is Out-of-Vocabulary (not in the dictionary)
- Synonym group IDs
- `(OOV)` if a word is Out-of-Vocabulary (not in the dictionary)
$ echo "外国人参政権" | sudachipy -a
外国人参政権 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 外国人参政権 外国人参政権 ガイコクジンサンセイケン 0 []
echo "阿quei" | sudachipy -a
阿 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 阿 阿 -1 [] (OOV)
quei 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* quei quei -1 [] (OOV)
## Usage: As a Python package
### API
See [API reference page](
### Example
from sudachipy import Dictionary, SplitMode
tokenizer_obj = Dictionary().create()
# Multi-granular Tokenization
# SplitMode.C is the default mode
[m.surface() for m in tokenizer_obj.tokenize("国家公務員", SplitMode.C)]
# => ['国家公務員']
[m.surface() for m in tokenizer_obj.tokenize("国家公務員", SplitMode.B)]
# => ['国家', '公務員']
[m.surface() for m in tokenizer_obj.tokenize("国家公務員", SplitMode.A)]
# => ['国家', '公務', '員']
# Morpheme information
m = tokenizer_obj.tokenize("食べ")[0]
m.surface() # => '食べ'
m.dictionary_form() # => '食べる'
m.reading_form() # => 'タベ'
m.part_of_speech() # => ['動詞', '一般', '*', '*', '下一段-バ行', '連用形-一般']
# Normalization
tokenizer_obj.tokenize("附属", mode)[0].normalized_form()
# => '付属'
tokenizer_obj.tokenize("SUMMER", mode)[0].normalized_form()
# => 'サマー'
tokenizer_obj.tokenize("シュミレーション", mode)[0].normalized_form()
# => 'シミュレーション'
(With `20210802` `core` dictionary. The results may change when you use other versions)
## Dictionary Edition
There are three editions of Sudachi Dictionary, namely, `small`, `core`, and `full`. See [WorksApplications/SudachiDict]( for the detail.
SudachiPy uses `sudachidict_core` by default.
Dictionaries are installed as Python packages `sudachidict_small`, `sudachidict_core`, and `sudachidict_full`.
* [SudachiDict-small · PyPI](
* [SudachiDict-core · PyPI](
* [SudachiDict-full · PyPI](
The dictionary files are not in the package itself, but it is downloaded upon installation.
### Dictionary option: command line
You can specify the dictionary with the tokenize option `-s`.
$ pip install sudachidict_small
$ echo "外国人参政権" | sudachipy -s small
$ pip install sudachidict_full
$ echo "外国人参政権" | sudachipy -s full
### Dictionary option: Python package
You can specify the dictionary with the `Dicionary()` argument; `config_path` or `dict_type`.
class Dictionary(config_path=None, resource_dir=None, dict_type=None)
1. `config_path`
* You can specify the file path to the setting file with `config_path` (See [Dictionary in The Setting File](#Dictionary in The Setting File) for the detail).
* If the dictionary file is specified in the setting file as `systemDict`, SudachiPy will use the dictionary.
2. `dict_type`
* You can also specify the dictionary type with `dict_type`.
* The available arguments are `small`, `core`, or `full`.
* If different dictionaries are specified with `config_path` and `dict_type`, **a dictionary defined `dict_type` overrides** those defined in the config path.
from sudachipy import Dictionary
# default: sudachidict_core
tokenizer_obj = Dictionary().create()
# The dictionary given by the `systemDict` key in the config file (/path/to/sudachi.json) will be used
tokenizer_obj = Dictionary(config_path="/path/to/sudachi.json").create()
# The dictionary specified by `dict_type` will be set.
tokenizer_obj = Dictionary(dict_type="core").create() # sudachidict_core (same as default)
tokenizer_obj = Dictionary(dict_type="small").create() # sudachidict_small
tokenizer_obj = Dictionary(dict_type="full").create() # sudachidict_full
# The dictionary specified by `dict_type` overrides those defined in the config path.
# In the following code, `sudachidict_full` will be used regardless of a dictionary defined in the config file.
tokenizer_obj = Dictionary(config_path="/path/to/sudachi.json", dict_type="full").create()
### Dictionary in The Setting File
Alternatively, if the dictionary file is specified in the setting file, `sudachi.json`, SudachiPy will use that file.
"systemDict" : "relative/path/from/resourceDir/to/system.dic",
The default setting file is [sudachi.json]( You can specify your `sudachi.json` with the `-r` option.
$ sudachipy -r path/to/sudachi.json
## User Dictionary
To use a user dictionary, `user.dic`, place [sudachi.json]( to anywhere you like, and add `userDict` value with the relative path from `sudachi.json` to your `user.dic`.
"userDict" : ["relative/path/to/user.dic"],
Then specify your `sudachi.json` with the `-r` option.
$ sudachipy -r path/to/sudachi.json
You can build a user dictionary with the subcommand `ubuild`.
$ sudachipy ubuild -h
usage: sudachipy ubuild [-h] [-d string] [-o file] [-s file] file [file ...]
Build User Dictionary
positional arguments:
file source files with CSV format (one or more)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d string description comment to be embedded on dictionary
-o file output file (default: user.dic)
-s file system dictionary path (default: system core dictionary path)
About the dictionary file format, please refer to [this document]( (written in Japanese, English version is not available yet).
## Customized System Dictionary
$ sudachipy build -h
usage: sudachipy build [-h] [-o file] [-d string] -m file file [file ...]
Build Sudachi Dictionary
positional arguments:
file source files with CSV format (one of more)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o file output file (default: system.dic)
-d string description comment to be embedded on dictionary
required named arguments:
-m file connection matrix file with MeCab's matrix.def format
To use your customized `system.dic`, place [sudachi.json]( to anywhere you like, and overwrite `systemDict` value with the relative path from `sudachi.json` to your `system.dic`.
"systemDict" : "relative/path/to/system.dic",
Then specify your `sudachi.json` with the `-r` option.
$ sudachipy -r path/to/sudachi.json
## For Developers
### Build from source
#### Install sdist via pip
1. Install python module `setuptools` and `setuptools-rust`.
2. Run `./` in `python` dir.
- source distribution will be generated under `python/dist/` dir.
3. Install it via pip: `pip install ./python/dist/SudachiPy-[version].tar.gz`
#### Install develop build
1. Install python module `setuptools` and `setuptools-rust`.
2. Run `python3 develop`.
- `develop` will create a debug build, while `install` will create a release build.
3. Now you can import the module by `import sudachipy`.
ref: [setuptools-rust](
### Test
Run `` to run the tests.
## Contact
Sudachi and SudachiPy are developed by [WAP Tokushima Laboratory of AI and NLP](
Open an issue, or come to our Slack workspace for questions and discussion. (Get invitation [here](
Enjoy tokenization!