
191 lines
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from functools import lru_cache
from typing import List, Union, TypeVar, Tuple, Sequence
from einops import EinopsError
from einops._backends import get_backend
from einops.parsing import ParsedExpression
Tensor = TypeVar("Tensor")
Shape = Union[Tuple[int, ...], List[int]]
def analyze_pattern(pattern: str, opname: str) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
# Maybe some validation of identifiers?
axes = pattern.split()
axes_set = set(axes)
if len(axes) != len(axes_set):
raise EinopsError(f'Duplicates in axes names in {opname}(..., "{pattern}")')
if "*" not in axes_set:
raise EinopsError(f'No *-axis in {opname}(..., "{pattern}")')
for axis in axes:
if axis != "*":
is_valid, reason = ParsedExpression.check_axis_name_return_reason(axis)
if not is_valid:
raise EinopsError(f'Invalid axis name {axis} in {opname}(..., "{pattern}")')
n_axes_before = axes.index("*")
n_axes_after = len(axes) - n_axes_before - 1
min_axes = n_axes_before + n_axes_after
return n_axes_before, n_axes_after, min_axes
def pack(tensors: Sequence[Tensor], pattern: str) -> Tuple[Tensor, List[Shape]]:
Packs several tensors into one.
See einops tutorial for introduction into packing (and how it replaces stack and concatenation).
tensors: tensors to be packed, can be of different dimensionality
pattern: pattern that is shared for all inputs and output, e.g. "i j * k" or "batch seq *"
(packed_tensor, packed_shapes aka PS)
>>> from numpy import zeros as Z
>>> inputs = [Z([2, 3, 5]), Z([2, 3, 7, 5]), Z([2, 3, 7, 9, 5])]
>>> packed, ps = pack(inputs, 'i j * k')
>>> packed.shape, ps
((2, 3, 71, 5), [(), (7,), (7, 9)])
In this example, axes were matched to: i=2, j=3, k=5 based on order (first, second, and last).
All other axes were 'packed' and concatenated.
PS (packed shapes) contains information about axes that were matched to '*' in every input.
Resulting tensor has as many elements as all inputs in total.
Packing can be reversed with unpack, which additionally needs PS (packed shapes) to reconstruct order.
>>> inputs_unpacked = unpack(packed, ps, 'i j * k')
>>> [x.shape for x in inputs_unpacked]
[(2, 3, 5), (2, 3, 7, 5), (2, 3, 7, 9, 5)]
Read the tutorial for introduction and application scenarios.
n_axes_before, n_axes_after, min_axes = analyze_pattern(pattern, "pack")
# packing zero tensors is illegal
backend = get_backend(tensors[0])
reshaped_tensors: List[Tensor] = []
packed_shapes: List[Shape] = []
for i, tensor in enumerate(tensors):
shape = backend.shape(tensor)
if len(shape) < min_axes:
raise EinopsError(
f"packed tensor #{i} (enumeration starts with 0) has shape {shape}, "
f"while pattern {pattern} assumes at least {min_axes} axes"
axis_after_packed_axes = len(shape) - n_axes_after
reshaped_tensors.append(backend.reshape(tensor, (*shape[:n_axes_before], -1, *shape[axis_after_packed_axes:])))
return backend.concat(reshaped_tensors, axis=n_axes_before), packed_shapes
def prod(x: Shape) -> int:
result = 1
for i in x:
result *= i
return result
def unpack(tensor: Tensor, packed_shapes: List[Shape], pattern: str) -> List[Tensor]:
Unpacks a single tensor into several by splitting over a selected axes.
See einops tutorial for introduction into packing (and how it replaces stack and concatenation).
tensor: tensor to be unpacked
packed_shapes: packed_shapes (aka PS) is a list of shapes that take place of '*' in each output.
output will contain a single tensor for every provided shape
pattern: pattern that is shared for input and all outputs, e.g. "i j * k" or "batch seq *",
where * designates an axis to be unpacked
list of tensors
If framework supports views, results are views to the original tensor.
>>> from numpy import zeros as Z
>>> inputs = [Z([2, 3, 5]), Z([2, 3, 7, 5]), Z([2, 3, 7, 9, 5])]
>>> packed, ps = pack(inputs, 'i j * k')
>>> packed.shape, ps
((2, 3, 71, 5), [(), (7,), (7, 9)])
In this example, axes were matched to: i=2, j=3, k=5 based on order (first, second, and last).
All other axes were 'packed' and concatenated.
PS (packed shapes) contains information about axes that were matched to '*' in every input.
Resulting tensor has as many elements as all inputs in total.
Packing can be reversed with unpack, which additionally needs PS (packed shapes) to reconstruct order.
>>> inputs_unpacked = unpack(packed, ps, 'i j * k')
>>> [x.shape for x in inputs_unpacked]
[(2, 3, 5), (2, 3, 7, 5), (2, 3, 7, 9, 5)]
Read the tutorial for introduction and application scenarios.
n_axes_before, n_axes_after, min_axes = analyze_pattern(pattern, opname="unpack")
backend = get_backend(tensor)
input_shape = backend.shape(tensor)
if len(input_shape) != n_axes_before + 1 + n_axes_after:
raise EinopsError(f"unpack(..., {pattern}) received input of wrong dim with shape {input_shape}")
unpacked_axis: int = n_axes_before
lengths_of_composed_axes: List[int] = [-1 if -1 in p_shape else prod(p_shape) for p_shape in packed_shapes]
n_unknown_composed_axes = sum(int(x == -1) for x in lengths_of_composed_axes)
if n_unknown_composed_axes > 1:
raise EinopsError(
f"unpack(..., {pattern}) received more than one -1 in {packed_shapes} and can't infer dimensions"
# following manipulations allow to skip some shape verifications
# and leave it to backends
# [[], [2, 3], [4], [-1, 5], [6]] < examples of packed_axis
# split positions when computed should be
# [0, 1, 7, 11, N-6 , N ], where N = length of axis
split_positions = [0] * len(packed_shapes) + [input_shape[unpacked_axis]]
if n_unknown_composed_axes == 0:
for i, x in enumerate(lengths_of_composed_axes[:-1]):
split_positions[i + 1] = split_positions[i] + x
unknown_composed_axis: int = lengths_of_composed_axes.index(-1)
for i in range(unknown_composed_axis):
split_positions[i + 1] = split_positions[i] + lengths_of_composed_axes[i]
for j in range(unknown_composed_axis + 1, len(lengths_of_composed_axes))[::-1]:
split_positions[j] = split_positions[j + 1] - lengths_of_composed_axes[j]
shape_start = input_shape[:unpacked_axis]
shape_end = input_shape[unpacked_axis + 1 :]
slice_filler = (slice(None, None),) * unpacked_axis
return [
# shortest way slice arbitrary axis
tensor[(*slice_filler, slice(split_positions[i], split_positions[i + 1]))],
(*shape_start, *element_shape, *shape_end),
for i, element_shape in enumerate(packed_shapes)
except BaseException:
# this hits if there is an error during reshapes, which means passed shapes were incorrect
raise RuntimeError(
f'Error during unpack(..., "{pattern}"): could not split axis of size {split_positions[-1]}'
f" into requested {packed_shapes}"