
237 lines
7.9 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import inspect
import warnings
from json import dumps as json_dumps
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from ._exceptions import StreamClosed, StreamConsumed
from ._multipart import MultipartStream
from ._types import (
from ._utils import peek_filelike_length, primitive_value_to_str
class ByteStream(AsyncByteStream, SyncByteStream):
def __init__(self, stream: bytes) -> None:
self._stream = stream
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[bytes]:
yield self._stream
async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]:
yield self._stream
class IteratorByteStream(SyncByteStream):
CHUNK_SIZE = 65_536
def __init__(self, stream: Iterable[bytes]) -> None:
self._stream = stream
self._is_stream_consumed = False
self._is_generator = inspect.isgenerator(stream)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[bytes]:
if self._is_stream_consumed and self._is_generator:
raise StreamConsumed()
self._is_stream_consumed = True
if hasattr(self._stream, "read"):
# File-like interfaces should use 'read' directly.
chunk =
while chunk:
yield chunk
chunk =
# Otherwise iterate.
for part in self._stream:
yield part
class AsyncIteratorByteStream(AsyncByteStream):
CHUNK_SIZE = 65_536
def __init__(self, stream: AsyncIterable[bytes]) -> None:
self._stream = stream
self._is_stream_consumed = False
self._is_generator = inspect.isasyncgen(stream)
async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]:
if self._is_stream_consumed and self._is_generator:
raise StreamConsumed()
self._is_stream_consumed = True
if hasattr(self._stream, "aread"):
# File-like interfaces should use 'aread' directly.
chunk = await self._stream.aread(self.CHUNK_SIZE)
while chunk:
yield chunk
chunk = await self._stream.aread(self.CHUNK_SIZE)
# Otherwise iterate.
async for part in self._stream:
yield part
class UnattachedStream(AsyncByteStream, SyncByteStream):
If a request or response is serialized using pickle, then it is no longer
attached to a stream for I/O purposes. Any stream operations should result
in `httpx.StreamClosed`.
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[bytes]:
raise StreamClosed()
async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]:
raise StreamClosed()
yield b"" # pragma: no cover
def encode_content(
content: str | bytes | Iterable[bytes] | AsyncIterable[bytes],
) -> tuple[dict[str, str], SyncByteStream | AsyncByteStream]:
if isinstance(content, (bytes, str)):
body = content.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(content, str) else content
content_length = len(body)
headers = {"Content-Length": str(content_length)} if body else {}
return headers, ByteStream(body)
elif isinstance(content, Iterable) and not isinstance(content, dict):
# `not isinstance(content, dict)` is a bit oddly specific, but it
# catches a case that's easy for users to make in error, and would
# otherwise pass through here, like any other bytes-iterable,
# because `dict` happens to be iterable. See issue #2491.
content_length_or_none = peek_filelike_length(content)
if content_length_or_none is None:
headers = {"Transfer-Encoding": "chunked"}
headers = {"Content-Length": str(content_length_or_none)}
return headers, IteratorByteStream(content) # type: ignore
elif isinstance(content, AsyncIterable):
headers = {"Transfer-Encoding": "chunked"}
return headers, AsyncIteratorByteStream(content)
raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type for 'content', {type(content)!r}")
def encode_urlencoded_data(
data: RequestData,
) -> tuple[dict[str, str], ByteStream]:
plain_data = []
for key, value in data.items():
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
plain_data.extend([(key, primitive_value_to_str(item)) for item in value])
plain_data.append((key, primitive_value_to_str(value)))
body = urlencode(plain_data, doseq=True).encode("utf-8")
content_length = str(len(body))
content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
headers = {"Content-Length": content_length, "Content-Type": content_type}
return headers, ByteStream(body)
def encode_multipart_data(
data: RequestData, files: RequestFiles, boundary: bytes | None
) -> tuple[dict[str, str], MultipartStream]:
multipart = MultipartStream(data=data, files=files, boundary=boundary)
headers = multipart.get_headers()
return headers, multipart
def encode_text(text: str) -> tuple[dict[str, str], ByteStream]:
body = text.encode("utf-8")
content_length = str(len(body))
content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
headers = {"Content-Length": content_length, "Content-Type": content_type}
return headers, ByteStream(body)
def encode_html(html: str) -> tuple[dict[str, str], ByteStream]:
body = html.encode("utf-8")
content_length = str(len(body))
content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
headers = {"Content-Length": content_length, "Content-Type": content_type}
return headers, ByteStream(body)
def encode_json(json: Any) -> tuple[dict[str, str], ByteStream]:
body = json_dumps(json).encode("utf-8")
content_length = str(len(body))
content_type = "application/json"
headers = {"Content-Length": content_length, "Content-Type": content_type}
return headers, ByteStream(body)
def encode_request(
content: RequestContent | None = None,
data: RequestData | None = None,
files: RequestFiles | None = None,
json: Any | None = None,
boundary: bytes | None = None,
) -> tuple[dict[str, str], SyncByteStream | AsyncByteStream]:
Handles encoding the given `content`, `data`, `files`, and `json`,
returning a two-tuple of (<headers>, <stream>).
if data is not None and not isinstance(data, Mapping):
# We prefer to separate `content=<bytes|str|byte iterator|bytes aiterator>`
# for raw request content, and `data=<form data>` for url encoded or
# multipart form content.
# However for compat with requests, we *do* still support
# `data=<bytes...>` usages. We deal with that case here, treating it
# as if `content=<...>` had been supplied instead.
message = "Use 'content=<...>' to upload raw bytes/text content."
warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
return encode_content(data)
if content is not None:
return encode_content(content)
elif files:
return encode_multipart_data(data or {}, files, boundary)
elif data:
return encode_urlencoded_data(data)
elif json is not None:
return encode_json(json)
return {}, ByteStream(b"")
def encode_response(
content: ResponseContent | None = None,
text: str | None = None,
html: str | None = None,
json: Any | None = None,
) -> tuple[dict[str, str], SyncByteStream | AsyncByteStream]:
Handles encoding the given `content`, returning a two-tuple of
(<headers>, <stream>).
if content is not None:
return encode_content(content)
elif text is not None:
return encode_text(text)
elif html is not None:
return encode_html(html)
elif json is not None:
return encode_json(json)
return {}, ByteStream(b"")