
885 lines
30 KiB

# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ***********
# `huggingface_hub` init has 2 modes:
# - Normal usage:
# If imported to use it, all modules and functions are lazy-loaded. This means
# they exist at top level in module but are imported only the first time they are
# used. This way, `from huggingface_hub import something` will import `something`
# quickly without the hassle of importing all the features from `huggingface_hub`.
# - Static check:
# If statically analyzed, all modules and functions are loaded normally. This way
# static typing check works properly as well as autocomplete in text editors and
# IDEs.
# The static model imports are done inside the `if TYPE_CHECKING:` statement at
# the bottom of this file. Since module/functions imports are duplicated, it is
# mandatory to make sure to add them twice when adding one. This is checked in the
# `make quality` command.
# To update the static imports, please run the following command and commit the changes.
# ```
# # Use script
# python utils/ --update-file
# # Or run style on codebase
# make style
# ```
# ***********
# Lazy loader vendored from
import importlib
import os
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
__version__ = "0.22.2"
# Alphabetical order of definitions is ensured in tests
# WARNING: any comment added in this dictionary definition will be lost when
# re-generating the file !
"_commit_scheduler": [
"_inference_endpoints": [
"_login": [
"_multi_commits": [
"_snapshot_download": [
"_space_api": [
"_tensorboard_logger": [
"_webhooks_payload": [
"_webhooks_server": [
"community": [
"constants": [
"fastai_utils": [
"file_download": [
"hf_api": [
"hf_file_system": [
"hub_mixin": [
"inference._client": [
"inference._generated._async_client": [
"inference._generated.types": [
"inference_api": [
"keras_mixin": [
"repocard": [
"repocard_data": [
"repository": [
"serialization": [
"utils": [
"utils.endpoint_helpers": [
def _attach(package_name, submodules=None, submod_attrs=None):
"""Attach lazily loaded submodules, functions, or other attributes.
Typically, modules import submodules and attributes as follows:
import mysubmodule
import anothersubmodule
from .foo import someattr
The idea is to replace a package's `__getattr__`, `__dir__`, and
`__all__`, such that all imports work exactly the way they would
with normal imports, except that the import occurs upon first use.
The typical way to call this function, replacing the above imports, is:
__getattr__, __dir__, __all__ = lazy.attach(
['mysubmodule', 'anothersubmodule'],
{'foo': ['someattr']}
This functionality requires Python 3.7 or higher.
package_name (`str`):
Typically use `__name__`.
submodules (`set`):
List of submodules to attach.
submod_attrs (`dict`):
Dictionary of submodule -> list of attributes / functions.
These attributes are imported as they are used.
__getattr__, __dir__, __all__
if submod_attrs is None:
submod_attrs = {}
if submodules is None:
submodules = set()
submodules = set(submodules)
attr_to_modules = {attr: mod for mod, attrs in submod_attrs.items() for attr in attrs}
__all__ = list(submodules | attr_to_modules.keys())
def __getattr__(name):
if name in submodules:
return importlib.import_module(f"{package_name}.{name}")
elif name in attr_to_modules:
submod_path = f"{package_name}.{attr_to_modules[name]}"
submod = importlib.import_module(submod_path)
attr = getattr(submod, name)
# If the attribute lives in a file (module) with the same
# name as the attribute, ensure that the attribute and *not*
# the module is accessible on the package.
if name == attr_to_modules[name]:
pkg = sys.modules[package_name]
pkg.__dict__[name] = attr
return attr
raise AttributeError(f"No {package_name} attribute {name}")
def __dir__():
return __all__
if os.environ.get("EAGER_IMPORT", ""):
for attr in set(attr_to_modules.keys()) | submodules:
return __getattr__, __dir__, list(__all__)
__getattr__, __dir__, __all__ = _attach(__name__, submodules=[], submod_attrs=_SUBMOD_ATTRS)
# WARNING: any content below this statement is generated automatically. Any manual edit
# will be lost when re-generating this file !
# To update the static imports, please run the following command and commit the changes.
# ```
# # Use script
# python utils/ --update-file
# # Or run style on codebase
# make style
# ```
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from ._commit_scheduler import CommitScheduler # noqa: F401
from ._inference_endpoints import (
InferenceEndpoint, # noqa: F401
InferenceEndpointError, # noqa: F401
InferenceEndpointStatus, # noqa: F401
InferenceEndpointTimeoutError, # noqa: F401
InferenceEndpointType, # noqa: F401
from ._login import (
interpreter_login, # noqa: F401
login, # noqa: F401
logout, # noqa: F401
notebook_login, # noqa: F401
from ._multi_commits import (
MultiCommitException, # noqa: F401
plan_multi_commits, # noqa: F401
from ._snapshot_download import snapshot_download # noqa: F401
from ._space_api import (
SpaceHardware, # noqa: F401
SpaceRuntime, # noqa: F401
SpaceStage, # noqa: F401
SpaceStorage, # noqa: F401
SpaceVariable, # noqa: F401
from ._tensorboard_logger import HFSummaryWriter # noqa: F401
from ._webhooks_payload import (
WebhookPayload, # noqa: F401
WebhookPayloadComment, # noqa: F401
WebhookPayloadDiscussion, # noqa: F401
WebhookPayloadDiscussionChanges, # noqa: F401
WebhookPayloadEvent, # noqa: F401
WebhookPayloadMovedTo, # noqa: F401
WebhookPayloadRepo, # noqa: F401
WebhookPayloadUrl, # noqa: F401
WebhookPayloadWebhook, # noqa: F401
from ._webhooks_server import (
WebhooksServer, # noqa: F401
webhook_endpoint, # noqa: F401
from .community import (
Discussion, # noqa: F401
DiscussionComment, # noqa: F401
DiscussionCommit, # noqa: F401
DiscussionEvent, # noqa: F401
DiscussionStatusChange, # noqa: F401
DiscussionTitleChange, # noqa: F401
DiscussionWithDetails, # noqa: F401
from .constants import (
CONFIG_NAME, # noqa: F401
REPO_TYPE_MODEL, # noqa: F401
REPO_TYPE_SPACE, # noqa: F401
TF2_WEIGHTS_NAME, # noqa: F401
TF_WEIGHTS_NAME, # noqa: F401
from .fastai_utils import (
_save_pretrained_fastai, # noqa: F401
from_pretrained_fastai, # noqa: F401
push_to_hub_fastai, # noqa: F401
from .file_download import (
_CACHED_NO_EXIST, # noqa: F401
HfFileMetadata, # noqa: F401
cached_download, # noqa: F401
get_hf_file_metadata, # noqa: F401
hf_hub_download, # noqa: F401
hf_hub_url, # noqa: F401
try_to_load_from_cache, # noqa: F401
from .hf_api import (
Collection, # noqa: F401
CollectionItem, # noqa: F401
CommitInfo, # noqa: F401
CommitOperation, # noqa: F401
CommitOperationAdd, # noqa: F401
CommitOperationCopy, # noqa: F401
CommitOperationDelete, # noqa: F401
GitCommitInfo, # noqa: F401
GitRefInfo, # noqa: F401
GitRefs, # noqa: F401
HfApi, # noqa: F401
RepoUrl, # noqa: F401
User, # noqa: F401
UserLikes, # noqa: F401
accept_access_request, # noqa: F401
add_collection_item, # noqa: F401
add_space_secret, # noqa: F401
add_space_variable, # noqa: F401
cancel_access_request, # noqa: F401
change_discussion_status, # noqa: F401
comment_discussion, # noqa: F401
create_branch, # noqa: F401
create_collection, # noqa: F401
create_commit, # noqa: F401
create_commits_on_pr, # noqa: F401
create_discussion, # noqa: F401
create_inference_endpoint, # noqa: F401
create_pull_request, # noqa: F401
create_repo, # noqa: F401
create_tag, # noqa: F401
dataset_info, # noqa: F401
delete_branch, # noqa: F401
delete_collection, # noqa: F401
delete_collection_item, # noqa: F401
delete_file, # noqa: F401
delete_folder, # noqa: F401
delete_inference_endpoint, # noqa: F401
delete_repo, # noqa: F401
delete_space_secret, # noqa: F401
delete_space_storage, # noqa: F401
delete_space_variable, # noqa: F401
delete_tag, # noqa: F401
duplicate_space, # noqa: F401
edit_discussion_comment, # noqa: F401
file_exists, # noqa: F401
get_collection, # noqa: F401
get_dataset_tags, # noqa: F401
get_discussion_details, # noqa: F401
get_full_repo_name, # noqa: F401
get_inference_endpoint, # noqa: F401
get_model_tags, # noqa: F401
get_paths_info, # noqa: F401
get_repo_discussions, # noqa: F401
get_safetensors_metadata, # noqa: F401
get_space_runtime, # noqa: F401
get_space_variables, # noqa: F401
get_token_permission, # noqa: F401
grant_access, # noqa: F401
like, # noqa: F401
list_accepted_access_requests, # noqa: F401
list_collections, # noqa: F401
list_datasets, # noqa: F401
list_files_info, # noqa: F401
list_inference_endpoints, # noqa: F401
list_liked_repos, # noqa: F401
list_metrics, # noqa: F401
list_models, # noqa: F401
list_pending_access_requests, # noqa: F401
list_rejected_access_requests, # noqa: F401
list_repo_commits, # noqa: F401
list_repo_files, # noqa: F401
list_repo_likers, # noqa: F401
list_repo_refs, # noqa: F401
list_repo_tree, # noqa: F401
list_spaces, # noqa: F401
merge_pull_request, # noqa: F401
model_info, # noqa: F401
move_repo, # noqa: F401
parse_safetensors_file_metadata, # noqa: F401
pause_inference_endpoint, # noqa: F401
pause_space, # noqa: F401
preupload_lfs_files, # noqa: F401
reject_access_request, # noqa: F401
rename_discussion, # noqa: F401
repo_exists, # noqa: F401
repo_info, # noqa: F401
repo_type_and_id_from_hf_id, # noqa: F401
request_space_hardware, # noqa: F401
request_space_storage, # noqa: F401
restart_space, # noqa: F401
resume_inference_endpoint, # noqa: F401
revision_exists, # noqa: F401
run_as_future, # noqa: F401
scale_to_zero_inference_endpoint, # noqa: F401
set_space_sleep_time, # noqa: F401
space_info, # noqa: F401
super_squash_history, # noqa: F401
unlike, # noqa: F401
update_collection_item, # noqa: F401
update_collection_metadata, # noqa: F401
update_inference_endpoint, # noqa: F401
update_repo_visibility, # noqa: F401
upload_file, # noqa: F401
upload_folder, # noqa: F401
whoami, # noqa: F401
from .hf_file_system import (
HfFileSystem, # noqa: F401
HfFileSystemFile, # noqa: F401
HfFileSystemResolvedPath, # noqa: F401
HfFileSystemStreamFile, # noqa: F401
from .hub_mixin import (
ModelHubMixin, # noqa: F401
PyTorchModelHubMixin, # noqa: F401
from .inference._client import (
InferenceClient, # noqa: F401
InferenceTimeoutError, # noqa: F401
from .inference._generated._async_client import AsyncInferenceClient # noqa: F401
from .inference._generated.types import (
AudioClassificationInput, # noqa: F401
AudioClassificationOutputElement, # noqa: F401
AudioClassificationParameters, # noqa: F401
AudioToAudioInput, # noqa: F401
AudioToAudioOutputElement, # noqa: F401
AutomaticSpeechRecognitionGenerationParameters, # noqa: F401
AutomaticSpeechRecognitionInput, # noqa: F401
AutomaticSpeechRecognitionOutput, # noqa: F401
AutomaticSpeechRecognitionOutputChunk, # noqa: F401
AutomaticSpeechRecognitionParameters, # noqa: F401
ChatCompletionInput, # noqa: F401
ChatCompletionInputMessage, # noqa: F401
ChatCompletionOutput, # noqa: F401
ChatCompletionOutputChoice, # noqa: F401
ChatCompletionOutputChoiceMessage, # noqa: F401
ChatCompletionStreamOutput, # noqa: F401
ChatCompletionStreamOutputChoice, # noqa: F401
ChatCompletionStreamOutputDelta, # noqa: F401
DepthEstimationInput, # noqa: F401
DepthEstimationOutput, # noqa: F401
DocumentQuestionAnsweringInput, # noqa: F401
DocumentQuestionAnsweringInputData, # noqa: F401
DocumentQuestionAnsweringOutputElement, # noqa: F401
DocumentQuestionAnsweringParameters, # noqa: F401
FeatureExtractionInput, # noqa: F401
FillMaskInput, # noqa: F401
FillMaskOutputElement, # noqa: F401
FillMaskParameters, # noqa: F401
ImageClassificationInput, # noqa: F401
ImageClassificationOutputElement, # noqa: F401
ImageClassificationParameters, # noqa: F401
ImageSegmentationInput, # noqa: F401
ImageSegmentationOutputElement, # noqa: F401
ImageSegmentationParameters, # noqa: F401
ImageToImageInput, # noqa: F401
ImageToImageOutput, # noqa: F401
ImageToImageParameters, # noqa: F401
ImageToImageTargetSize, # noqa: F401
ImageToTextGenerationParameters, # noqa: F401
ImageToTextInput, # noqa: F401
ImageToTextOutput, # noqa: F401
ImageToTextParameters, # noqa: F401
ObjectDetectionBoundingBox, # noqa: F401
ObjectDetectionInput, # noqa: F401
ObjectDetectionOutputElement, # noqa: F401
ObjectDetectionParameters, # noqa: F401
QuestionAnsweringInput, # noqa: F401
QuestionAnsweringInputData, # noqa: F401
QuestionAnsweringOutputElement, # noqa: F401
QuestionAnsweringParameters, # noqa: F401
SentenceSimilarityInput, # noqa: F401
SentenceSimilarityInputData, # noqa: F401
SummarizationGenerationParameters, # noqa: F401
SummarizationInput, # noqa: F401
SummarizationOutput, # noqa: F401
TableQuestionAnsweringInput, # noqa: F401
TableQuestionAnsweringInputData, # noqa: F401
TableQuestionAnsweringOutputElement, # noqa: F401
Text2TextGenerationInput, # noqa: F401
Text2TextGenerationOutput, # noqa: F401
Text2TextGenerationParameters, # noqa: F401
TextClassificationInput, # noqa: F401
TextClassificationOutputElement, # noqa: F401
TextClassificationParameters, # noqa: F401
TextGenerationInput, # noqa: F401
TextGenerationOutput, # noqa: F401
TextGenerationOutputDetails, # noqa: F401
TextGenerationOutputSequenceDetails, # noqa: F401
TextGenerationOutputToken, # noqa: F401
TextGenerationParameters, # noqa: F401
TextGenerationPrefillToken, # noqa: F401
TextGenerationStreamDetails, # noqa: F401
TextGenerationStreamOutput, # noqa: F401
TextToAudioGenerationParameters, # noqa: F401
TextToAudioInput, # noqa: F401
TextToAudioOutput, # noqa: F401
TextToAudioParameters, # noqa: F401
TextToImageInput, # noqa: F401
TextToImageOutput, # noqa: F401
TextToImageParameters, # noqa: F401
TextToImageTargetSize, # noqa: F401
TokenClassificationInput, # noqa: F401
TokenClassificationOutputElement, # noqa: F401
TokenClassificationParameters, # noqa: F401
TranslationGenerationParameters, # noqa: F401
TranslationInput, # noqa: F401
TranslationOutput, # noqa: F401
VideoClassificationInput, # noqa: F401
VideoClassificationOutputElement, # noqa: F401
VideoClassificationParameters, # noqa: F401
VisualQuestionAnsweringInput, # noqa: F401
VisualQuestionAnsweringInputData, # noqa: F401
VisualQuestionAnsweringOutputElement, # noqa: F401
VisualQuestionAnsweringParameters, # noqa: F401
ZeroShotClassificationInput, # noqa: F401
ZeroShotClassificationInputData, # noqa: F401
ZeroShotClassificationOutputElement, # noqa: F401
ZeroShotClassificationParameters, # noqa: F401
ZeroShotImageClassificationInput, # noqa: F401
ZeroShotImageClassificationInputData, # noqa: F401
ZeroShotImageClassificationOutputElement, # noqa: F401
ZeroShotImageClassificationParameters, # noqa: F401
ZeroShotObjectDetectionBoundingBox, # noqa: F401
ZeroShotObjectDetectionInput, # noqa: F401
ZeroShotObjectDetectionInputData, # noqa: F401
ZeroShotObjectDetectionOutputElement, # noqa: F401
from .inference_api import InferenceApi # noqa: F401
from .keras_mixin import (
KerasModelHubMixin, # noqa: F401
from_pretrained_keras, # noqa: F401
push_to_hub_keras, # noqa: F401
save_pretrained_keras, # noqa: F401
from .repocard import (
DatasetCard, # noqa: F401
ModelCard, # noqa: F401
RepoCard, # noqa: F401
SpaceCard, # noqa: F401
metadata_eval_result, # noqa: F401
metadata_load, # noqa: F401
metadata_save, # noqa: F401
metadata_update, # noqa: F401
from .repocard_data import (
CardData, # noqa: F401
DatasetCardData, # noqa: F401
EvalResult, # noqa: F401
ModelCardData, # noqa: F401
SpaceCardData, # noqa: F401
from .repository import Repository # noqa: F401
from .serialization import (
StateDictSplit, # noqa: F401
split_numpy_state_dict_into_shards, # noqa: F401
split_state_dict_into_shards_factory, # noqa: F401
split_tf_state_dict_into_shards, # noqa: F401
split_torch_state_dict_into_shards, # noqa: F401
from .utils import (
CachedFileInfo, # noqa: F401
CachedRepoInfo, # noqa: F401
CachedRevisionInfo, # noqa: F401
CacheNotFound, # noqa: F401
CorruptedCacheException, # noqa: F401
DeleteCacheStrategy, # noqa: F401
HFCacheInfo, # noqa: F401
HfFolder, # noqa: F401
cached_assets_path, # noqa: F401
configure_http_backend, # noqa: F401
dump_environment_info, # noqa: F401
get_session, # noqa: F401
get_token, # noqa: F401
logging, # noqa: F401
scan_cache_dir, # noqa: F401
from .utils.endpoint_helpers import (
DatasetFilter, # noqa: F401
ModelFilter, # noqa: F401