
118 lines
3.4 KiB

import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from functools import lru_cache
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from ._definitions import FNAME_PER_PLATFORM, get_platform
logger = logging.getLogger("imageio_ffmpeg")
def get_ffmpeg_exe():
Get the ffmpeg executable file. This can be the binary defined by
the IMAGEIO_FFMPEG_EXE environment variable, the binary distributed
with imageio-ffmpeg, an ffmpeg binary installed with conda, or the
system ffmpeg (in that order). A RuntimeError is raised if no valid
ffmpeg could be found.
# 1. Try environment variable. - Dont test it: the user is explicit here!
exe = os.getenv("IMAGEIO_FFMPEG_EXE", None)
if exe:
return exe
# Auto-detect
exe = _get_ffmpeg_exe()
if exe:
return exe
# Nothing was found
raise RuntimeError(
"No ffmpeg exe could be found. Install ffmpeg on your system, "
"or set the IMAGEIO_FFMPEG_EXE environment variable."
def _get_ffmpeg_exe():
plat = get_platform()
# 2. Try from here
bin_dir = resource_filename("imageio_ffmpeg", "binaries")
exe = os.path.join(bin_dir, FNAME_PER_PLATFORM.get(plat, ""))
if exe and os.path.isfile(exe) and _is_valid_exe(exe):
return exe
# 3. Try binary from conda package
# (installed e.g. via `conda install ffmpeg -c conda-forge`)
if plat.startswith("win"):
exe = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Library", "bin", "ffmpeg.exe")
exe = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "bin", "ffmpeg")
if exe and os.path.isfile(exe) and _is_valid_exe(exe):
return exe
# 4. Try system ffmpeg command
exe = "ffmpeg"
if _is_valid_exe(exe):
return exe
return None
def _popen_kwargs(prevent_sigint=False):
startupinfo = None
preexec_fn = None
creationflags = 0
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
# Stops executable from flashing on Windows (see #22)
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
if prevent_sigint:
# Prevent propagation of sigint (see #4)
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
creationflags = 0x00000200
preexec_fn = os.setpgrp # the _pre_exec does not seem to work
falsy = ("", "0", "false", "no")
if os.getenv("IMAGEIO_FFMPEG_NO_PREVENT_SIGINT", "").lower() not in falsy:
# Unset preexec_fn to work around a strange hang on fork() (see #58)
preexec_fn = None
return {
"startupinfo": startupinfo,
"creationflags": creationflags,
"preexec_fn": preexec_fn,
def _is_valid_exe(exe):
cmd = [exe, "-version"]
with open(os.devnull, "w") as null:
cmd, stdout=null, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, **_popen_kwargs()
return True
except (OSError, ValueError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
return False
def get_ffmpeg_version():
Get the version of the used ffmpeg executable (as a string).
exe = get_ffmpeg_exe()
line = subprocess.check_output([exe, "-version"], **_popen_kwargs()).split(
b"\n", 1
line = line.decode(errors="ignore").strip()
version = line.split("version", 1)[-1].lstrip().split(" ", 1)[0].strip()
return version