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Adjust subplot layouts so that there are no overlapping axes or axes
decorations. All axes decorations are dealt with (labels, ticks, titles,
ticklabels) and some dependent artists are also dealt with (colorbar,
Layout is done via `~matplotlib.gridspec`, with one constraint per gridspec,
so it is possible to have overlapping axes if the gridspecs overlap (i.e.
using `~matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec`). Axes placed using
``figure.subplots()`` or ``figure.add_subplots()`` will participate in the
layout. Axes manually placed via ``figure.add_axes()`` will not.
See Tutorial: :ref:`constrainedlayout_guide`
General idea:
First, a figure has a gridspec that divides the figure into nrows and ncols,
with heights and widths set by ``height_ratios`` and ``width_ratios``,
often just set to 1 for an equal grid.
Subplotspecs that are derived from this gridspec can contain either a
``SubPanel``, a ``GridSpecFromSubplotSpec``, or an ``Axes``. The ``SubPanel``
and ``GridSpecFromSubplotSpec`` are dealt with recursively and each contain an
analogous layout.
Each ``GridSpec`` has a ``_layoutgrid`` attached to it. The ``_layoutgrid``
has the same logical layout as the ``GridSpec``. Each row of the grid spec
has a top and bottom "margin" and each column has a left and right "margin".
The "inner" height of each row is constrained to be the same (or as modified
by ``height_ratio``), and the "inner" width of each column is
constrained to be the same (as modified by ``width_ratio``), where "inner"
is the width or height of each column/row minus the size of the margins.
Then the size of the margins for each row and column are determined as the
max width of the decorators on each axes that has decorators in that margin.
For instance, a normal axes would have a left margin that includes the
left ticklabels, and the ylabel if it exists. The right margin may include a
colorbar, the bottom margin the xaxis decorations, and the top margin the
With these constraints, the solver then finds appropriate bounds for the
columns and rows. It's possible that the margins take up the whole figure,
in which case the algorithm is not applied and a warning is raised.
See the tutorial :ref:`constrainedlayout_guide`
for more discussion of the algorithm with examples.
import logging
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import _api, artist as martist
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
import matplotlib._layoutgrid as mlayoutgrid
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def do_constrained_layout(fig, h_pad, w_pad,
hspace=None, wspace=None, rect=(0, 0, 1, 1),
Do the constrained_layout. Called at draw time in
fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure`
`.Figure` instance to do the layout in.
h_pad, w_pad : float
Padding around the axes elements in figure-normalized units.
hspace, wspace : float
Fraction of the figure to dedicate to space between the
axes. These are evenly spread between the gaps between the axes.
A value of 0.2 for a three-column layout would have a space
of 0.1 of the figure width between each column.
If h/wspace < h/w_pad, then the pads are used instead.
rect : tuple of 4 floats
Rectangle in figure coordinates to perform constrained layout in
[left, bottom, width, height], each from 0-1.
compress : bool
Whether to shift Axes so that white space in between them is
removed. This is useful for simple grids of fixed-aspect Axes (e.g.
a grid of images).
layoutgrid : private debugging structure
renderer = fig._get_renderer()
# make layoutgrid tree...
layoutgrids = make_layoutgrids(fig, None, rect=rect)
if not layoutgrids['hasgrids']:
_api.warn_external('There are no gridspecs with layoutgrids. '
'Possibly did not call parent GridSpec with the'
' "figure" keyword')
for _ in range(2):
# do the algorithm twice. This has to be done because decorations
# change size after the first re-position (i.e. x/yticklabels get
# larger/smaller). This second reposition tends to be much milder,
# so doing twice makes things work OK.
# make margins for all the axes and subfigures in the
# figure. Add margins for colorbars...
make_layout_margins(layoutgrids, fig, renderer, h_pad=h_pad,
w_pad=w_pad, hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace)
make_margin_suptitles(layoutgrids, fig, renderer, h_pad=h_pad,
# if a layout is such that a columns (or rows) margin has no
# constraints, we need to make all such instances in the grid
# match in margin size.
match_submerged_margins(layoutgrids, fig)
# update all the variables in the layout.
warn_collapsed = ('constrained_layout not applied because '
'axes sizes collapsed to zero. Try making '
'figure larger or axes decorations smaller.')
if check_no_collapsed_axes(layoutgrids, fig):
reposition_axes(layoutgrids, fig, renderer, h_pad=h_pad,
w_pad=w_pad, hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace)
if compress:
layoutgrids = compress_fixed_aspect(layoutgrids, fig)
if check_no_collapsed_axes(layoutgrids, fig):
reposition_axes(layoutgrids, fig, renderer, h_pad=h_pad,
w_pad=w_pad, hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace)
reset_margins(layoutgrids, fig)
return layoutgrids
def make_layoutgrids(fig, layoutgrids, rect=(0, 0, 1, 1)):
Make the layoutgrid tree.
(Sub)Figures get a layoutgrid so we can have figure margins.
Gridspecs that are attached to axes get a layoutgrid so axes
can have margins.
if layoutgrids is None:
layoutgrids = dict()
layoutgrids['hasgrids'] = False
if not hasattr(fig, '_parent'):
# top figure; pass rect as parent to allow user-specified
# margins
layoutgrids[fig] = mlayoutgrid.LayoutGrid(parent=rect, name='figlb')
# subfigure
gs = fig._subplotspec.get_gridspec()
# it is possible the gridspec containing this subfigure hasn't
# been added to the tree yet:
layoutgrids = make_layoutgrids_gs(layoutgrids, gs)
# add the layoutgrid for the subfigure:
parentlb = layoutgrids[gs]
layoutgrids[fig] = mlayoutgrid.LayoutGrid(
nrows=1, ncols=1,
# recursively do all subfigures in this figure...
for sfig in fig.subfigs:
layoutgrids = make_layoutgrids(sfig, layoutgrids)
# for each axes at the local level add its gridspec:
for ax in fig._localaxes:
gs = ax.get_gridspec()
if gs is not None:
layoutgrids = make_layoutgrids_gs(layoutgrids, gs)
return layoutgrids
def make_layoutgrids_gs(layoutgrids, gs):
Make the layoutgrid for a gridspec (and anything nested in the gridspec)
if gs in layoutgrids or gs.figure is None:
return layoutgrids
# in order to do constrained_layout there has to be at least *one*
# gridspec in the tree:
layoutgrids['hasgrids'] = True
if not hasattr(gs, '_subplot_spec'):
# normal gridspec
parent = layoutgrids[gs.figure]
layoutgrids[gs] = mlayoutgrid.LayoutGrid(
ncols=gs._ncols, nrows=gs._nrows,
# this is a gridspecfromsubplotspec:
subplot_spec = gs._subplot_spec
parentgs = subplot_spec.get_gridspec()
# if a nested gridspec it is possible the parent is not in there yet:
if parentgs not in layoutgrids:
layoutgrids = make_layoutgrids_gs(layoutgrids, parentgs)
subspeclb = layoutgrids[parentgs]
# gridspecfromsubplotspec need an outer container:
# get a unique representation:
rep = (gs, 'top')
if rep not in layoutgrids:
layoutgrids[rep] = mlayoutgrid.LayoutGrid(
nrows=1, ncols=1,
parent_pos=(subplot_spec.rowspan, subplot_spec.colspan))
layoutgrids[gs] = mlayoutgrid.LayoutGrid(
nrows=gs._nrows, ncols=gs._ncols,
return layoutgrids
def check_no_collapsed_axes(layoutgrids, fig):
Check that no axes have collapsed to zero size.
for sfig in fig.subfigs:
ok = check_no_collapsed_axes(layoutgrids, sfig)
if not ok:
return False
for ax in fig.axes:
gs = ax.get_gridspec()
if gs in layoutgrids: # also implies gs is not None.
lg = layoutgrids[gs]
for i in range(gs.nrows):
for j in range(gs.ncols):
bb = lg.get_inner_bbox(i, j)
if bb.width <= 0 or bb.height <= 0:
return False
return True
def compress_fixed_aspect(layoutgrids, fig):
gs = None
for ax in fig.axes:
if ax.get_subplotspec() is None:
sub = ax.get_subplotspec()
_gs = sub.get_gridspec()
if gs is None:
gs = _gs
extraw = np.zeros(gs.ncols)
extrah = np.zeros(gs.nrows)
elif _gs != gs:
raise ValueError('Cannot do compressed layout if axes are not'
'all from the same gridspec')
orig = ax.get_position(original=True)
actual = ax.get_position(original=False)
dw = orig.width - actual.width
if dw > 0:
extraw[sub.colspan] = np.maximum(extraw[sub.colspan], dw)
dh = orig.height - actual.height
if dh > 0:
extrah[sub.rowspan] = np.maximum(extrah[sub.rowspan], dh)
if gs is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot do compressed layout if no axes '
'are part of a gridspec.')
w = np.sum(extraw) / 2
layoutgrids[fig].edit_margin_min('left', w)
layoutgrids[fig].edit_margin_min('right', w)
h = np.sum(extrah) / 2
layoutgrids[fig].edit_margin_min('top', h)
layoutgrids[fig].edit_margin_min('bottom', h)
return layoutgrids
def get_margin_from_padding(obj, *, w_pad=0, h_pad=0,
hspace=0, wspace=0):
ss = obj._subplotspec
gs = ss.get_gridspec()
if hasattr(gs, 'hspace'):
_hspace = (gs.hspace if gs.hspace is not None else hspace)
_wspace = (gs.wspace if gs.wspace is not None else wspace)
_hspace = (gs._hspace if gs._hspace is not None else hspace)
_wspace = (gs._wspace if gs._wspace is not None else wspace)
_wspace = _wspace / 2
_hspace = _hspace / 2
nrows, ncols = gs.get_geometry()
# there are two margins for each direction. The "cb"
# margins are for pads and colorbars, the non-"cb" are
# for the axes decorations (labels etc).
margin = {'leftcb': w_pad, 'rightcb': w_pad,
'bottomcb': h_pad, 'topcb': h_pad,
'left': 0, 'right': 0,
'top': 0, 'bottom': 0}
if _wspace / ncols > w_pad:
if ss.colspan.start > 0:
margin['leftcb'] = _wspace / ncols
if ss.colspan.stop < ncols:
margin['rightcb'] = _wspace / ncols
if _hspace / nrows > h_pad:
if ss.rowspan.stop < nrows:
margin['bottomcb'] = _hspace / nrows
if ss.rowspan.start > 0:
margin['topcb'] = _hspace / nrows
return margin
def make_layout_margins(layoutgrids, fig, renderer, *, w_pad=0, h_pad=0,
hspace=0, wspace=0):
For each axes, make a margin between the *pos* layoutbox and the
*axes* layoutbox be a minimum size that can accommodate the
decorations on the axis.
Then make room for colorbars.
layoutgrids : dict
fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure`
`.Figure` instance to do the layout in.
renderer : `~matplotlib.backend_bases.RendererBase` subclass.
The renderer to use.
w_pad, h_pad : float, default: 0
Width and height padding (in fraction of figure).
hspace, wspace : float, default: 0
Width and height padding as fraction of figure size divided by
number of columns or rows.
for sfig in fig.subfigs: # recursively make child panel margins
ss = sfig._subplotspec
gs = ss.get_gridspec()
make_layout_margins(layoutgrids, sfig, renderer,
w_pad=w_pad, h_pad=h_pad,
hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace)
margins = get_margin_from_padding(sfig, w_pad=0, h_pad=0,
hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace)
layoutgrids[gs].edit_outer_margin_mins(margins, ss)
for ax in fig._localaxes:
if not ax.get_subplotspec() or not ax.get_in_layout():
ss = ax.get_subplotspec()
gs = ss.get_gridspec()
if gs not in layoutgrids:
margin = get_margin_from_padding(ax, w_pad=w_pad, h_pad=h_pad,
hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace)
pos, bbox = get_pos_and_bbox(ax, renderer)
# the margin is the distance between the bounding box of the axes
# and its position (plus the padding from above)
margin['left'] += pos.x0 - bbox.x0
margin['right'] += bbox.x1 - pos.x1
# remember that rows are ordered from top:
margin['bottom'] += pos.y0 - bbox.y0
margin['top'] += bbox.y1 - pos.y1
# make margin for colorbars. These margins go in the
# padding margin, versus the margin for axes decorators.
for cbax in ax._colorbars:
# note pad is a fraction of the parent width...
pad = colorbar_get_pad(layoutgrids, cbax)
# colorbars can be child of more than one subplot spec:
cbp_rspan, cbp_cspan = get_cb_parent_spans(cbax)
loc = cbax._colorbar_info['location']
cbpos, cbbbox = get_pos_and_bbox(cbax, renderer)
if loc == 'right':
if cbp_cspan.stop == ss.colspan.stop:
# only increase if the colorbar is on the right edge
margin['rightcb'] += cbbbox.width + pad
elif loc == 'left':
if cbp_cspan.start == ss.colspan.start:
# only increase if the colorbar is on the left edge
margin['leftcb'] += cbbbox.width + pad
elif loc == 'top':
if cbp_rspan.start == ss.rowspan.start:
margin['topcb'] += cbbbox.height + pad
if cbp_rspan.stop == ss.rowspan.stop:
margin['bottomcb'] += cbbbox.height + pad
# If the colorbars are wider than the parent box in the
# cross direction
if loc in ['top', 'bottom']:
if (cbp_cspan.start == ss.colspan.start and
cbbbox.x0 < bbox.x0):
margin['left'] += bbox.x0 - cbbbox.x0
if (cbp_cspan.stop == ss.colspan.stop and
cbbbox.x1 > bbox.x1):
margin['right'] += cbbbox.x1 - bbox.x1
# or taller:
if loc in ['left', 'right']:
if (cbp_rspan.stop == ss.rowspan.stop and
cbbbox.y0 < bbox.y0):
margin['bottom'] += bbox.y0 - cbbbox.y0
if (cbp_rspan.start == ss.rowspan.start and
cbbbox.y1 > bbox.y1):
margin['top'] += cbbbox.y1 - bbox.y1
# pass the new margins down to the layout grid for the solution...
layoutgrids[gs].edit_outer_margin_mins(margin, ss)
# make margins for figure-level legends:
for leg in fig.legends:
inv_trans_fig = None
if leg._outside_loc and leg._bbox_to_anchor is None:
if inv_trans_fig is None:
inv_trans_fig = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform_bbox
bbox = inv_trans_fig(leg.get_tightbbox(renderer))
w = bbox.width + 2 * w_pad
h = bbox.height + 2 * h_pad
legendloc = leg._outside_loc
if legendloc == 'lower':
layoutgrids[fig].edit_margin_min('bottom', h)
elif legendloc == 'upper':
layoutgrids[fig].edit_margin_min('top', h)
if legendloc == 'right':
layoutgrids[fig].edit_margin_min('right', w)
elif legendloc == 'left':
layoutgrids[fig].edit_margin_min('left', w)
def make_margin_suptitles(layoutgrids, fig, renderer, *, w_pad=0, h_pad=0):
# Figure out how large the suptitle is and make the
# top level figure margin larger.
inv_trans_fig = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform_bbox
# get the h_pad and w_pad as distances in the local subfigure coordinates:
padbox = mtransforms.Bbox([[0, 0], [w_pad, h_pad]])
padbox = (fig.transFigure -
h_pad_local = padbox.height
w_pad_local = padbox.width
for sfig in fig.subfigs:
make_margin_suptitles(layoutgrids, sfig, renderer,
w_pad=w_pad, h_pad=h_pad)
if fig._suptitle is not None and fig._suptitle.get_in_layout():
p = fig._suptitle.get_position()
if getattr(fig._suptitle, '_autopos', False):
fig._suptitle.set_position((p[0], 1 - h_pad_local))
bbox = inv_trans_fig(fig._suptitle.get_tightbbox(renderer))
layoutgrids[fig].edit_margin_min('top', bbox.height + 2 * h_pad)
if fig._supxlabel is not None and fig._supxlabel.get_in_layout():
p = fig._supxlabel.get_position()
if getattr(fig._supxlabel, '_autopos', False):
fig._supxlabel.set_position((p[0], h_pad_local))
bbox = inv_trans_fig(fig._supxlabel.get_tightbbox(renderer))
bbox.height + 2 * h_pad)
if fig._supylabel is not None and fig._supylabel.get_in_layout():
p = fig._supylabel.get_position()
if getattr(fig._supylabel, '_autopos', False):
fig._supylabel.set_position((w_pad_local, p[1]))
bbox = inv_trans_fig(fig._supylabel.get_tightbbox(renderer))
layoutgrids[fig].edit_margin_min('left', bbox.width + 2 * w_pad)
def match_submerged_margins(layoutgrids, fig):
Make the margins that are submerged inside an Axes the same size.
This allows axes that span two columns (or rows) that are offset
from one another to have the same size.
This gives the proper layout for something like::
fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True)
axs = fig.subplot_mosaic("AAAB\nCCDD")
Without this routine, the axes D will be wider than C, because the
margin width between the two columns in C has no width by default,
whereas the margins between the two columns of D are set by the
width of the margin between A and B. However, obviously the user would
like C and D to be the same size, so we need to add constraints to these
"submerged" margins.
This routine makes all the interior margins the same, and the spacing
between the three columns in A and the two column in C are all set to the
margins between the two columns of D.
See test_constrained_layout::test_constrained_layout12 for an example.
for sfig in fig.subfigs:
match_submerged_margins(layoutgrids, sfig)
axs = [a for a in fig.get_axes()
if a.get_subplotspec() is not None and a.get_in_layout()]
for ax1 in axs:
ss1 = ax1.get_subplotspec()
if ss1.get_gridspec() not in layoutgrids:
lg1 = layoutgrids[ss1.get_gridspec()]
# interior columns:
if len(ss1.colspan) > 1:
maxsubl = np.max(
lg1.margin_vals['left'][ss1.colspan[1:]] +
maxsubr = np.max(
lg1.margin_vals['right'][ss1.colspan[:-1]] +
for ax2 in axs:
ss2 = ax2.get_subplotspec()
lg2 = layoutgrids[ss2.get_gridspec()]
if lg2 is not None and len(ss2.colspan) > 1:
maxsubl2 = np.max(
lg2.margin_vals['left'][ss2.colspan[1:]] +
if maxsubl2 > maxsubl:
maxsubl = maxsubl2
maxsubr2 = np.max(
lg2.margin_vals['right'][ss2.colspan[:-1]] +
if maxsubr2 > maxsubr:
maxsubr = maxsubr2
for i in ss1.colspan[1:]:
lg1.edit_margin_min('left', maxsubl, cell=i)
for i in ss1.colspan[:-1]:
lg1.edit_margin_min('right', maxsubr, cell=i)
# interior rows:
if len(ss1.rowspan) > 1:
maxsubt = np.max(
lg1.margin_vals['top'][ss1.rowspan[1:]] +
maxsubb = np.max(
lg1.margin_vals['bottom'][ss1.rowspan[:-1]] +
for ax2 in axs:
ss2 = ax2.get_subplotspec()
lg2 = layoutgrids[ss2.get_gridspec()]
if lg2 is not None:
if len(ss2.rowspan) > 1:
maxsubt = np.max([np.max(
lg2.margin_vals['top'][ss2.rowspan[1:]] +
), maxsubt])
maxsubb = np.max([np.max(
lg2.margin_vals['bottom'][ss2.rowspan[:-1]] +
), maxsubb])
for i in ss1.rowspan[1:]:
lg1.edit_margin_min('top', maxsubt, cell=i)
for i in ss1.rowspan[:-1]:
lg1.edit_margin_min('bottom', maxsubb, cell=i)
def get_cb_parent_spans(cbax):
Figure out which subplotspecs this colorbar belongs to.
cbax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
Axes for the colorbar.
rowstart = np.inf
rowstop = -np.inf
colstart = np.inf
colstop = -np.inf
for parent in cbax._colorbar_info['parents']:
ss = parent.get_subplotspec()
rowstart = min(ss.rowspan.start, rowstart)
rowstop = max(ss.rowspan.stop, rowstop)
colstart = min(ss.colspan.start, colstart)
colstop = max(ss.colspan.stop, colstop)
rowspan = range(rowstart, rowstop)
colspan = range(colstart, colstop)
return rowspan, colspan
def get_pos_and_bbox(ax, renderer):
Get the position and the bbox for the axes.
ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
renderer : `~matplotlib.backend_bases.RendererBase` subclass.
pos : `~matplotlib.transforms.Bbox`
Position in figure coordinates.
bbox : `~matplotlib.transforms.Bbox`
Tight bounding box in figure coordinates.
fig = ax.figure
pos = ax.get_position(original=True)
# pos is in panel co-ords, but we need in figure for the layout
pos = pos.transformed(fig.transSubfigure - fig.transFigure)
tightbbox = martist._get_tightbbox_for_layout_only(ax, renderer)
if tightbbox is None:
bbox = pos
bbox = tightbbox.transformed(fig.transFigure.inverted())
return pos, bbox
def reposition_axes(layoutgrids, fig, renderer, *,
w_pad=0, h_pad=0, hspace=0, wspace=0):
Reposition all the axes based on the new inner bounding box.
trans_fig_to_subfig = fig.transFigure - fig.transSubfigure
for sfig in fig.subfigs:
bbox = layoutgrids[sfig].get_outer_bbox()
reposition_axes(layoutgrids, sfig, renderer,
w_pad=w_pad, h_pad=h_pad,
wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace)
for ax in fig._localaxes:
if ax.get_subplotspec() is None or not ax.get_in_layout():
# grid bbox is in Figure coordinates, but we specify in panel
# coordinates...
ss = ax.get_subplotspec()
gs = ss.get_gridspec()
if gs not in layoutgrids:
bbox = layoutgrids[gs].get_inner_bbox(rows=ss.rowspan,
# transform from figure to panel for set_position:
newbbox = trans_fig_to_subfig.transform_bbox(bbox)
# move the colorbars:
# we need to keep track of oldw and oldh if there is more than
# one colorbar:
offset = {'left': 0, 'right': 0, 'bottom': 0, 'top': 0}
for nn, cbax in enumerate(ax._colorbars[::-1]):
if ax == cbax._colorbar_info['parents'][0]:
reposition_colorbar(layoutgrids, cbax, renderer,
def reposition_colorbar(layoutgrids, cbax, renderer, *, offset=None):
Place the colorbar in its new place.
layoutgrids : dict
cbax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
Axes for the colorbar.
renderer : `~matplotlib.backend_bases.RendererBase` subclass.
The renderer to use.
offset : array-like
Offset the colorbar needs to be pushed to in order to
account for multiple colorbars.
parents = cbax._colorbar_info['parents']
gs = parents[0].get_gridspec()
fig = cbax.figure
trans_fig_to_subfig = fig.transFigure - fig.transSubfigure
cb_rspans, cb_cspans = get_cb_parent_spans(cbax)
bboxparent = layoutgrids[gs].get_bbox_for_cb(rows=cb_rspans,
pb = layoutgrids[gs].get_inner_bbox(rows=cb_rspans, cols=cb_cspans)
location = cbax._colorbar_info['location']
anchor = cbax._colorbar_info['anchor']
fraction = cbax._colorbar_info['fraction']
aspect = cbax._colorbar_info['aspect']
shrink = cbax._colorbar_info['shrink']
cbpos, cbbbox = get_pos_and_bbox(cbax, renderer)
# Colorbar gets put at extreme edge of outer bbox of the subplotspec
# It needs to be moved in by: 1) a pad 2) its "margin" 3) by
# any colorbars already added at this location:
cbpad = colorbar_get_pad(layoutgrids, cbax)
if location in ('left', 'right'):
# fraction and shrink are fractions of parent
pbcb = pb.shrunk(fraction, shrink).anchored(anchor, pb)
# The colorbar is at the left side of the parent. Need
# to translate to right (or left)
if location == 'right':
lmargin = cbpos.x0 - cbbbox.x0
dx = bboxparent.x1 - pbcb.x0 + offset['right']
dx += cbpad + lmargin
offset['right'] += cbbbox.width + cbpad
pbcb = pbcb.translated(dx, 0)
lmargin = cbpos.x0 - cbbbox.x0
dx = bboxparent.x0 - pbcb.x0 # edge of parent
dx += -cbbbox.width - cbpad + lmargin - offset['left']
offset['left'] += cbbbox.width + cbpad
pbcb = pbcb.translated(dx, 0)
else: # horizontal axes:
pbcb = pb.shrunk(shrink, fraction).anchored(anchor, pb)
if location == 'top':
bmargin = cbpos.y0 - cbbbox.y0
dy = bboxparent.y1 - pbcb.y0 + offset['top']
dy += cbpad + bmargin
offset['top'] += cbbbox.height + cbpad
pbcb = pbcb.translated(0, dy)
bmargin = cbpos.y0 - cbbbox.y0
dy = bboxparent.y0 - pbcb.y0
dy += -cbbbox.height - cbpad + bmargin - offset['bottom']
offset['bottom'] += cbbbox.height + cbpad
pbcb = pbcb.translated(0, dy)
pbcb = trans_fig_to_subfig.transform_bbox(pbcb)
if location in ['bottom', 'top']:
aspect = 1 / aspect
return offset
def reset_margins(layoutgrids, fig):
Reset the margins in the layoutboxes of *fig*.
Margins are usually set as a minimum, so if the figure gets smaller
the minimum needs to be zero in order for it to grow again.
for sfig in fig.subfigs:
reset_margins(layoutgrids, sfig)
for ax in fig.axes:
if ax.get_in_layout():
gs = ax.get_gridspec()
if gs in layoutgrids: # also implies gs is not None.
def colorbar_get_pad(layoutgrids, cax):
parents = cax._colorbar_info['parents']
gs = parents[0].get_gridspec()
cb_rspans, cb_cspans = get_cb_parent_spans(cax)
bboxouter = layoutgrids[gs].get_inner_bbox(rows=cb_rspans, cols=cb_cspans)
if cax._colorbar_info['location'] in ['right', 'left']:
size = bboxouter.width
size = bboxouter.height
return cax._colorbar_info['pad'] * size