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Classes for the ticks and x- and y-axis.
import datetime
import functools
import logging
from numbers import Real
import warnings
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import _api, cbook
import matplotlib.artist as martist
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
import matplotlib.scale as mscale
import matplotlib.text as mtext
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
import matplotlib.units as munits
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# This list is being used for compatibility with Axes.grid, which
# allows all Line2D kwargs.
_line_inspector = martist.ArtistInspector(mlines.Line2D)
_line_param_names = _line_inspector.get_setters()
_line_param_aliases = [list(d)[0] for d in _line_inspector.aliasd.values()]
_gridline_param_names = ['grid_' + name
for name in _line_param_names + _line_param_aliases]
'out': (mlines.TICKDOWN, mlines.TICKUP),
'in': (mlines.TICKUP, mlines.TICKDOWN),
'inout': ('|', '|'),
class Tick(martist.Artist):
Abstract base class for the axis ticks, grid lines and labels.
Ticks mark a position on an Axis. They contain two lines as markers and
two labels; one each for the bottom and top positions (in case of an
`.XAxis`) or for the left and right positions (in case of a `.YAxis`).
tick1line : `~matplotlib.lines.Line2D`
The left/bottom tick marker.
tick2line : `~matplotlib.lines.Line2D`
The right/top tick marker.
gridline : `~matplotlib.lines.Line2D`
The grid line associated with the label position.
label1 : `~matplotlib.text.Text`
The left/bottom tick label.
label2 : `~matplotlib.text.Text`
The right/top tick label.
def __init__(
self, axes, loc, *,
size=None, # points
gridOn=None, # defaults to axes.grid depending on axes.grid.which
**kwargs, # Other Line2D kwargs applied to gridlines.
bbox is the Bound2D bounding box in display coords of the Axes
loc is the tick location in data coords
size is the tick size in points
if gridOn is None:
which = mpl.rcParams['axes.grid.which']
if major and (which in ('both', 'major')):
gridOn = mpl.rcParams['axes.grid']
elif (not major) and (which in ('both', 'minor')):
gridOn = mpl.rcParams['axes.grid']
gridOn = False
self.axes = axes
self._loc = loc
self._major = major
name = self.__name__
major_minor = "major" if major else "minor"
if size is None:
size = mpl.rcParams[f"{name}.{major_minor}.size"]
self._size = size
if width is None:
width = mpl.rcParams[f"{name}.{major_minor}.width"]
self._width = width
if color is None:
color = mpl.rcParams[f"{name}.color"]
if pad is None:
pad = mpl.rcParams[f"{name}.{major_minor}.pad"]
self._base_pad = pad
if labelcolor is None:
labelcolor = mpl.rcParams[f"{name}.labelcolor"]
if cbook._str_equal(labelcolor, 'inherit'):
# inherit from tick color
labelcolor = mpl.rcParams[f"{name}.color"]
if labelsize is None:
labelsize = mpl.rcParams[f"{name}.labelsize"]
if zorder is None:
if major:
zorder = mlines.Line2D.zorder + 0.01
zorder = mlines.Line2D.zorder
self._zorder = zorder
grid_color = mpl._val_or_rc(grid_color, "grid.color")
grid_linestyle = mpl._val_or_rc(grid_linestyle, "grid.linestyle")
grid_linewidth = mpl._val_or_rc(grid_linewidth, "grid.linewidth")
if grid_alpha is None and not mcolors._has_alpha_channel(grid_color):
# alpha precedence: kwarg > color alpha > rcParams['grid.alpha']
# Note: only resolve to rcParams if the color does not have alpha
# otherwise `grid(color=(1, 1, 1, 0.5))` would work like
# grid(color=(1, 1, 1, 0.5), alpha=rcParams['grid.alpha'])
# so the that the rcParams default would override color alpha.
grid_alpha = mpl.rcParams["grid.alpha"]
grid_kw = {k[5:]: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
self.tick1line = mlines.Line2D(
[], [],
color=color, linestyle="none", zorder=zorder, visible=tick1On,
markeredgecolor=color, markersize=size, markeredgewidth=width,
self.tick2line = mlines.Line2D(
[], [],
color=color, linestyle="none", zorder=zorder, visible=tick2On,
markeredgecolor=color, markersize=size, markeredgewidth=width,
self.gridline = mlines.Line2D(
[], [],
color=grid_color, alpha=grid_alpha, visible=gridOn,
linestyle=grid_linestyle, linewidth=grid_linewidth, marker="",
self.gridline.get_path()._interpolation_steps = \
self.label1 = mtext.Text(
np.nan, np.nan,
fontsize=labelsize, color=labelcolor, visible=label1On,
fontfamily=labelfontfamily, rotation=self._labelrotation[1])
self.label2 = mtext.Text(
np.nan, np.nan,
fontsize=labelsize, color=labelcolor, visible=label2On,
fontfamily=labelfontfamily, rotation=self._labelrotation[1])
for artist in [self.tick1line, self.tick2line, self.gridline,
self.label1, self.label2]:
def _set_labelrotation(self, labelrotation):
if isinstance(labelrotation, str):
mode = labelrotation
angle = 0
elif isinstance(labelrotation, (tuple, list)):
mode, angle = labelrotation
mode = 'default'
angle = labelrotation
_api.check_in_list(['auto', 'default'], labelrotation=mode)
self._labelrotation = (mode, angle)
def _apply_tickdir(self, tickdir):
"""Set tick direction. Valid values are 'out', 'in', 'inout'."""
# This method is responsible for updating `_pad`, and, in subclasses,
# for setting the tick{1,2}line markers as well. From the user
# perspective this should always be called though _apply_params, which
# further updates ticklabel positions using the new pads.
if tickdir is None:
tickdir = mpl.rcParams[f'{self.__name__}.direction']
_api.check_in_list(['in', 'out', 'inout'], tickdir=tickdir)
self._tickdir = tickdir
self._pad = self._base_pad + self.get_tick_padding()
def get_tickdir(self):
return self._tickdir
def get_tick_padding(self):
"""Get the length of the tick outside of the Axes."""
padding = {
'in': 0.0,
'inout': 0.5,
'out': 1.0
return self._size * padding[self._tickdir]
def get_children(self):
children = [self.tick1line, self.tick2line,
self.gridline, self.label1, self.label2]
return children
@_api.rename_parameter("3.8", "clippath", "path")
def set_clip_path(self, path, transform=None):
# docstring inherited
super().set_clip_path(path, transform)
self.gridline.set_clip_path(path, transform)
self.stale = True
def contains(self, mouseevent):
Test whether the mouse event occurred in the Tick marks.
This function always returns false. It is more useful to test if the
axis as a whole contains the mouse rather than the set of tick marks.
return False, {}
def set_pad(self, val):
Set the tick label pad in points
val : float
self.stale = True
def get_pad(self):
"""Get the value of the tick label pad in points."""
return self._base_pad
def _get_text1(self):
"""Get the default Text 1 instance."""
def _get_text2(self):
"""Get the default Text 2 instance."""
def _get_tick1line(self):
"""Get the default `.Line2D` instance for tick1."""
def _get_tick2line(self):
"""Get the default `.Line2D` instance for tick2."""
def _get_gridline(self):
"""Get the default grid `.Line2D` instance for this tick."""
def get_loc(self):
"""Return the tick location (data coords) as a scalar."""
return self._loc
def draw(self, renderer):
if not self.get_visible():
self.stale = False
renderer.open_group(self.__name__, gid=self.get_gid())
for artist in [self.gridline, self.tick1line, self.tick2line,
self.label1, self.label2]:
self.stale = False
def set_label1(self, s):
Set the label1 text.
s : str
self.stale = True
set_label = set_label1
def set_label2(self, s):
Set the label2 text.
s : str
self.stale = True
def set_url(self, url):
Set the url of label1 and label2.
url : str
self.stale = True
def _set_artist_props(self, a):
def get_view_interval(self):
Return the view limits ``(min, max)`` of the axis the tick belongs to.
raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
def _apply_params(self, **kwargs):
for name, target in [("gridOn", self.gridline),
("tick1On", self.tick1line),
("tick2On", self.tick2line),
("label1On", self.label1),
("label2On", self.label2)]:
if name in kwargs:
if any(k in kwargs for k in ['size', 'width', 'pad', 'tickdir']):
self._size = kwargs.pop('size', self._size)
# Width could be handled outside this block, but it is
# convenient to leave it here.
self._width = kwargs.pop('width', self._width)
self._base_pad = kwargs.pop('pad', self._base_pad)
# _apply_tickdir uses _size and _base_pad to make _pad, and also
# sets the ticklines markers.
self._apply_tickdir(kwargs.pop('tickdir', self._tickdir))
for line in (self.tick1line, self.tick2line):
# _get_text1_transform uses _pad from _apply_tickdir.
trans = self._get_text1_transform()[0]
trans = self._get_text2_transform()[0]
tick_kw = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in ['color', 'zorder']}
if 'color' in kwargs:
tick_kw['markeredgecolor'] = kwargs['color']
for k, v in tick_kw.items():
setattr(self, '_' + k, v)
if 'labelrotation' in kwargs:
label_kw = {k[5:]: v for k, v in kwargs.items()
if k in ['labelsize', 'labelcolor', 'labelfontfamily']}
grid_kw = {k[5:]: v for k, v in kwargs.items()
if k in _gridline_param_names}
def update_position(self, loc):
"""Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar *loc*."""
raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
def _get_text1_transform(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
def _get_text2_transform(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
class XTick(Tick):
Contains all the Artists needed to make an x tick - the tick line,
the label text and the grid line
__name__ = 'xtick'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# x in data coords, y in axes coords
ax = self.axes
data=([0], [0]), transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform("tick1"))
data=([0], [1]), transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform("tick2"))
data=([0, 0], [0, 1]), transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform("grid"))
# the y loc is 3 points below the min of y axis
trans, va, ha = self._get_text1_transform()
x=0, y=0,
verticalalignment=va, horizontalalignment=ha, transform=trans,
trans, va, ha = self._get_text2_transform()
x=0, y=1,
verticalalignment=va, horizontalalignment=ha, transform=trans,
def _get_text1_transform(self):
return self.axes.get_xaxis_text1_transform(self._pad)
def _get_text2_transform(self):
return self.axes.get_xaxis_text2_transform(self._pad)
def _apply_tickdir(self, tickdir):
# docstring inherited
mark1, mark2 = _MARKER_DICT[self._tickdir]
def update_position(self, loc):
"""Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar *loc*."""
self._loc = loc
self.stale = True
def get_view_interval(self):
# docstring inherited
return self.axes.viewLim.intervalx
class YTick(Tick):
Contains all the Artists needed to make a Y tick - the tick line,
the label text and the grid line
__name__ = 'ytick'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# x in axes coords, y in data coords
ax = self.axes
data=([0], [0]), transform=ax.get_yaxis_transform("tick1"))
data=([1], [0]), transform=ax.get_yaxis_transform("tick2"))
data=([0, 1], [0, 0]), transform=ax.get_yaxis_transform("grid"))
# the y loc is 3 points below the min of y axis
trans, va, ha = self._get_text1_transform()
x=0, y=0,
verticalalignment=va, horizontalalignment=ha, transform=trans,
trans, va, ha = self._get_text2_transform()
x=1, y=0,
verticalalignment=va, horizontalalignment=ha, transform=trans,
def _get_text1_transform(self):
return self.axes.get_yaxis_text1_transform(self._pad)
def _get_text2_transform(self):
return self.axes.get_yaxis_text2_transform(self._pad)
def _apply_tickdir(self, tickdir):
# docstring inherited
mark1, mark2 = {
'out': (mlines.TICKLEFT, mlines.TICKRIGHT),
'in': (mlines.TICKRIGHT, mlines.TICKLEFT),
'inout': ('_', '_'),
def update_position(self, loc):
"""Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar *loc*."""
self._loc = loc
self.stale = True
def get_view_interval(self):
# docstring inherited
return self.axes.viewLim.intervaly
class Ticker:
A container for the objects defining tick position and format.
locator : `~matplotlib.ticker.Locator` subclass
Determines the positions of the ticks.
formatter : `~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter` subclass
Determines the format of the tick labels.
def __init__(self):
self._locator = None
self._formatter = None
self._locator_is_default = True
self._formatter_is_default = True
def locator(self):
return self._locator
def locator(self, locator):
if not isinstance(locator, mticker.Locator):
raise TypeError('locator must be a subclass of '
self._locator = locator
def formatter(self):
return self._formatter
def formatter(self, formatter):
if not isinstance(formatter, mticker.Formatter):
raise TypeError('formatter must be a subclass of '
self._formatter = formatter
class _LazyTickList:
A descriptor for lazy instantiation of tick lists.
See comment above definition of the ``majorTicks`` and ``minorTicks``
def __init__(self, major):
self._major = major
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
# instance._get_tick() can itself try to access the majorTicks
# attribute (e.g. in certain projection classes which override
# e.g. get_xaxis_text1_transform). In order to avoid infinite
# recursion, first set the majorTicks on the instance to an empty
# list, then create the tick and append it.
if self._major:
instance.majorTicks = []
tick = instance._get_tick(major=True)
return instance.majorTicks
instance.minorTicks = []
tick = instance._get_tick(major=False)
return instance.minorTicks
class Axis(martist.Artist):
Base class for `.XAxis` and `.YAxis`.
isDefault_label : bool
axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
The `~.axes.Axes` to which the Axis belongs.
major : `~matplotlib.axis.Ticker`
Determines the major tick positions and their label format.
minor : `~matplotlib.axis.Ticker`
Determines the minor tick positions and their label format.
callbacks : `~matplotlib.cbook.CallbackRegistry`
label : `~matplotlib.text.Text`
The axis label.
labelpad : float
The distance between the axis label and the tick labels.
Defaults to :rc:`axes.labelpad` = 4.
offsetText : `~matplotlib.text.Text`
A `.Text` object containing the data offset of the ticks (if any).
pickradius : float
The acceptance radius for containment tests. See also `.Axis.contains`.
majorTicks : list of `.Tick`
The major ticks.
.. warning::
Ticks are not guaranteed to be persistent. Various operations
can create, delete and modify the Tick instances. There is an
imminent risk that changes to individual ticks will not
survive if you work on the figure further (including also
panning/zooming on a displayed figure).
Working on the individual ticks is a method of last resort.
Use `.set_tick_params` instead if possible.
minorTicks : list of `.Tick`
The minor ticks.
# The class used in _get_tick() to create tick instances. Must either be
# overwritten in subclasses, or subclasses must reimplement _get_tick().
_tick_class = None
def __str__(self):
return "{}({},{})".format(
type(self).__name__, *self.axes.transAxes.transform((0, 0)))
def __init__(self, axes, *, pickradius=15, clear=True):
axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
The `~.axes.Axes` to which the created Axis belongs.
pickradius : float
The acceptance radius for containment tests. See also
clear : bool, default: True
Whether to clear the Axis on creation. This is not required, e.g., when
creating an Axis as part of an Axes, as ``Axes.clear`` will call
.. versionadded:: 3.8
self._remove_overlapping_locs = True
self.isDefault_label = True
self.axes = axes
self.major = Ticker()
self.minor = Ticker()
self.callbacks = cbook.CallbackRegistry(signals=["units"])
self._autolabelpos = True
self.label = mtext.Text(
np.nan, np.nan,
self.offsetText = mtext.Text(np.nan, np.nan)
self.labelpad = mpl.rcParams['axes.labelpad']
self.pickradius = pickradius
# Initialize here for testing; later add API
self._major_tick_kw = dict()
self._minor_tick_kw = dict()
if clear:
self.converter = None
self.units = None
self._autoscale_on = True
def isDefault_majloc(self):
return self.major._locator_is_default
def isDefault_majloc(self, value):
self.major._locator_is_default = value
def isDefault_majfmt(self):
return self.major._formatter_is_default
def isDefault_majfmt(self, value):
self.major._formatter_is_default = value
def isDefault_minloc(self):
return self.minor._locator_is_default
def isDefault_minloc(self, value):
self.minor._locator_is_default = value
def isDefault_minfmt(self):
return self.minor._formatter_is_default
def isDefault_minfmt(self, value):
self.minor._formatter_is_default = value
def _get_shared_axes(self):
"""Return Grouper of shared axes for current axis."""
return self.axes._shared_axes[
def _get_shared_axis(self):
"""Return list of shared axis for current axis."""
name = self._get_axis_name()
return [ax._axis_map[name] for ax in self._get_shared_axes()]
def _get_axis_name(self):
"""Return the axis name."""
return [name for name, axis in self.axes._axis_map.items()
if axis is self][0]
# During initialization, Axis objects often create ticks that are later
# unused; this turns out to be a very slow step. Instead, use a custom
# descriptor to make the tick lists lazy and instantiate them as needed.
majorTicks = _LazyTickList(major=True)
minorTicks = _LazyTickList(major=False)
def get_remove_overlapping_locs(self):
return self._remove_overlapping_locs
def set_remove_overlapping_locs(self, val):
self._remove_overlapping_locs = bool(val)
remove_overlapping_locs = property(
get_remove_overlapping_locs, set_remove_overlapping_locs,
doc=('If minor ticker locations that overlap with major '
'ticker locations should be trimmed.'))
def set_label_coords(self, x, y, transform=None):
Set the coordinates of the label.
By default, the x coordinate of the y label and the y coordinate of the
x label are determined by the tick label bounding boxes, but this can
lead to poor alignment of multiple labels if there are multiple axes.
You can also specify the coordinate system of the label with the
transform. If None, the default coordinate system will be the axes
coordinate system: (0, 0) is bottom left, (0.5, 0.5) is center, etc.
self._autolabelpos = False
if transform is None:
transform = self.axes.transAxes
self.label.set_position((x, y))
self.stale = True
def get_transform(self):
"""Return the transform used in the Axis' scale"""
return self._scale.get_transform()
def get_scale(self):
"""Return this Axis' scale (as a str)."""
def _set_scale(self, value, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(value, mscale.ScaleBase):
self._scale = mscale.scale_factory(value, self, **kwargs)
self._scale = value
self.isDefault_majloc = True
self.isDefault_minloc = True
self.isDefault_majfmt = True
self.isDefault_minfmt = True
# This method is directly wrapped by Axes.set_{x,y}scale.
def _set_axes_scale(self, value, **kwargs):
Set this Axis' scale.
value : {"linear", "log", "symlog", "logit", ...} or `.ScaleBase`
The axis scale type to apply.
Different keyword arguments are accepted, depending on the scale.
See the respective class keyword arguments:
- `matplotlib.scale.LinearScale`
- `matplotlib.scale.LogScale`
- `matplotlib.scale.SymmetricalLogScale`
- `matplotlib.scale.LogitScale`
- `matplotlib.scale.FuncScale`
By default, Matplotlib supports the above-mentioned scales.
Additionally, custom scales may be registered using
`matplotlib.scale.register_scale`. These scales can then also
be used here.
name = self._get_axis_name()
old_default_lims = (self.get_major_locator()
.nonsingular(-np.inf, np.inf))
for ax in self._get_shared_axes():
ax._axis_map[name]._set_scale(value, **kwargs)
ax.stale = True
new_default_lims = (self.get_major_locator()
.nonsingular(-np.inf, np.inf))
if old_default_lims != new_default_lims:
# Force autoscaling now, to take advantage of the scale locator's
# nonsingular() before it possibly gets swapped out by the user.
**{f"scale{k}": k == name for k in self.axes._axis_names})
def limit_range_for_scale(self, vmin, vmax):
return self._scale.limit_range_for_scale(vmin, vmax, self.get_minpos())
def _get_autoscale_on(self):
"""Return whether this Axis is autoscaled."""
return self._autoscale_on
def _set_autoscale_on(self, b):
Set whether this Axis is autoscaled when drawing or by
b : bool
self._autoscale_on = b
def get_children(self):
return [self.label, self.offsetText,
*self.get_major_ticks(), *self.get_minor_ticks()]
def _reset_major_tick_kw(self):
self._major_tick_kw['gridOn'] = (
mpl.rcParams['axes.grid'] and
mpl.rcParams['axes.grid.which'] in ('both', 'major'))
def _reset_minor_tick_kw(self):
self._minor_tick_kw['gridOn'] = (
mpl.rcParams['axes.grid'] and
mpl.rcParams['axes.grid.which'] in ('both', 'minor'))
def clear(self):
Clear the axis.
This resets axis properties to their default values:
- the label
- the scale
- locators, formatters and ticks
- major and minor grid
- units
- registered callbacks
# The above resets the label formatting using text rcParams,
# so we then update the formatting using axes rcParams
self.labelpad = mpl.rcParams['axes.labelpad']
# Clear the callback registry for this axis, or it may "leak"
self.callbacks = cbook.CallbackRegistry(signals=["units"])
# whether the grids are on
self._major_tick_kw['gridOn'] = (
mpl.rcParams['axes.grid'] and
mpl.rcParams['axes.grid.which'] in ('both', 'major'))
self._minor_tick_kw['gridOn'] = (
mpl.rcParams['axes.grid'] and
mpl.rcParams['axes.grid.which'] in ('both', 'minor'))
self.converter = None
self.units = None
self.stale = True
def reset_ticks(self):
Re-initialize the major and minor Tick lists.
Each list starts with a single fresh Tick.
# Restore the lazy tick lists.
del self.majorTicks
except AttributeError:
del self.minorTicks
except AttributeError:
except AttributeError:
def set_tick_params(self, which='major', reset=False, **kwargs):
Set appearance parameters for ticks, ticklabels, and gridlines.
For documentation of keyword arguments, see
See Also
View the current style settings for ticks, ticklabels, and
_api.check_in_list(['major', 'minor', 'both'], which=which)
kwtrans = self._translate_tick_params(kwargs)
# the kwargs are stored in self._major/minor_tick_kw so that any
# future new ticks will automatically get them
if reset:
if which in ['major', 'both']:
if which in ['minor', 'both']:
if which in ['major', 'both']:
for tick in self.majorTicks:
if which in ['minor', 'both']:
for tick in self.minorTicks:
# labelOn and labelcolor also apply to the offset text.
if 'label1On' in kwtrans or 'label2On' in kwtrans:
self._major_tick_kw.get('label1On', False)
or self._major_tick_kw.get('label2On', False))
if 'labelcolor' in kwtrans:
self.stale = True
def get_tick_params(self, which='major'):
Get appearance parameters for ticks, ticklabels, and gridlines.
.. versionadded:: 3.7
which : {'major', 'minor'}, default: 'major'
The group of ticks for which the parameters are retrieved.
Properties for styling tick elements added to the axis.
This method returns the appearance parameters for styling *new*
elements added to this axis and may be different from the values
on current elements if they were modified directly by the user
(e.g., via ``set_*`` methods on individual tick objects).
>>> ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=30, labelcolor='red',
direction='out', which='major')
>>> ax.yaxis.get_tick_params(which='major')
{'direction': 'out',
'left': True,
'right': False,
'labelleft': True,
'labelright': False,
'gridOn': False,
'labelsize': 30,
'labelcolor': 'red'}
>>> ax.yaxis.get_tick_params(which='minor')
{'left': True,
'right': False,
'labelleft': True,
'labelright': False,
'gridOn': False}
_api.check_in_list(['major', 'minor'], which=which)
if which == 'major':
return self._translate_tick_params(
self._major_tick_kw, reverse=True
return self._translate_tick_params(self._minor_tick_kw, reverse=True)
def _translate_tick_params(kw, reverse=False):
Translate the kwargs supported by `.Axis.set_tick_params` to kwargs
supported by `.Tick._apply_params`.
In particular, this maps axis specific names like 'top', 'left'
to the generic tick1, tick2 logic of the axis. Additionally, there
are some other name translations.
Returns a new dict of translated kwargs.
Note: Use reverse=True to translate from those supported by
`.Tick._apply_params` back to those supported by
kw_ = {**kw}
# The following lists may be moved to a more accessible location.
allowed_keys = [
'size', 'width', 'color', 'tickdir', 'pad',
'labelsize', 'labelcolor', 'labelfontfamily', 'zorder', 'gridOn',
'tick1On', 'tick2On', 'label1On', 'label2On',
'length', 'direction', 'left', 'bottom', 'right', 'top',
'labelleft', 'labelbottom', 'labelright', 'labeltop',
keymap = {
# tick_params key -> axis key
'length': 'size',
'direction': 'tickdir',
'rotation': 'labelrotation',
'left': 'tick1On',
'bottom': 'tick1On',
'right': 'tick2On',
'top': 'tick2On',
'labelleft': 'label1On',
'labelbottom': 'label1On',
'labelright': 'label2On',
'labeltop': 'label2On',
if reverse:
kwtrans = {
oldkey: kw_.pop(newkey)
for oldkey, newkey in keymap.items() if newkey in kw_
kwtrans = {
newkey: kw_.pop(oldkey)
for oldkey, newkey in keymap.items() if oldkey in kw_
if 'colors' in kw_:
c = kw_.pop('colors')
kwtrans['color'] = c
kwtrans['labelcolor'] = c
# Maybe move the checking up to the caller of this method.
for key in kw_:
if key not in allowed_keys:
raise ValueError(
"keyword %s is not recognized; valid keywords are %s"
% (key, allowed_keys))
return kwtrans
@_api.rename_parameter("3.8", "clippath", "path")
def set_clip_path(self, path, transform=None):
super().set_clip_path(path, transform)
for child in self.majorTicks + self.minorTicks:
child.set_clip_path(path, transform)
self.stale = True
def get_view_interval(self):
"""Return the ``(min, max)`` view limits of this axis."""
raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
def set_view_interval(self, vmin, vmax, ignore=False):
Set the axis view limits. This method is for internal use; Matplotlib
users should typically use e.g. `~.Axes.set_xlim` or `~.Axes.set_ylim`.
If *ignore* is False (the default), this method will never reduce the
preexisting view limits, only expand them if *vmin* or *vmax* are not
within them. Moreover, the order of *vmin* and *vmax* does not matter;
the orientation of the axis will not change.
If *ignore* is True, the view limits will be set exactly to ``(vmin,
vmax)`` in that order.
raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
def get_data_interval(self):
"""Return the ``(min, max)`` data limits of this axis."""
raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
def set_data_interval(self, vmin, vmax, ignore=False):
Set the axis data limits. This method is for internal use.
If *ignore* is False (the default), this method will never reduce the
preexisting data limits, only expand them if *vmin* or *vmax* are not
within them. Moreover, the order of *vmin* and *vmax* does not matter;
the orientation of the axis will not change.
If *ignore* is True, the data limits will be set exactly to ``(vmin,
vmax)`` in that order.
raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
def get_inverted(self):
Return whether this Axis is oriented in the "inverse" direction.
The "normal" direction is increasing to the right for the x-axis and to
the top for the y-axis; the "inverse" direction is increasing to the
left for the x-axis and to the bottom for the y-axis.
low, high = self.get_view_interval()
return high < low
def set_inverted(self, inverted):
Set whether this Axis is oriented in the "inverse" direction.
The "normal" direction is increasing to the right for the x-axis and to
the top for the y-axis; the "inverse" direction is increasing to the
left for the x-axis and to the bottom for the y-axis.
a, b = self.get_view_interval()
# cast to bool to avoid bad interaction between python 3.8 and np.bool_
self._set_lim(*sorted((a, b), reverse=bool(inverted)), auto=None)
def set_default_intervals(self):
Set the default limits for the axis data and view interval if they
have not been not mutated yet.
# this is mainly in support of custom object plotting. For
# example, if someone passes in a datetime object, we do not
# know automagically how to set the default min/max of the
# data and view limits. The unit conversion AxisInfo
# interface provides a hook for custom types to register
# default limits through the AxisInfo.default_limits
# attribute, and the derived code below will check for that
# and use it if it's available (else just use 0..1)
def _set_lim(self, v0, v1, *, emit=True, auto):
Set view limits.
This method is a helper for the Axes ``set_xlim``, ``set_ylim``, and
``set_zlim`` methods.
v0, v1 : float
The view limits. (Passing *v0* as a (low, high) pair is not
supported; normalization must occur in the Axes setters.)
emit : bool, default: True
Whether to notify observers of limit change.
auto : bool or None, default: False
Whether to turn on autoscaling of the x-axis. True turns on, False
turns off, None leaves unchanged.
name = self._get_axis_name()
self.axes._process_unit_info([(name, (v0, v1))], convert=False)
v0 = self.axes._validate_converted_limits(v0, self.convert_units)
v1 = self.axes._validate_converted_limits(v1, self.convert_units)
if v0 is None or v1 is None:
# Axes init calls set_xlim(0, 1) before get_xlim() can be called,
# so only grab the limits if we really need them.
old0, old1 = self.get_view_interval()
if v0 is None:
v0 = old0
if v1 is None:
v1 = old1
if self.get_scale() == 'log' and (v0 <= 0 or v1 <= 0):
# Axes init calls set_xlim(0, 1) before get_xlim() can be called,
# so only grab the limits if we really need them.
old0, old1 = self.get_view_interval()
if v0 <= 0:
_api.warn_external(f"Attempt to set non-positive {name}lim on "
f"a log-scaled axis will be ignored.")
v0 = old0
if v1 <= 0:
_api.warn_external(f"Attempt to set non-positive {name}lim on "
f"a log-scaled axis will be ignored.")
v1 = old1
if v0 == v1:
f"Attempting to set identical low and high {name}lims "
f"makes transformation singular; automatically expanding.")
reverse = bool(v0 > v1) # explicit cast needed for python3.8+np.bool_.
v0, v1 = self.get_major_locator().nonsingular(v0, v1)
v0, v1 = self.limit_range_for_scale(v0, v1)
v0, v1 = sorted([v0, v1], reverse=bool(reverse))
self.set_view_interval(v0, v1, ignore=True)
# Mark viewlims as no longer stale without triggering an autoscale.
for ax in self._get_shared_axes():
ax._stale_viewlims[name] = False
if auto is not None:
if emit:
self.axes.callbacks.process(f"{name}lim_changed", self.axes)
# Call all of the other axes that are shared with this one
for other in self._get_shared_axes():
if other is self.axes:
other._axis_map[name]._set_lim(v0, v1, emit=False, auto=auto)
if emit:
other.callbacks.process(f"{name}lim_changed", other)
if other.figure != self.figure:
self.stale = True
return v0, v1
def _set_artist_props(self, a):
if a is None:
def _update_ticks(self):
Update ticks (position and labels) using the current data interval of
the axes. Return the list of ticks that will be drawn.
major_locs = self.get_majorticklocs()
major_labels = self.major.formatter.format_ticks(major_locs)
major_ticks = self.get_major_ticks(len(major_locs))
for tick, loc, label in zip(major_ticks, major_locs, major_labels):
minor_locs = self.get_minorticklocs()
minor_labels = self.minor.formatter.format_ticks(minor_locs)
minor_ticks = self.get_minor_ticks(len(minor_locs))
for tick, loc, label in zip(minor_ticks, minor_locs, minor_labels):
ticks = [*major_ticks, *minor_ticks]
view_low, view_high = self.get_view_interval()
if view_low > view_high:
view_low, view_high = view_high, view_low
interval_t = self.get_transform().transform([view_low, view_high])
ticks_to_draw = []
for tick in ticks:
loc_t = self.get_transform().transform(tick.get_loc())
except AssertionError:
# transforms.transform doesn't allow masked values but
# some scales might make them, so we need this try/except.
if mtransforms._interval_contains_close(interval_t, loc_t):
return ticks_to_draw
def _get_ticklabel_bboxes(self, ticks, renderer=None):
"""Return lists of bboxes for ticks' label1's and label2's."""
if renderer is None:
renderer = self.figure._get_renderer()
return ([tick.label1.get_window_extent(renderer)
for tick in ticks if tick.label1.get_visible()],
for tick in ticks if tick.label2.get_visible()])
def get_tightbbox(self, renderer=None, *, for_layout_only=False):
Return a bounding box that encloses the axis. It only accounts
tick labels, axis label, and offsetText.
If *for_layout_only* is True, then the width of the label (if this
is an x-axis) or the height of the label (if this is a y-axis) is
collapsed to near zero. This allows tight/constrained_layout to ignore
too-long labels when doing their layout.
if not self.get_visible():
if renderer is None:
renderer = self.figure._get_renderer()
ticks_to_draw = self._update_ticks()
# go back to just this axis's tick labels
tlb1, tlb2 = self._get_ticklabel_bboxes(ticks_to_draw, renderer)
self._update_offset_text_position(tlb1, tlb2)
bboxes = [
for a in [self.offsetText]
if a.get_visible()),
*tlb1, *tlb2,
# take care of label
if self.label.get_visible():
bb = self.label.get_window_extent(renderer)
# for constrained/tight_layout, we want to ignore the label's
# width/height because the adjustments they make can't be improved.
# this code collapses the relevant direction
if for_layout_only:
if self.axis_name == "x" and bb.width > 0:
bb.x0 = (bb.x0 + bb.x1) / 2 - 0.5
bb.x1 = bb.x0 + 1.0
if self.axis_name == "y" and bb.height > 0:
bb.y0 = (bb.y0 + bb.y1) / 2 - 0.5
bb.y1 = bb.y0 + 1.0
bboxes = [b for b in bboxes
if 0 < b.width < np.inf and 0 < b.height < np.inf]
if bboxes:
return mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes)
return None
def get_tick_padding(self):
values = []
if len(self.majorTicks):
if len(self.minorTicks):
return max(values, default=0)
def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
# docstring inherited
if not self.get_visible():
renderer.open_group(__name__, gid=self.get_gid())
ticks_to_draw = self._update_ticks()
tlb1, tlb2 = self._get_ticklabel_bboxes(ticks_to_draw, renderer)
for tick in ticks_to_draw:
# Shift label away from axes to avoid overlapping ticklabels.
self._update_offset_text_position(tlb1, tlb2)
self.stale = False
def get_gridlines(self):
r"""Return this Axis' grid lines as a list of `.Line2D`\s."""
ticks = self.get_major_ticks()
return cbook.silent_list('Line2D gridline',
[tick.gridline for tick in ticks])
def get_label(self):
"""Return the axis label as a Text instance."""
return self.label
def get_offset_text(self):
"""Return the axis offsetText as a Text instance."""
return self.offsetText
def get_pickradius(self):
"""Return the depth of the axis used by the picker."""
return self._pickradius
def get_majorticklabels(self):
"""Return this Axis' major tick labels, as a list of `~.text.Text`."""
ticks = self.get_major_ticks()
labels1 = [tick.label1 for tick in ticks if tick.label1.get_visible()]
labels2 = [tick.label2 for tick in ticks if tick.label2.get_visible()]
return labels1 + labels2
def get_minorticklabels(self):
"""Return this Axis' minor tick labels, as a list of `~.text.Text`."""
ticks = self.get_minor_ticks()
labels1 = [tick.label1 for tick in ticks if tick.label1.get_visible()]
labels2 = [tick.label2 for tick in ticks if tick.label2.get_visible()]
return labels1 + labels2
def get_ticklabels(self, minor=False, which=None):
Get this Axis' tick labels.
minor : bool
Whether to return the minor or the major ticklabels.
which : None, ('minor', 'major', 'both')
Overrides *minor*.
Selects which ticklabels to return
list of `~matplotlib.text.Text`
if which is not None:
if which == 'minor':
return self.get_minorticklabels()
elif which == 'major':
return self.get_majorticklabels()
elif which == 'both':
return self.get_majorticklabels() + self.get_minorticklabels()
_api.check_in_list(['major', 'minor', 'both'], which=which)
if minor:
return self.get_minorticklabels()
return self.get_majorticklabels()
def get_majorticklines(self):
r"""Return this Axis' major tick lines as a list of `.Line2D`\s."""
lines = []
ticks = self.get_major_ticks()
for tick in ticks:
return cbook.silent_list('Line2D ticklines', lines)
def get_minorticklines(self):
r"""Return this Axis' minor tick lines as a list of `.Line2D`\s."""
lines = []
ticks = self.get_minor_ticks()
for tick in ticks:
return cbook.silent_list('Line2D ticklines', lines)
def get_ticklines(self, minor=False):
r"""Return this Axis' tick lines as a list of `.Line2D`\s."""
if minor:
return self.get_minorticklines()
return self.get_majorticklines()
def get_majorticklocs(self):
"""Return this Axis' major tick locations in data coordinates."""
return self.major.locator()
def get_minorticklocs(self):
"""Return this Axis' minor tick locations in data coordinates."""
# Remove minor ticks duplicating major ticks.
minor_locs = np.asarray(self.minor.locator())
if self.remove_overlapping_locs:
major_locs = self.major.locator()
transform = self._scale.get_transform()
tr_minor_locs = transform.transform(minor_locs)
tr_major_locs = transform.transform(major_locs)
lo, hi = sorted(transform.transform(self.get_view_interval()))
# Use the transformed view limits as scale. 1e-5 is the default
# rtol for np.isclose.
tol = (hi - lo) * 1e-5
mask = np.isclose(tr_minor_locs[:, None], tr_major_locs[None, :],
atol=tol, rtol=0).any(axis=1)
minor_locs = minor_locs[~mask]
return minor_locs
def get_ticklocs(self, *, minor=False):
Return this Axis' tick locations in data coordinates.
The locations are not clipped to the current axis limits and hence
may contain locations that are not visible in the output.
minor : bool, default: False
True to return the minor tick directions,
False to return the major tick directions.
array of tick locations
return self.get_minorticklocs() if minor else self.get_majorticklocs()
def get_ticks_direction(self, minor=False):
Return an array of this Axis' tick directions.
minor : bool, default: False
True to return the minor tick directions,
False to return the major tick directions.
array of tick directions
if minor:
return np.array(
[tick._tickdir for tick in self.get_minor_ticks()])
return np.array(
[tick._tickdir for tick in self.get_major_ticks()])
def _get_tick(self, major):
"""Return the default tick instance."""
if self._tick_class is None:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"The Axis subclass {self.__class__.__name__} must define "
"_tick_class or reimplement _get_tick()")
tick_kw = self._major_tick_kw if major else self._minor_tick_kw
return self._tick_class(self.axes, 0, major=major, **tick_kw)
def _get_tick_label_size(self, axis_name):
Return the text size of tick labels for this Axis.
This is a convenience function to avoid having to create a `Tick` in
`.get_tick_space`, since it is expensive.
tick_kw = self._major_tick_kw
size = tick_kw.get('labelsize',
return mtext.FontProperties(size=size).get_size_in_points()
def _copy_tick_props(self, src, dest):
"""Copy the properties from *src* tick to *dest* tick."""
if src is None or dest is None:
def get_label_text(self):
"""Get the text of the label."""
return self.label.get_text()
def get_major_locator(self):
"""Get the locator of the major ticker."""
return self.major.locator
def get_minor_locator(self):
"""Get the locator of the minor ticker."""
return self.minor.locator
def get_major_formatter(self):
"""Get the formatter of the major ticker."""
return self.major.formatter
def get_minor_formatter(self):
"""Get the formatter of the minor ticker."""
return self.minor.formatter
def get_major_ticks(self, numticks=None):
Return the list of major `.Tick`\s.
.. warning::
Ticks are not guaranteed to be persistent. Various operations
can create, delete and modify the Tick instances. There is an
imminent risk that changes to individual ticks will not
survive if you work on the figure further (including also
panning/zooming on a displayed figure).
Working on the individual ticks is a method of last resort.
Use `.set_tick_params` instead if possible.
if numticks is None:
numticks = len(self.get_majorticklocs())
while len(self.majorTicks) < numticks:
# Update the new tick label properties from the old.
tick = self._get_tick(major=True)
self._copy_tick_props(self.majorTicks[0], tick)
return self.majorTicks[:numticks]
def get_minor_ticks(self, numticks=None):
Return the list of minor `.Tick`\s.
.. warning::
Ticks are not guaranteed to be persistent. Various operations
can create, delete and modify the Tick instances. There is an
imminent risk that changes to individual ticks will not
survive if you work on the figure further (including also
panning/zooming on a displayed figure).
Working on the individual ticks is a method of last resort.
Use `.set_tick_params` instead if possible.
if numticks is None:
numticks = len(self.get_minorticklocs())
while len(self.minorTicks) < numticks:
# Update the new tick label properties from the old.
tick = self._get_tick(major=False)
self._copy_tick_props(self.minorTicks[0], tick)
return self.minorTicks[:numticks]
def grid(self, visible=None, which='major', **kwargs):
Configure the grid lines.
visible : bool or None
Whether to show the grid lines. If any *kwargs* are supplied, it
is assumed you want the grid on and *visible* will be set to True.
If *visible* is *None* and there are no *kwargs*, this toggles the
visibility of the lines.
which : {'major', 'minor', 'both'}
The grid lines to apply the changes on.
**kwargs : `~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties
Define the line properties of the grid, e.g.::
grid(color='r', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
if kwargs:
if visible is None:
visible = True
elif not visible: # something false-like but not None
_api.warn_external('First parameter to grid() is false, '
'but line properties are supplied. The '
'grid will be enabled.')
visible = True
which = which.lower()
_api.check_in_list(['major', 'minor', 'both'], which=which)
gridkw = {f'grid_{name}': value for name, value in kwargs.items()}
if which in ['minor', 'both']:
gridkw['gridOn'] = (not self._minor_tick_kw['gridOn']
if visible is None else visible)
self.set_tick_params(which='minor', **gridkw)
if which in ['major', 'both']:
gridkw['gridOn'] = (not self._major_tick_kw['gridOn']
if visible is None else visible)
self.set_tick_params(which='major', **gridkw)
self.stale = True
def update_units(self, data):
Introspect *data* for units converter and update the
``axis.converter`` instance if necessary. Return *True*
if *data* is registered for unit conversion.
converter = munits.registry.get_converter(data)
if converter is None:
return False
neednew = self.converter != converter
self.converter = converter
default = self.converter.default_units(data, self)
if default is not None and self.units is None:
elif neednew:
self.stale = True
return True
def _update_axisinfo(self):
Check the axis converter for the stored units to see if the
axis info needs to be updated.
if self.converter is None:
info = self.converter.axisinfo(self.units, self)
if info is None:
if info.majloc is not None and \
self.major.locator != info.majloc and self.isDefault_majloc:
self.isDefault_majloc = True
if info.minloc is not None and \
self.minor.locator != info.minloc and self.isDefault_minloc:
self.isDefault_minloc = True
if info.majfmt is not None and \
self.major.formatter != info.majfmt and self.isDefault_majfmt:
self.isDefault_majfmt = True
if info.minfmt is not None and \
self.minor.formatter != info.minfmt and self.isDefault_minfmt:
self.isDefault_minfmt = True
if info.label is not None and self.isDefault_label:
self.isDefault_label = True
def have_units(self):
return self.converter is not None or self.units is not None
def convert_units(self, x):
# If x is natively supported by Matplotlib, doesn't need converting
if munits._is_natively_supported(x):
return x
if self.converter is None:
self.converter = munits.registry.get_converter(x)
if self.converter is None:
return x
ret = self.converter.convert(x, self.units, self)
except Exception as e:
raise munits.ConversionError('Failed to convert value(s) to axis '
f'units: {x!r}') from e
return ret
def set_units(self, u):
Set the units for axis.
u : units tag
The units of any shared axis will also be updated.
if u == self.units:
for axis in self._get_shared_axis():
axis.units = u
axis.stale = True
def get_units(self):
"""Return the units for axis."""
return self.units
def set_label_text(self, label, fontdict=None, **kwargs):
Set the text value of the axis label.
label : str
Text string.
fontdict : dict
Text properties.
.. admonition:: Discouraged
The use of *fontdict* is discouraged. Parameters should be passed as
individual keyword arguments or using dictionary-unpacking
``set_label_text(..., **fontdict)``.
Merged into fontdict.
self.isDefault_label = False
if fontdict is not None:
self.stale = True
return self.label
def set_major_formatter(self, formatter):
Set the formatter of the major ticker.
In addition to a `~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter` instance,
this also accepts a ``str`` or function.
For a ``str`` a `~matplotlib.ticker.StrMethodFormatter` is used.
The field used for the value must be labeled ``'x'`` and the field used
for the position must be labeled ``'pos'``.
See the `~matplotlib.ticker.StrMethodFormatter` documentation for
more information.
For a function, a `~matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter` is used.
The function must take two inputs (a tick value ``x`` and a
position ``pos``), and return a string containing the corresponding
tick label.
See the `~matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter` documentation for
more information.
formatter : `~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter`, ``str``, or function
self._set_formatter(formatter, self.major)
def set_minor_formatter(self, formatter):
Set the formatter of the minor ticker.
In addition to a `~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter` instance,
this also accepts a ``str`` or function.
See `.Axis.set_major_formatter` for more information.
formatter : `~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter`, ``str``, or function
self._set_formatter(formatter, self.minor)
def _set_formatter(self, formatter, level):
if isinstance(formatter, str):
formatter = mticker.StrMethodFormatter(formatter)
# Don't allow any other TickHelper to avoid easy-to-make errors,
# like using a Locator instead of a Formatter.
elif (callable(formatter) and
not isinstance(formatter, mticker.TickHelper)):
formatter = mticker.FuncFormatter(formatter)
_api.check_isinstance(mticker.Formatter, formatter=formatter)
if (isinstance(formatter, mticker.FixedFormatter)
and len(formatter.seq) > 0
and not isinstance(level.locator, mticker.FixedLocator)):
_api.warn_external('FixedFormatter should only be used together '
'with FixedLocator')
if level == self.major:
self.isDefault_majfmt = False
self.isDefault_minfmt = False
level.formatter = formatter
self.stale = True
def set_major_locator(self, locator):
Set the locator of the major ticker.
locator : `~matplotlib.ticker.Locator`
_api.check_isinstance(mticker.Locator, locator=locator)
self.isDefault_majloc = False
self.major.locator = locator
if self.major.formatter:
self.stale = True
def set_minor_locator(self, locator):
Set the locator of the minor ticker.
locator : `~matplotlib.ticker.Locator`
_api.check_isinstance(mticker.Locator, locator=locator)
self.isDefault_minloc = False
self.minor.locator = locator
if self.minor.formatter:
self.stale = True
def set_pickradius(self, pickradius):
Set the depth of the axis used by the picker.
pickradius : float
The acceptance radius for containment tests.
See also `.Axis.contains`.
if not isinstance(pickradius, Real) or pickradius < 0:
raise ValueError("pick radius should be a distance")
self._pickradius = pickradius
pickradius = property(
get_pickradius, set_pickradius, doc="The acceptance radius for "
"containment tests. See also `.Axis.contains`.")
# Helper for set_ticklabels. Defining it here makes it picklable.
def _format_with_dict(tickd, x, pos):
return tickd.get(x, "")
@_api.rename_parameter("3.7", "ticklabels", "labels")
def set_ticklabels(self, labels, *, minor=False, fontdict=None, **kwargs):
[*Discouraged*] Set this Axis' tick labels with list of string labels.
.. admonition:: Discouraged
The use of this method is discouraged, because of the dependency on
tick positions. In most cases, you'll want to use
``Axes.set_[x/y/z]ticks(positions, labels)`` or ``Axis.set_ticks``
If you are using this method, you should always fix the tick
positions before, e.g. by using `.Axis.set_ticks` or by explicitly
setting a `~.ticker.FixedLocator`. Otherwise, ticks are free to
move and the labels may end up in unexpected positions.
labels : sequence of str or of `.Text`\s
Texts for labeling each tick location in the sequence set by
`.Axis.set_ticks`; the number of labels must match the number of
minor : bool
If True, set minor ticks instead of major ticks.
fontdict : dict, optional
.. admonition:: Discouraged
The use of *fontdict* is discouraged. Parameters should be passed as
individual keyword arguments or using dictionary-unpacking
``set_ticklabels(..., **fontdict)``.
A dictionary controlling the appearance of the ticklabels.
The default *fontdict* is::
{'fontsize': rcParams['axes.titlesize'],
'fontweight': rcParams['axes.titleweight'],
'verticalalignment': 'baseline',
'horizontalalignment': loc}
Text properties.
.. warning::
This only sets the properties of the current ticks.
Ticks are not guaranteed to be persistent. Various operations
can create, delete and modify the Tick instances. There is an
imminent risk that these settings can get lost if you work on
the figure further (including also panning/zooming on a
displayed figure).
Use `.set_tick_params` instead if possible.
list of `.Text`\s
For each tick, includes ``tick.label1`` if it is visible, then
``tick.label2`` if it is visible, in that order.
labels = [t.get_text() if hasattr(t, 'get_text') else t
for t in labels]
except TypeError:
raise TypeError(f"{labels:=} must be a sequence") from None
locator = (self.get_minor_locator() if minor
else self.get_major_locator())
if not labels:
# eg labels=[]:
formatter = mticker.NullFormatter()
elif isinstance(locator, mticker.FixedLocator):
# Passing [] as a list of labels is often used as a way to
# remove all tick labels, so only error for > 0 labels
if len(locator.locs) != len(labels) and len(labels) != 0:
raise ValueError(
"The number of FixedLocator locations"
f" ({len(locator.locs)}), usually from a call to"
" set_ticks, does not match"
f" the number of labels ({len(labels)}).")
tickd = {loc: lab for loc, lab in zip(locator.locs, labels)}
func = functools.partial(self._format_with_dict, tickd)
formatter = mticker.FuncFormatter(func)
"set_ticklabels() should only be used with a fixed number of "
"ticks, i.e. after set_ticks() or using a FixedLocator.")
formatter = mticker.FixedFormatter(labels)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
message="FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator")
if minor:
locs = self.get_minorticklocs()
ticks = self.get_minor_ticks(len(locs))
locs = self.get_majorticklocs()
ticks = self.get_major_ticks(len(locs))
ret = []
if fontdict is not None:
for pos, (loc, tick) in enumerate(zip(locs, ticks)):
tick_label = formatter(loc, pos)
# deal with label1
# deal with label2
# only return visible tick labels
if tick.label1.get_visible():
if tick.label2.get_visible():
self.stale = True
return ret
def _set_tick_locations(self, ticks, *, minor=False):
# see docstring of set_ticks
# XXX if the user changes units, the information will be lost here
ticks = self.convert_units(ticks)
locator = mticker.FixedLocator(ticks) # validate ticks early.
if len(ticks):
for axis in self._get_shared_axis():
# set_view_interval maintains any preexisting inversion.
axis.set_view_interval(min(ticks), max(ticks))
self.axes.stale = True
if minor:
return self.get_minor_ticks(len(ticks))
return self.get_major_ticks(len(ticks))
def set_ticks(self, ticks, labels=None, *, minor=False, **kwargs):
Set this Axis' tick locations and optionally tick labels.
If necessary, the view limits of the Axis are expanded so that all
given ticks are visible.
ticks : 1D array-like
Array of tick locations. The axis `.Locator` is replaced by a
The values may be either floats or in axis units.
Pass an empty list to remove all ticks::
Some tick formatters will not label arbitrary tick positions;
e.g. log formatters only label decade ticks by default. In
such a case you can set a formatter explicitly on the axis
using `.Axis.set_major_formatter` or provide formatted
*labels* yourself.
labels : list of str, optional
Tick labels for each location in *ticks*. *labels* must be of the same
length as *ticks*. If not set, the labels are generate using the axis
tick `.Formatter`.
minor : bool, default: False
If ``False``, set the major ticks; if ``True``, the minor ticks.
`.Text` properties for the labels. Using these is only allowed if
you pass *labels*. In other cases, please use `~.Axes.tick_params`.
The mandatory expansion of the view limits is an intentional design
choice to prevent the surprise of a non-visible tick. If you need
other limits, you should set the limits explicitly after setting the
if labels is None and kwargs:
first_key = next(iter(kwargs))
raise ValueError(
f"Incorrect use of keyword argument {first_key!r}. Keyword arguments "
"other than 'minor' modify the text labels and can only be used if "
"'labels' are passed as well.")
result = self._set_tick_locations(ticks, minor=minor)
if labels is not None:
self.set_ticklabels(labels, minor=minor, **kwargs)
return result
def _get_tick_boxes_siblings(self, renderer):
Get the bounding boxes for this `.axis` and its siblings
as set by `.Figure.align_xlabels` or `.Figure.align_ylabels`.
By default, it just gets bboxes for *self*.
# Get the Grouper keeping track of x or y label groups for this figure.
name = self._get_axis_name()
if name not in self.figure._align_label_groups:
return [], []
grouper = self.figure._align_label_groups[name]
bboxes = []
bboxes2 = []
# If we want to align labels from other Axes:
for ax in grouper.get_siblings(self.axes):
axis = ax._axis_map[name]
ticks_to_draw = axis._update_ticks()
tlb, tlb2 = axis._get_ticklabel_bboxes(ticks_to_draw, renderer)
return bboxes, bboxes2
def _update_label_position(self, renderer):
Update the label position based on the bounding box enclosing
all the ticklabels and axis spine.
raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
def _update_offset_text_position(self, bboxes, bboxes2):
Update the offset text position based on the sequence of bounding
boxes of all the ticklabels.
raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
def axis_date(self, tz=None):
Set up axis ticks and labels to treat data along this Axis as dates.
tz : str or `datetime.tzinfo`, default: :rc:`timezone`
The timezone used to create date labels.
# By providing a sample datetime instance with the desired timezone,
# the registered converter can be selected, and the "units" attribute,
# which is the timezone, can be set.
if isinstance(tz, str):
tz =
self.update_units(datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, tz))
def get_tick_space(self):
"""Return the estimated number of ticks that can fit on the axis."""
# Must be overridden in the subclass
raise NotImplementedError()
def _get_ticks_position(self):
Helper for `XAxis.get_ticks_position` and `YAxis.get_ticks_position`.
Check the visibility of tick1line, label1, tick2line, and label2 on
the first major and the first minor ticks, and return
- 1 if only tick1line and label1 are visible (which corresponds to
"bottom" for the x-axis and "left" for the y-axis);
- 2 if only tick2line and label2 are visible (which corresponds to
"top" for the x-axis and "right" for the y-axis);
- "default" if only tick1line, tick2line and label1 are visible;
- "unknown" otherwise.
major = self.majorTicks[0]
minor = self.minorTicks[0]
if all(tick.tick1line.get_visible()
and not tick.tick2line.get_visible()
and tick.label1.get_visible()
and not tick.label2.get_visible()
for tick in [major, minor]):
return 1
elif all(tick.tick2line.get_visible()
and not tick.tick1line.get_visible()
and tick.label2.get_visible()
and not tick.label1.get_visible()
for tick in [major, minor]):
return 2
elif all(tick.tick1line.get_visible()
and tick.tick2line.get_visible()
and tick.label1.get_visible()
and not tick.label2.get_visible()
for tick in [major, minor]):
return "default"
return "unknown"
def get_label_position(self):
Return the label position (top or bottom)
return self.label_position
def set_label_position(self, position):
Set the label position (top or bottom)
position : {'top', 'bottom'}
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_minpos(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def _make_getset_interval(method_name, lim_name, attr_name):
Helper to generate ``get_{data,view}_interval`` and
``set_{data,view}_interval`` implementations.
def getter(self):
# docstring inherited.
return getattr(getattr(self.axes, lim_name), attr_name)
def setter(self, vmin, vmax, ignore=False):
# docstring inherited.
if ignore:
setattr(getattr(self.axes, lim_name), attr_name, (vmin, vmax))
oldmin, oldmax = getter(self)
if oldmin < oldmax:
setter(self, min(vmin, vmax, oldmin), max(vmin, vmax, oldmax),
setter(self, max(vmin, vmax, oldmin), min(vmin, vmax, oldmax),
self.stale = True
getter.__name__ = f"get_{method_name}_interval"
setter.__name__ = f"set_{method_name}_interval"
return getter, setter
class XAxis(Axis):
__name__ = 'xaxis'
axis_name = 'x' #: Read-only name identifying the axis.
_tick_class = XTick
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _init(self):
Initialize the label and offsetText instance values and
`label_position` / `offset_text_position`.
# x in axes coords, y in display coords (to be updated at draw time by
# _update_label_positions and _update_offset_text_position).
x=0.5, y=0,
verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='center',
self.axes.transAxes, mtransforms.IdentityTransform()),
self.label_position = 'bottom'
if mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelcolor'] == 'inherit':
tick_color = mpl.rcParams['xtick.color']
tick_color = mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelcolor']
x=1, y=0,
verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='right',
self.axes.transAxes, mtransforms.IdentityTransform()),
self.offset_text_position = 'bottom'
def contains(self, mouseevent):
"""Test whether the mouse event occurred in the x-axis."""
if self._different_canvas(mouseevent):
return False, {}
x, y = mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y
trans = self.axes.transAxes.inverted()
xaxes, yaxes = trans.transform((x, y))
except ValueError:
return False, {}
(l, b), (r, t) = self.axes.transAxes.transform([(0, 0), (1, 1)])
inaxis = 0 <= xaxes <= 1 and (
b - self._pickradius < y < b or
t < y < t + self._pickradius)
return inaxis, {}
def set_label_position(self, position):
Set the label position (top or bottom)
position : {'top', 'bottom'}
'top': 'baseline', 'bottom': 'top',
}, position=position))
self.label_position = position
self.stale = True
def _update_label_position(self, renderer):
Update the label position based on the bounding box enclosing
all the ticklabels and axis spine
if not self._autolabelpos:
# get bounding boxes for this axis and any siblings
# that have been set by `fig.align_xlabels()`
bboxes, bboxes2 = self._get_tick_boxes_siblings(renderer=renderer)
x, y = self.label.get_position()
if self.label_position == 'bottom':
spine = self.axes.spines['bottom']
spinebbox = spine.get_window_extent()
except KeyError:
# use Axes if spine doesn't exist
spinebbox = self.axes.bbox
bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes + [spinebbox])
bottom = bbox.y0
(x, bottom - self.labelpad * self.figure.dpi / 72)
spine = self.axes.spines['top']
spinebbox = spine.get_window_extent()
except KeyError:
# use Axes if spine doesn't exist
spinebbox = self.axes.bbox
bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes2 + [spinebbox])
top = bbox.y1
(x, top + self.labelpad * self.figure.dpi / 72)
def _update_offset_text_position(self, bboxes, bboxes2):
Update the offset_text position based on the sequence of bounding
boxes of all the ticklabels
x, y = self.offsetText.get_position()
if not hasattr(self, '_tick_position'):
self._tick_position = 'bottom'
if self._tick_position == 'bottom':
if not len(bboxes):
bottom = self.axes.bbox.ymin
bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes)
bottom = bbox.y0
y = bottom - self.OFFSETTEXTPAD * self.figure.dpi / 72
if not len(bboxes2):
top = self.axes.bbox.ymax
bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes2)
top = bbox.y1
y = top + self.OFFSETTEXTPAD * self.figure.dpi / 72
self.offsetText.set_position((x, y))
def set_ticks_position(self, position):
Set the ticks position.
position : {'top', 'bottom', 'both', 'default', 'none'}
'both' sets the ticks to appear on both positions, but does not
change the tick labels. 'default' resets the tick positions to
the default: ticks on both positions, labels at bottom. 'none'
can be used if you don't want any ticks. 'none' and 'both'
affect only the ticks, not the labels.
if position == 'top':
self.set_tick_params(which='both', top=True, labeltop=True,
bottom=False, labelbottom=False)
self._tick_position = 'top'
elif position == 'bottom':
self.set_tick_params(which='both', top=False, labeltop=False,
bottom=True, labelbottom=True)
self._tick_position = 'bottom'
elif position == 'both':
self.set_tick_params(which='both', top=True,
elif position == 'none':
self.set_tick_params(which='both', top=False,
elif position == 'default':
self.set_tick_params(which='both', top=True, labeltop=False,
bottom=True, labelbottom=True)
self._tick_position = 'bottom'
_api.check_in_list(['top', 'bottom', 'both', 'default', 'none'],
self.stale = True
def tick_top(self):
Move ticks and ticklabels (if present) to the top of the Axes.
label = True
if 'label1On' in self._major_tick_kw:
label = (self._major_tick_kw['label1On']
or self._major_tick_kw['label2On'])
# If labels were turned off before this was called, leave them off.
self.set_tick_params(which='both', labeltop=label)
def tick_bottom(self):
Move ticks and ticklabels (if present) to the bottom of the Axes.
label = True
if 'label1On' in self._major_tick_kw:
label = (self._major_tick_kw['label1On']
or self._major_tick_kw['label2On'])
# If labels were turned off before this was called, leave them off.
self.set_tick_params(which='both', labelbottom=label)
def get_ticks_position(self):
Return the ticks position ("top", "bottom", "default", or "unknown").
return {1: "bottom", 2: "top",
"default": "default", "unknown": "unknown"}[
get_view_interval, set_view_interval = _make_getset_interval(
"view", "viewLim", "intervalx")
get_data_interval, set_data_interval = _make_getset_interval(
"data", "dataLim", "intervalx")
def get_minpos(self):
return self.axes.dataLim.minposx
def set_default_intervals(self):
# docstring inherited
# only change view if dataLim has not changed and user has
# not changed the view:
if (not self.axes.dataLim.mutatedx() and
not self.axes.viewLim.mutatedx()):
if self.converter is not None:
info = self.converter.axisinfo(self.units, self)
if info.default_limits is not None:
xmin, xmax = self.convert_units(info.default_limits)
self.axes.viewLim.intervalx = xmin, xmax
self.stale = True
def get_tick_space(self):
ends = mtransforms.Bbox.unit().transformed(
self.axes.transAxes - self.figure.dpi_scale_trans)
length = ends.width * 72
# There is a heuristic here that the aspect ratio of tick text
# is no more than 3:1
size = self._get_tick_label_size('x') * 3
if size > 0:
return int(np.floor(length / size))
return 2**31 - 1
class YAxis(Axis):
__name__ = 'yaxis'
axis_name = 'y' #: Read-only name identifying the axis.
_tick_class = YTick
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _init(self):
Initialize the label and offsetText instance values and
`label_position` / `offset_text_position`.
# x in display coords, y in axes coords (to be updated at draw time by
# _update_label_positions and _update_offset_text_position).
x=0, y=0.5,
verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center',
rotation='vertical', rotation_mode='anchor',
mtransforms.IdentityTransform(), self.axes.transAxes),
self.label_position = 'left'
if mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelcolor'] == 'inherit':
tick_color = mpl.rcParams['ytick.color']
tick_color = mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelcolor']
# x in axes coords, y in display coords(!).
x=0, y=0.5,
verticalalignment='baseline', horizontalalignment='left',
self.axes.transAxes, mtransforms.IdentityTransform()),
self.offset_text_position = 'left'
def contains(self, mouseevent):
# docstring inherited
if self._different_canvas(mouseevent):
return False, {}
x, y = mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y
trans = self.axes.transAxes.inverted()
xaxes, yaxes = trans.transform((x, y))
except ValueError:
return False, {}
(l, b), (r, t) = self.axes.transAxes.transform([(0, 0), (1, 1)])
inaxis = 0 <= yaxes <= 1 and (
l - self._pickradius < x < l or
r < x < r + self._pickradius)
return inaxis, {}
def set_label_position(self, position):
Set the label position (left or right)
position : {'left', 'right'}
'left': 'bottom', 'right': 'top',
}, position=position))
self.label_position = position
self.stale = True
def _update_label_position(self, renderer):
Update the label position based on the bounding box enclosing
all the ticklabels and axis spine
if not self._autolabelpos:
# get bounding boxes for this axis and any siblings
# that have been set by `fig.align_ylabels()`
bboxes, bboxes2 = self._get_tick_boxes_siblings(renderer=renderer)
x, y = self.label.get_position()
if self.label_position == 'left':
spine = self.axes.spines['left']
spinebbox = spine.get_window_extent()
except KeyError:
# use Axes if spine doesn't exist
spinebbox = self.axes.bbox
bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes + [spinebbox])
left = bbox.x0
(left - self.labelpad * self.figure.dpi / 72, y)
spine = self.axes.spines['right']
spinebbox = spine.get_window_extent()
except KeyError:
# use Axes if spine doesn't exist
spinebbox = self.axes.bbox
bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes2 + [spinebbox])
right = bbox.x1
(right + self.labelpad * self.figure.dpi / 72, y)
def _update_offset_text_position(self, bboxes, bboxes2):
Update the offset_text position based on the sequence of bounding
boxes of all the ticklabels
x, _ = self.offsetText.get_position()
if 'outline' in self.axes.spines:
# Special case for colorbars:
bbox = self.axes.spines['outline'].get_window_extent()
bbox = self.axes.bbox
top = bbox.ymax
(x, top + self.OFFSETTEXTPAD * self.figure.dpi / 72)
def set_offset_position(self, position):
position : {'left', 'right'}
x, y = self.offsetText.get_position()
x = _api.check_getitem({'left': 0, 'right': 1}, position=position)
self.offsetText.set_position((x, y))
self.stale = True
def set_ticks_position(self, position):
Set the ticks position.
position : {'left', 'right', 'both', 'default', 'none'}
'both' sets the ticks to appear on both positions, but does not
change the tick labels. 'default' resets the tick positions to
the default: ticks on both positions, labels at left. 'none'
can be used if you don't want any ticks. 'none' and 'both'
affect only the ticks, not the labels.
if position == 'right':
self.set_tick_params(which='both', right=True, labelright=True,
left=False, labelleft=False)
elif position == 'left':
self.set_tick_params(which='both', right=False, labelright=False,
left=True, labelleft=True)
elif position == 'both':
self.set_tick_params(which='both', right=True,
elif position == 'none':
self.set_tick_params(which='both', right=False,
elif position == 'default':
self.set_tick_params(which='both', right=True, labelright=False,
left=True, labelleft=True)
_api.check_in_list(['left', 'right', 'both', 'default', 'none'],
self.stale = True
def tick_right(self):
Move ticks and ticklabels (if present) to the right of the Axes.
label = True
if 'label1On' in self._major_tick_kw:
label = (self._major_tick_kw['label1On']
or self._major_tick_kw['label2On'])
# if labels were turned off before this was called
# leave them off
self.set_tick_params(which='both', labelright=label)
def tick_left(self):
Move ticks and ticklabels (if present) to the left of the Axes.
label = True
if 'label1On' in self._major_tick_kw:
label = (self._major_tick_kw['label1On']
or self._major_tick_kw['label2On'])
# if labels were turned off before this was called
# leave them off
self.set_tick_params(which='both', labelleft=label)
def get_ticks_position(self):
Return the ticks position ("left", "right", "default", or "unknown").
return {1: "left", 2: "right",
"default": "default", "unknown": "unknown"}[
get_view_interval, set_view_interval = _make_getset_interval(
"view", "viewLim", "intervaly")
get_data_interval, set_data_interval = _make_getset_interval(
"data", "dataLim", "intervaly")
def get_minpos(self):
return self.axes.dataLim.minposy
def set_default_intervals(self):
# docstring inherited
# only change view if dataLim has not changed and user has
# not changed the view:
if (not self.axes.dataLim.mutatedy() and
not self.axes.viewLim.mutatedy()):
if self.converter is not None:
info = self.converter.axisinfo(self.units, self)
if info.default_limits is not None:
ymin, ymax = self.convert_units(info.default_limits)
self.axes.viewLim.intervaly = ymin, ymax
self.stale = True
def get_tick_space(self):
ends = mtransforms.Bbox.unit().transformed(
self.axes.transAxes - self.figure.dpi_scale_trans)
length = ends.height * 72
# Having a spacing of at least 2 just looks good.
size = self._get_tick_label_size('y') * 2
if size > 0:
return int(np.floor(length / size))
return 2**31 - 1