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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019, Filippo Costa. All Rights Reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .lang_EU import Num2Word_EU
# Globals
# -------
ZERO = "zero"
ZERO, "uno", "due", "tre", "quattro", "cinque", "sei", "sette", "otto",
"nove", "dieci", "undici", "dodici", "tredici", "quattordici", "quindici",
"sedici", "diciassette", "diciotto", "diciannove"
ZERO, "primo", "secondo", "terzo", "quarto", "quinto", "sesto", "settimo",
"ottavo", "nono", "decimo", "undicesimo", "dodicesimo", "tredicesimo",
"quattordicesimo", "quindicesimo", "sedicesimo", "diciassettesimo",
"diciottesimo", "diciannovesimo"
# The script can extrapolate the missing numbers from the base forms.
STR_TENS = {2: "venti", 3: "trenta", 4: "quaranta", 6: "sessanta"}
# These prefixes are used for extremely big numbers.
ZERO, "m", "b", "tr", "quadr", "quint", "sest", "sett", "ott", "nov", "dec"
GENERIC_DOLLARS = ('dollaro', 'dollari')
GENERIC_CENTS = ('centesimo', 'centesimi')
# Main class
# ==========
class Num2Word_IT(Num2Word_EU):
'EUR': (('euro', 'euro'), GENERIC_CENTS),
'GBP': (('sterlina', 'sterline'), ('penny', 'penny')),
'CNY': (('yuan', 'yuan'), ('fen', 'fen')),
FLOAT_INFIX_WORD = " virgola "
def setup(self):
def __init__(self):
def float_to_words(self, float_number, ordinal=False):
if ordinal:
prefix = self.to_ordinal(int(float_number))
prefix = self.to_cardinal(int(float_number))
float_part = str(float_number).split('.')[1]
postfix = " ".join(
# Drops the trailing zero and comma
[self.to_cardinal(int(c)) for c in float_part]
return prefix + Num2Word_IT.FLOAT_INFIX_WORD + postfix
def tens_to_cardinal(self, number):
tens = number // 10
units = number % 10
if tens in STR_TENS:
prefix = STR_TENS[tens]
prefix = CARDINAL_WORDS[tens][:-1] + "anta"
postfix = omitt_if_zero(CARDINAL_WORDS[units])
return phonetic_contraction(prefix + postfix)
def hundreds_to_cardinal(self, number):
hundreds = number // 100
prefix = "cento"
if hundreds != 1:
prefix = CARDINAL_WORDS[hundreds] + prefix
postfix = omitt_if_zero(self.to_cardinal(number % 100))
return phonetic_contraction(prefix + postfix)
def thousands_to_cardinal(self, number):
thousands = number // 1000
if thousands == 1:
prefix = "mille"
prefix = self.to_cardinal(thousands) + "mila"
postfix = omitt_if_zero(self.to_cardinal(number % 1000))
# "mille" and "mila" don't need any phonetic contractions
return prefix + postfix
def big_number_to_cardinal(self, number):
digits = [c for c in str(number)]
length = len(digits)
if length >= 66:
raise NotImplementedError("The given number is too large.")
# This is how many digits come before the "illion" term.
# cento miliardi => 3
# dieci milioni => 2
# un miliardo => 1
predigits = length % 3 or 3
multiplier = digits[:predigits]
exponent = digits[predigits:]
# Default infix string: "milione", "biliardo", "sestilione", ecc.
infix = exponent_length_to_string(len(exponent))
if multiplier == ["1"]:
prefix = "un "
prefix = self.to_cardinal(int("".join(multiplier)))
# Plural form ~~~~~~~~~~~
infix = " " + infix[:-1] + "i"
# Read as: Does the value of exponent equal 0?
if set(exponent) != set("0"):
postfix = self.to_cardinal(int("".join(exponent)))
if " e " in postfix:
infix += ", "
infix += " e "
postfix = ""
return prefix + infix + postfix
def to_cardinal(self, number):
if number < 0:
string = Num2Word_IT.MINUS_PREFIX_WORD + self.to_cardinal(-number)
elif isinstance(number, float):
string = self.float_to_words(number)
elif number < 20:
string = CARDINAL_WORDS[int(number)]
elif number < 100:
string = self.tens_to_cardinal(int(number))
elif number < 1000:
string = self.hundreds_to_cardinal(int(number))
elif number < 1000000:
string = self.thousands_to_cardinal(int(number))
string = self.big_number_to_cardinal(number)
return accentuate(string)
def to_ordinal(self, number):
tens = number % 100
# Italian grammar is poorly defined here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯:
# centodecimo VS centodieciesimo VS centesimo decimo?
is_outside_teens = not 10 < tens < 20
if number < 0:
return Num2Word_IT.MINUS_PREFIX_WORD + self.to_ordinal(-number)
elif number % 1 != 0:
return self.float_to_words(number, ordinal=True)
elif number < 20:
return ORDINAL_WORDS[int(number)]
elif is_outside_teens and tens % 10 == 3:
# Gets rid of the accent
return self.to_cardinal(number)[:-1] + "eesimo"
elif is_outside_teens and tens % 10 == 6:
return self.to_cardinal(number) + "esimo"
string = self.to_cardinal(number)[:-1]
if string[-3:] == "mil":
string += "l"
return string + "esimo"
def to_currency(self, val, currency='EUR', cents=True, separator=' e',
result = super(Num2Word_IT, self).to_currency(
val, currency=currency, cents=cents, separator=separator,
# Handle exception. In italian language is "un euro",
# "un dollaro" etc. (not "uno euro", "uno dollaro").
# There is an exception, some currencies need "una":
# e.g. "una sterlina"
if currency in CURRENCIES_UNA:
list_result = result.split(" ")
if list_result[0] == "uno":
list_result[0] = list_result[0].replace("uno", "una")
result = " ".join(list_result)
result = result.replace("uno", "un")
return result
# Utils
# =====
def phonetic_contraction(string):
return (string
.replace("oo", "o") # ex. "centootto"
.replace("ao", "o") # ex. "settantaotto"
.replace("io", "o") # ex. "ventiotto"
.replace("au", "u") # ex. "trentauno"
.replace("iu", "u") # ex. "ventiunesimo"
def exponent_length_to_string(exponent_length):
# We always assume `exponent` to be a multiple of 3. If it's not true, then
# Num2Word_IT.big_number_to_cardinal did something wrong.
prefix = EXPONENT_PREFIXES[exponent_length // 6]
if exponent_length % 6 == 0:
return prefix + "ilione"
return prefix + "iliardo"
def accentuate(string):
# This is inefficient: it may do several rewritings when deleting
# half-sentence accents. However, it is the easiest method and speed is
# not crucial (duh), so...
return " ".join(
# Deletes half-sentence accents and accentuates the last "tre"
[w.replace("tré", "tre")[:-3] + "tré"
# We shouldn't accentuate a single "tre": is has to be a composite
# word. ~~~~~~~~~~
if w[-3:] == "tre" and len(w) > 3
# Deletes half-sentence accents anyway
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
else w.replace("tré", "tre")
for w in string.split()
def omitt_if_zero(number_to_string):
return "" if number_to_string == ZERO else number_to_string