
800 lines
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import atexit
import builtins
import functools
import inspect
import os
import operator
import timeit
import math
import sys
import traceback
import weakref
import warnings
import threading
import contextlib
import typing as _tp
from types import ModuleType
from importlib import import_module
import numpy as np
from inspect import signature as pysignature # noqa: F401
from inspect import Signature as pySignature # noqa: F401
from inspect import Parameter as pyParameter # noqa: F401
from numba.core.config import (PYVERSION, MACHINE_BITS, # noqa: F401
DEVELOPER_MODE) # noqa: F401
from numba.core import config
from numba.core import types
from import Mapping, Sequence, MutableSet, MutableMapping
def erase_traceback(exc_value):
Erase the traceback and hanging locals from the given exception instance.
if exc_value.__traceback__ is not None:
return exc_value.with_traceback(None)
def safe_relpath(path, start=os.curdir):
Produces a "safe" relative path, on windows relpath doesn't work across
drives as technically they don't share the same root.
See: for details.
# find the drive letters for path and start and if they are not the same
# then don't use relpath!
drive_letter = lambda x: os.path.splitdrive(os.path.abspath(x))[0]
drive_path = drive_letter(path)
drive_start = drive_letter(start)
if drive_path != drive_start:
return os.path.abspath(path)
return os.path.relpath(path, start=start)
# Mapping between operator module functions and the corresponding built-in
# operators.
'+': operator.add,
'-': operator.sub,
'*': operator.mul,
'//': operator.floordiv,
'/': operator.truediv,
'%': operator.mod,
'**': operator.pow,
'&': operator.and_,
'|': operator.or_,
'^': operator.xor,
'<<': operator.lshift,
'>>': operator.rshift,
'==': operator.eq,
'<=': operator.le,
'is': operator.is_,
'is not': operator.is_not,
# This one has its args reversed!
'in': operator.contains,
'@': operator.matmul,
'+=': operator.iadd,
'-=': operator.isub,
'*=': operator.imul,
'//=': operator.ifloordiv,
'/=': operator.itruediv,
'%=': operator.imod,
'**=': operator.ipow,
'&=': operator.iand,
'|=': operator.ior,
'^=': operator.ixor,
'<<=': operator.ilshift,
'>>=': operator.irshift,
'@=': operator.imatmul,
'+': operator.pos,
'-': operator.neg,
'~': operator.invert,
'not': operator.not_,
'is_true': operator.truth
operator.add: '+',
operator.iadd: '+=',
operator.sub: '-',
operator.isub: '-=',
operator.mul: '*',
operator.imul: '*=',
operator.floordiv: '//',
operator.ifloordiv: '//=',
operator.truediv: '/',
operator.itruediv: '/=',
operator.mod: '%',
operator.imod: '%=',
operator.pow: '**',
operator.ipow: '**=',
operator.and_: '&',
operator.iand: '&=',
operator.or_: '|',
operator.ior: '|=',
operator.xor: '^',
operator.ixor: '^=',
operator.lshift: '<<',
operator.ilshift: '<<=',
operator.rshift: '>>',
operator.irshift: '>>=',
operator.eq: '==', '!=', '<',
operator.le: '<=', '>', '>=',
operator.is_: 'is',
operator.is_not: 'is not',
# This one has its args reversed!
operator.contains: 'in',
# Unary
operator.pos: '+',
operator.neg: '-',
operator.invert: '~',
operator.not_: 'not',
operator.truth: 'is_true',
_shutting_down = False
def _at_shutdown():
global _shutting_down
_shutting_down = True
def shutting_down(globals=globals):
Whether the interpreter is currently shutting down.
For use in finalizers, __del__ methods, and similar; it is advised
to early bind this function rather than look it up when calling it,
since at shutdown module globals may be cleared.
# At shutdown, the attribute may have been cleared or set to None.
v = globals().get('_shutting_down')
return v is True or v is None
# weakref.finalize registers an exit function that runs all finalizers for
# which atexit is True. Some of these finalizers may call shutting_down() to
# check whether the interpreter is shutting down. For this to behave correctly,
# we need to make sure that _at_shutdown is called before the finalizer exit
# function. Since atexit operates as a LIFO stack, we first construct a dummy
# finalizer then register atexit to ensure this ordering.
weakref.finalize(lambda: None, lambda: None)
_old_style_deprecation_msg = (
"Code using Numba extension API maybe depending on 'old_style' "
"error-capturing, which is deprecated and will be replaced by 'new_style' "
"in a future release. See details at "
"" # noqa: E501
def _warn_old_style():
from numba.core import errors # to prevent circular import
exccls, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
# Warn only if the active exception is not a NumbaError
# and not a NumbaWarning which is raised if -Werror is set.
numba_errs = (errors.NumbaError, errors.NumbaWarning)
if exccls is not None and not issubclass(exccls, numba_errs):
tb_last = traceback.format_tb(tb)[-1]
msg = f"{_old_style_deprecation_msg}\nException origin:\n{tb_last}"
def use_new_style_errors():
"""Returns True if new style errors are to be used, false otherwise"""
# This uses `config` so as to make sure it gets the current value from the
# module as e.g. some tests mutate the config with `override_config`.
res = config.CAPTURED_ERRORS == 'new_style'
if not res:
return res
def use_old_style_errors():
"""Returns True if old style errors are to be used, false otherwise"""
# This uses `config` so as to make sure it gets the current value from the
# module as e.g. some tests mutate the config with `override_config`.
res = config.CAPTURED_ERRORS == 'old_style'
if res:
return res
class ThreadLocalStack:
"""A TLS stack container.
Uses the BORG pattern and stores states in threadlocal storage.
_tls = threading.local()
stack_name: str
_registered = {}
def __init_subclass__(cls, *, stack_name, **kwargs):
# Register stack_name mapping to the new subclass
assert stack_name not in cls._registered, \
f"stack_name: '{stack_name}' already in use"
cls.stack_name = stack_name
cls._registered[stack_name] = cls
def __init__(self):
# This class must not be used directly.
assert type(self) is not ThreadLocalStack
tls = self._tls
attr = f"stack_{self.stack_name}"
tls_stack = getattr(tls, attr)
except AttributeError:
tls_stack = list()
setattr(tls, attr, tls_stack)
self._stack = tls_stack
def push(self, state):
"""Push to the stack
def pop(self):
"""Pop from the stack
return self._stack.pop()
def top(self):
"""Get the top item on the stack.
Raises IndexError if the stack is empty. Users should check the size
of the stack beforehand.
return self._stack[-1]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._stack)
def enter(self, state):
"""A contextmanager that pushes ``state`` for the duration of the
class ConfigOptions(object):
def __init__(self):
self._values = self.OPTIONS.copy()
def set(self, name, value=True):
if name not in self.OPTIONS:
raise NameError("Invalid flag: %s" % name)
self._values[name] = value
def unset(self, name):
self.set(name, False)
def _check_attr(self, name):
if name not in self.OPTIONS:
raise AttributeError("Invalid flag: %s" % name)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self._values[name]
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name.startswith('_'):
super(ConfigOptions, self).__setattr__(name, value)
self._values[name] = value
def __repr__(self):
return "Flags(%s)" % ', '.join('%s=%s' % (k, v)
for k, v in self._values.items()
if v is not False)
def copy(self):
copy = type(self)()
copy._values = self._values.copy()
return copy
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, ConfigOptions) and
other._values == self._values)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple(sorted(self._values.items())))
def order_by_target_specificity(target, templates, fnkey=''):
"""This orders the given templates from most to least specific against the
current "target". "fnkey" is an indicative typing key for use in the
exception message in the case that there's no usable templates for the
current "target".
# No templates... return early!
if templates == []:
return []
from numba.core.target_extension import target_registry
# fish out templates that are specific to the target if a target is
# specified
DEFAULT_TARGET = 'generic'
usable = []
for ix, temp_cls in enumerate(templates):
# ? Need to do something about this next line
md = getattr(temp_cls, "metadata", {})
hw = md.get('target', DEFAULT_TARGET)
if hw is not None:
hw_clazz = target_registry[hw]
if target.inherits_from(hw_clazz):
usable.append((temp_cls, hw_clazz, ix))
# sort templates based on target specificity
def key(x):
return target.__mro__.index(x[1])
order = [x[0] for x in sorted(usable, key=key)]
if not order:
msg = (f"Function resolution cannot find any matches for function "
f"'{fnkey}' for the current target: '{target}'.")
from numba.core.errors import UnsupportedError
raise UnsupportedError(msg)
return order
T = _tp.TypeVar('T')
class OrderedSet(MutableSet[T]):
def __init__(self, iterable: _tp.Iterable[T] = ()):
# Just uses a dictionary under-the-hood to maintain insertion order.
self._data = dict.fromkeys(iterable, None)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self._data
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._data)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data)
def add(self, item):
self._data[item] = None
def discard(self, item):
self._data.pop(item, None)
class MutableSortedSet(MutableSet[T], _tp.Generic[T]):
"""Mutable Sorted Set
def __init__(self, values: _tp.Iterable[T] = ()):
self._values = set(values)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._values)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(k for k in sorted(self._values))
def __contains__(self, x: T) -> bool:
return self._values.__contains__(x)
def add(self, x: T):
return self._values.add(x)
def discard(self, value: T):
def update(self, values):
Tk = _tp.TypeVar('Tk')
Tv = _tp.TypeVar('Tv')
class SortedMap(Mapping[Tk, Tv], _tp.Generic[Tk, Tv]):
def __init__(self, seq):
self._values = []
self._index = {}
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(sorted(seq)):
self._index[k] = i
self._values.append((k, v))
def __getitem__(self, k):
i = self._index[k]
return self._values[i][1]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._values)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(k for k, v in self._values)
class MutableSortedMap(MutableMapping[Tk, Tv], _tp.Generic[Tk, Tv]):
def __init__(self, dct=None):
if dct is None:
dct = {}
self._dct: dict[Tk, Tv] = dct
def __getitem__(self, k: Tk) -> Tv:
return self._dct[k]
def __setitem__(self, k: Tk, v: Tv):
self._dct[k] = v
def __delitem__(self, k: Tk):
del self._dct[k]
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._dct)
def __iter__(self) -> int:
return iter(k for k in sorted(self._dct))
class UniqueDict(dict):
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key in self:
raise AssertionError("key already in dictionary: %r" % (key,))
super(UniqueDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
def runonce(fn):
def inner():
if not inner._ran:
res = fn()
inner._result = res
inner._ran = True
return inner._result
inner._ran = False
return inner
def bit_length(intval):
Return the number of bits necessary to represent integer `intval`.
assert isinstance(intval, int)
if intval >= 0:
return len(bin(intval)) - 2
return len(bin(-intval - 1)) - 2
def stream_list(lst):
Given a list, return an infinite iterator of iterators.
Each iterator iterates over the list from the last seen point up to
the current end-of-list.
In effect, each iterator will give the newly appended elements from the
previous iterator instantiation time.
def sublist_iterator(start, stop):
return iter(lst[start:stop])
start = 0
while True:
stop = len(lst)
yield sublist_iterator(start, stop)
start = stop
class BenchmarkResult(object):
def __init__(self, func, records, loop):
self.func = func
self.loop = loop
self.records = np.array(records) / loop = np.min(self.records)
def __repr__(self):
name = getattr(self.func, "__name__", self.func)
args = (name, self.loop, self.records.size, format_time(
return "%20s: %10d loops, best of %d: %s per loop" % args
def format_time(tm):
units = "s ms us ns ps".split()
base = 1
for unit in units[:-1]:
if tm >= base:
base /= 1000
unit = units[-1]
return "%.1f%s" % (tm / base, unit)
def benchmark(func, maxsec=1):
timer = timeit.Timer(func)
number = 1
result = timer.repeat(1, number)
# Too fast to be measured
while min(result) / number == 0:
number *= 10
result = timer.repeat(3, number)
best = min(result) / number
if best >= maxsec:
return BenchmarkResult(func, result, number)
# Scale it up to make it close the maximum time
max_per_run_time = maxsec / 3 / number
number = max(max_per_run_time / best / 3, 1)
# Round to the next power of 10
number = int(10 ** math.ceil(math.log10(number)))
records = timer.repeat(3, number)
return BenchmarkResult(func, records, number)
# A dummy module for dynamically-generated functions
_dynamic_modname = '<dynamic>'
_dynamic_module = ModuleType(_dynamic_modname)
_dynamic_module.__builtins__ = builtins
def chain_exception(new_exc, old_exc):
"""Set the __cause__ attribute on *new_exc* for explicit exception
chaining. Returns the inplace modified *new_exc*.
new_exc.__cause__ = old_exc
return new_exc
def get_nargs_range(pyfunc):
"""Return the minimal and maximal number of Python function
positional arguments.
sig = pysignature(pyfunc)
min_nargs = 0
max_nargs = 0
for p in sig.parameters.values():
max_nargs += 1
if p.default == inspect._empty:
min_nargs += 1
return min_nargs, max_nargs
def unify_function_types(numba_types):
"""Return a normalized tuple of Numba function types so that
UniTuple(dtype=<unified function type>, count=len(numba_types))
If the above transformation would be incorrect, return the
original input as given. For instance, if the input tuple contains
types that are not function or dispatcher type, the transformation
is considered incorrect.
dtype = unified_function_type(numba_types)
if dtype is None:
return numba_types
return (dtype,) * len(numba_types)
def unified_function_type(numba_types, require_precise=True):
"""Returns a unified Numba function type if possible.
numba_types : Sequence of numba Type instances.
require_precise : bool
If True, the returned Numba function type must be precise.
typ : {numba.core.types.Type, None}
A unified Numba function type. Or ``None`` when the Numba types
cannot be unified, e.g. when the ``numba_types`` contains at
least two different Numba function type instances.
If ``numba_types`` contains a Numba dispatcher type, the unified
Numba function type will be an imprecise ``UndefinedFunctionType``
instance, or None when ``require_precise=True`` is specified.
Specifying ``require_precise=False`` enables unifying imprecise
Numba dispatcher instances when used in tuples or if-then branches
when the precise Numba function cannot be determined on the first
occurrence that is not a call expression.
from numba.core.errors import NumbaExperimentalFeatureWarning
if not (isinstance(numba_types, Sequence) and
len(numba_types) > 0 and
(types.Dispatcher, types.FunctionType))):
warnings.warn("First-class function type feature is experimental",
mnargs, mxargs = None, None
dispatchers = set()
function = None
undefined_function = None
for t in numba_types:
if isinstance(t, types.Dispatcher):
mnargs1, mxargs1 = get_nargs_range(t.dispatcher.py_func)
if mnargs is None:
mnargs, mxargs = mnargs1, mxargs1
elif not (mnargs, mxargs) == (mnargs1, mxargs1):
t = t.dispatcher.get_function_type()
if t is None:
if isinstance(t, types.FunctionType):
if mnargs is None:
mnargs = mxargs = t.nargs
elif not (mnargs == mxargs == t.nargs):
if isinstance(t, types.UndefinedFunctionType):
if undefined_function is None:
undefined_function = t
# Refuse to unify using function type
if function is None:
function = t
assert function == t
if require_precise and (function is None or undefined_function is not None):
if function is not None:
if undefined_function is not None:
assert function.nargs == undefined_function.nargs
function = undefined_function
elif undefined_function is not None:
function = undefined_function
function = types.UndefinedFunctionType(mnargs, dispatchers)
return function
class _RedirectSubpackage(ModuleType):
"""Redirect a subpackage to a subpackage.
This allows all references like:
>>> from numba.old_subpackage import module
>>> module.item
>>> import numba.old_subpackage.module
>>> numba.old_subpackage.module.item
>>> from numba.old_subpackage.module import item
def __init__(self, old_module_locals, new_module):
old_module = old_module_locals['__name__']
self.__old_module_states = {}
self.__new_module = new_module
new_mod_obj = import_module(new_module)
# Map all sub-modules over
for k, v in new_mod_obj.__dict__.items():
# Get attributes so that `` and
# `from subpackage import xyz` work
setattr(self, k, v)
if isinstance(v, ModuleType):
# Map modules into the interpreter so that
# `import` works
sys.modules[f"{old_module}.{k}"] = sys.modules[v.__name__]
# copy across dunders so that package imports work too
for attr, value in old_module_locals.items():
if attr.startswith('__') and attr.endswith('__'):
if attr != "__builtins__":
setattr(self, attr, value)
self.__old_module_states[attr] = value
def __reduce__(self):
args = (self.__old_module_states, self.__new_module)
return _RedirectSubpackage, args
def get_hashable_key(value):
Given a value, returns a key that can be used
as a hash. If the value is hashable, we return
the value, otherwise we return id(value).
See discussion in gh #6957
except TypeError:
return id(value)
return value
class threadsafe_cached_property(functools.cached_property):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._lock = threading.RLock()
def __get__(self, *args, **kwargs):
with self._lock:
return super().__get__(*args, **kwargs)
def dump_llvm(fndesc, module):
print(("LLVM DUMP %s" % fndesc).center(80, '-'))
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import LlvmLexer as lexer
from pygments.formatters import Terminal256Formatter
from numba.misc.dump_style import by_colorscheme
print(highlight(module.__repr__(), lexer(),
Terminal256Formatter( style=by_colorscheme())))
except ImportError:
msg = "Please install pygments to see highlighted dumps"
raise ValueError(msg)
print('=' * 80)