
383 lines
14 KiB

from llvmlite import ir
from numba.core.typing.templates import ConcreteTemplate
from numba.core import types, typing, funcdesc, config, compiler, sigutils
from numba.core.compiler import (sanitize_compile_result_entries, CompilerBase,
DefaultPassBuilder, Flags, Option,
from numba.core.compiler_lock import global_compiler_lock
from numba.core.compiler_machinery import (LoweringPass,
PassManager, register_pass)
from numba.core.errors import NumbaInvalidConfigWarning
from numba.core.typed_passes import (IRLegalization, NativeLowering,
from warnings import warn
from numba.cuda.api import get_current_device
from import CUDACABICallConv
def _nvvm_options_type(x):
if x is None:
return None
assert isinstance(x, dict)
return x
class CUDAFlags(Flags):
nvvm_options = Option(
doc="NVVM options",
compute_capability = Option(
doc="Compute Capability",
# The CUDACompileResult (CCR) has a specially-defined entry point equal to its
# id. This is because the entry point is used as a key into a dict of
# overloads by the base dispatcher. The id of the CCR is the only small and
# unique property of a CompileResult in the CUDA target (cf. the CPU target,
# which uses its entry_point, which is a pointer value).
# This does feel a little hackish, and there are two ways in which this could
# be improved:
# 1. We could change the core of Numba so that each CompileResult has its own
# unique ID that can be used as a key - e.g. a count, similar to the way in
# which types have unique counts.
# 2. At some future time when kernel launch uses a compiled function, the entry
# point will no longer need to be a synthetic value, but will instead be a
# pointer to the compiled function as in the CPU target.
class CUDACompileResult(CompileResult):
def entry_point(self):
return id(self)
def cuda_compile_result(**entries):
entries = sanitize_compile_result_entries(entries)
return CUDACompileResult(**entries)
@register_pass(mutates_CFG=True, analysis_only=False)
class CUDABackend(LoweringPass):
_name = "cuda_backend"
def __init__(self):
def run_pass(self, state):
Back-end: Packages lowering output in a compile result
lowered = state['cr']
signature = typing.signature(state.return_type, *state.args) = cuda_compile_result(
return True
@register_pass(mutates_CFG=False, analysis_only=False)
class CreateLibrary(LoweringPass):
Create a CUDACodeLibrary for the NativeLowering pass to populate. The
NativeLowering pass will create a code library if none exists, but we need
to set it up with nvvm_options from the flags if they are present.
_name = "create_library"
def __init__(self):
def run_pass(self, state):
codegen = state.targetctx.codegen()
name = state.func_id.func_qualname
nvvm_options = state.flags.nvvm_options
state.library = codegen.create_library(name, nvvm_options=nvvm_options)
# Enable object caching upfront so that the library can be serialized.
return True
class CUDACompiler(CompilerBase):
def define_pipelines(self):
dpb = DefaultPassBuilder
pm = PassManager('cuda')
untyped_passes = dpb.define_untyped_pipeline(self.state)
typed_passes = dpb.define_typed_pipeline(self.state)
lowering_passes = self.define_cuda_lowering_pipeline(self.state)
return [pm]
def define_cuda_lowering_pipeline(self, state):
pm = PassManager('cuda_lowering')
# legalise
"ensure IR is legal prior to lowering")
pm.add_pass(AnnotateTypes, "annotate types")
# lower
pm.add_pass(CreateLibrary, "create library")
pm.add_pass(NativeLowering, "native lowering")
pm.add_pass(CUDABackend, "cuda backend")
return pm
def compile_cuda(pyfunc, return_type, args, debug=False, lineinfo=False,
inline=False, fastmath=False, nvvm_options=None,
if cc is None:
raise ValueError('Compute Capability must be supplied')
from .descriptor import cuda_target
typingctx = cuda_target.typing_context
targetctx = cuda_target.target_context
flags = CUDAFlags()
# Do not compile (generate native code), just lower (to LLVM)
flags.no_compile = True
flags.no_cpython_wrapper = True
flags.no_cfunc_wrapper = True
# Both debug and lineinfo turn on debug information in the compiled code,
# but we keep them separate arguments in case we later want to overload
# some other behavior on the debug flag. In particular, -opt=3 is not
# supported with debug enabled, and enabling only lineinfo should not
# affect the error model.
if debug or lineinfo:
flags.debuginfo = True
if lineinfo:
flags.dbg_directives_only = True
if debug:
flags.error_model = 'python'
flags.error_model = 'numpy'
if inline:
flags.forceinline = True
if fastmath:
flags.fastmath = True
if nvvm_options:
flags.nvvm_options = nvvm_options
flags.compute_capability = cc
# Run compilation pipeline
from numba.core.target_extension import target_override
with target_override('cuda'):
cres = compiler.compile_extra(typingctx=typingctx,
library = cres.library
return cres
def cabi_wrap_function(context, lib, fndesc, wrapper_function_name,
Wrap a Numba ABI function in a C ABI wrapper at the NVVM IR level.
The C ABI wrapper will have the same name as the source Python function.
# The wrapper will be contained in a new library that links to the wrapped
# function's library
library = lib.codegen.create_library(f'{}_function_',
# Determine the caller (C ABI) and wrapper (Numba ABI) function types
argtypes = fndesc.argtypes
restype = fndesc.restype
c_call_conv = CUDACABICallConv(context)
wrapfnty = c_call_conv.get_function_type(restype, argtypes)
fnty = context.call_conv.get_function_type(fndesc.restype, argtypes)
# Create a new module and declare the callee
wrapper_module = context.create_module("cuda.cabi.wrapper")
func = ir.Function(wrapper_module, fnty, fndesc.llvm_func_name)
# Define the caller - populate it with a call to the callee and return
# its return value
wrapfn = ir.Function(wrapper_module, wrapfnty, wrapper_function_name)
builder = ir.IRBuilder(wrapfn.append_basic_block(''))
arginfo = context.get_arg_packer(argtypes)
callargs = arginfo.from_arguments(builder, wrapfn.args)
# We get (status, return_value), but we ignore the status since we
# can't propagate it through the C ABI anyway
_, return_value = context.call_conv.call_function(
builder, func, restype, argtypes, callargs)
return library
def compile_ptx(pyfunc, sig, debug=False, lineinfo=False, device=False,
fastmath=False, cc=None, opt=True, abi="numba", abi_info=None):
"""Compile a Python function to PTX for a given set of argument types.
:param pyfunc: The Python function to compile.
:param sig: The signature representing the function's input and output
:param debug: Whether to include debug info in the generated PTX.
:type debug: bool
:param lineinfo: Whether to include a line mapping from the generated PTX
to the source code. Usually this is used with optimized
code (since debug mode would automatically include this),
so we want debug info in the LLVM but only the line
mapping in the final PTX.
:type lineinfo: bool
:param device: Whether to compile a device function. Defaults to ``False``,
to compile global kernel functions.
:type device: bool
:param fastmath: Whether to enable fast math flags (ftz=1, prec_sqrt=0,
prec_div=, and fma=1)
:type fastmath: bool
:param cc: Compute capability to compile for, as a tuple
``(MAJOR, MINOR)``. Defaults to ``(5, 0)``.
:type cc: tuple
:param opt: Enable optimizations. Defaults to ``True``.
:type opt: bool
:param abi: The ABI for a compiled function - either ``"numba"`` or
``"c"``. Note that the Numba ABI is not considered stable.
The C ABI is only supported for device functions at present.
:type abi: str
:param abi_info: A dict of ABI-specific options. The ``"c"`` ABI supports
one option, ``"abi_name"``, for providing the wrapper
function's name. The ``"numba"`` ABI has no options.
:type abi_info: dict
:return: (ptx, resty): The PTX code and inferred return type
:rtype: tuple
if abi not in ("numba", "c"):
raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported ABI: {abi}')
if abi == 'c' and not device:
raise NotImplementedError('The C ABI is not supported for kernels')
if debug and opt:
msg = ("debug=True with opt=True (the default) "
"is not supported by CUDA. This may result in a crash"
" - set debug=False or opt=False.")
abi_info = abi_info or dict()
nvvm_options = {
'fastmath': fastmath,
'opt': 3 if opt else 0
args, return_type = sigutils.normalize_signature(sig)
cc = cc or config.CUDA_DEFAULT_PTX_CC
cres = compile_cuda(pyfunc, return_type, args, debug=debug,
lineinfo=lineinfo, fastmath=fastmath,
nvvm_options=nvvm_options, cc=cc)
resty = cres.signature.return_type
if resty and not device and resty != types.void:
raise TypeError("CUDA kernel must have void return type.")
tgt = cres.target_context
if device:
lib = cres.library
if abi == "c":
wrapper_name = abi_info.get('abi_name', pyfunc.__name__)
lib = cabi_wrap_function(tgt, lib, cres.fndesc, wrapper_name,
code = pyfunc.__code__
filename = code.co_filename
linenum = code.co_firstlineno
lib, kernel = tgt.prepare_cuda_kernel(cres.library, cres.fndesc, debug,
lineinfo, nvvm_options, filename,
ptx = lib.get_asm_str(cc=cc)
return ptx, resty
def compile_ptx_for_current_device(pyfunc, sig, debug=False, lineinfo=False,
device=False, fastmath=False, opt=True,
abi="numba", abi_info=None):
"""Compile a Python function to PTX for a given set of argument types for
the current device's compute capabilility. This calls :func:`compile_ptx`
with an appropriate ``cc`` value for the current device."""
cc = get_current_device().compute_capability
return compile_ptx(pyfunc, sig, debug=debug, lineinfo=lineinfo,
device=device, fastmath=fastmath, cc=cc, opt=opt,
abi=abi, abi_info=abi_info)
def declare_device_function(name, restype, argtypes):
return declare_device_function_template(name, restype, argtypes).key
def declare_device_function_template(name, restype, argtypes):
from .descriptor import cuda_target
typingctx = cuda_target.typing_context
targetctx = cuda_target.target_context
sig = typing.signature(restype, *argtypes)
extfn = ExternFunction(name, sig)
class device_function_template(ConcreteTemplate):
key = extfn
cases = [sig]
fndesc = funcdesc.ExternalFunctionDescriptor(
name=name, restype=restype, argtypes=argtypes)
typingctx.insert_user_function(extfn, device_function_template)
targetctx.insert_user_function(extfn, fndesc)
return device_function_template
class ExternFunction(object):
def __init__(self, name, sig): = name
self.sig = sig