
263 lines
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A library written in CUDA Python for generating reduction kernels
from import from_dtype
def _gpu_reduce_factory(fn, nbtype):
from numba import cuda
reduce_op = cuda.jit(device=True)(fn)
inner_sm_size = _WARPSIZE + 1 # plus one to avoid SM collision
max_blocksize = _NUMWARPS * _WARPSIZE
def inner_warp_reduction(sm_partials, init):
Compute reduction within a single warp
tid = cuda.threadIdx.x
warpid = tid // _WARPSIZE
laneid = tid % _WARPSIZE
sm_this = sm_partials[warpid, :]
sm_this[laneid] = init
width = _WARPSIZE // 2
while width:
if laneid < width:
old = sm_this[laneid]
sm_this[laneid] = reduce_op(old, sm_this[laneid + width])
width //= 2
def device_reduce_full_block(arr, partials, sm_partials):
Partially reduce `arr` into `partials` using `sm_partials` as working
space. The algorithm goes like:
array chunks of 128: | 0 | 128 | 256 | 384 | 512 |
block-0: | x | | | x | |
block-1: | | x | | | x |
block-2: | | | x | | |
The array is divided into chunks of 128 (size of a threadblock).
The threadblocks consumes the chunks in roundrobin scheduling.
First, a threadblock loads a chunk into temp memory. Then, all
subsequent chunks are combined into the temp memory.
Once all chunks are processed. Inner-block reduction is performed
on the temp memory. So that, there will just be one scalar result
per block. The result from each block is stored to `partials` at
the dedicated slot.
tid = cuda.threadIdx.x
blkid = cuda.blockIdx.x
blksz = cuda.blockDim.x
gridsz = cuda.gridDim.x
# block strided loop to compute the reduction
start = tid + blksz * blkid
stop = arr.size
step = blksz * gridsz
# load first value
tmp = arr[start]
# loop over all values in block-stride
for i in range(start + step, stop, step):
tmp = reduce_op(tmp, arr[i])
# inner-warp reduction
inner_warp_reduction(sm_partials, tmp)
# at this point, only the first slot for each warp in tsm_partials
# is valid.
# finish up block reduction
# warning: this is assuming 4 warps.
# assert numwarps == 4
if tid < 2:
sm_partials[tid, 0] = reduce_op(sm_partials[tid, 0],
sm_partials[tid + 2, 0])
if tid == 0:
partials[blkid] = reduce_op(sm_partials[0, 0], sm_partials[1, 0])
def device_reduce_partial_block(arr, partials, sm_partials):
This computes reduction on `arr`.
This device function must be used by 1 threadblock only.
The blocksize must match `arr.size` and must not be greater than 128.
tid = cuda.threadIdx.x
blkid = cuda.blockIdx.x
blksz = cuda.blockDim.x
warpid = tid // _WARPSIZE
laneid = tid % _WARPSIZE
size = arr.size
# load first value
tid = cuda.threadIdx.x
value = arr[tid]
sm_partials[warpid, laneid] = value
if (warpid + 1) * _WARPSIZE < size:
# fully populated warps
inner_warp_reduction(sm_partials, value)
# partially populated warps
# NOTE: this uses a very inefficient sequential algorithm
if laneid == 0:
sm_this = sm_partials[warpid, :]
base = warpid * _WARPSIZE
for i in range(1, size - base):
sm_this[0] = reduce_op(sm_this[0], sm_this[i])
# finish up
if tid == 0:
num_active_warps = (blksz + _WARPSIZE - 1) // _WARPSIZE
result = sm_partials[0, 0]
for i in range(1, num_active_warps):
result = reduce_op(result, sm_partials[i, 0])
partials[blkid] = result
def gpu_reduce_block_strided(arr, partials, init, use_init):
Perform reductions on *arr* and writing out partial reduction result
into *partials*. The length of *partials* is determined by the
number of threadblocks. The initial value is set with *init*.
Launch config:
Blocksize must be multiple of warpsize and it is limited to 4 warps.
tid = cuda.threadIdx.x
sm_partials = cuda.shared.array((_NUMWARPS, inner_sm_size),
if cuda.blockDim.x == max_blocksize:
device_reduce_full_block(arr, partials, sm_partials)
device_reduce_partial_block(arr, partials, sm_partials)
# deal with the initializer
if use_init and tid == 0 and cuda.blockIdx.x == 0:
partials[0] = reduce_op(partials[0], init)
return cuda.jit(gpu_reduce_block_strided)
class Reduce(object):
"""Create a reduction object that reduces values using a given binary
function. The binary function is compiled once and cached inside this
object. Keeping this object alive will prevent re-compilation.
_cache = {}
def __init__(self, functor):
:param functor: A function implementing a binary operation for
reduction. It will be compiled as a CUDA device
function using ``cuda.jit(device=True)``.
self._functor = functor
def _compile(self, dtype):
key = self._functor, dtype
if key in self._cache:
kernel = self._cache[key]
kernel = _gpu_reduce_factory(self._functor, from_dtype(dtype))
self._cache[key] = kernel
return kernel
def __call__(self, arr, size=None, res=None, init=0, stream=0):
"""Performs a full reduction.
:param arr: A host or device array.
:param size: Optional integer specifying the number of elements in
``arr`` to reduce. If this parameter is not specified, the
entire array is reduced.
:param res: Optional device array into which to write the reduction
result to. The result is written into the first element of
this array. If this parameter is specified, then no
communication of the reduction output takes place from the
device to the host.
:param init: Optional initial value for the reduction, the type of which
must match ``arr.dtype``.
:param stream: Optional CUDA stream in which to perform the reduction.
If no stream is specified, the default stream of 0 is
:return: If ``res`` is specified, ``None`` is returned. Otherwise, the
result of the reduction is returned.
from numba import cuda
# ensure 1d array
if arr.ndim != 1:
raise TypeError("only support 1D array")
# adjust array size
if size is not None:
arr = arr[:size]
init = arr.dtype.type(init) # ensure the right type
# return `init` if `arr` is empty
if arr.size < 1:
return init
kernel = self._compile(arr.dtype)
# Perform the reduction on the GPU
blocksize = _NUMWARPS * _WARPSIZE
size_full = (arr.size // blocksize) * blocksize
size_partial = arr.size - size_full
full_blockct = min(size_full // blocksize, _WARPSIZE * 2)
# allocate size of partials array
partials_size = full_blockct
if size_partial:
partials_size += 1
partials = cuda.device_array(shape=partials_size, dtype=arr.dtype)
if size_full:
# kernel for the fully populated threadblocks
kernel[full_blockct, blocksize, stream](arr[:size_full],
if size_partial:
# kernel for partially populated threadblocks
kernel[1, size_partial, stream](arr[size_full:],
not full_blockct)
if partials.size > 1:
# finish up
kernel[1, partials_size, stream](partials, partials, init, False)
# handle return value
if res is not None:
res[:1].copy_to_device(partials[:1], stream=stream)
return partials[0]