
411 lines
11 KiB

import numpy as np
import unittest
from import from_dtype
from numba import njit, typeof
from numba.core import types
from import (TestCase, MemoryLeakMixin,
from numba.core.errors import TypingError
from numba.experimental import jitclass
def array_dtype(a):
return a.dtype
def use_dtype(a, b):
return a.view(b.dtype)
def dtype_eq_int64(a):
return a.dtype == np.dtype('int64')
def array_itemsize(a):
return a.itemsize
def array_nbytes(a):
return a.nbytes
def array_shape(a, i):
return a.shape[i]
def array_strides(a, i):
return a.strides[i]
def array_ndim(a):
return a.ndim
def array_size(a):
return a.size
def array_flags_contiguous(a):
return a.flags.contiguous
def array_flags_c_contiguous(a):
return a.flags.c_contiguous
def array_flags_f_contiguous(a):
return a.flags.f_contiguous
def nested_array_itemsize(a):
return a.f.itemsize
def nested_array_nbytes(a):
return a.f.nbytes
def nested_array_shape(a):
return a.f.shape
def nested_array_strides(a):
return a.f.strides
def nested_array_ndim(a):
return a.f.ndim
def nested_array_size(a):
return a.f.size
def size_after_slicing_usecase(buf, i):
sliced = buf[i]
# Make sure size attribute is not lost
return sliced.size
def array_ctypes_data(arr):
def array_real(arr):
return arr.real
def array_imag(arr):
return arr.imag
class TestArrayAttr(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestArrayAttr, self).setUp()
self.a = np.arange(20, dtype=np.int32).reshape(4, 5)
def check_unary(self, pyfunc, arr):
aryty = typeof(arr)
cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (aryty,))
expected = pyfunc(arr)
self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(arr), expected)
# Retry with forced any layout
cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (aryty.copy(layout='A'),))
self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(arr), expected)
def check_unary_with_arrays(self, pyfunc,):
self.check_unary(pyfunc, self.a)
self.check_unary(pyfunc, self.a.T)
self.check_unary(pyfunc, self.a[::2])
# 0-d array
arr = np.array([42]).reshape(())
self.check_unary(pyfunc, arr)
# array with an empty dimension
arr = np.zeros(0)
self.check_unary(pyfunc, arr)
# check with reshape
self.check_unary(pyfunc, arr.reshape((1, 0, 2)))
def get_cfunc(self, pyfunc, argspec):
return njit(argspec)(pyfunc)
def test_shape(self):
pyfunc = array_shape
cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (types.int32[:,:], types.int32))
for i in range(self.a.ndim):
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(self.a, i), cfunc(self.a, i))
def test_strides(self):
pyfunc = array_strides
cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (types.int32[:,:], types.int32))
for i in range(self.a.ndim):
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(self.a, i), cfunc(self.a, i))
def test_ndim(self):
def test_size(self):
def test_itemsize(self):
def test_nbytes(self):
def test_dtype(self):
pyfunc = array_dtype
self.check_unary(pyfunc, self.a)
dtype = np.dtype([('x', np.int8), ('y', np.int8)])
arr = np.zeros(4, dtype=dtype)
self.check_unary(pyfunc, arr)
def test_use_dtype(self):
# Test using the dtype attribute inside the Numba function itself
b = np.empty(1, dtype=np.int16)
pyfunc = use_dtype
cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (typeof(self.a), typeof(b)))
expected = pyfunc(self.a, b)
self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(self.a, b), expected)
def test_dtype_equal(self):
# Test checking if a dtype is equal to another dtype
pyfunc = dtype_eq_int64
self.check_unary(pyfunc, np.empty(1, dtype=np.int16))
self.check_unary(pyfunc, np.empty(1, dtype=np.int64))
def test_flags_contiguous(self):
def test_flags_c_contiguous(self):
def test_flags_f_contiguous(self):
class TestNestedArrayAttr(MemoryLeakMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestNestedArrayAttr, self).setUp()
dtype = np.dtype([('a', np.int32), ('f', np.int32, (2, 5))])
self.a = np.recarray(1, dtype)[0]
self.nbrecord = from_dtype(self.a.dtype)
def get_cfunc(self, pyfunc):
return njit((self.nbrecord,))(pyfunc)
def test_shape(self):
pyfunc = nested_array_shape
cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc)
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(self.a), cfunc(self.a))
def test_strides(self):
pyfunc = nested_array_strides
cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc)
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(self.a), cfunc(self.a))
def test_ndim(self):
pyfunc = nested_array_ndim
cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc)
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(self.a), cfunc(self.a))
def test_nbytes(self):
pyfunc = nested_array_nbytes
cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc)
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(self.a), cfunc(self.a))
def test_size(self):
pyfunc = nested_array_size
cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc)
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(self.a), cfunc(self.a))
def test_itemsize(self):
pyfunc = nested_array_itemsize
cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc)
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(self.a), cfunc(self.a))
class TestSlicedArrayAttr(MemoryLeakMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def test_size_after_slicing(self):
pyfunc = size_after_slicing_usecase
cfunc = njit(pyfunc)
arr = np.arange(2 * 5).reshape(2, 5)
for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(arr, i), cfunc(arr, i))
arr = np.arange(2 * 5 * 3).reshape(2, 5, 3)
for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(arr, i), cfunc(arr, i))
class TestArrayCTypes(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):
_numba_parallel_test_ = False
def test_array_ctypes_data(self):
pyfunc = array_ctypes_data
cfunc = njit(pyfunc)
arr = np.arange(3)
self.assertEqual(pyfunc(arr), cfunc(arr))
def test_array_ctypes_ref_error_in_parallel(self):
# Issue #2887
from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE, c_void_p, c_int32, c_double, c_bool
@CFUNCTYPE(c_bool, c_void_p, c_int32, c_void_p)
def callback(inptr, size, outptr):
# A ctypes callback that manipulate the incoming pointers.
inbuf = (c_double * size).from_address(inptr)
outbuf = (c_double * 1).from_address(outptr)
a = np.ndarray(size, buffer=inbuf, dtype=np.float64)
b = np.ndarray(1, buffer=outbuf, dtype=np.float64)
b[0] = (a + a.size)[0]
return True
import traceback
return False
# parallel=True is required to reproduce the error.
def foo(size):
arr = np.ones(size)
out = np.empty(1)
# Exercise array.ctypes
inct = arr.ctypes
outct = out.ctypes
# The reference to `arr` is dead by now
status = callback(, size,
return status, out[0]
size = 3
status, got = foo(size)
self.assertPreciseEqual(got, (np.ones(size) + size)[0])
class TestRealImagAttr(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):
def check_complex(self, pyfunc):
cfunc = njit(pyfunc)
# test 1D
size = 10
arr = np.arange(size) + np.arange(size) * 10j
self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(arr), cfunc(arr))
# test 2D
arr = arr.reshape(2, 5)
self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(arr), cfunc(arr))
def test_complex_real(self):
def test_complex_imag(self):
def check_number_real(self, dtype):
pyfunc = array_real
cfunc = njit(pyfunc)
# test 1D
size = 10
arr = np.arange(size, dtype=dtype)
self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(arr), cfunc(arr))
# test 2D
arr = arr.reshape(2, 5)
self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(arr), cfunc(arr))
# test identity
self.assertEqual(, pyfunc(arr).data)
self.assertEqual(, cfunc(arr).data)
# test writable
real = cfunc(arr)
self.assertNotEqual(arr[0, 0], 5)
real[0, 0] = 5
self.assertEqual(arr[0, 0], 5)
def test_number_real(self):
Testing .real of non-complex dtypes
for dtype in [np.uint8, np.int32, np.float32, np.float64]:
def check_number_imag(self, dtype):
pyfunc = array_imag
cfunc = njit(pyfunc)
# test 1D
size = 10
arr = np.arange(size, dtype=dtype)
self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(arr), cfunc(arr))
# test 2D
arr = arr.reshape(2, 5)
self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(arr), cfunc(arr))
# test are zeros
self.assertEqual(cfunc(arr).tolist(), np.zeros_like(arr).tolist())
# test readonly
imag = cfunc(arr)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
imag[0] = 1
self.assertEqual('assignment destination is read-only',
def test_number_imag(self):
Testing .imag of non-complex dtypes
for dtype in [np.uint8, np.int32, np.float32, np.float64]:
def test_record_real(self):
rectyp = np.dtype([('real', np.float32), ('imag', np.complex64)])
arr = np.zeros(3, dtype=rectyp)
arr['real'] = np.random.random(arr.size)
arr['imag'] = np.random.random(arr.size) * 1.3j
# check numpy behavior
# .real is identity
self.assertIs(array_real(arr), arr)
# .imag is zero_like
self.assertEqual(array_imag(arr).tolist(), np.zeros_like(arr).tolist())
# check numba behavior
# it's most likely a user error, anyway
jit_array_real = njit(array_real)
jit_array_imag = njit(array_imag)
with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:
self.assertIn("cannot access .real of array of Record",
with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:
self.assertIn("cannot access .imag of array of Record",
class TestJitclassFlagsSegfault(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):
"""Regression test for: """
def test(self):
class B(object):
def __init__(self):
def foo(self, X):
Z = B()
if __name__ == '__main__':