
833 lines
28 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import os
import inspect
import logging
import datetime
import functools
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (
from typing_extensions import Awaitable, ParamSpec, override, get_origin
import anyio
import httpx
import pydantic
from ._types import NoneType
from ._utils import is_given, extract_type_arg, is_annotated_type, extract_type_var_from_base
from ._models import BaseModel, is_basemodel
from ._streaming import Stream, AsyncStream, is_stream_class_type, extract_stream_chunk_type
from ._exceptions import OpenAIError, APIResponseValidationError
from ._models import FinalRequestOptions
from ._base_client import BaseClient
P = ParamSpec("P")
R = TypeVar("R")
_T = TypeVar("_T")
_APIResponseT = TypeVar("_APIResponseT", bound="APIResponse[Any]")
_AsyncAPIResponseT = TypeVar("_AsyncAPIResponseT", bound="AsyncAPIResponse[Any]")
log: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BaseAPIResponse(Generic[R]):
_cast_to: type[R]
_client: BaseClient[Any, Any]
_parsed_by_type: dict[type[Any], Any]
_is_sse_stream: bool
_stream_cls: type[Stream[Any]] | type[AsyncStream[Any]] | None
_options: FinalRequestOptions
http_response: httpx.Response
def __init__(
raw: httpx.Response,
cast_to: type[R],
client: BaseClient[Any, Any],
stream: bool,
stream_cls: type[Stream[Any]] | type[AsyncStream[Any]] | None,
options: FinalRequestOptions,
) -> None:
self._cast_to = cast_to
self._client = client
self._parsed_by_type = {}
self._is_sse_stream = stream
self._stream_cls = stream_cls
self._options = options
self.http_response = raw
def headers(self) -> httpx.Headers:
return self.http_response.headers
def http_request(self) -> httpx.Request:
"""Returns the httpx Request instance associated with the current response."""
return self.http_response.request
def status_code(self) -> int:
return self.http_response.status_code
def url(self) -> httpx.URL:
"""Returns the URL for which the request was made."""
return self.http_response.url
def method(self) -> str:
return self.http_request.method
def http_version(self) -> str:
return self.http_response.http_version
def elapsed(self) -> datetime.timedelta:
"""The time taken for the complete request/response cycle to complete."""
return self.http_response.elapsed
def is_closed(self) -> bool:
"""Whether or not the response body has been closed.
If this is False then there is response data that has not been read yet.
You must either fully consume the response body or call `.close()`
before discarding the response to prevent resource leaks.
return self.http_response.is_closed
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f"<{self.__class__.__name__} [{self.status_code} {self.http_response.reason_phrase}] type={self._cast_to}>"
def _parse(self, *, to: type[_T] | None = None) -> R | _T:
# unwrap `Annotated[T, ...]` -> `T`
if to and is_annotated_type(to):
to = extract_type_arg(to, 0)
if self._is_sse_stream:
if to:
if not is_stream_class_type(to):
raise TypeError(f"Expected custom parse type to be a subclass of {Stream} or {AsyncStream}")
return cast(
failure_message="Expected custom stream type to be passed with a type argument, e.g. Stream[ChunkType]",
client=cast(Any, self._client),
if self._stream_cls:
return cast(
client=cast(Any, self._client),
stream_cls = cast("type[Stream[Any]] | type[AsyncStream[Any]] | None", self._client._default_stream_cls)
if stream_cls is None:
raise MissingStreamClassError()
return cast(
client=cast(Any, self._client),
cast_to = to if to is not None else self._cast_to
# unwrap `Annotated[T, ...]` -> `T`
if is_annotated_type(cast_to):
cast_to = extract_type_arg(cast_to, 0)
if cast_to is NoneType:
return cast(R, None)
response = self.http_response
if cast_to == str:
return cast(R, response.text)
if cast_to == bytes:
return cast(R, response.content)
if cast_to == int:
return cast(R, int(response.text))
if cast_to == float:
return cast(R, float(response.text))
origin = get_origin(cast_to) or cast_to
# handle the legacy binary response case
if inspect.isclass(cast_to) and cast_to.__name__ == "HttpxBinaryResponseContent":
return cast(R, cast_to(response)) # type: ignore
if origin == APIResponse:
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected state - cast_to is `APIResponse`")
if inspect.isclass(origin) and issubclass(origin, httpx.Response):
# Because of the invariance of our ResponseT TypeVar, users can subclass httpx.Response
# and pass that class to our request functions. We cannot change the variance to be either
# covariant or contravariant as that makes our usage of ResponseT illegal. We could construct
# the response class ourselves but that is something that should be supported directly in httpx
# as it would be easy to incorrectly construct the Response object due to the multitude of arguments.
if cast_to != httpx.Response:
raise ValueError(f"Subclasses of httpx.Response cannot be passed to `cast_to`")
return cast(R, response)
if inspect.isclass(origin) and not issubclass(origin, BaseModel) and issubclass(origin, pydantic.BaseModel):
raise TypeError("Pydantic models must subclass our base model type, e.g. `from openai import BaseModel`")
if (
cast_to is not object
and not origin is list
and not origin is dict
and not origin is Union
and not issubclass(origin, BaseModel)
raise RuntimeError(
f"Unsupported type, expected {cast_to} to be a subclass of {BaseModel}, {dict}, {list}, {Union}, {NoneType}, {str} or {httpx.Response}."
# split is required to handle cases where additional information is included
# in the response, e.g. application/json; charset=utf-8
content_type, *_ = response.headers.get("content-type", "*").split(";")
if content_type != "application/json":
if is_basemodel(cast_to):
data = response.json()
except Exception as exc:
log.debug("Could not read JSON from response data due to %s - %s", type(exc), exc)
return self._client._process_response_data(
cast_to=cast_to, # type: ignore
if self._client._strict_response_validation:
raise APIResponseValidationError(
message=f"Expected Content-Type response header to be `application/json` but received `{content_type}` instead.",
# If the API responds with content that isn't JSON then we just return
# the (decoded) text without performing any parsing so that you can still
# handle the response however you need to.
return response.text # type: ignore
data = response.json()
return self._client._process_response_data(
cast_to=cast_to, # type: ignore
class APIResponse(BaseAPIResponse[R]):
def request_id(self) -> str | None:
return self.http_response.headers.get("x-request-id") # type: ignore[no-any-return]
def parse(self, *, to: type[_T]) -> _T:
def parse(self) -> R:
def parse(self, *, to: type[_T] | None = None) -> R | _T:
"""Returns the rich python representation of this response's data.
For lower-level control, see `.read()`, `.json()`, `.iter_bytes()`.
You can customise the type that the response is parsed into through
the `to` argument, e.g.
from openai import BaseModel
class MyModel(BaseModel):
foo: str
obj = response.parse(to=MyModel)
We support parsing:
- `BaseModel`
- `dict`
- `list`
- `Union`
- `str`
- `int`
- `float`
- `httpx.Response`
cache_key = to if to is not None else self._cast_to
cached = self._parsed_by_type.get(cache_key)
if cached is not None:
return cached # type: ignore[no-any-return]
if not self._is_sse_stream:
parsed = self._parse(to=to)
if is_given(self._options.post_parser):
parsed = self._options.post_parser(parsed)
self._parsed_by_type[cache_key] = parsed
return parsed
def read(self) -> bytes:
"""Read and return the binary response content."""
except httpx.StreamConsumed as exc:
# The default error raised by httpx isn't very
# helpful in our case so we re-raise it with
# a different error message.
raise StreamAlreadyConsumed() from exc
def text(self) -> str:
"""Read and decode the response content into a string."""
return self.http_response.text
def json(self) -> object:
"""Read and decode the JSON response content."""
return self.http_response.json()
def close(self) -> None:
"""Close the response and release the connection.
Automatically called if the response body is read to completion.
def iter_bytes(self, chunk_size: int | None = None) -> Iterator[bytes]:
A byte-iterator over the decoded response content.
This automatically handles gzip, deflate and brotli encoded responses.
for chunk in self.http_response.iter_bytes(chunk_size):
yield chunk
def iter_text(self, chunk_size: int | None = None) -> Iterator[str]:
"""A str-iterator over the decoded response content
that handles both gzip, deflate, etc but also detects the content's
string encoding.
for chunk in self.http_response.iter_text(chunk_size):
yield chunk
def iter_lines(self) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Like `iter_text()` but will only yield chunks for each line"""
for chunk in self.http_response.iter_lines():
yield chunk
class AsyncAPIResponse(BaseAPIResponse[R]):
def request_id(self) -> str | None:
return self.http_response.headers.get("x-request-id") # type: ignore[no-any-return]
async def parse(self, *, to: type[_T]) -> _T:
async def parse(self) -> R:
async def parse(self, *, to: type[_T] | None = None) -> R | _T:
"""Returns the rich python representation of this response's data.
For lower-level control, see `.read()`, `.json()`, `.iter_bytes()`.
You can customise the type that the response is parsed into through
the `to` argument, e.g.
from openai import BaseModel
class MyModel(BaseModel):
foo: str
obj = response.parse(to=MyModel)
We support parsing:
- `BaseModel`
- `dict`
- `list`
- `Union`
- `str`
- `httpx.Response`
cache_key = to if to is not None else self._cast_to
cached = self._parsed_by_type.get(cache_key)
if cached is not None:
return cached # type: ignore[no-any-return]
if not self._is_sse_stream:
parsed = self._parse(to=to)
if is_given(self._options.post_parser):
parsed = self._options.post_parser(parsed)
self._parsed_by_type[cache_key] = parsed
return parsed
async def read(self) -> bytes:
"""Read and return the binary response content."""
return await self.http_response.aread()
except httpx.StreamConsumed as exc:
# the default error raised by httpx isn't very
# helpful in our case so we re-raise it with
# a different error message
raise StreamAlreadyConsumed() from exc
async def text(self) -> str:
"""Read and decode the response content into a string."""
return self.http_response.text
async def json(self) -> object:
"""Read and decode the JSON response content."""
return self.http_response.json()
async def close(self) -> None:
"""Close the response and release the connection.
Automatically called if the response body is read to completion.
await self.http_response.aclose()
async def iter_bytes(self, chunk_size: int | None = None) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]:
A byte-iterator over the decoded response content.
This automatically handles gzip, deflate and brotli encoded responses.
async for chunk in self.http_response.aiter_bytes(chunk_size):
yield chunk
async def iter_text(self, chunk_size: int | None = None) -> AsyncIterator[str]:
"""A str-iterator over the decoded response content
that handles both gzip, deflate, etc but also detects the content's
string encoding.
async for chunk in self.http_response.aiter_text(chunk_size):
yield chunk
async def iter_lines(self) -> AsyncIterator[str]:
"""Like `iter_text()` but will only yield chunks for each line"""
async for chunk in self.http_response.aiter_lines():
yield chunk
class BinaryAPIResponse(APIResponse[bytes]):
"""Subclass of APIResponse providing helpers for dealing with binary data.
Note: If you want to stream the response data instead of eagerly reading it
all at once then you should use `.with_streaming_response` when making
the API request, e.g. `.with_streaming_response.get_binary_response()`
def write_to_file(
file: str | os.PathLike[str],
) -> None:
"""Write the output to the given file.
Accepts a filename or any path-like object, e.g. pathlib.Path
Note: if you want to stream the data to the file instead of writing
all at once then you should use `.with_streaming_response` when making
the API request, e.g. `.with_streaming_response.get_binary_response()`
with open(file, mode="wb") as f:
for data in self.iter_bytes():
class AsyncBinaryAPIResponse(AsyncAPIResponse[bytes]):
"""Subclass of APIResponse providing helpers for dealing with binary data.
Note: If you want to stream the response data instead of eagerly reading it
all at once then you should use `.with_streaming_response` when making
the API request, e.g. `.with_streaming_response.get_binary_response()`
async def write_to_file(
file: str | os.PathLike[str],
) -> None:
"""Write the output to the given file.
Accepts a filename or any path-like object, e.g. pathlib.Path
Note: if you want to stream the data to the file instead of writing
all at once then you should use `.with_streaming_response` when making
the API request, e.g. `.with_streaming_response.get_binary_response()`
path = anyio.Path(file)
async with await"wb") as f:
async for data in self.iter_bytes():
await f.write(data)
class StreamedBinaryAPIResponse(APIResponse[bytes]):
def stream_to_file(
file: str | os.PathLike[str],
chunk_size: int | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Streams the output to the given file.
Accepts a filename or any path-like object, e.g. pathlib.Path
with open(file, mode="wb") as f:
for data in self.iter_bytes(chunk_size):
class AsyncStreamedBinaryAPIResponse(AsyncAPIResponse[bytes]):
async def stream_to_file(
file: str | os.PathLike[str],
chunk_size: int | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Streams the output to the given file.
Accepts a filename or any path-like object, e.g. pathlib.Path
path = anyio.Path(file)
async with await"wb") as f:
async for data in self.iter_bytes(chunk_size):
await f.write(data)
class MissingStreamClassError(TypeError):
def __init__(self) -> None:
"The `stream` argument was set to `True` but the `stream_cls` argument was not given. See `openai._streaming` for reference",
class StreamAlreadyConsumed(OpenAIError):
Attempted to read or stream content, but the content has already
been streamed.
This can happen if you use a method like `.iter_lines()` and then attempt
to read th entire response body afterwards, e.g.
response = await
async for line in response.iter_lines():
... # do something with `line`
content = await
# ^ error
If you want this behaviour you'll need to either manually accumulate the response
content or call `await` before iterating over the stream.
def __init__(self) -> None:
message = (
"Attempted to read or stream some content, but the content has "
"already been streamed. "
"This could be due to attempting to stream the response "
"content more than once."
"You can fix this by manually accumulating the response content while streaming "
"or by calling `.read()` before starting to stream."
class ResponseContextManager(Generic[_APIResponseT]):
"""Context manager for ensuring that a request is not made
until it is entered and that the response will always be closed
when the context manager exits
def __init__(self, request_func: Callable[[], _APIResponseT]) -> None:
self._request_func = request_func
self.__response: _APIResponseT | None = None
def __enter__(self) -> _APIResponseT:
self.__response = self._request_func()
return self.__response
def __exit__(
exc_type: type[BaseException] | None,
exc: BaseException | None,
exc_tb: TracebackType | None,
) -> None:
if self.__response is not None:
class AsyncResponseContextManager(Generic[_AsyncAPIResponseT]):
"""Context manager for ensuring that a request is not made
until it is entered and that the response will always be closed
when the context manager exits
def __init__(self, api_request: Awaitable[_AsyncAPIResponseT]) -> None:
self._api_request = api_request
self.__response: _AsyncAPIResponseT | None = None
async def __aenter__(self) -> _AsyncAPIResponseT:
self.__response = await self._api_request
return self.__response
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: type[BaseException] | None,
exc: BaseException | None,
exc_tb: TracebackType | None,
) -> None:
if self.__response is not None:
await self.__response.close()
def to_streamed_response_wrapper(func: Callable[P, R]) -> Callable[P, ResponseContextManager[APIResponse[R]]]:
"""Higher order function that takes one of our bound API methods and wraps it
to support streaming and returning the raw `APIResponse` object directly.
def wrapped(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> ResponseContextManager[APIResponse[R]]:
extra_headers: dict[str, str] = {**(cast(Any, kwargs.get("extra_headers")) or {})}
extra_headers[RAW_RESPONSE_HEADER] = "stream"
kwargs["extra_headers"] = extra_headers
make_request = functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
return ResponseContextManager(cast(Callable[[], APIResponse[R]], make_request))
return wrapped
def async_to_streamed_response_wrapper(
func: Callable[P, Awaitable[R]],
) -> Callable[P, AsyncResponseContextManager[AsyncAPIResponse[R]]]:
"""Higher order function that takes one of our bound API methods and wraps it
to support streaming and returning the raw `APIResponse` object directly.
def wrapped(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> AsyncResponseContextManager[AsyncAPIResponse[R]]:
extra_headers: dict[str, str] = {**(cast(Any, kwargs.get("extra_headers")) or {})}
extra_headers[RAW_RESPONSE_HEADER] = "stream"
kwargs["extra_headers"] = extra_headers
make_request = func(*args, **kwargs)
return AsyncResponseContextManager(cast(Awaitable[AsyncAPIResponse[R]], make_request))
return wrapped
def to_custom_streamed_response_wrapper(
func: Callable[P, object],
response_cls: type[_APIResponseT],
) -> Callable[P, ResponseContextManager[_APIResponseT]]:
"""Higher order function that takes one of our bound API methods and an `APIResponse` class
and wraps the method to support streaming and returning the given response class directly.
Note: the given `response_cls` *must* be concrete, e.g. `class BinaryAPIResponse(APIResponse[bytes])`
def wrapped(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> ResponseContextManager[_APIResponseT]:
extra_headers: dict[str, Any] = {**(cast(Any, kwargs.get("extra_headers")) or {})}
extra_headers[RAW_RESPONSE_HEADER] = "stream"
extra_headers[OVERRIDE_CAST_TO_HEADER] = response_cls
kwargs["extra_headers"] = extra_headers
make_request = functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
return ResponseContextManager(cast(Callable[[], _APIResponseT], make_request))
return wrapped
def async_to_custom_streamed_response_wrapper(
func: Callable[P, Awaitable[object]],
response_cls: type[_AsyncAPIResponseT],
) -> Callable[P, AsyncResponseContextManager[_AsyncAPIResponseT]]:
"""Higher order function that takes one of our bound API methods and an `APIResponse` class
and wraps the method to support streaming and returning the given response class directly.
Note: the given `response_cls` *must* be concrete, e.g. `class BinaryAPIResponse(APIResponse[bytes])`
def wrapped(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> AsyncResponseContextManager[_AsyncAPIResponseT]:
extra_headers: dict[str, Any] = {**(cast(Any, kwargs.get("extra_headers")) or {})}
extra_headers[RAW_RESPONSE_HEADER] = "stream"
extra_headers[OVERRIDE_CAST_TO_HEADER] = response_cls
kwargs["extra_headers"] = extra_headers
make_request = func(*args, **kwargs)
return AsyncResponseContextManager(cast(Awaitable[_AsyncAPIResponseT], make_request))
return wrapped
def to_raw_response_wrapper(func: Callable[P, R]) -> Callable[P, APIResponse[R]]:
"""Higher order function that takes one of our bound API methods and wraps it
to support returning the raw `APIResponse` object directly.
def wrapped(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> APIResponse[R]:
extra_headers: dict[str, str] = {**(cast(Any, kwargs.get("extra_headers")) or {})}
extra_headers[RAW_RESPONSE_HEADER] = "raw"
kwargs["extra_headers"] = extra_headers
return cast(APIResponse[R], func(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapped
def async_to_raw_response_wrapper(func: Callable[P, Awaitable[R]]) -> Callable[P, Awaitable[AsyncAPIResponse[R]]]:
"""Higher order function that takes one of our bound API methods and wraps it
to support returning the raw `APIResponse` object directly.
async def wrapped(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> AsyncAPIResponse[R]:
extra_headers: dict[str, str] = {**(cast(Any, kwargs.get("extra_headers")) or {})}
extra_headers[RAW_RESPONSE_HEADER] = "raw"
kwargs["extra_headers"] = extra_headers
return cast(AsyncAPIResponse[R], await func(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapped
def to_custom_raw_response_wrapper(
func: Callable[P, object],
response_cls: type[_APIResponseT],
) -> Callable[P, _APIResponseT]:
"""Higher order function that takes one of our bound API methods and an `APIResponse` class
and wraps the method to support returning the given response class directly.
Note: the given `response_cls` *must* be concrete, e.g. `class BinaryAPIResponse(APIResponse[bytes])`
def wrapped(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> _APIResponseT:
extra_headers: dict[str, Any] = {**(cast(Any, kwargs.get("extra_headers")) or {})}
extra_headers[RAW_RESPONSE_HEADER] = "raw"
extra_headers[OVERRIDE_CAST_TO_HEADER] = response_cls
kwargs["extra_headers"] = extra_headers
return cast(_APIResponseT, func(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapped
def async_to_custom_raw_response_wrapper(
func: Callable[P, Awaitable[object]],
response_cls: type[_AsyncAPIResponseT],
) -> Callable[P, Awaitable[_AsyncAPIResponseT]]:
"""Higher order function that takes one of our bound API methods and an `APIResponse` class
and wraps the method to support returning the given response class directly.
Note: the given `response_cls` *must* be concrete, e.g. `class BinaryAPIResponse(APIResponse[bytes])`
def wrapped(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Awaitable[_AsyncAPIResponseT]:
extra_headers: dict[str, Any] = {**(cast(Any, kwargs.get("extra_headers")) or {})}
extra_headers[RAW_RESPONSE_HEADER] = "raw"
extra_headers[OVERRIDE_CAST_TO_HEADER] = response_cls
kwargs["extra_headers"] = extra_headers
return cast(Awaitable[_AsyncAPIResponseT], func(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapped
def extract_response_type(typ: type[BaseAPIResponse[Any]]) -> type:
"""Given a type like `APIResponse[T]`, returns the generic type variable `T`.
This also handles the case where a concrete subclass is given, e.g.
class MyResponse(APIResponse[bytes]):
extract_response_type(MyResponse) -> bytes
return extract_type_var_from_base(
generic_bases=cast("tuple[type, ...]", (BaseAPIResponse, APIResponse, AsyncAPIResponse)),