
240 lines
7.9 KiB

from inspect import Parameter, signature
import functools
import warnings
from importlib import import_module
__all__ = ["_deprecated"]
# Object to use as default value for arguments to be deprecated. This should
# be used over 'None' as the user could parse 'None' as a positional argument
_NoValue = object()
def _sub_module_deprecation(*, sub_package, module, private_modules, all,
attribute, correct_module=None):
"""Helper function for deprecating modules that are public but were
intended to be private.
sub_package : str
Subpackage the module belongs to eg. stats
module : str
Public but intended private module to deprecate
private_modules : list
Private replacement(s) for `module`; should contain the
content of ``all``, possibly spread over several modules.
all : list
``__all__`` belonging to `module`
attribute : str
The attribute in `module` being accessed
correct_module : str, optional
Module in `sub_package` that `attribute` should be imported from.
Default is that `attribute` should be imported from ``scipy.sub_package``.
if correct_module is not None:
correct_import = f"scipy.{sub_package}.{correct_module}"
correct_import = f"scipy.{sub_package}"
if attribute not in all:
raise AttributeError(
f"`scipy.{sub_package}.{module}` has no attribute `{attribute}`; "
f"furthermore, `scipy.{sub_package}.{module}` is deprecated "
f"and will be removed in SciPy 2.0.0."
attr = getattr(import_module(correct_import), attribute, None)
if attr is not None:
message = (
f"Please import `{attribute}` from the `{correct_import}` namespace; "
f"the `scipy.{sub_package}.{module}` namespace is deprecated "
f"and will be removed in SciPy 2.0.0."
message = (
f"`scipy.{sub_package}.{module}.{attribute}` is deprecated along with "
f"the `scipy.{sub_package}.{module}` namespace. "
f"`scipy.{sub_package}.{module}.{attribute}` will be removed "
f"in SciPy 1.14.0, and the `scipy.{sub_package}.{module}` namespace "
f"will be removed in SciPy 2.0.0."
warnings.warn(message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
for module in private_modules:
return getattr(import_module(f"scipy.{sub_package}.{module}"), attribute)
except AttributeError as e:
# still raise an error if the attribute isn't in any of the expected
# private modules
if module == private_modules[-1]:
raise e
def _deprecated(msg, stacklevel=2):
"""Deprecate a function by emitting a warning on use."""
def wrap(fun):
if isinstance(fun, type):
f"Trying to deprecate class {fun!r}",
category=RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
return fun
def call(*args, **kwargs):
warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning,
return fun(*args, **kwargs)
call.__doc__ = fun.__doc__
return call
return wrap
class _DeprecationHelperStr:
Helper class used by deprecate_cython_api
def __init__(self, content, message):
self._content = content
self._message = message
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._content)
def __eq__(self, other):
res = (self._content == other)
if res:
warnings.warn(self._message, category=DeprecationWarning,
return res
def deprecate_cython_api(module, routine_name, new_name=None, message=None):
Deprecate an exported cdef function in a public Cython API module.
Only functions can be deprecated; typedefs etc. cannot.
module : module
Public Cython API module (e.g. scipy.linalg.cython_blas).
routine_name : str
Name of the routine to deprecate. May also be a fused-type
routine (in which case its all specializations are deprecated).
new_name : str
New name to include in the deprecation warning message
message : str
Additional text in the deprecation warning message
Usually, this function would be used in the top-level of the
module ``.pyx`` file:
>>> from scipy._lib.deprecation import deprecate_cython_api
>>> import scipy.linalg.cython_blas as mod
>>> deprecate_cython_api(mod, "dgemm", "dgemm_new",
... message="Deprecated in Scipy 1.5.0")
>>> del deprecate_cython_api, mod
After this, Cython modules that use the deprecated function emit a
deprecation warning when they are imported.
old_name = f"{module.__name__}.{routine_name}"
if new_name is None:
depdoc = "`%s` is deprecated!" % old_name
depdoc = f"`{old_name}` is deprecated, use `{new_name}` instead!"
if message is not None:
depdoc += "\n" + message
d = module.__pyx_capi__
# Check if the function is a fused-type function with a mangled name
j = 0
has_fused = False
while True:
fused_name = f"__pyx_fuse_{j}{routine_name}"
if fused_name in d:
has_fused = True
d[_DeprecationHelperStr(fused_name, depdoc)] = d.pop(fused_name)
j += 1
# If not, apply deprecation to the named routine
if not has_fused:
d[_DeprecationHelperStr(routine_name, depdoc)] = d.pop(routine_name)
# taken from scikit-learn, see
def _deprecate_positional_args(func=None, *, version=None):
"""Decorator for methods that issues warnings for positional arguments.
Using the keyword-only argument syntax in pep 3102, arguments after the
* will issue a warning when passed as a positional argument.
func : callable, default=None
Function to check arguments on.
version : callable, default=None
The version when positional arguments will result in error.
if version is None:
msg = "Need to specify a version where signature will be changed"
raise ValueError(msg)
def _inner_deprecate_positional_args(f):
sig = signature(f)
kwonly_args = []
all_args = []
for name, param in sig.parameters.items():
if param.kind == Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
elif param.kind == Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
def inner_f(*args, **kwargs):
extra_args = len(args) - len(all_args)
if extra_args <= 0:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
# extra_args > 0
args_msg = [
for name, arg in zip(kwonly_args[:extra_args], args[-extra_args:])
args_msg = ", ".join(args_msg)
f"You are passing {args_msg} as a positional argument. "
"Please change your invocation to use keyword arguments. "
f"From SciPy {version}, passing these as positional "
"arguments will result in an error."
kwargs.update(zip(sig.parameters, args))
return f(**kwargs)
return inner_f
if func is not None:
return _inner_deprecate_positional_args(func)
return _inner_deprecate_positional_args