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# Python-SoXR
# High quality, one-dimensional sample-rate conversion library for Python.
# Python-SoXR is a Python wrapper of libsoxr.
import warnings
import numpy as np
from . import cysoxr
from .cysoxr import QQ, LQ, MQ, HQ, VHQ
from ._version import version as __version__
__libsoxr_version__ = cysoxr.libsoxr_version()
# libsoxr locates memory per each channel.
# Too much channels will cause memory error.
_CH_LIMIT = 65536
_CONVERT_WARN_STR = 'Converting input to {}. Change ResampleStream/input dtype to avoid implicit conversion. This implicit conversion is deprecated and will be removed in next major update.'
_CH_EXEED_ERR_STR = 'Channel num({}) out of limit. Should be in [1, %d]' % _CH_LIMIT
_DTYPE_ERR_STR = 'Data type must be one of [float32, float64, int16, int32], not {}'
_QUALITY_ERR_STR = "Quality must be one of [QQ, LQ, MQ, HQ, VHQ]"
def _quality_to_enum(q):
if q in (VHQ, HQ, MQ, LQ, QQ):
return q
if type(q) is int:
raise ValueError(_QUALITY_ERR_STR)
q = q.lower()
if q in ('vhq', 'soxr_vhq'):
return VHQ
elif q in ('hq', 'soxr_hq'):
return HQ
elif q in ('mq', 'soxr_mq'):
return MQ
elif q in ('lq', 'soxr_lq'):
return LQ
elif q in ('qq', 'soxr_qq'):
return QQ
raise ValueError(_QUALITY_ERR_STR)
class ResampleStream:
""" Streaming resampler
Use `ResampleStream` for real-time processing or very long signal.
in_rate : float
Input sample-rate.
out_rate : float
Output sample-rate.
num_channels : int
Number of channels.
dtype : type or str, optional
Internal data type processed with.
Should be one of float32, float64, int16, int32.
quality : int or str, optional
Quality setting.
One of `QQ`, `LQ`, `MQ`, `HQ`, `VHQ`.
def __init__(self,
in_rate: float, out_rate: float, num_channels: int,
dtype='float32', quality='HQ'):
if in_rate <= 0 or out_rate <= 0:
raise ValueError('Sample rate should be over 0')
if num_channels < 1 or _CH_LIMIT < num_channels:
raise ValueError(_CH_EXEED_ERR_STR.format(num_channels))
self._type = np.dtype(dtype)
if self._type not in (np.float32, np.float64, np.int16, np.int32):
raise ValueError(_DTYPE_ERR_STR.format(self._type))
q = _quality_to_enum(quality)
self._cysoxr = cysoxr.CySoxr(in_rate, out_rate, num_channels, self._type.type, q)
def resample_chunk(self, x, last=False):
""" Resample chunk with streaming resampler
x : array_like
Input array. Input can be 1D(mono) or 2D(frames, channels).
If input is not `np.ndarray` or not dtype in constructor,
it will be converted to `np.ndarray` with dtype setting.
last : bool, optional
Set True at end of input sequence.
Resampled data.
Output is np.ndarray with same ndim with input.
if type(x) != np.ndarray or x.dtype != self._type:
warnings.warn(_CONVERT_WARN_STR.format(self._type), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
x = np.asarray(x, dtype=self._type)
x = np.ascontiguousarray(x) # make array C-contiguous
if x.ndim == 1:
y = self._cysoxr.process(x[:, np.newaxis], last)
return np.squeeze(y, axis=1)
elif x.ndim == 2:
return self._cysoxr.process(x, last)
raise ValueError('Input must be 1-D or 2-D array')
def resample(x, in_rate: float, out_rate: float, quality='HQ'):
""" Resample signal
x : array_like
Input array. Input can be 1D(mono) or 2D(frames, channels).
If input is not `np.ndarray`, it will be converted to `np.ndarray(dtype='float32')`.
Its dtype should be one of float32, float64, int16, int32.
in_rate : float
Input sample-rate.
out_rate : float
Output sample-rate.
quality : int or str, optional
Quality setting.
One of `QQ`, `LQ`, `MQ`, `HQ`, `VHQ`.
Resampled data.
Output is `np.ndarray` with same ndim and dtype with input.
if in_rate <= 0 or out_rate <= 0:
raise ValueError('Sample rate should be over 0')
if type(x) != np.ndarray:
x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float32)
if not x.dtype.type in (np.float32, np.float64, np.int16, np.int32):
raise ValueError(_DTYPE_ERR_STR.format(x.dtype.type))
q = _quality_to_enum(quality)
x = np.ascontiguousarray(x) # make array C-contiguous
if x.ndim == 1:
y = cysoxr.cysoxr_divide_proc(in_rate, out_rate, x[:, np.newaxis], q)
return np.squeeze(y, axis=1)
elif x.ndim == 2:
num_channels = x.shape[1]
if num_channels < 1 or _CH_LIMIT < num_channels:
raise ValueError(_CH_EXEED_ERR_STR.format(num_channels))
return cysoxr.cysoxr_divide_proc(in_rate, out_rate, x, q)
raise ValueError('Input must be 1-D or 2-D array')
def _resample_oneshot(x, in_rate: float, out_rate: float, quality='HQ'):
Resample using libsoxr's `soxr_oneshot()`. Use `resample()` for general use.
`soxr_oneshot()` becomes slow with long input.
This function exists for test purpose.
return cysoxr.cysoxr_oneshot(in_rate, out_rate, x, _quality_to_enum(quality))