
896 lines
34 KiB

import contextlib
import copy
import functools
import threading
from contextvars import ContextVar
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
import srsly
from .backends import CupyOps, NumpyOps, Ops, ParamServer, get_current_ops
from .optimizers import Optimizer # noqa: F401
from .shims import Shim
from .types import FloatsXd
from .util import (
InT = TypeVar("InT")
OutT = TypeVar("OutT")
SelfT = TypeVar("SelfT", bound="Model")
context_operators: ContextVar[dict] = ContextVar("context_operators", default={})
def empty_init(model: "Model", *args, **kwargs) -> "Model":
return model
class Model(Generic[InT, OutT]):
"""Class for implementing Thinc models and layers."""
global_id: int = 0
global_id_lock: threading.Lock = threading.Lock()
_context_operators = context_operators
name: str
ops: Ops
id: int
_func: Callable
init: Callable
_params: ParamServer
_dims: Dict[str, Optional[int]]
_layers: List["Model"]
_shims: List[Shim]
_attrs: Dict[str, Any]
_has_params: Dict[str, Optional[bool]]
# This "locks" the class, so we get an error if you try to assign to
# an unexpected variable.
__slots__ = [
def __init__(
name: str,
forward: Callable,
init: Optional[Callable] = None,
dims: Dict[str, Optional[int]] = {},
params: Dict[str, Optional[FloatsXd]] = {},
layers: Sequence["Model"] = [],
shims: List[Shim] = [],
attrs: Dict[str, Any] = {},
refs: Dict[str, Optional["Model"]] = {},
ops: Optional[Union[NumpyOps, CupyOps]] = None,
"""Initialize a new model.""" = name
if init is None:
init = partial(empty_init, self)
# Assign to callable attrs:
setattr(self, "_func", forward)
setattr(self, "init", init)
self.ops = ops if ops is not None else get_current_ops()
self._params = ParamServer()
self._dims = dict(dims)
self._attrs = dict(attrs)
self._refs = dict(refs)
self._layers = list(layers)
self._shims = list(shims)
# Take care to increment the base class here! It needs to be unique
# across all models.
with Model.global_id_lock:
Model.global_id += 1 = Model.global_id
self._has_params = {}
for name, value in params.items():
self._has_params[name] = None
if value is not None:
self.set_param(name, value)
def layers(self) -> List["Model"]:
"""A list of child layers of the model. You can append to it to add
layers but not reassign it.
return self._layers
def shims(self) -> List[Shim]:
return self._shims
def attrs(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""A dict of the model's attrs. You can write to it to update attrs but
not reassign it.
return self._attrs
def param_names(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
"""Get the names of registered parameter (including unset)."""
return tuple(self._has_params.keys())
def grad_names(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
"""Get the names of parameters with registered gradients (including unset)."""
return tuple([name for name in self.param_names if self.has_grad(name)])
def dim_names(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
"""Get the names of registered dimensions (including unset)."""
return tuple(self._dims.keys())
def ref_names(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
"""Get the names of registered node references (including unset)."""
return tuple(self._refs.keys())
def define_operators(cls, operators: Dict[str, Callable]):
"""Bind arbitrary binary functions to Python operators, for use in any
`Model` instance. Can (and should) be used as a contextmanager.
with Model.define_operators({">>": chain}):
model = Relu(512) >> Relu(512) >> Softmax()
token = cls._context_operators.set(dict(operators))
def has_dim(self, name: str) -> Optional[bool]:
"""Check whether the model has a dimension of a given name. If the
dimension is registered but the value is unset, returns None.
if name not in self._dims:
return False
elif self._dims[name] is not None:
return True
return None
def get_dim(self, name: str) -> int:
"""Retrieve the value of a dimension of the given name."""
if name not in self._dims:
raise KeyError(f"Cannot get dimension '{name}' for model '{}'")
value = self._dims[name]
if value is None:
err = f"Cannot get dimension '{name}' for model '{}': value unset"
raise ValueError(err)
return value
def set_dim(self, name: str, value: int, *, force: bool = False) -> None:
"""Set a value for a dimension."""
if name not in self._dims:
raise KeyError(
f"Cannot set unknown dimension '{name}' for model '{}'."
old_value = self._dims[name]
has_params = any(bool(y) for x, y in self._has_params.items())
invalid_change = (old_value is not None and old_value != value) and (
not force or force and has_params
if invalid_change:
err = f"Attempt to change dimension '{name}' for model '{}' from {old_value} to {value}"
raise ValueError(err)
self._dims[name] = value
def maybe_get_dim(self, name: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Retrieve the value of a dimension of the given name, or None."""
return self.get_dim(name) if self.has_dim(name) else None
def has_param(self, name: str) -> Optional[bool]:
"""Check whether the model has a weights parameter of the given name.
Returns None if the parameter is registered but currently unset.
if name not in self._has_params:
return False
elif self._has_params[name] is not None:
return True
return None
def get_param(self, name: str) -> FloatsXd:
"""Retrieve a weights parameter by name."""
if name not in self._has_params:
raise KeyError(f"Unknown param: '{name}' for model '{}'.")
if not self._params.has_param(, name):
raise KeyError(
f"Parameter '{name}' for model '{}' has not been allocated yet."
return self._params.get_param(, name)
def maybe_get_param(self, name: str) -> Optional[FloatsXd]:
"""Retrieve a weights parameter by name, or None."""
return self.get_param(name) if self.has_param(name) else None
def set_param(self, name: str, value: Optional[FloatsXd]) -> None:
"""Set a weights parameter's value."""
if value is None:
self._has_params[name] = None
self._params.set_param(, name, value)
self._has_params[name] = True
def has_grad(self, name: str) -> bool:
"""Check whether the model has a non-zero gradient for a parameter."""
return self._params.has_grad(, name)
def get_grad(self, name: str) -> FloatsXd:
"""Get a gradient from the model."""
return self._params.get_grad(, name)
def set_grad(self, name: str, value: FloatsXd) -> None:
"""Set a gradient value for the model."""
self._params.set_grad(, name, value)
def maybe_get_grad(self, name: str) -> Optional[FloatsXd]:
"""Retrieve a gradient by name, or None."""
return self.get_grad(name) if self.has_grad(name) else None
def inc_grad(self, name: str, value: FloatsXd) -> None:
"""Increment the gradient of a parameter by a value."""
self._params.inc_grad(, name, value)
def has_ref(self, name: str) -> Optional[bool]:
"""Check whether the model has a reference of a given name. If the
reference is registered but the value is unset, returns None.
if name not in self._refs:
return False
elif self._refs[name] is not None:
return True
return None
def get_ref(self, name: str) -> "Model":
"""Retrieve the value of a reference of the given name."""
if name not in self._refs:
raise KeyError(f"Cannot get reference '{name}' for model '{}'.")
value = self._refs[name]
if value is None:
err = f"Cannot get reference '{name}' for model '{}': value unset."
raise ValueError(err)
return value
def maybe_get_ref(self, name: str) -> Optional["Model"]:
"""Retrieve the value of a reference if it exists, or None."""
return self.get_ref(name) if self.has_ref(name) else None
def set_ref(self, name: str, value: Optional["Model"]) -> None:
"""Set a value for a reference."""
if value is None:
self._refs[name] = value
elif value in self.walk():
self._refs[name] = value
raise ValueError("Cannot add reference to node not in tree.")
def __call__(self, X: InT, is_train: bool) -> Tuple[OutT, Callable]:
"""Call the model's `forward` function, returning the output and a
callback to compute the gradients via backpropagation."""
return self._func(self, X, is_train=is_train)
def initialize(self, X: Optional[InT] = None, Y: Optional[OutT] = None) -> "Model":
"""Finish initialization of the model, optionally providing a batch of
example input and output data to perform shape inference."""
validate_fwd_input_output(, self._func, X, Y)
if self.init is not None:
self.init(self, X=X, Y=Y)
return self
def begin_update(self, X: InT) -> Tuple[OutT, Callable[[OutT], InT]]:
"""Run the model over a batch of data, returning the output and a
callback to complete the backward pass. A tuple (Y, finish_update),
where Y is a batch of output data, and finish_update is a callback that
takes the gradient with respect to the output and an optimizer function,
and returns the gradient with respect to the input.
return self._func(self, X, is_train=True)
def predict(self, X: InT) -> OutT:
"""Call the model's `forward` function with `is_train=False`, and return
only the output, instead of the `(output, callback)` tuple.
return self._func(self, X, is_train=False)[0]
def finish_update(self, optimizer: Optimizer) -> None:
"""Update parameters with current gradients. The optimizer is called
with each parameter and gradient of the model.
for node in self.walk():
for shim in node.shims:
for node in self.walk():
for name in node.param_names:
if node.has_grad(name):
param, grad = optimizer(
(, name), node.get_param(name), node.get_grad(name)
node.set_param(name, param)
def use_params(self, params: Dict[Tuple[int, str], FloatsXd]):
"""Context manager to temporarily set the model's parameters to
specified values. The params are a dictionary keyed by model IDs, whose
values are arrays of weight values.
backup = {}
for name in self.param_names:
key = (, name)
if key in params:
backup[name] = self.get_param(name)
self.set_param(name, params[key])
with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
for layer in self.layers:
for shim in self.shims:
if backup:
for name, param in backup.items():
self.set_param(name, param)
def walk(self, *, order: str = "bfs") -> Iterable["Model"]:
"""Iterate out layers of the model.
Nodes are returned in breadth-first order by default. Other possible
orders are "dfs_pre" (depth-first search in preorder) and "dfs_post"
(depth-first search in postorder)."""
if order == "bfs":
return self._walk_bfs()
elif order == "dfs_pre":
return self._walk_dfs(post_order=False)
elif order == "dfs_post":
return self._walk_dfs(post_order=True)
raise ValueError("Invalid order, must be one of: bfs, dfs_pre, dfs_post")
def _walk_bfs(self) -> Iterable["Model"]:
"""Iterate out layers of the model, breadth-first."""
queue = [self]
seen: Set[int] = set()
for node in queue:
if id(node) in seen:
yield node
def _walk_dfs(self, post_order: bool = False) -> Iterable["Model"]:
"""Iterate out layers of the model, depth-first."""
seen: Dict[int, Iterator["Model"]] = dict()
stack = [self]
seen[id(self)] = iter(self.layers)
if not post_order:
yield self
while stack:
next_child = next(seen[id(stack[-1])])
if not id(next_child) in seen:
if not post_order:
yield next_child
seen[id(next_child)] = iter(next_child.layers)
except StopIteration:
if post_order:
yield stack[-1]
def remove_node(self, node: "Model") -> None:
"""Remove a node from all layers lists, and then update references.
References that no longer point to a node within the tree will be set
to `None`. For instance, let's say a node has its grandchild as a reference.
If the child is removed, the grandchild reference will be left dangling,
so will be set to None.
for child in list(self.walk()):
while node in child.layers:
tree = set(self.walk())
for node in tree:
for name in node.ref_names:
ref = node.get_ref(name)
if ref is not None and ref not in tree:
node.set_ref(name, None)
def replace_callbacks(
self, forward: Callable, *, init: Optional[Callable] = None
) -> None:
setattr(self, "_func", forward)
setattr(self, "init", init)
def replace_node(self, old: "Model", new: "Model") -> bool:
"""Replace a node anywhere it occurs within the model. Returns a boolean
indicating whether the replacement was made."""
seen = False
# We need to replace nodes in topological order of the transposed graph
# to ensure that a node's dependencies are processed before the node.
# This is equivalent to a post-order traversal of the original graph.
for node in list(self.walk(order="dfs_post")):
if node is old:
seen = True
node._layers = [
new if layer is old else layer for layer in node._layers
for name in node.ref_names:
if node.get_ref(name) is old:
node.set_ref(name, new)
return seen
def get_gradients(self) -> Dict[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[FloatsXd, FloatsXd]]:
"""Get non-zero gradients of the model's parameters, as a dictionary
keyed by the parameter ID. The values are (weights, gradients) tuples.
gradients = {}
for node in self.walk():
for name in node.grad_names:
param = node.get_param(name)
grad = node.get_grad(name)
gradients[(, name)] = (param, grad)
return gradients
def copy(self: SelfT) -> SelfT:
Create a copy of the model, its attributes, and its parameters. Any child
layers will also be deep-copied. The copy will receive a distinct ``
return self._copy()
def _copy(
self: SelfT, seen: Optional[Dict[int, Union["Model", Shim]]] = None
) -> SelfT:
if seen is None:
seen = {}
params = {}
for name in self.param_names:
params[name] = self.get_param(name) if self.has_param(name) else None
copied_layers: List[Model] = []
for layer in self.layers:
if id(layer) in seen:
copied_layers.append(cast(Model, seen[id(layer)]))
copied_layer = layer._copy(seen)
seen[id(layer)] = copied_layer
copied_shims = []
for shim in self.shims:
if id(shim) in seen:
copied_shims.append(cast(Shim, seen[id(shim)]))
copied_shim = shim.copy()
seen[id(shim)] = copied_shim
copied: Model[InT, OutT] = Model(,
for name in self.grad_names:
copied.set_grad(name, self.get_grad(name).copy())
return cast(SelfT, copied)
def to_gpu(self, gpu_id: int) -> None: # pragma: no cover
"""Transfer the model to a given GPU device."""
import cupy.cuda.device
with cupy.cuda.device.Device(gpu_id):
def to_cpu(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover
"""Transfer the model to CPU."""
def _to_ops(self, ops: Ops) -> None: # pragma: no cover
"""Common method for to_cpu/to_gpu."""
for node in self.walk():
node.ops = ops
for name in node.param_names:
if node.has_param(name):
node.set_param(name, ops.asarray_f(node.get_param(name)))
if node.has_grad(name):
node.set_grad(name, ops.asarray_f(node.get_grad(name)))
for shim in node.shims:
shim.to_device(ops.device_type, ops.device_id)
def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
"""Serialize the model to a bytes representation. Models are usually
serialized using msgpack, so you should be able to call msgpack.loads()
on the data and get back a dictionary with the contents.
Serialization should round-trip identically, i.e. the same bytes should
result from loading and serializing a model.
msg = self.to_dict()
to_numpy_le = partial(self.ops.to_numpy, byte_order="<")
msg = convert_recursive(is_xp_array, to_numpy_le, msg)
return srsly.msgpack_dumps(msg)
def to_disk(self, path: Union[Path, str]) -> None:
"""Serialize the model to disk. Most models will serialize to a single
file, which should just be the bytes contents of model.to_bytes().
path = Path(path) if isinstance(path, str) else path
with"wb") as file_:
def to_dict(self) -> Dict:
"""Serialize the model to a dict representation.
Serialization should round-trip identically, i.e. the same dict should
result from loading and serializing a model.
# We separate out like this to make it easier to read the data in chunks.
# The shims might have large weights, while the nodes data will be
# small. The attrs are probably not very large, but could be.
# The lists are aligned, and refer to the order of self.walk().
msg: Dict[str, List] = {"nodes": [], "attrs": [], "params": [], "shims": []}
nodes = list(self.walk())
# Serialize references by their index into the flattened tree.
# This is the main reason we can't accept out-of-tree references:
# we'd have no way to serialize/deserialize them.
node_to_i: Dict[int, Optional[int]]
node_to_i = { i for i, node in enumerate(nodes)}
for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
refs: Dict[str, Optional[int]] = {}
invalid_refs: List[str] = []
for name in node.ref_names:
if not node.has_ref(name):
refs[name] = None
ref = node.get_ref(name)
if in node_to_i:
refs[name] = node_to_i[]
if invalid_refs:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot get references: {invalid_refs}")
dims = {}
for dim in node.dim_names:
dims[dim] = node.get_dim(dim) if node.has_dim(dim) else None
{"index": i, "name":, "dims": dims, "refs": refs}
for node in nodes:
attrs = {}
for name, value in node.attrs.items():
attrs[name] = serialize_attr(value, value, name, node)
except TypeError:
for node in nodes:
msg["shims"].append([shim.to_bytes() for shim in node.shims])
for node in nodes:
params: Dict[str, Optional[FloatsXd]] = {}
for name in node.param_names:
if node.has_param(name):
params[name] = cast(Optional[FloatsXd], node.get_param(name))
params[name] = None
return msg
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data: bytes) -> "Model":
"""Deserialize the model from a bytes representation. Models are usually
serialized using msgpack, so you should be able to call msgpack.loads()
on the data and get back a dictionary with the contents.
Serialization should round-trip identically, i.e. the same bytes should
result from loading and serializing a model.
msg = srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data)
msg = convert_recursive(is_xp_array, self.ops.asarray, msg)
return self.from_dict(msg)
def from_disk(self, path: Union[Path, str]) -> "Model":
"""Deserialize the model from disk. Most models will serialize to a single
file, which should just be the bytes contents of model.to_bytes().
path = Path(path) if isinstance(path, str) else path
with"rb") as file_:
bytes_data =
return self.from_bytes(bytes_data)
def from_dict(self, msg: Dict) -> "Model":
if "nodes" not in msg.keys(): # pragma: no cover
err = "Trying to read a Model that was created with an incompatible version of Thinc"
raise ValueError(err)
nodes = list(self.walk())
if len(msg["nodes"]) != len(nodes):
raise ValueError("Cannot deserialize model: mismatched structure")
for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
info = msg["nodes"][i] = info["name"]
for dim, value in info["dims"].items():
if value is not None:
node.set_dim(dim, value)
for ref, ref_index in info["refs"].items():
if ref_index is None:
node.set_ref(ref, None)
node.set_ref(ref, nodes[ref_index])
for attr, value in msg["attrs"][i].items():
default_value = node.attrs.get(attr)
loaded_value = deserialize_attr(default_value, value, attr, node)
node.attrs[attr] = loaded_value
for param_name, value in msg["params"][i].items():
if value is not None:
value = node.ops.asarray(value).copy()
node.set_param(param_name, value)
for i, shim_bytes in enumerate(msg["shims"][i]):
return self
def can_from_disk(self, path: Union[Path, str], *, strict: bool = True) -> bool:
"""Check whether serialized data on disk is compatible with the model.
If 'strict', the function returns False if the model has an attribute
already loaded that would be changed.
path = Path(path) if isinstance(path, str) else path
if path.is_dir() or not path.exists():
return False
with"rb") as file_:
bytes_data =
return self.can_from_bytes(bytes_data, strict=strict)
def can_from_bytes(self, bytes_data: bytes, *, strict: bool = True) -> bool:
"""Check whether the bytes data is compatible with the model. If 'strict',
the function returns False if the model has an attribute already loaded
that would be changed.
msg = srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data)
except ValueError:
return False
return self.can_from_dict(msg, strict=strict)
def can_from_dict(self, msg: Dict, *, strict: bool = True) -> bool:
"""Check whether a dictionary is compatible with the model.
If 'strict', the function returns False if the model has an attribute
already loaded that would be changed.
if "nodes" not in msg.keys():
return False
nodes = list(self.walk())
if len(msg["nodes"]) != len(nodes):
return False
for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
info = msg["nodes"][i]
if strict and info["name"] !=
return False
if len(msg["shims"][i]) != len(node.shims):
# TODO: The shims should have a check for this too, but
# for now we just check if the lengths match.
return False
for dim, value in info["dims"].items():
has_dim = node.has_dim(dim)
if has_dim is False:
return False
elif has_dim and node.get_dim(dim) != value:
return False
for param_name, value in msg["params"][i].items():
has_param = node.has_param(param_name)
if has_param is False:
return False
elif has_param and value is not None:
param = node.get_param(param_name)
if param.shape != value.shape:
return False
if strict:
for attr, value in msg["attrs"][i].items():
if attr in node.attrs:
serialized = serialize_attr(
node.attrs[attr], node.attrs[attr], attr, node
except TypeError:
if serialized != value:
return False
return True
def __add__(self, other: Any) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '+' operator."""
if "+" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: +")
return self._context_operators.get()["+"](self, other)
def __sub__(self, other: Any) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '-' operator."""
if "-" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: -")
return self._context_operators.get()["-"](self, other)
def __mul__(self, other: Any) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '*' operator."""
if "*" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: *")
return self._context_operators.get()["*"](self, other)
def __matmul__(self, other: Any) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '@' operator."""
if "@" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: @")
return self._context_operators.get()["@"](self, other)
def __div__(self, other: Any) -> "Model": # pragma: no cover
"""Apply the function bound to the '/' operator."""
if "/" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: /")
return self._context_operators.get()["/"](self, other)
def __truediv__(self, other: Any) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '/' operator."""
if "/" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: /")
return self._context_operators.get()["/"](self, other)
def __floordiv__(self, other: Any) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '//' operator."""
if "//" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: //")
return self._context_operators.get()["//"](self, other)
def __mod__(self, other: Any) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '%' operator."""
if "%" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: %")
return self._context_operators.get()["%"](self, other)
def __pow__(self, other: Any, **kwargs) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '**' operator."""
if "**" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: **")
return self._context_operators.get()["**"](self, other)
def __lshift__(self, other: Any) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '<<' operator."""
if "<<" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: <<")
return self._context_operators.get()["<<"](self, other)
def __rshift__(self, other: Any) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '>>' operator."""
if ">>" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: >>")
return self._context_operators.get()[">>"](self, other)
def __and__(self, other: Any) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '&' operator."""
if "&" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: &")
return self._context_operators.get()["&"](self, other)
def __xor__(self, other: Any) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '^' operator."""
if "^" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: ^")
return self._context_operators.get()["^"](self, other)
def __or__(self, other: Any) -> "Model":
"""Apply the function bound to the '|' operator."""
if "|" not in self._context_operators.get():
raise TypeError("Undefined operator: |")
return self._context_operators.get()["|"](self, other)
def serialize_attr(_: Any, value: Any, name: str, model: Model) -> bytes:
"""Serialize an attribute value (defaults to msgpack). You can register
custom serializers using the @serialize_attr.register decorator with the
type to serialize, e.g.: @serialize_attr.register(MyCustomObject).
return srsly.msgpack_dumps(value)
def deserialize_attr(_: Any, value: Any, name: str, model: Model) -> Any:
"""Deserialize an attribute value (defaults to msgpack). You can register
custom deserializers using the @deserialize_attr.register decorator with the
type to deserialize, e.g.: @deserialize_attr.register(MyCustomObject).
return srsly.msgpack_loads(value)
_ModelT = TypeVar("_ModelT", bound=Model)
def change_attr_values(model: _ModelT, mapping: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> _ModelT:
"""Walk over the model's nodes, changing the value of attributes using the
provided mapping, which maps node names to attr names to attr values.
for node in model.walk():
if in mapping:
attrs = mapping[]
for attr, value in attrs.items():
if attr in node.attrs:
node.attrs[attr] = value
return model
def set_dropout_rate(model: _ModelT, drop: float, attrs=["dropout_rate"]) -> _ModelT:
"""Walk over the model's nodes, setting the dropout rate. You can specify
one or more attribute names, by default it looks for ["dropout_rate"].
for node in model.walk():
for attr in attrs:
if attr in node.attrs:
node.attrs[attr] = drop
return model
def wrap_model_recursive(model: Model, wrapper: Callable[[Model], _ModelT]) -> _ModelT:
"""Recursively wrap a model and its submodules. The model is updated
for node in list(model.walk()):
model.replace_node(node, wrapper(node))
return wrapper(model)
__all__ = [